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FC-121 Mormon Werewolves

FurCast - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 22:59

A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!

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Inkbunny starts v2.0, T-shirt contest to celebrate 3rd year by GreenReaper

  • Huntmiester – “Magic/psionics”
  • Arleon Dewstar – “Men and Their Sexual Conquests”
  • Volk – “The Blue-fection”
  • Reptaur – “YIFF!… Now that I have your attention.”
  • Riho – “Very confused, very trapped”
  • Media –
  • Nightwolf – “Fursona Questions”
Categories: Podcasts

FC-121 Mormon Werewolves - A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!

FurCast - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 22:59

A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!

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Watch Video News:

Inkbunny starts v2.0, T-shirt contest to celebrate 3rd year by GreenReaper

  • Huntmiester – “Magic/psionics”
  • Arleon Dewstar – “Men and Their Sexual Conquests”
  • Volk – “The Blue-fection”
  • Reptaur – “YIFF!… Now that I have your attention.”
  • Riho – “Very confused, very trapped”
  • Media –
  • Nightwolf – “Fursona Questions”
FC-121 Mormon Werewolves - A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!
Categories: Podcasts

FC-121 Mormon Werewolves - A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!

FurCast - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 22:59

A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Inkbunny starts v2.0, T-shirt contest to celebrate 3rd year by GreenReaper

  • Huntmiester – “Magic/psionics”
  • Arleon Dewstar – “Men and Their Sexual Conquests”
  • Volk – “The Blue-fection”
  • Reptaur – “YIFF!… Now that I have your attention.”
  • Riho – “Very confused, very trapped”
  • Media –
  • Nightwolf – “Fursona Questions”
FC-121 Mormon Werewolves - A near five star show with lots of stories and an extended intro segment. Enjoy!
Categories: Podcasts

The Girls and their Monsters

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 22:16

Stephanie Gladden is a multi-talented artist and cartoonist, best known for her work on licensed properties like tie-in comics for The Simpsons, Ren & Stimpy, Looney Tunes, The Powerpuff Girls and Tom & Jerry. Furry fans, however, might know her best for her original creator-owned comic book series Hopster’s Tracks from the late 90′s. Well now, Stephanie has created her first on-line comic series, The Girls of Monster Paradise.  You know all those old Sci Fi and Horror movies where the monsters show up and grab a screaming pretty girl, then drag her off slung over their shoulder?  Just what do they do with those women? Do they eat them? Do they let them go? Neither! They take them to Monster Paradise, a tropical island where the party never ends — and where the girls stick around because they like their cool new monster friends! Find out all about it on-line here.

image c. 2013 by Stephanie Gladden

Categories: News

Interview with Tempe O'Kun, Author of Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny (And Kindle version launch announcement)

Red Furros - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 22:01
After the release of our last review of "Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny" by Tempe O'Kun, we had a nice conversation with him about his recent work, where he gave us some exciting news about his upcoming work, new info on the Nordguard Game, and more.

Hello Tempo! And thank you once again for agreeing to this interview! we know you are someone who likes to keep himself busy, so we are glad you are making some time for us.

Hi Arakum. It's great to talk to you.

First of all we'd like to know a bit more about yourself, we know you are 28 and you were born in Grand Forks, how was it growing up being a furry in
Categories: News

fursuit fun. Good time

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 17:52
Categories: News

The Lion and the Fox (x-post from r/Jokes)

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 16:05

A lion and his wife lived in a cave, and everyday there was this fox who would come sit in front of the cave and start making fun of the lion and teasing him: "You call yourself a king? You're nothing but a pussy who's afraid of his own shadow. If you're a real lion come out here and fight me! Oh, you think you're so fierce, you sissy!". The lion's wife would get so annoyed "Why are you letting him get away with this? If you're not gonna do something about this, I WILL!", and the lion would say "Just ignore him, he's a freaking fox, he's not worth it, just let it go".

One day, she felt that she couldn't take it anymore, and decided to handle the situation by herself. She came out of the cave and started running after the fox. The fox ran and ran, but the lioness was close on his heel. He entered a pipe and got out on the other end. When she tried to get in, she got stuck, so the fox came from behind and fucked her in the ass.

The lioness went back to the cave, angry and frustrated. The lion looked at her and said: "So... He took you to the pipe didn't he.."

submitted by captainbozo
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Categories: News

Fursuiting in public is fun!

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 12:45
Categories: News

Animation: ‘Chicken Wings’ and ‘Flamingo Pride’

Furry News Network - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 12:24
Author: dronon This week I accidentally stumbled across two animated shorts, both from the DailyMotion Talking Animals account. The first, Chicken Wings by Pauline Kortmann, is described like this: Once upon a time, when the Wild West was still wild, a Cowgirl and a Werewolf travel the hostile land. As a chicken walks their way [...]
Categories: News

Willing to Trade sketches for a digitizing

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 11:16

Hello there! Well, I'm moderately good at sketching and I've drawn my 'sona, but alas, I lack skill in digitizing/colouring. If you are willing, comment here and I would love to trade some sketches to you if you could lineart over the top of this sketch: so I am able to fill it in with a paint bucket. I will do 3-4 sketches for you if you can do this. Examples of my work:,

submitted by throwawaydragon123
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Categories: News

Is It OK to Record a Phone Conversation without Telling the Other Person?

Ask Papabear - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 10:41
Okay, so I live in California and I have been researching lately on the matter of audio recording people without their consent through a phone. Now many people online are mostly concerned about recording other people without their consent for matters of taking to court or use against them in the future. I really don't care to record people for this purpose. Now, I want to record my typical conversations during the day with people I have in different matters, such as meeting up with a friend I haven't seen for a while and chatting up, reminiscing about past time, crack jokes and just have a good friendly conversation. Now the reason I want to record such incidents will just be for myself to rehear later on in the future and smile at the conversation we had, that if not recorded could have just been lost to time and just a distant memory. Technology allows us to treasure such occasions.

Now the question is and I know the obvious response would be just get the consent of the other person, though would I have to do it every time, since California has the two party consent law. I really would just like to go in the conversation naturally as the moment is and just talk freely as friends, but without having to say every time "Hey I want to record this conversation cause I want to rehear it latter on, is it okay with you." or when I meet a new girl and I feel that the conversation will be of good remembrance to either reflect on the point were she found me annoying and lost the chance to make a good impression or if I made a great impression from the start, to be able to later on, if we hit it off good and we start dating, just hear back on our first conversation. Now telling someone you just met, "Hey, I’m gonna record this" will surely throw off the person. Now my intentions won't ever be to use the recording against that person. But just for me to reflect on myself in a deeper sense, thanks to technology, that if not it would have just been lost to my memory, which is really not that good in point where things seems so natural in the sense.

Thank You. 

* * *

Hi, Freddie,

Your letter reminds me of a related column Papabear wrote about videotaping people in public ( I’m glad you wrote me, because recording a phone conversation is different.

Federal law says that you may record a telephone conversation as long as at least one party in the conversation consents to being recorded. The one party can be you, or, if you are not actually participating, someone that you inform that they are being recorded and they consent to that. This is called “one-party consent.”

However, individual states also have their own laws, as you are apparently cognizant of. Some go by the one-party law, but others, including California, where you and I live, require that all parties being recorded know that they are being recorded. Although this is called “two-party consent,” it applies to all people participating in the conversation, so it applies to conference calls with lots of participants, for instance. (Read more here:

Now, if you make a recording in a state where the one-party system is allowed, and the other person also lives in your state or another state where it is allowed, then you do not have to inform the other person. BUT, if you and/or the other party lives in a two-party consent state, then all parties must be informed.

This is why it’s easier just to cover your bases and tell everyone on the phone that you are recording the conversation. And you really should do this at the beginning of the phone call so that there are no surprises and no potential for misunderstanding, legal or otherwise.

It’s a nice thought to record conversations with loved ones so that you may treasure them later, especially when it is during an important event such as a birthday or anniversary. I understand your concern that introducing the conversation with “Oh, by the way, I’m recording this, if that’s okay with you,” might put a damper on spontaneity, but it is still the wisest thing to do.

Hope that helps,


What are some good feel-good furry movies to cheer me up?

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 09:50

This week has just brought me down, with Boston and Waco and everything. What are some feel-good furry movies that would cheer me up?

submitted by ILoveBooksAndMen
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Categories: News

Zero drawing experience, am drawing free requests for the laughs.

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 07:59

Just post a comment telling me what you want me to draw (your fursona or any other furry request) and I will attempt it. Drawing will be pretty bad, that's the point. It's free comedy.

Go easy on me, this is my first post.

submitted by Snipers_kanga_wife
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Business Cat

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Apr 2013 - 04:37
Categories: News