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Introducing an Online Lover to Your Mom

Ask Papabear - Sat 27 Apr 2013 - 00:25
I've had on online relationship with my boyfriend for almost 3 months now and I'd like to introduce him to my mom, but I don't know how to do it. I'm afraid that if I tell her about him, she will believe he is some deviant trying to lure people in online. She has done this before with a conversation she found on my phone involving some fur friends. She doesn't know I’m a furry though she does know I’m gay. Any advice?


* * *

Hi, Tobias,

Once again, furries and folks everywhere, an online relationship is not a real world relationship. If I were your mom and you introduced me to your online friend and said “I’ve been in a relationship with him for three months,” my first question would be, “Oh, yes? Where did the two of you meet and how?” And if you said, “Oh, we’ve never actually met except online in a chat room,” I would say, “Okay, call me when you have actually met and we’ll invite him to dinner.”

It’s cool that she knows and accepts you for being gay; if she accepts that, then being a furry would hopefully not be a big stretch for her, either, but don’t ask her to accept that the most important relationship in your life at present is with someone who only exists on a computer screen.

Your next step should be to meet your boyfriend somewhere in real life. At your place, at his place, somewhere in between, it doesn’t matter. If that’s not possible in any sense of the word, then go find a real boyfriend you can actually kiss and hold hands with. If it IS possible, then do so post haste, and then afterwards introduce him to your mother IN PERSON.


Ratchet & Clank: The Movie

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 21:56

After a wildly successful run of Ratchet & Clank releases for the Sony Playstation, Insomniac Games have announced they are teaming up with Sony Computer Entertainment, Rainmaker Entertainment, and Blockade Entertainment to bring the planet-hopping lombax and his little robot companion to the big screen in a brand-new CGI animated film — set to be released in 2015.  According to an article in Forbes, Insomniac’s own TJ Fixman will be lead writer on the film, and voice talent will feature James A. Taylor as Ratchet, David Kaye as Clank, and Jim Ward as the lumbering human Qwark — all of whom are well-known from the game series. The article on-line also features a new teaser-trailer for the upcoming film.

image c. 2013 Insomniac Games

Categories: News

Winter's shadow by Blotch

Furry Reddit - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 20:37
Categories: News

Cute Comic Update on Furoticon Online!

Furry Reddit - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 20:19
Categories: News

Beautiful fursuit head by Beetlecat.

Furry Reddit - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 18:26
Categories: News

Shaun the Sheep to get big-screen movie

Furry News Network - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 18:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon Shaun the Sheep, the ovine character created by Aardman Animations, is set to get his own movie. Shaun first appeared as a supporting character in Aardman’s 1995 A Close Shave, and later got his own children’s television series. Now, Aardman is to join with film-TV group Studiocanal to make Shaun’s full-length claymation [...]
Categories: News

B-Sides: Episode 10 - It's time for Fuzzy Notes: B-Sides, the show where we flip the disc and listen to three tracks fr...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 17:24
It's time for Fuzzy Notes: B-Sides, the show where we flip the disc and listen to three tracks from artists who were featured last week! This week's alum are Rchetype, Wolfgun and Fevrier!! THE MUSIC: Rchetype - Clairvoyant Track: Album: Twitter: Wolfgun - Projections Track: Album: Twitter: Fevrier - Keep Track: EP: Soundcloud: ---- iTunes: FIND FUZZY NOTES ONLINE: Twitter: Facebook: Email: B-Sides: Episode 10 - It's time for Fuzzy Notes: B-Sides, the show where we flip the disc and listen to three tracks fr...
Categories: Podcasts

a (new) curious cat with some questions about the furry community.

Furry Reddit - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 15:45

Hey guys I'm pretty new to all this and would like to know more about the community since I would say I'm significantly interested in it.

1)are there any major "celebs" in the furry community like a particular artist everybody seems to love or a popular fursona (I think I'm using the term correctly) that everyone seems to know of and want to meet? 2) What stereotypes do non-furries have about furries that you really want cleared up 3) I know this one varies from furry to furry. But what is it that draws you to the furry community? Is it the connection you feel with a particular animal? Do you just enjoy becoming your fursona, sort of like a hobby? Is it the open and more accepting feeling of the community? Your attraction towards anthropomorphic art? Maybe a mixture of these things, or something else? 4) I know there are different types of say "sub-categories" of furries, such as baby-furs. What other types are there? and what sets them apart (or doesn't)? 5) what are your experiences/feelings with yiff? from what I researched this seems to be controversial and differs among furries.


-Possible panther (like I said, I'm new!)

submitted by kuriouskat301
[link] [22 comments]
Categories: News

FA Study: I need your help!

Furry Reddit - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 15:27

Today I was stalking browsing the FA pages of other lions that commented on a submission an artist had posted with a lion as the subject, and I came to the realization that there is a split between users in their favorites:

Some lions had favorites predominantly filled with lion works, while others had more scattered samplings of lions, but still the most common species that came up in their favorites were lions.

Then of course some favorite galleries were more tailored to the tastes (read: kinks) of the users. But none the less, it posed an interesting question to me:

How many furries fit into these different categories? Which one of these styles of submissions is most prevalent?

So this is where I need YOUR help!

I would like to do a blind study of the favorites of FA users prior to my knowing what species you are or what tastes you have! To do this, I require your help in two things:

  • If you are interested in volunteering your favorites gallery please message my alternate account:



My FA page.

with a direct link to your favorites gallery

  • Please spread this on FA; the larger a sample size I have the smaller the possibility of a botched sample size. The journal has been posted here Thank you all for your time!
submitted by killabydemand
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News

WhiteFangs Dick

Furry Reddit - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 13:42
Categories: News

High-Maintenance Friend

Ask Papabear - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 10:14
Hello Papabear,

I need some relationship advice. I've been seeing this guy, who I'm keeping anonymous for his privacy and he has a lot of drama going on in his life. Recently something happened to him where he sent me some text messages saying that his two (I believe now) former friends (who's names I don't want to give out at this moment) had a friend of theirs do something to him that he won't tell me. Apparently from what he told me they were apart of. The worst part is I tried my best to calm him down because when he gets upset he really gets upset but he said something about me being attached to my friends and how I don't want to be with him. Now I'm currently enrolled in a community college and he lives about 30 to 40 minutes away from me. To see him I have to drive 30 miles both to and from his house and I'm currently unemployed so I don't have a source of income to go towards gas money. I love him very much and I try to visit him when I can but I'm completely out of ideas and I don't know what to do in order to make him be more confident with himself and bring up his self-esteem. Any advice. 

Thanks for reading this.


* * *

Hi, Lucius,

You sound like a lovely, caring person, but there is only so much you can do. The problem here is that this guy you are seeing won’t tell you what the problem is, so how are you supposed to help?

This sounds like a total overreaction on his part, and, as you say, he overreacts to things very easily. My first instinct, then, is that this person might be suffering from Asperger’s syndrome, an illness that seems to affect a lot of people these days, or possibly some other form of mild autism or ADHD. If that’s the case, there can be many causes for this, ranging from genetics to childhood trauma to diet. But I’m in no position to make a diagnosis, especially since I’m not a doctor. It’s just a guess on my part.

The questions I have are whether this sort of behavior has happened before and what is this “drama” he is suffering from? If he suffers from some sort of behavior problem and is undergoing a stressful home life, then perpetrating some sort of cruel act upon him (if his accusations against these other people are true) would be especially cruel and heartless and you should be there to support him. If, on the other hand, this “drama” is largely exaggerated by him in its seriousness and the “offense” against him really minor, then you are dealing with a drama queen and might want to reconsider spending too much effort on him.

As with you, I cannot determine the case here, so I cannot advise you on how to proceed in detail.

In a follow-up email I sent to you about this (concerned as I was that some sort of violence might have happened) you replied, “Nothing violent [happened]. I met these 2 friends of his before and they seemed very nice. He's pretty sensitive to things and he gets jealous easily. Like I said he's not telling me anything.” This indicates to me that the “drama queen scenario” is the most likely.

At present, you’re just in the dating mode of the relationship, and it doesn’t sound like it has gotten terribly serious, though you must like the guy or you wouldn’t be concerned. He must have some worthwhile traits. Therefore, here’s your next step: tell him that you want to help him and be there for him, but if he doesn’t tell you openly what the problem is then you can’t be of any help.

If he continues to clam up, tell him that you’re there for him when he decides to talk, and then go about your business. That is, refuse to listen to his drama until he tells you the full story. If he never tells you, my guess is that it was all over nothing and he’s just seeking attention by whining because he feels slighted somehow by your other friends. He needs to grow up. If he DOES tell you, then once you have the information you need, you can better judge the next step. Or, if you would like more advice, write to me again once you have the details and we’ll do a follow-up.

Good luck!


* * *
Hello Papabear,

Thanks for replying to me. Since the last replied to me he has calmed down and he said that it was an online friend that came to him and said that they couldn't be friends anymore for what reason I don't know and frankly he doesn't know either, prior to this incident they were online friends that would roleplay over Skype. He looked into the problem and determined that these 2 former friends of him must have been apart of it, as said before. He has told me that this sort of thing (him getting really upset from something happening from someone) has happened more than once, I believe 3 or 4 times. He says that when he gets close to someone they "turn on him," and hurt him emotionally. So I try to be as patient as possible with him when he goes through something like this but it's getting rather old. Besides me he has one other person that he sees that lives relatively closer to him but he doesn't see him as much, another that lives 17 minutes away but his car is in the shop, and someone that lives farther away from him than me that is more of a friend-with-benefit kind of thing. So when he was friends with these two people they were closer than all of us and now that he isn't friends with them anymore he doesn't really have someone to see him regularly. 

Now what you said about him wanting attention from me is something that he does, intentionally I don't know since he has a few issues. He sends me messages saying like "Why am I always so miserable?" and those types of messages really bother me because not only does it put a damper on my day it seems like he might be in a state where he continues to be miserable (I can't really say for sure because we are still learning about each other). Now I told him that I don't like it when people intentionally start drama to get attention and he says that he doesn't intentionally start drama and I believe him since he's a good guy underneath his exterior. I believe i mentioned before he's a bit clingy and I don't really like people who are clingy but I try to compromise with him but it seems like it's getting to me.

Hope to hear back from you soon,


* * *
Hi, again, Lucius,

There is a certain personality type that Papabear has come across many times in his life. It is the person who is basically a nice guy or girl but who has serious self-esteem issues and is quick to take offense when anyone says something the least bit critical. Those who meet people like this at first like them (because they tend to be sweet and gentle) but if they say anything that is less than complimentary, they get such a backlash of drama and “why are you treating me like this?” crap that it is very off-putting.

This personality type is always miserable, as you say, and the reason is that they are creating their own misery. They become so pathetic and whiny that they lose friends, which then creates an endless feedback loop of misery, drama, reinforced misery, and so on that is inescapable until they realize they are doing it to themselves.

Is he a good guy underneath? Sure, probably. But he is a high-maintenance type of person, the type who needs constant reinforcement and praise and validation, an endless pit of need that can be very tiresome. If you don’t mind that sort of thing, if you don’t mind constantly having to reassure this person that they are a great guy, if you have that sort of time and energy in your life, then you could probably maintain a friendship. If you do it long enough and are patient enough, you might even eventually break him out of this self-pitying loop he is in, but I warn you it could take years, if ever.

Of course, it is easy for me to write things like “you create your own misery, so buck up.” But I know it’s not so simple. I myself struggle with depression and sometimes need friends to cheer me up. It could be that he suffers from clinical depression, in which case he might benefit from therapy.

I suppose what I am saying is this: your friend is high maintenance and, whether justified somewhat or not, is causing a lot of his own misery and that is probably driving away people who could have been his friends. You need to decide, then, whether you feel his friendship is worth a lot of work and emotional support on your part, or whether you just don’t have the energy and emotional investment to continue trying to help him.

If you decide to back off, I wouldn’t blame you. It can be very hard to be that kind of friend and it doesn’t make you a bad person if you don’t feel you can do it. After all, you have to take care of your own sanity, too. BUT, if you believe you can do it and care a lot about this guy, then it would be super awesome of you to be there for him.

Your choice.



Fur the ‘More: Baltimore’s first furry convention a success

Furry News Network - Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 00:25
Author: Sonious Fur the ‘More, Baltimore’s first furry convention, took place on the first week of April. April is known for its rain, and whenever it rains, it pours. It was to be my first small convention, but it was certainly not as small as many other new conventions. My own experience, compared to other [...]
Categories: News