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Is It a Good Idea to Move Out of State in Search of a Job?

Ask Papabear - Fri 3 May 2013 - 12:56
Dear Papa Bear

I live in Northern Minnesota with my grandmother. I'm 19 years old and I've been looking for a job for the past two months. I was recently let go of my last job, and I haven't been able to find any. I've looked and looked, I've made calls, I've had interviews, but it doesn't seem like interested in hiring me.

My grandmother is getting rather fed up with me not having a job, but she puts up with me anyways. I have an option to move to Fargo, North Dakota and live with a friend so I can find some work; granted I couldn't find any last time I went there... Do you think relocating to an entirely new area is a smart choice? I just don't know who to turn to ask about this. I've asked myself several times and it always seems that I'm more trouble than I'm truly worth. :P

What do you think I should do?

Sammi Foxxpaw

* * *

Hi, Sammi,

It might very well be a good decision to move to look for work, but don’t put the cart before the horse. Before you make the leap anywhere, you can do a lot online to explore job opportunities in areas where you might like to live. Based on my reading, North Dakota could be a good place to move if you work in the health care industry. Places like Fargo (surprisingly!) have become retirement meccas because there is a very positive doctor-to-patient ratio, low crime rate, and reasonable housing costs. Another industry in North Dakota that is booming is the oil industry (see 

The good thing about this is that whenever there is a boom in one industry, such as health care or oil, a lot of related and support businesses grow up around them as a result. Go online and look up newspaper sites where your friend lives and check out the want ads to give yourself an idea of what may be available for you.

Here’s a very interesting chart as well (source:
Picture As you can see, North Dakota ranks at the top for job growth. But be a little wary of the stats because this is based on percentage of population. So, the number of jobs added in North Dakota is actually a lot fewer than in Utah, Texas, or Colorado, for instance.

You can see, too, that Minnesota ranks 14th in job growth, not too bad but not all that great. If you are having no luck finding work where you are not, expanding your search to other states is actually a sound choice. But, instead of moving to your friend’s place and then looking for work, search for jobs first, and then make arrangements to move. That’s the smart thing to do.

Another smart thing to do is to get more education. You say you are 19, so I am guessing you only have a high school degree. Remember, the more education you have, the easier it is to find work, as well as higher-paying work.

Good luck!


Favorite way to explain furry to nonfurs

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 May 2013 - 11:55

What's your favorite way to explain it to nonfurs? I tend to explain it as "trekkies but with animal costumes instead of spock outfits"

submitted by Sat-AM_Reject
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Categories: News

Hey /r/furry, I'd like to have an adult discussion ( NSFW )

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 May 2013 - 05:47

The reddit community as a whole seems to be fairly well-red, which is part of the reason why I think this is a good place for this post (along with the fact that it involves furries, obviously). The NSFW tag is because of the subject matter involving sex and sexuality.

I'm sure a lot of people have had a similar experience when it comes to the furry fandom, but at least for me, a guy who considers himself mostly straight, when it comes to furries I'd consider myself bi, leaning towards male.

I've long considered sexuality to be more of a spectrum than a black or white dichotomy, (it's not perfect, but something like the Kinsey scale is what I mean), so I've postured to myself that maybe for me and a lot of others, the furry fandom is a more free expression in many aspects of someone's life, possibly including sexuality.

So when I think about the kind of things that are sexually arousing to me when it comes to furries, many of them are gay and submissive situatons, being a bottom, etc, and I wonder how much of this is because of the way in which the furry fandom might feel "safer", or if this is simply a repressed sexuality or persona that one does not get to exhibit in normal circumstances.

It may be that because the community and the subculture can be very open and frank about sexuality that these things seem more commonplace; i.e. MOST people might have a sexual spectrum but one is more capable of expressing it as a furry. There may be an aspect of this that has to do with male furries not seeming as "male" as a human, and therefore do not push so far into the Kinsey scale for homosexuality as it would if it were a human.

I'd like some discussion and feedback, because I think it's an interesting topic. I've given it a lot of though, but never really talked about it with anyone.

submitted by fjaseif
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Categories: News

Rocket Dog

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 May 2013 - 05:06
Categories: News

Furry Google Valentines Day doodle - Fri 3 May 2013 - 04:45
Go to google, keep clicking the button in the center.

(if you read this late go to Google doodles)


The Saprophyte

Categories: News

Unsheathed Presents: K.M. Hirosaki's Star Wars, Episode I - Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Unsheathed - Fri 3 May 2013 - 04:00
K.M. and friends sit down to talk about Episode I while watching it. Listen for synchronization instructions. Unsheathed Presents: K.M. Hirosaki's Star Wars, Episode I - Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Categories: Podcasts

New SMITE character, Fenrir

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 May 2013 - 01:33
Categories: News

Episode 217 - Mission Improbable

Southpaws - Thu 2 May 2013 - 23:27
This week on Knotcast, Savrin and Fuzz tell tales of documentaries. And answer some emails. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal! Episode 217 - Mission Improbable
Categories: Podcasts

Finished the last image of my FCBD Cosplay series-had a lot of fun with it!

Furry Reddit - Thu 2 May 2013 - 20:58

If you'd like it or any of the others of the series turned into a free desktop image, check out the description on the FE Facebook page.

EDIT: I don't think the link's working, and would like to apologize in advance for my lack of Reddit skills. T_T Here's a direct link to the image:

submitted by Ellen-Natalie
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Categories: News

Furaffinity's login page hides an abilitist slur

Furry Reddit - Thu 2 May 2013 - 20:33

Doing this as a self post to remove any accusation of kama whoring ect.

I've been sitting on this for a while but the source code for Fur affinity uses an extremely offensive term. As a fandom that celebrates diversity this isn't acceptable. The relivent term (plus some extra for context) is given here. This is from line 110 of

<form method="post" action="/login/?ref="> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="action" VALUE="login"/> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="retard_protection" VALUE="1"/> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="95%" class="maintable">

submitted by QtPlatypus
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Categories: News

Furry comics like this one...

Furry Reddit - Thu 2 May 2013 - 20:27

There is a comic called "Closet coon" And I really enjoyed it. I am wondering if there are any ones like if and if it's going to be continued. Thanks!

submitted by musipenguin
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Categories: News

Anybody here use Second Life for furry purposes?

Furry Reddit - Thu 2 May 2013 - 15:51

I would love to meet up with some redditors from /r/furry on Second Life. if you're interested, leave your SL username so we can all meet up and have some fun! I'm fairly new to the SL furry community, any groups or places you would recommend for the new gal?

SL username: Schleey Resident

Here's a picture of my fursona. Her name is Fae :)

submitted by Sancholeney
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Categories: News

Pony sketches~

Furry Reddit - Thu 2 May 2013 - 15:47
Categories: News