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Not sure how to go about this.

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 19:32

So I have been with my wife for over 5 years now, although we have only been married 5 months. In the past few months I realized I am indeed a furry and I want to be able to tell her this, but she had a really hard time accepting I was a brony when I told her. I feel like I shouldn't have to hide who I am but at the same time I can already hear the accusations and insults. Im not afraid she would leave me over it, I just don't know if I should keep it a secret to avoid the strife. What is your opinion?

submitted by blackcat21
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Well fed panda

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 17:50
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Not as Good as Robin Hood..

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 16:38
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Fursuit ? Consent

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 16:10
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Review: ‘Where the Blue Begins’, by Christopher Morley

Furry News Network - Wed 8 May 2013 - 14:38
Author: Fred Each in turn may call this a fairy story, a dog story, an allegory or a satire, but all will be moved by the beauty and the meaning–a beauty and a meaning that seems to live within the realm of those books that go on and on making friends and spreading enchantment.?? Gissing, [...]
Categories: News

Things deteriorating rapidly at my home.

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 13:36

I am working towards finally moving out of my house, the only thing really holding me back is waiting for graduation to occur (May 19th, graduating with a BFA in Graphic Design). I have been planning this move for the past year and a half, and I am still worried about things going wrong, I may have to move out of my house to somewhere nearby before I can actually move of the situation at my home degrades further. It is mainly my mother who is the cause for this grief, just two days ago, she stated that what I was going through was 'not real abuse' and that she should start 'truly abusing me so I can see just how good I've got it'... isn't Psychological abuse enough? I have already notified the local authorities about what is going on at my house. An email that I sent to my professors a few weeks ago stating what has been going on up until that certain point:

sent April 18th

Since last night, the situation at my house has deteriorated heavily. My goal after graduation was to move to Colorado as soon as possible. At first, it seemed that it was only my mother who was against the idea, my father was neutral on it, that changed last night, now both of them are adamantly against it. Things at my house have been deteriorating for the past year and a half, when I was working on the first Social Awareness project for Allen Garcie, I realized through research for it that those same symptoms for Psychological Abuse were happening at my home, happening to me. Six Fridays' ago, my father tried poisoning me, it was a combination of two prescription medications along with a soft drink/alcohol mixture. His reasoning for me taking it was to "help me sleep", the medications were a prescription grade decongestant and a prescription grade cough syrup, whose main ingredient is Codeine, I do not remember that night at all. This past Sunday, my mother threatened to beat me because I wasn't ready to go see my grandmother on my fathers' side (whom I really have not talked to or had any sort of relationship with) whom was in the hospital after suffering a stroke. These threats of violence over trivial things have occurred before. I already have found a place where I am going to live, the three friends I have there know about my situation and are more than willing to have me move in with them to get me out of here. My car is not my own, so I cannot just get in it and drive there, I have friends here who have agreed to move me out of my house and drive me there and help me move in. I called and filed a report to the Benton PD about what has been happening at my house. I really don't know what else to add except for the loss of sleep from it due to stress and the hit that my abilities as a Graphic Artist that I have sustained. I am sorry for the essay of an email, I just wanted to tell you what has been happening and I am asking for help as to what to do that could aid in my escape from this Hell.

A friend told me about a group on FA that helps deal with situations like this. I need help, please. If you need to know where I live, please PM me asking, I promise to return the favor in any way I can.

submitted by Der_Untoten
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Categories: News

Any others?

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 13:25

So, there's the Bedfellows furry videos on Youtube. I was wondering if there are any other series like that on Youtube.

submitted by Subredditsurfer
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Categories: News

Papabear Can't Help You If You Don't Try to Help Yourself

Ask Papabear - Wed 8 May 2013 - 12:30
Dear papa bear,

You told me to keep you updated on how things were going with me so…here it is. 

In short? Not well. My mental state has deteriorated since I last emailed you about my struggle with depression and while some things in my life have improved, many have not. Some have even worsened. I'll try to summarize best I can to avoid a long, boring wall 'o text. 

  • I'm 24 and still live at home, no plan at all for my future has panned out.
  • I'm work a terrible job that I feel obligated to stay at because I've never made this much money before even though I can be fired at any time for any reason.
  • Whenever I talk about getting professional help my mother tells me I'm just looking for an easy way out and that I need to solve my own problems. It's working great so far [sarcasm]
  • I have no clue what I want to do with my life other than a pipe dream and it seems that I'm getting too old to even make that work out. 
  • I have no education other than a GED and I'm not particularly skilled or talented in anything. 
  • I share very little in common with most of my friends, leaving me to spent a good chuck of my time in an imaginary world where I get to enjoy the things I like. 
  • I'm constantly privy to just how much people hate me for my opinions, whether it be political, philosophical, or otherwise. Case in point, I recently discovered the Objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand and found it really rang true to me. I have since been told that only mentally ill people follow it(by a furry of course)

There are other little things like my complete lack of self-esteem or self-image but I feel this has gone on long enough. I have no idea how to fix what's wrong with me, I cannot go a single day without a fantasy popping in my head involving killing myself and/or others.

I may be able to tell you all this in an email but I have had no such luck actually talking to someone about it. I'm terrified of the ramifications psych help could cause to my reputation and/or career. 

Please, how can I do this? Every day it feels like I'm closer and closer to just snapping, my temper has gotten so much worse and I've harboured more and more dark thoughts. 


* * *

Hi, Towyn,

[Note to readers: you can see previous letters and my replies to Towyn here and here]

I’m sorry to hear you have had a setback. Last time you wrote me, you were feeling better about things. You don’t mention in your letter whether or not you have tried the things I recommended, including 1) exercising and trying to live a healthier lifestyle, 2) contacting a suicide hotline, 3) exploring the option of a military career, which can help toward school, 4) exploring local government education programs, 5) exploring your spiritual life.

I would also add, since I didn’t do this the last time, that you could contact Boys Town ( which offers free online counseling and other help. I think it’s a crime that your mother has turned a deaf ear toward your needs. Usually, the problem is a child NOT talking to a parent when he or she needs help, but in this case you ARE reaching out to your mom and she has brushed you off. Pardon me for saying so, but that is a bad mother you have there. She should be ashamed of herself.

As for your political opinions, we addressed that as well in a previous letter. What are your feelings about what I said at that time?

Have you tried any of my suggestions, repeated above? I cannot help you if you are unwilling to help yourself. Helping yourself takes some effort. There are no magic wands or miracle elixirs I can give you. You need to try some or all of the above in order to make your life better.

I hope you will. Good luck!


Vote to choose the mascot of the 2015 Pan American Games

Furry News Network - Wed 8 May 2013 - 11:38
Author: earthfurst The 2015 Pan American Games are running an online vote until May 5 to choose their mascot. The six finalists, selected from 4,130 entries, are: 1) a Maple-leaf headed beaver 2) a moose 3) a multi-colour owl 4) a porcupine with multi-color quills 5) a raccoon 6) twins wearing hats See more: Original [...]
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Opinion: Street fursuiting is the most fun furry experience

Furry News Network - Wed 8 May 2013 - 08:38
Author: Patch Packrat San Francisco hosted the 14th annual How Weird Street Faire last weekend, with the theme “WEIRDI GRAS: Carnival of Peace.” An informal fursuiter outing was organized through and its active Bay Area Furries group (independent from the mailing list), which runs many local events each month. I offered changing space at [...]
Categories: News

RIP Darkzel

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 06:47
Categories: News

Animation: ‘The Painting’ is coming

Furry News Network - Wed 8 May 2013 - 05:38
Author: Fred Animation Scoop has the new American trailer and poster for the 2011 French animated feature Le Tableau (The Painting), due for May 24 release. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

My Home In Second Life

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 May 2013 - 03:25
Categories: News

‘Wastelander Panda’ episodes available online on May 27

Furry News Network - Wed 8 May 2013 - 02:38
Author: Higgs Raccoon A year ago, Epic Films released the prologue/teaser of Wastelander Panda, the post-apocalyptic tale of Arcayus, the Wasteland’s last remaining panda. Along with Rose (a human girl raised by his brother, Isaac), Arcayus treks across a broken world ruled by anarchy, in search of vengeance. The prologue’s producers have now announced that [...]
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