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What is this called? Not really furry but kind of

Furry Reddit - Mon 24 Jun 2013 - 09:16

Hi there,

I love girls (probably also boys) in tails, ears maybe a litte fur on arms and legs but i still want them to be humanoid. i dont really like that full suites or the anthropomorphic graphics, thats just a little to much.

What is this? I would love to find some people/websites/resources/images about this, but mostly i find 99% real furry material with maybe 1% of what i like.

Thanks for you help.

submitted by that_tail_is_awesome
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Categories: News

Furry Movie Award Watch: June 2013

Furry News Network - Mon 24 Jun 2013 - 02:38
Author: crossaffliction Folks, it’s a slow month, so I put together a list of animated movies to be nominated for an Academy Award by cross referencing Jerry Beck’s animated feature list and the Oscar’s site. First off, not all of these movies feature anthropomorphism or animals, much less anthropomorphic animals, but a vast majority do. [...]
Categories: News

Episode 224 - Music Party

Southpaws - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 21:50
This episode of KnotCast, Savrin, Shiva, and Fuzz catch up on 2 weeks of emails and take a listen to 3 of the tracks off of Look Left's upcoming album, 'Waiting'. Music from Look Left: Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 224 - Music Party
Categories: Podcasts

In need of a headband supplier

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 21:02

Hey guys! I seem to be in a bit of a pickle and I was hoping the wonderful members of this community could help me out. Mods, if this post isn't okay, please let me know and I'll edit accordingly.

One of the products I sell an awful lot of is sets of ears on plastic headbands. Normally, I prefer to use Goody's "Annie"-style headbands, but recently I've moved across the country (US) and none of the stores in my area carry them that I've seen. I used to get them at Target, but I've checked every Target, Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS within reasonable driving distance, all to no avail, and as you can see in the link, they aren't available to order online. Meanwhile, I've finally run out of my stockpile, and I still have one set of ears left in my order queue.

So here's where you can help! I would basically like someone to head over to their local Target, pick up as many packs of black, fabric-covered Annie bands as you can find, stuff as many of them as will fit into a small Flat Rate box, and ship them to me. I'll pay you up front for all of the headbands and for the postage; just send me a photo of the headbands, the box, and a scan of your receipt (you can also send me a pic of the headbands from inside Target, to make sure you have the right ones, and in case you want me to pay you before you purchase them; I just need proof that they exist and are coming before I put down any money). Additionally, as thanks for helping me out, I'll send you a free pair of ears, any species, any color, any style; and I'll give you free shipping and free reference art for anything you order from me for as long as you continue to supply me with headbands.

I wish there was an easier way to do this, and I will be looking into other other avenues, like special-ordering them to my nearest Target or contacting other possible Goody wholesalers. But meanwhile, if someone from this awesome community could help me out, I would very, very much appreciate it.


PS – Alternatively, does anybody know of a place in the San Francisco Bay Area that sells these, that I may have missed? I'm willing to travel anywhere between Antioch and San Jose if I can find a regular supplier. Thanks again!

(x-post to LiveJournal)

(Edit: removed broken HTML from LJ copypasta. whoops.)

submitted by Navi1101
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Categories: News

Fred Patten’s CaliFur IX con report

Furry News Network - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 20:38
Author: Fred Sorry, but my CaliFur report this year is even skimpier than last year’s. That’s just the way it is. Like every year since CaliFur V, CaliFur IX took place at the Irvine Marriott Hotel in Irvine, California, on May 31–June 2, 2013. This year’s theme was “FURtual Reality”. There were two guests-of-honor: Maxwell [...]
Categories: News

Overture, Hit the Lights

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 19:57

Warner Brother Studios are celebrating their 90th anniversary, and in honor of that are releasing a series of DVD collections known simply as The Best of Warner Brothers. Around here, the collection most folks are likely to find interesting is The Best of Warner Brothers: 50 Cartoon Collection — Looney Tunes. This 2-DVD set is coming out this week. Here’s the skinny, from CD Universe: “It’s always ‘wabbit’ season now that the best Looney tunes Cartoons from the Warner Bros. vault are available in this wild two-disc collection! Reunite with Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, Tweety Bird, Sylvester, Daffy Duck and all the Looney Tunes gang in an animated assortment of hits that have tickled the funny bones of cartoon lovers for generations. There’s something for everyone in this must-own collection of 50 Looney Tunes classics that helped contribute to 90 years of Warner Bros. cartoon magic. ” There are bigger box-set collections out there, but this best-of collection brings together many well-known favorites like Rabbit of Seville, One Froggy Evening, Duck Amuck, and more, all in one set.

image c. 2013 Warner Brothers

Categories: News

thanshuhai-Omnomnom Speed Paint

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 19:47
Categories: News

Where can I buy a tail?

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 18:19

After getting more involved in the furry community I decided I liked the idea of having a tail. I'm looking to buy a nice one but my budget is about 5-15 euros. Any good sites you would recommend?

submitted by uzzeee
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

First look: Furry play ‘Fursona Non Grata’ is the real deal

Furry News Network - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 17:38
Author: GreenReaper It’s hard enough getting to know your fiancée’s family at the best of times, let alone when they’re a bunch of animals. Such is the premise of Fursona Non Grata, a two-act play read at Califur IX. A woman raised by furries, brings her fiance home for Thanksgiving to meet the family for the [...]
Categories: News

Pokéball Badges!

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 17:01

So, I'm offering these awesome Pokéball badges for 10$!

I'm trying to save up as I need 200+ dollars for a train ticket home in less then a month so any and all help is appreciated!

Click here for an example of the badges!

If you'd like one, please contact me here!

submitted by HayPanda
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Mother Worries about Her Son's Growing Obsession with Furries and Furry Sex

Ask Papabear - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 16:24
Dear Papa Bear,

I stumbled on your site as I was educating myself and looking for advice. I'd like to pose my question first, then provide the situation. My Q: What advice can you give a parent or the teen /what action(s) do you recommend? The situation: My 15 year old son is identifying as a fur and participating in fur chat rooms that role play sexual fetishes including inflation, weight gain, and others. He wishes his parents we were not aware of this, but he has left a trail that lead to our discovery. He expressed unhappiness with himself and went so far as to communicate to his pediatrician that he hates his appearance and wishes he looked more like a wolf (his persona). In addition, the chat rooms posed a huge parental concern for his safety and risky behavior. Some other facts to consider: in the past year that he has been active in the fur fandom he has become more withdrawn, angry, secretive/risk taking, and totally addicted to his computer. His behaviors and self esteem changed and we connected him with a therapist for support. We are an open minded family with many GLB friends and would be totally supportive if he is gay (but of course he has to be the one to come out vs. us telling him we think he is). I have educated myself on the fur fandom and understand both the porn and non porn aspects of it, and visited many furry art sites in which porn images are easily accessed and support of fetishes within the community is a norm. As a concerned parent, I believe the line between reality and fantasy has become blurred with my son and he is engaging in activities that are unrealistic and too mature/complex for any young mind/person. Unfortunately, the support and acceptance of this within the fur community makes it very difficult for him to listen to parental concerns and reason. Furthermore, he does not want to talk about any parts of the furry fandom with us. Lastly, I do not believe my son ever had concepts of fetishes and/or had a distorted body image until he engaged in the furry fandom. 

I am interested in hearing from you. 

Thank you. A very caring and concerned parent ,

Mamma Wolf

* * *

Dear Mamma Wolf,

I can see from your letter that you are, indeed, a caring parent, as well as an open-minded and nonjudgmental person; also, you are perceptive enough to understand that your son needs to come out to you if he is indeed gay or bi. Good for you.

There are many reasons why people become involved with the furry fandom. Most reasons are quite benign, such as enjoying fantasy/sci-fi literature and movies (the reason the modern fandom began in the first place), having a deep love of animals, some people enjoy costuming/mascotting, others have a spiritual connection to animals, and some just enjoy the playful aspect of furry, or they become involved because some of their friends are furries and they want to join in on the social aspect.

But there are some people, too, who become involved for other reasons that are a bit more troubling. One aspect that is quite pronounced are young furries who have great difficulty in socializing. Sometimes this is caused by a mental or emotional condition, such as autism—especially Asperger syndrome, which seems to be a growing problem among young people. Other times it is a social problem, such as bullying in school or an unhappy home situation. When people are troubled about their real lives (and never more so than in the difficult teen years) they often turn to fantasy as a means of escape. If your son had not become involved in the fandom, he could just as easily have become lost in the world of online gaming, gambling, drugs/alcohol, or pornography. All of these are escape routes for an individual who is having a hard time dealing with his or her life.

So, the first thing you must ask yourself is what condition in your son’s life might have changed around the same time as his involvement in the furry fandom? Are you going through a divorce? Was there a recent death in the family? Is he having trouble in school? If any of these are true, then that is something that should be addressed immediately, and I think you will find that if it is one of these problems, and if that problem is resolved, you will see your son becoming much less obsessed with things furry.

Now, you specifically are referencing your concern about some kinky sexual online behavior. I have found in my experiences with young people that many times it is an indication of a need to be wanted, of something unfulfilled in one’s life. Sometimes, as an example, a young cub might get involved with something like vore or inflation not because he or she is into it so much as because of the positive reinforcement it garners from those who like to role play on those topics. That is (again as an example only) say your boy is approached by someone who likes fat furs and your son gets positive reinforcement from other people when he assumes this role in online sexual role play. Such attention could get him hooked on this type of interpersonal online activity.

None of this is to say that sexual fetishes are necessarily a bad thing. We all express ourselves in different ways. But young people are impressionable and, if they meet untrustworthy people, they can be taken advantage of. It is wise to be cautious, but spying on his Web surfing behavior could have a negative backlash in the form of a breach of trust.

Significantly, you write that your son is unhappy with his appearance. This could be the result of anything from peer pressure to the modern thin-worshiping ad industry giving him a bad body image. If, say, he is a bit chubby and peers in gym class make fun of him in the shower (just a scenario), but then he goes online and can be a muscular, fierce wolf and other people are attracted to him in this form, you can see where the appeal might lie, yes?

The problem, therefore, is not with the furry fandom, although it could be exacerbated by it. That is just a symptom of what is really going on beneath the surface. A good therapist (and I’ve been to bad ones, so I know how important a good therapist is) will help your son and his family get to the heart of the matter. You can help a lot in this area by being open and nonjudgmental. You have a bit of a tightrope act to pursue now: you have to be communicative and involved in your son’s life, but at the same time you don’t want to look as if you are trying to control him and prevent him from what may otherwise be healthy explorations on his part into his sexual and social identity (e.g., do not put a filter on your computer so he cannot access adult images, but it could be a good idea to put the computer in a family area, such as the living room or kitchen; parents should monitor their children’s behavior, including television and video games—knowing what your kid is watching makes you a caring parent, not Big Brother).

I would recommend, then, that you don’t send your son off to therapy by himself but, rather, seek family counseling. Don’t make him feel alone in this, don’t make him feel like he is some kind of freak or that he is mentally ill or in any way “broken” or rejected by you. Instead, be a part of his life and tell him that you don’t feel he has a problem so much as you feel the entire family could benefit from reconnecting to form a stronger whole. You also have to take steps to show that you trust and love him. As a suggestion, and especially since he is only 15, offer to have the entire family go to a furry convention and have some fun with it. Honestly, furry conventions are pretty G rated for the most part, and while there are “adult” areas in the art room, they are clearly marked and minors must wear a name tag that shows they are not allowed into such areas. Indeed, furries I know who have parents who have come to furcons are absolutely thrilled that their parents want to join in on the fun!

I hope this helps! As an online advice columnist who has read a lot of sad stories, I’m very proud of you for caring enough to write and wish you and your son the best of luck.


I drew Isabelle from Animal Crossing

Furry Reddit - Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 16:08
Categories: News