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Play With Me :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 21:01
Categories: News

WolfPupTK being adorable, as always.

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 20:02
Categories: News

A Boy and his Cautious Dog

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 19:36

How did we miss this, we wonder? Kazu Kibuishi is best known as the creator and editor of the Flight series of fantasy comic collections, and as the writer and illustrator of the fantasy comic Amulet. In addition though, he has created a popular web comic called Copper. From the publisher, this is the very simple description: “Copper is curious, Fred is fearful. And together boy and dog are off on a series of adventures through marvelous worlds, powered by Copper’s limitless enthusiasm and imagination.” Now Graphix Press have collected together the Copper comics (so far) into a full-color trade paperback called (what else?) Copper. “Each Copper and Fred story in this graphic novel collection is a complete vignette, filled with richly detailed settings and told with a wry sense of humor. These two enormously likable characters build ships and planes to travel to surprising destinations and have a knack for getting into all sorts of odd situations.”  And it’s available for ordering at Amazon.

image c. 2010 Graphix Press

Categories: News

World Record for Fursuiters set at Anthrocon 2013?

Furry News Network - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 19:16
A turnout of 1,162 people dressed head-to-toe in animal costumes walked, danced and cartwheeled Saturday through the halls of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center to set a record for the world's largest parade of people in fur suits.
Categories: News

“Furries” chosen by BBC Magazine as #6 Favorite Story by the Magazine team

Furry News Network - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 18:41
It’s 10 years since the launch of the BBC News Magazine, in which time they published thousands of articles. To celebrate the occasion, they have come up list of 10×10 things about our their first 10 years.  Making it to #6 on the “10 favourite stories chosen by the Magazine team” is Furries… 6. Furries: A very [...]
Categories: News

Anthrocon 2013 Tops 2012 Attendance

Furry News Network - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 17:50
Anthrocon announced numbers at closing ceremonies.  This year, they had 5577 in attendance, beating 2012′s number of 5179.  They raised over $31,000 for their charity Equine Angels Rescue, setting a new record for their charity fundraising. They also announced their theme for 2014: ”Secret Societies” Fnord
Categories: News

Bust by Zushi

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 16:31
Categories: News

Russel howard's view on furries

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 15:50
Categories: News

Huggy Hugs :D

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 14:35
Categories: News

The Hero/Heroine Fantasy

Ask Papabear - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 13:12
Dear Papabear,

When I was younger I was bullied, but I would always imagine myself as a superhero named Wolf Girl. She was the queen of a planet called Tacton, had green, light-green, blue, light-blue, and yellow scales.

I always imagined saving people and sacrificing myself, usually imagining myself dying in many different ways (even saving those who bullied me). But as I’ve grown older my infatuation with being the hero has lessened and being the “damsel in distress” has increased.

Now I see myself as a Leafeon furry, or a wolf furry that has an injured and horrific life, but I often find I’d rather live that life than my own....

My OC Leaf, who is the furry I’d rather be, lives a now peaceful life with a husband and daughter... I have feelings for the person who owns the husband OC. I even have my head in the clouds, imagining meeting him in real life.

Why would my head be in the sky wanting the horrific life Leaf suffered instead of the life I live now?... And wanting to die for others all the time... or simply wanting to die (as in the RP she always seems to die a lot but comes back to life too)?


* * *

Hi, Leaf,

My early life has some similarities to yours. As a cub, I was bullied as well and was very much the outsider, rejected by almost all my classmates because I was shy and unathletic. I, too, imagined myself as an amazing furry, only for me it was being a dragon, usually, who was very powerful and lived in a cave with his hoard of gold but would also help knights and other adventurers on their quests. Sometimes, too, I was a wolf or a stag with a proud rack of antlers who lived in a cartoon parallel world rather reminiscent of the ones you see in “Marry Poppins” and “Bedknobs and Broomsticks.”

I would say it is not uncommon for someone who is a frequent victim of bullying to have such fantasies. In fact, I think that is why a lot of young people get into furry—because they are unhappy with their lives and themselves in some way and wish to become much more, such as a skinny kid who is picked on wanting to be a muscular wolf or gorilla or some such. In your case, you prove yourself to be better than your enemies not only physically but also morally in that you save the bullies from danger, too.

Now, the death scenario. This is a psychologically valid construct in that it is a kind of bid for attention. Most people who are bullied are the kind that are socially ignored by their peers. They feel invisible. In your fantasies you become this amazing heroine, and the heroism becomes all the more dramatic when you lay down your life. The result of this is that you have shown those around you how incredibly noble you are and you get psychological gratification in knowing they will weep over your dead body and miss you very much. But! How can you enjoy their sadness over your death if you are dead? Therefore, you must come back to life to observe their sadness, and then, even better, their utter joy when they see that you are not really dead.  It is, rather, something you see a lot in movies, too, such as the “death” and rebirth of the Beast in “Beauty and the Beast.” Baloo does a great job of it in "Jungle Book."
Why would you prefer this to the later life of Leaf when has a happy life with a spouse and daughter? For the same reason we don’t care what happens to Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella/Snow White/Sleeping Beauty/Ariel and the Prince,  Robin Hood and Maid Marian, and many more after they reach that “happy ever after” stage: it’s BORING.

There is your explanation, then, Leaf. Life is more interesting when it includes tragedy, for without tragedy there is no need to be a hero or heroine, and we love heroes and heroines and enjoy imagining ourselves as them.



Furfunding week in review: 7-7-13

FurStarter - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 10:25

Web-to-print: Webcomics coming soon to a bound book near you. Dreamkeepers: Prelude and Not Enough Rings.

This week a pair of very successful projects, two webcomics breaking out into print. These projects have a huge advantage: they came equipped with a fanbase! And like Digger (three more days, guys!) both vaulted into success story territory within a few days of project launch. So check out Dreamkeepers, already an ebook series, and Not Enough Rings, a silly Sonic parody series.

And then a bunch of other stuff.


dreamkeeperslogoDreamkeepers: Prelude

“If Dreamkeepers is Calvin and Hobbes against Hell, the preludes are more like Calvin and Hobbes.”

dreamkeepersartDreamkeepers is a webcomic and graphic novel series–well, there’s the graphic novels, a dark fantasy series pitting dreamkeepers (anthropomorphic characters with a scattered assortment of powers) against the forces of nightmare. I’m not doing the series justice–though the Furaffinity page and  the trailer video help–so feel free to poke around the graphic novel previews or just pop over to the webstore and buy yourself a copy. The original GN series is pretty darn dark and epic. Preludes is more bright and friendly, the stories of the characters before they were thrown into a grim battle.

Well, of course, like all webcomics, you can pick it up online for the low, low cost of bandwidth. But the art in this stuff is beautiful, well worth the support, so take a look!

Not Enough Rings: A Sonic the Hedgehog Parody Comic

NotEnoughRingslogoFrom the dark to the absurd (or, occasionally darkly absurd). Not Enough Rings is the second successful project from Veronica Vera (the first one is a very sweet anthro series about “high school, heartbreak, and cats.” Not Enough Rings takes an absurd look at the weirdness of the Sonic: The Hedgehog universe, dissects it, and spreads it on a table for you, the reader, to enjoy the laughs.

NotEnoughRingsimageI’ll be honest, I’m not that well-versed in the Sonic universe, I only get one joke in five reading the webcomic. But the jokes–ridiculous killer architecture, demented mad science, and very, very disposable Tails the Fox–are easy on the eyes and good fun, even for a non-fan. The art’s a little quick-and-dirty, not as polished as the artists’ main project, Bittersweet Candy Bowl, but well worth the chuckle. And the Kickstarter’s already at double the original goal–the stretch goals are starting to kick in, so with 12 days left, check the project out!


Projects Audio

Sockweb Werewolf (Ends: 7/22/2013)
8-year-old grindcore artist Joanie and her dad–Sockweb–working on “the only concept album ever made by an eight year old,” all about a girl that made friends with the werewolf under the bed. Oh, and musical screaming.


The Howl of the Dead (Ends: 7/12/2013)
The outlines are your basic zombie apocalypse novel–asteroid strikes earth, things turn cannibal. But this one’s zombie dogs, which is worth bonus points. And, great title.

“The Incredible Hare” (Ends: 7/20/2013)
Illustrated book/ebook project: Harold Hopper, Man to Rabbit to Reality TV Show celebrity. A gentle parody of fame, and a kid-friendly book about fame and the media.

The Dragon Princess (Ends: 8/2/2013)
A princess cursed to be a half-dragon, half-human creature looks for love to lift her curse.

Talonridge: Book II (Ends: 8/5/2013)
Heavily-illustrated young adult series of mice on a mission in a fantasy world, very “Mousegard”
Part two of a planned 63-book series. That’s ambition!

Children’s Products

The Great Safari Adventure Show (Ends: 7/13/2013)
A costumed, musical Las Vegas family production, with lots of chances for kids to get up and move. Plot: Child lost in Africa, finds magic talisman that transforms the local animals into exercise-obsessed mentors.
This would have been benefited by MORE exposure to the fandom, working through some anthro issues. Heart’s in the right place though!

The Tales of Shakespuss (Ends: 8/3/2013)
Stripped-down, lightened up, and retold versions of Shakespeare for kids, live action, theatre, and animated.


Halo Mini Illuminated Pet Collars (Ends: 7/26/2013)
LED-illuminated pet collars with deep color and flash mode.
I know, these are for dogs. But they’d match one of my costumes!

Comics/Graphic Novels

A Tiger’s Last Song (Episode 1) (Ends: 7/10/2013)
A graphic novel of the final days of the thylacine/Tasmanian wolf, in the talking animal-survival story genre.

The Digger Omnibus (Ends: 7/10/2013)
A dark fantasy graphic novel. Digger the wombat inadvertently digs her way into an underground world of hyenas, gods, and strange powers. A kickstarter for a bound edition of the original six-graphic novel series.
Great stretch goals and bonus items on this well-organized kickstarter!

Doggie Style: The Complete Dog Boy (Ends: 7/12/2013)
80′s indie comic, but could have easily been 60′s underground, featuring, well, a dog-headed guy.

Antarctic Press: Keeping it Cold in the Antarctic (Ends: 7/15/2013)
An ask from Antarctic Press to help restore their financial balance after some mass-distribution experiments and other financial challenges.
Before there was the Internet fandom there was Antarctic Press, makers of Albedo Anthropormorphics, Furrlough, Shanda the Panda…See also Radio Comix, who took on the furry mantle.

Kings of the Wasteland (Ends: 7/17/2013)
Action, revenge, and anthro dogs and cats in an apocalyptic wasteland

“Not Enough Rings” – A Sonic the Hedgehog Parody Comic (Ends: 7/19/2013)
A side-project of the Bittersweet Candy Bowl folks, a little romp through the wackier side of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Of course, you can already read the webcomic online, but lots of people have already made the book a success!

Dreamkeepers: Prelude (Ends: 7/31/2013)
A bound edition of the Dreamkeepers “prelude” webcomic, with a cast of graceful, stylized and colorful critters.
More artsnstuff on the Dreamkeepers FA account.

Animal Inphantry: Hupsalupa Beginnings (Ends: 8/2/2013)
A team of five critters takes to the street in a war against bullying.

World War Kaiju graphic novel (Ends: 8/12/2013)
What if the ultimate weapon that ended World War II didn’t usher in the atomic age, but the Kaiju (giant city-crushing monster) age? Excellent video, great retro propaganda visuals, and bizarre immersive stretch goal toys.
“Furry” is a stretch, but there’s a lot to like here for fans of giant, Tokyo-crushing armadillos.

Of Mice and Madness: Tails from Out There! (Ends: 8/15/2013)
The adventures of the mouse bounty hunter Othello and his trusted if dim cat steed as they travel the galaxy in search of riches.
More galleries and info at


CANterlot, Ontario MLP Con (Ends: 8/9/2013)
Funding campaign for Ontario’s MLP convention in November


SOLO Cannibal World (Ends: 7/13/2013)
One rat’s war in a post-apocalyptic word. This isn’t Redwall. Check the artist’s blog (it’s in Italian) for more art and world.
This must be the buffest rodent ever. Now I have to learn Italian.

Three Dog Night: Animated Film (Ends: 7/15/2013)
A group of revolutionaries–Wolf, Coyote, and Fox–set out to liberate the chained cats and dogs and start a pet revolution.

Batweasel: The Audacious Animated Web Series (Ends: 7/16/2013)
A loveable nerd falls victim to reality TV and becomes a terrible ass. Until he’s rescued by an evil genetically-mutated batweasel. You know, like you do.

The Taxidermy Wonders of Walter Potter (Ends: 7/17/2013)
A documentary about the man who single-handedly made Victorian anthropomorphic taxidermy a thing.

Razor: The Hipocrisy Eating Hyena (Ends: 7/19/2013)
Comedy/horror/action about a one hyena’s crusade against lies and double-speak. Live action, animation, comedy, and a bit of splatter. And hyenas.
Watch the video on this one :)

The Walking Tedd (Ends: 7/25/2013)
A young 20-something juggles her life, job, romance, and the sudden appearance of a zombie version of her favorite stuffed animal.
Finally, one zombie project reaches out from underneath the pile of hundreds…

“I Was Loved by a Rat” (Ends: 7/29/2013)
A twisted off-broadway fairy tale of a lonely woman, a chivalrous rat shut behind walls all his life, and their ill-fated love.
This theater group has launched some amazing dark comedies, I’m curious to learn more about this one, not a lot of information though…

24 Frames Animated Halloween Special (Ends: 7/29/2013)
A man faces off against an evil rabbit in this scary halloween short.
Animations, reviews, and shorts on 24Frames on YouTube.

Fursona Non Grata (Ends: 7/30/2013)
A play written for the fandom by the creator of American Dragon: Jake Long. What happens when a young woman brings her fiancée home to meet her all-furry family?
“This will be awesome if you can make it to California” seems to be a running joke in the fandom.

Solrac Ventures (Ends: 7/30/2013)
Animated short series for the bronies. Ponies: you can make it happen.
The art on this one’s pretty high quality. Pony fans should definitely take a look!

Cat’s View Feature Film (Ends: 8/21/2013)
A crime thriller filmed from a cat witness’s point of view, along with information about the life of a feral cat, trap/neuter/return projects, etc.

Anthro: Animating the Soul (Ends: 8/27/2013)
A documentary look at beloved anthro characters and their creators.
Stitchfan has broken this project up into a series of small-goal IGGs, interesting model and I hope to see it succeed!

BiPolar Bears (Ends: 9/1/2013)
Animated series about manic and depressive polar bear twins Manny and Preston (orderilies in a psych institute), the Post-Traumatic Puffins, Randolf the Alcoholic Reindeer, and other friends.
Bleah. The promo vid is “join me in my philosophy” rather than “here’s this cool product idea.” That plus very high goal/60-day campaign is a bad sign.

Tabletop Games

The Royal Dogs Playing Cards (Ends: 7/12/2013)
All pugs, all the time. Or at least all your card game. Whimsical, horrible little pugs in a Bicycle card deck.

Alliances: World Domination (Ends: 7/13/2013)
A trick-taking card game about world domination and, more importantly, dogs, for 2-4 players (well, three different games, for 2, 3, or 4 players)

Pelted Primacy (Ends: 8/12/2013)
A Bicycle style card deck with anthro court cards and paw-print pips.
More of the artist’s work on DeviantArt.


Little Moon God Plush (Ends: 7/24/2013)
“A soft huggable little moon god to call your very own!” A tiny little Miyazaki-esque plush.

Video Games

Fleish & Cherry in Crazy Hotel (Ends: 7/11/2013)
An isomorphic period adventure game and puzzler set in a 1930s wacky black and white cartoon. Lots of anthro characters and dancing furniture!
It’s a neat role-reversal to have the damsel save her boyfriend, but unfortunately for fox-lovers, you have to play the human :( Maybe there’ll be a fan-mod someday.

BEEF (Ends: 7/14/2013)
Now YOU play a sentient, walking mutant cow! Try to escape Meatjoy the Butcher and his abattoir of doom in this first-person survival horror/humor game.
…weirdly atmospheric.

Pooka Pets (Ends: 7/14/2013)
A cute sandbox/exploration interactive pet game featuring shape-shifting fairies. Very MLP.
Okay, maybe too many “pets” games this week. But bondage wolves and the African wild dog skin sold me on this.

Questria: Princess Destiny (Ends: 8/18/2013)
A life simulation game with very familiar characters, human versions of the “mane six” from My Little Pony.

Fable Kart (Ends: 9/1/2013)
Multiplayer kart game in which the hare, turtle, and lots of animal friends crash and zoom around as they try to rescue the pages from Aesop’s storybook.


Dustbunny Pictures Comics (Ends: 7/17/2013)
A collection of five web comics, including Popiki’s Island, gearing up for an expansion and relaunch.

The Travelling Unicorn (Ends: 7/29/2013)
“A blog and vlog series about a girl who travels the world in a unicorn onesie.” Travel, interviews, a bit of randomness.

The Cyantian Chronicles (Ends: 8/11/2013)
A funding campaign for an online furry web comic.
I’ll take this entry down shortly, as this is an ongoing every other month fundraiser…

The World of Pokemon (Ends: 8/11/2013)
A rich look at the Pokemon universe, with artistic, scientific, architectural studies. Fascinating stuff! More images on DeviantArt


Naughty Dog Toys (Ends: 7/20/2013)
“new and exciting bedroom toys,” limited information on the IGG itself but you can check out their “Kaiju” model on FA, and more info in their FAQ/Blog.
Kaiju sex toy. Awesome.

Neko Adventures: Real Cat Girl Porn (Ends: 7/29/2013)
DVD/web release of cat girls, free from their imprisonment on DeviantArt and sexing it up IRL. Not just for manga anymore.

Pocket Pussies: The Legend of Seven Purity Seals (Ends: 8/9/2013)
Zelda/Pokemon hybrid exploration/battling seizure monsters game, loaded with cheesecake pokemon, cat girls, and assorted anime-esque hotness.

A Petgirl’s Story (Offbeatr voting period)
Petplay meets the children’s book format in a VERY adult and yet charmingly innocent story of a catgirl and her owner.
Okay, “charmingly innocent” is a stretch. Half the illustrations are online already. NSFW seriously. There’s a leather dogboy for canine fans.

Erotic Werebeast (Offbeatr voting period)
For transformation/female bodybuilder fans: a group of women test a formula that turns them into monstrous werebeasts (and soft-core stars).


Rat Realm: A Virtual Rat Sim (Ends: 7/16/2013): A virtual rat pet sim in development. I want to love this project but there is NO information available on it :(
“Meet the Mascots!” Animation (Ends: 8/18/2013): Relaunch of the “Mascots” project, teen angst with anthro sports mascots. No change to business plan, which already failed once…


Save the African Wild Dog (Ends: 7/11/2013): Working to preserve the Wild Dog–veterinary costs, snare removal, tracking collars, research materials

…Just For Fun

Eeveelution Charms! (Ends: 7/15/2013): For the pokemon fans: A series of eevees in phone charms and tags by Peekingboo.
Undertale (Ends: 7/24/2013): A completely charming old-school RPG with a few cute anthro characters and a few good jokes. With art by Tuyoki.
Charcade: Burning Man 2013 (Ends: 7/28/2013): I wasn’t going to mention this totally-on-fire arcade in the desert, but…”Beat Beat Immolation,” guys.
Otakuware: T-Shirts for People who Love Snark (Ends: 7/29/2013): Anime and related fandom T-shirts. Add to your mildly ironic tee collection :)

Categories: News

Catsuit Luigi

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 01:57
Categories: News

dumb question....

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 01:15

How do I refuse an art trade? This guy wants my to draw something that I just won't. And I'm also all backed up on trades. The same problem screwed me up in the past and now I have to draw something I just won't draw. Same goes for when I don't like their artwork.

any suggestions?

submitted by Chris-the-skwirl
[link] [5 comments]
Categories: News

Skyrim furry mods?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Jul 2013 - 00:55

Are they out there? I've found a few argonian specific ones(digi feet and bigger tail)

Any new races preferably, anything would be nice however. I haven't really found anything on the steam workshop or nexus.

submitted by aholadawin
[link] [18 comments]
Categories: News