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The Breakdown

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 14:30
Categories: News

HEY FURS! Come Check This Out!

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 12:34

Go watch this amazing artist! for every watcher she gets that has been brought to her by me, I can get points :)

all you have to do, is watch her, and in her journal: seen here! and mention my name in a comment!

info: "- They have to tell me your name in comment on THIS JOURNAL, like " it's **** who bring me here " to be considered '

thanks guys

submitted by HayPanda
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Categories: News

Straight Guy Doesn't Know What to Do When Gay Friend Confesses Love for Him

Ask Papabear - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 11:55
Dear Papabear,

I have a real problem that I need help with. My best friend, who I just recently found out is gay, have told me he loves me. He said it through a text message since I'm out of town right now and I haven't responded. I'm not gay and don't feel about him this way but I'm worried that if I tell him this then it might ruin our friendship. Also, he gets depressed really easily and has been suicidal before. I don't want to be the reason he has a relapse, especially since he said I'm one of the reasons he is so happy these days. I need some advice on what I can say to keep our friendship strong and not hurt him or make him depressed. Please help me, I really don't know what to do or say.


* * *


That is, indeed, a quandary, and Papabear is glad you are being so kind and considerate about your friend’s feelings. Certainly you need to be honest with him, because if you’re not you’ll just be leading him on, giving him false hopes. You need to have a dialog with him in which you carefully balance the fact that the two of you cannot have a sexual relationship (I’m assuming that’s what he meant by “love you” and not just platonic love) with the even more important fact that he is a dear friend whom you care about greatly and will always support and love in a brotherly way.

Did you see the “Lord of the Rings” movies? A lot of people made fun of the characters Samwise and Frodo because they expressed such love for each other. They kept putting posts on various sites, often including movie stills with highly suggestive captions, implying the two hobbits were gay (like there was time for sex when you’re starving, exhausted, and fighting off orcs and other evil creatures). Anyway, at the end of the movie, Sam and the others return to the Shire and Sam meets a girl, gets married, and has kids.

When you talk to your friend, you can use this analogy of your being like Sam to his Frodo, and how much you care about him, but asserting you are straight like Sam. Also, reassure him repeatedly that you are absolutely fine with his being gay and that under no circumstances does it mean you cannot be close friends. Explain to him that you respect him for being who he is and, as good friends, you expect him to also respect you for being who you are. Also, apologize that if you gave him the impression you were gay, it was not your intention and that you in no way were trying to mislead him. You are simply a straight man who does not exactly fit into a macho lifestyle.

Tell him you are very proud of him for coming out to you; it was a brave thing to do, and you are very glad he felt the two of you were good enough friends that he could do so. Reiterate that the two of you can still have a very caring and close friendship, filled with many good times ahead, and that friendships—true friendships like that between Sam and Frodo—are rare and to be treasured. Your being straight is not a rejection; it is simply who you are. You are not rejecting him, and, in fact, your friendship is even stronger now because it is completely open and honest. The two of you know who the other one is, inside and out, and you are good with it and content to be good friends.

Your friend might be emotionally fragile, but if you give him enough reassurance that your friendship is not only intact, but stronger for his confession, as well as telling him how proud of him you are and how glad you are to have him as a friend, then you should be fine.

Finally, it is extremely important that you do not change your behavior in a negative way toward him. That is, you do not reduce the number of times you see him or talk to him on the phone or online. You might even wish to increase this contact somewhat as further reassurance to him that the two of you are cool. Remember, it is not just what you say but also your actions that reveal who you are and what kind of relationship you have.

Please write again if you have more questions, and good luck!


So what do you think of my beach bunny

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 05:14
Categories: News

So I'm starting my training in becoming an Artist...

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 03:00

Any tips? I've never drawn before, my Tablet will be here in 10 days. I'm getting the Wamcom bamboo Splash, as it seems to be a recommendation for beginners.

For all the wonderful artists here, what can you recommend I start with to learn? It's something I always wanted to do, so it will be something I'll be patient with, as I'm sure it takes a while to understand.

submitted by Asylix
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Categories: News

Born again furry? (brand new member, my story)

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 02:22

I first came across the furry fandom when I was 11 and the porn when i was 12, my parents were concerned about what I began to become interested in. In hindsight I understand why they wanted me to not be a part of it, but at the time I had no idea why they were so adamant on making sure I wasn't exposed to the culture. when I was 15 and got my first girlfriend, I sort of just forgot about it, I had boobs to play with :P That relationships lasted for close to a year, after it ended I came back to furry porn. That was how I remained loosely in the fandom. But now after the last year i've had some changes, I got hopelessly depressed, attempted suicide; I went through counseling and therapy. On a way to pick myself back up again I wanna have a community apart of my life and i've always been more or less interested in furry. Just looking to make some connections with some like minded people.

submitted by indifferent-rhythms
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Categories: News

*yawn* errrrf *stretch*

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 01:27
Categories: News

How does one begin exploring furry?

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 22:34

Hi guys, A few months back my boyfriend expressed an interest in furry. He was all insecure about it so he didn't tell me for the longest time and I thought of far worse things like he was going to dump me or something.

Like I was aware of generalities when it came to furry, but I didn't get it entirely. I've watched a few videos before and didn't mind but on the general level I would not consider it as potentially being a big piece of my life...

But I am crazy about my boyfriend and it is something he would really like to explore, and I want to help him if I can, so... Any ideas?

submitted by justsomeonesmule
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Categories: News

Taxidermy Furs

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 20:21

Hello Reddit! I've been seeing quite a few taxidermy artists on FA. Some of them collect pelts and make mounts, but I don't see how this relates to the fandom. Why is taxidermy becomming increasingly popular in the furry community? What are your opinions on taxidermy in general?

submitted by wolfenfluff
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Categories: News

A Furry Novel: Child of Stone and Other Stories

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 20:13

Good day, Redditfolk.

I've recently released a self-published novel onto Smashwords. In order to drum up interest, I've posted a sample of the story on Furaffinity for anyone to peruse.

Child of Stone is a collection of stories set in the Stone Universe, where what we consider normal life is agumented--beast-men roam the streets as plane as day, astonishing feats of magic are not merely the stuff of fiction, and technology has reached levels beyond even our imagination. Gods and mythical creatures are real, and at the periphery of the real world things both good and evil lie in wait...

The central character is Un Urson, a runt of a bull-man from an isolated farming village. When his family breaks apart, he and his mighty sister Neva leave their home for The City, where each hopes to find their destiny. While they may find it, they will also find treachery, deceit, and perhaps their own inner power.

Take a reading, post your comments here or there, and if you find yourself interested enough to purchase a full copy for yourself--the sample is only the first 12 pages!--you can find it right here on Smashwords for $2.99.

Thank you for your time!

submitted by TD_Coltraine
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Categories: News

Furry TinyChat!

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 20:06
Categories: News

Episode 226 - A Quickie

Southpaws - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 19:45
This week on Knotcast, Savrin and Shiva are a duo as Fuzz is out sick from some long-tail Anthrocon Con Crud. We catch up on the last few weeks of our lives and tackle a small handful of emails. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal! Episode 226 - A Quickie
Categories: Podcasts

Cody the Coyote Howls | Flickr

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 19:03
Categories: News

The Pitch Party 2013

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 18:53

Another San Diego Comic Con, and that means it’s time once again for Animation Magazine to hold their annual Pitch Party competition. For the past 12 years the Animation folks have asked would-be show-runners to purchase a 1/6-page ad in the magazine, wherein those creators can show off their idea for a new animated series as a one-panel poster. The ideas are judged by a panel of animation industry experts (including executives from The Hub, Cartoon Network, PBS, and more), as well as the Animation staff and the magazine’s readers, all of whom picked their favorites for a show to actually bring into development. As usual, there were several furry-themed titles among the entries, including: Mob Dogs by Paul Trineer, Across the Universe by Daron Orange, Master Karate Todd & the Power Squad (web site), Night Watch Dog by Chris Gruszka (web site), Fast Sloths by Stephanie Komure and Joseph Medina (web site), Shell & Paddy by Thomas Spettel (web site), and The Tinies of Raglan Shire by Michael Kushner (web site). So who won? Well the highest-scoring entry with a furry bent was Night Watch Dog, which took 2nd place from the industry panel and 1st place from the magazine staff. 1st place from the magazine readers went to The Tinies, while Fast Sloths took 2nd place from the readers and 3rd place from the staff.  Check out the July 2013 issue of Animation to see the rest of the entries, or visit their web site.

image c. 2013 Michael Kushner

Categories: News

Furry Muck?

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jul 2013 - 17:51

What is furry muck? I looked it up, and it seems so confusing. I don't even know what it is! here is like Blah Blah and im just like wwuuuuuuutt..

someone please explain it to me, and how to get started :) thanks! -Laura :)

submitted by LauraSwyers
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Categories: News