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TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 38

TigerTails Radio - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 17:10
TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 38
TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 38 From: TigerTails Radio Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 02:20:30 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

final colours for Thistels :)

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 17:08
Categories: News

NSFW Plan your hospital visits :p

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 16:54
Categories: News

Looking for a picture, can anyone help?

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 15:38

I'm looking for a picture that has the quote: "I'd rather die on paws than live on feet." I remember it being a dark sort of picture. Please help if you know what it is and post it if you can find it ^

submitted by DegTheWolf
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Categories: News

Just a piccy of my batbird

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 15:16
Categories: News

Teenage Furry RP!

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 13:08

Hey r/Furry! I figured this would be a good place to ask around for members of an RP group my friend Sulley and I are trying to get together. To be more specific, here's a link to Sulley's post in the (practically failed) Furry RP subreddit: Anyone interested can contact me or him. EDIT: Anyone interested in joining message Sulley. I am simply a messenger. :P

submitted by TandT89
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Categories: News

Only 22% Of Furries Are Gay

[adjective][species] - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 13:00

Every three weeks, the Londonfurs hold a meet in a City bar. The bar is closed to the public on Saturdays, so it’s a private party.

Every three weeks, one or two hundred so furries turn up. And just about every three weeks, there is a new member of the bar staff boggling at the crowd.

I recently overheard a new bartender ask, So, are you all gay or something?. And his furry customer responded, Yeah.

(But he was wrong. We’re not all gay. We’re not even mostly gay.)

The bartender made a comment and a knowing face, as if the Furry Universal Gayness Theory explained everything, and the furry wandered off with his drinks. I thought of correcting the bartender as he shaped to serve next in line, but I figured that he probably wasn’t interested in a short lesson on furry demographics. And besides, I was thirsty.

The truth is that about 22% of furries are gay*.

* Source: (formerly the Furry Survey):

  • Furrypoll is online-only, running since 2008.
  • The number of annual respondents has varied between 3,000 and 10,000 with no significant change in results over that time.
  • I’m counting gay furries as ones who are “completely homosexual” or “mostly homosexual”.
  • The International Anthropomorphic Research Project reports a slightly higher proportion of gay furries based on a smaller but comparable sample size (ref). Their numbers are slightly different because some of their surveys are collected at conventions. I discuss this effect further down in this article.

There is an [adjective][species] visualization of this data available here.

Mini San Francisco billboard. It’s interesting, but false: furry is not a queer phenomenon. Courtesy @fluff_dragon.

The Furrypoll data on furry sexual preference is especially interesting if we look at how long the respondents have been part of the furry community. It shows that a lot of furries – an awful lot of furries – change their sexual preference, from straight to gay, within five years of joining the community.

Years in the fandom vs. sexual orientation

Years in the fandom vs. sexual orientation

This shows that around 50% of heterosexuals joining the furry community will change their sexual preference, mostly towards gay. I’ve written about this in detail before on [adjective][species], in an article titled Re-Evaluating Your Sexual Preference. The overall effect is that older furries are more likely to be gay.

Even with this large furry shift towards homosexuality over time, furry is still just 20 to 25% gay. However we have a lot of furries who identify as bisexual, or at least in the bisexual area of the spectrum.

Bisexuality is a difficult term to define, because it tends to mean different things to different people. For some it means that gender is irrelevant to sexual attraction, others will swing between exclusively homosexual and heterosexual phases, and for others it merely denotes that the gender of their sexual or romantic partners is variable.

Because the meaning of ‘bisexual’ is both reductive and variable, it’s not very useful. This is a problem with a lot of terms associated with sexual orientation, gender, and identity. Unfortunately, when collecting data, we need to lump people into categories. Labelling a large portion of furry as ‘bisexual’ is an unavoidable simplification.

I would argue that, inside furry, an unusually large proportion of our nominal bisexuals are people who are mostly heterosexual, but who enjoy homosexual sex. This occurs because homosexual (male) sex is highly available within furry: we are male dominated, sex-positive, and homosexual activity is normal.

In this way, furry neatly mirrors the non-furry world. In the non-furry world, nominal bisexuals are more likely to be mostly homosexual people who engage in heterosexual sex. This is because heterosexual sex is more available in the non-furry world; a product of a 50/50 gender split, a relative dearth of homosexuals, and cultural homophobia.

So furry encourages situational homosexuality, just like the non-furry world encourages situational heterosexuality. (As an aside, anyone using the term ‘jailhouse gay’ to describe furries is being homophobic, because that term is only pejorative if you think that gay sex is ‘bad’ compared to straight sex.)

The preponderance of gay sex within furry probably explains why real-world furry gatherings tend to be gayer than the community as a whole. A few things happen:

  • Gay furries are more likely to experience and enjoy sexual tension, real or imagined, at a furry gathering. This acts as a motivating factor.
  • Straight furries who are in a relationship are less likely to have a partner who is also a furry. (Only about 20% of furries are female.) And a furry with a non-furry partner is probably less likely to socialize with the group than an all-furry couple.
  • Data shows that female furries are less likely than male furries to socialize in person (see below). The dearth of women means that there is less motivation for straight (male) furries to socialize. Women are less likely to socialize for two reasons: firstly, women tend to identify less strongly as a furry (ref; secondly, women in the very male-dominated furry environment are often harassed (more on this in a moment).

You can see the differences by comparing data, which is collected exclusively online, with International Anthropomorphic Research Project data, which is partly collected (45%) in person at conventions.

Proportion of women: 20% Furrypoll vs 15% IARP
Proportion of homosexuality: 22% Furrypoll vs 29% IARP

The differences would be starker still if the IARP data were 100% from conventions.

As an aside, there is one group of furries with no doubt that there are a lot of heterosexuals at furry gatherings: women. It’s common for women to be harassed, not necessarily in an overtly sexual fashion, but certainly in an unwelcome fashion. This is based on conversations I’ve had with women rather than any hard data: they tend to use terms like ‘annoying’ and ‘pest’ and ‘don’t get the hint’. Some women choose to avoid furry gatherings altogether, which is bad for everyone.

Returning to the bar in London, it’s easy to see how our furry reached the mistaken conclusion that we were “all gay”. Men, and gay men, were over-represented. There were plenty of heterosexual men attending that Londonfurs meet, but they were largely invisible. Furries are often assumed to be gay (or bi) unless proven otherwise. This is another inversion of the real world: at furmeets, heterosexuality is always present but largely hidden. It’s easy to draw the false conclusion that it doesn’t exist.

Taking your drawing requests, and your advice.

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 11:54

Hello, I do a lot of pony art. However, I can draw people/furs and would like to 'break into the market' as it were. So this means you get free sketches. Just leave a request and get a sketch. It can be your fursona, a character you like or a situation you'd like to see. (pg-13 max please, though commissions are more flexible)

And, if you've got the knowledge, I've got a few questions about the furry community.

  • Where else can I do these requests to get a little attention?

  • What websites do I make gallery accounts on?

  • Is mlp stuff generally accepted in the furry community or are they more separate?

Again; Leave a request, get a sketch and if you'd like it can be upgraded to a commission

submitted by viwrastupr
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Categories: News

Typical Fox

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 11:02
Categories: News

How Should He Decide between a Mate and a Master?

Ask Papabear - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 10:55

First off, I'm Fenny. I'm a sixteen year old gay fennec fox, and my grandparents whom I live with have no idea about any of the following. My mom however, knows I have a boyfriend. Of note is that both my master and my mate are both long distance.

I've been in a relationship for just over 11 months now, and I recently ran into some issues with my mate. I've also had a master for about three years now, and that's what caused the problem. I love my mate and I'm loyal to my master, but they're both fighting over me and, not to sound dramatic, but I feel like it's killing me inside. Both of them expect me to go with them and both have discussed life plans with me on multiple occasions. I don't want to lose either of them, but I'm scared I'm going to lose both of them. My master and mate are both equally important to me, and every time I try to get them to talk rationally they start fighting. Everyone I turn to either insults me for getting into this situation, ignoring me, or giving just generally bad advice and I'm finding myself unable to sleep until late morning from stress. It's wrecking my life and sending all of my other relationships into death spirals. I don't know what to do anymore, and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep my "mask of happiness" on. Help me, please? If there's any other information you'd like about the situation, please don't hesitate to ask.


* * *

Hi, Fenny,

Okay, two things here I can remark on that I hope will help. 1) no matter how much you or anyone else might protest to the contrary, a purely long-distance relationship is not in any shape or form the same as a one-on-one relationship where you are physically seeing the other person—at least dating or, better, living together. The question is: can you at least visit your mate and your master, spends some time with them in the same room? It makes a world of difference actually being together with someone when you can experience first-hand what being with them is really like. You might discover some things you don’t like about them that you couldn’t get from an online “relationship,” such as maybe they are sloppy, or bad with money, or are actually harder to get along with in some other way than online. This would go a long way in helping you decide.

2) While I have never had a master, it is my understanding that a “master” is not the same as a “mate.” A master is someone to whom you are a pet; this can have a sexual component to it, but often does not. In these relationships, of course, one person is very dominant, and the other is submissive to the master’s needs. A good master is always kind to his pet, but he (or she) is still the one in charge. While there may be a lot of affection involved, it usually is not of a brand that I would call romantic love.

With a mate, there is a loving relationship and both partners are on an equal footing. No one tells the other what to do, and instead there is mutual cooperation and a fair (ideally) distribution of both work and emotional care.

If it were me and I had to make a choice, I would choose a relationship with a mate over that of a master because a matehood is more of a soul-binding relationship, while a master-pet relationship is much more uneven.

Do you have to lose the master to keep the mate? Not necessarily. Depends on your mate. If you and your mate manage to live together and form a strong bond in which there is no risk of damaging egos or aggravating insecurities, then you could still keep your master in your life just as you might a good friend.

Another thing, though, is, if you manage the live-with experience and discover you actually like being with your master more than your mate, your master could actually morph into a mate who is also a master.

In the end, you do have to come to some kind of decision. So, as outlined above, make it an informed decision. Find out from real-life experience what it might be like to actually live with one or the other. The reason you can’t decide is you don’t have enough information.

I hope this helps. Good luck!


Happens to a lot of us.

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 09:42
Categories: News

Anthrocon: The furry Pittsburgh I never knew

Furry News Network - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 09:38
Author: By Kim Z Dale, Monday at 1:44 pmAnthrocon is the world's largest convention for furries and their fans. Anthrocon is for people who love animal characters with human features and, more notoriously, people who like to dress like such animals. The Antrocon furry convention has been held in Pittsburgh since 2006. Sorry, Chicago. Anthrocon […]
Categories: News

Episode 4 (2013-08-05)

Size Matters - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 07:00
Guests? We don't need no stinkin' guests!! Kwandry and Kenson go it solo this week to discuss video games featuring macros, micros, stomps, rampaging, and just an overall sense of scale. We then debut our new (hopefully recurring) segment, "Macro Do's and Don'ts). And there's a new theme song this week. I hope you like it. PLEASE DON'T SUE US UNIVERSAL!! Episode 4 (2013-08-05)
Categories: Podcasts

Jungle Boy and His Friends

Furry News Network - Mon 5 Aug 2013 - 03:44
Author: rodney Jungle Boy Productions describe themselves as ” concept development company specializing in character design & franchise development”. To that end they have created a series of t-shirts, art prints, and other tie-in items, all based around original chibi character designs — several of which are furry. Check them out at their Facebook page […]
Categories: News