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Brace yourself - the olinguito furs are coming
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You Are Never Too Old to Be a Furry
Hi Papabear,
My question is: How old is too old?
I'm a 30 year old Australian male who has been sitting on the sidelines of furry subculture. Only recently have I decided to become more active in the community (via chats/IM/etc.) and with an ultimate goal to attend the U.S. conventions with a fully realized fursona/fursuit.
My question relates to my concerns with my age. From what I have noticed, furries tend to be younger (average 10 years) and I feel apprehensive with socializing and interaction as my thought processes tend to revolve around "aren't you too old for this?" or "will I have difficulty with furries more closer to my age who have been fursuiting for many years (group exclusion)?"
I know the community highly inclusive, however, I worry that there may be underlying sentiments among the community that I'm not aware of.
Will my age be a non-issue, or is there any merit to my concerns as I do worry about my age being a point of contention; especially since attending US conventions as international furry is a big enough hurdle.
Apologies for the long winded letter.
Warmest Thanks
Antares NaE
* * *
Dear Antares NaE,
Your letter is by no means long-winded, so no worries. And, if your age of 30 were an issue, I would be in real trouble at 47 (48 soon). When you say that furries tend to be younger, and then parenthetically add “(average 10 years)” I’ll assume you mean they average about 10 years younger than you and not 10 years old :-3.
Yes, the majority of furries are in their teens and twenties. That’s because people of that age group are still often in touch with their childlike, creative sides, which has a lot to do with being furry and its appeal. We love animated films and TV shows, fantasy and sci-fi books, comic books and graphic novels, video and online games, and the like. These things are typically associated with younger audiences. And many of the furries you see around now who are young will leave the fandom when they reach their 30s or 40s, deciding that furry is too immature for them.
Then there are the hardcore furries. These are the people who are furry to the bone, and they will remain furry until the day they die because being a furry isn’t just something they do, it is something they ARE. Older furries are special because they manage to survive the adult world while still keeping touch with their inner child. It’s sort of a Peter Pan Syndrome thing perhaps LOL.
Anyway, you should have no trouble finding friends in the fandom. In case you were unaware, furries who are 30 and over are known as greymuzzles (I agree that’s a little young to be considered old, but, again, it has to do with demographics). You can find greymuzzle groups online at places like Furry4Life and Facebook (I founded a greymuzzle FB group, actually). These groups will all welcome you with open arms, never fear.
Furcons in the U.S. (and I’m assuming you are aware that Australia has Confurgence in Melbourne) often include a forum for greymuzzles, so I would check out the program schedule of the con you plan to attend and see if they have a greymuzzle meet.
As for only becoming active recently in the fandom, that’s okay, too. Whether young or old, many in the fandom have only been active for fewer than five years. Take yours truly. While I consider myself a lifelong furry (having been into it as a child before I was familiar with the term) I have only really been active since my early 40s. There are a lot of greymuzzles like you and me, Antares.
So, while your age does set you apart somewhat from the younger furries, you will have no trouble whatsoever integrating into the furry community. Indeed, probably a lot of American furries will find your Australian accent and international perspective charming and intriguing. See if you can connect with some greymuzzles who will, hopefully, be at the convention(s) you plan to attend, and you will have a grand time. You are never too old to be a furry.
My question is: How old is too old?
I'm a 30 year old Australian male who has been sitting on the sidelines of furry subculture. Only recently have I decided to become more active in the community (via chats/IM/etc.) and with an ultimate goal to attend the U.S. conventions with a fully realized fursona/fursuit.
My question relates to my concerns with my age. From what I have noticed, furries tend to be younger (average 10 years) and I feel apprehensive with socializing and interaction as my thought processes tend to revolve around "aren't you too old for this?" or "will I have difficulty with furries more closer to my age who have been fursuiting for many years (group exclusion)?"
I know the community highly inclusive, however, I worry that there may be underlying sentiments among the community that I'm not aware of.
Will my age be a non-issue, or is there any merit to my concerns as I do worry about my age being a point of contention; especially since attending US conventions as international furry is a big enough hurdle.
Apologies for the long winded letter.
Warmest Thanks
Antares NaE
* * *
Dear Antares NaE,
Your letter is by no means long-winded, so no worries. And, if your age of 30 were an issue, I would be in real trouble at 47 (48 soon). When you say that furries tend to be younger, and then parenthetically add “(average 10 years)” I’ll assume you mean they average about 10 years younger than you and not 10 years old :-3.
Yes, the majority of furries are in their teens and twenties. That’s because people of that age group are still often in touch with their childlike, creative sides, which has a lot to do with being furry and its appeal. We love animated films and TV shows, fantasy and sci-fi books, comic books and graphic novels, video and online games, and the like. These things are typically associated with younger audiences. And many of the furries you see around now who are young will leave the fandom when they reach their 30s or 40s, deciding that furry is too immature for them.
Then there are the hardcore furries. These are the people who are furry to the bone, and they will remain furry until the day they die because being a furry isn’t just something they do, it is something they ARE. Older furries are special because they manage to survive the adult world while still keeping touch with their inner child. It’s sort of a Peter Pan Syndrome thing perhaps LOL.
Anyway, you should have no trouble finding friends in the fandom. In case you were unaware, furries who are 30 and over are known as greymuzzles (I agree that’s a little young to be considered old, but, again, it has to do with demographics). You can find greymuzzle groups online at places like Furry4Life and Facebook (I founded a greymuzzle FB group, actually). These groups will all welcome you with open arms, never fear.
Furcons in the U.S. (and I’m assuming you are aware that Australia has Confurgence in Melbourne) often include a forum for greymuzzles, so I would check out the program schedule of the con you plan to attend and see if they have a greymuzzle meet.
As for only becoming active recently in the fandom, that’s okay, too. Whether young or old, many in the fandom have only been active for fewer than five years. Take yours truly. While I consider myself a lifelong furry (having been into it as a child before I was familiar with the term) I have only really been active since my early 40s. There are a lot of greymuzzles like you and me, Antares.
So, while your age does set you apart somewhat from the younger furries, you will have no trouble whatsoever integrating into the furry community. Indeed, probably a lot of American furries will find your Australian accent and international perspective charming and intriguing. See if you can connect with some greymuzzles who will, hopefully, be at the convention(s) you plan to attend, and you will have a grand time. You are never too old to be a furry.
He’s Bi, She’s Straight, Can They Make It Work?
Author: Hey Papabear, (I came to you before but I never heard back on that subject. You don’t need to get back on that. It’s been solved.) I am sorry in advance if I may sound too whiney or rant-ish in this letter but I am still emotional. I am a female. I am very […]
Categories: News
Fuzzy Logic: Episode 90 – Guilty Pleasures
Author: Smokescale Aquatos Welcome to Fuzzy Logic Episode 90! Guilty Pleasures! After a prolonged absence, Kyo makes an auspicious return! Yay! Fox is back! Discussions start off with the saga of the noob drawing to a close at long last! YAY! …unfortunately, the Smokey now has all of the overtime trying to catch up. Oh […]
Fuzzy Logic: Episode 90 – Guilty Pleasures
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If you can't take care of a fursuit, you shouldn't own a fursuit. We're looking at you, City of Owasso!
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KnotCast: Episode 229 – Fuzzy Books
Author: KnotCast@foxstuffers.com This week on Knotcast, the terrible trio is joined by Avery and Kyo. We talk fuzzy books, get more tumblr asks, get an audio con report, and answer some emails. Things to note this weekZootopia concept art: http://www.slashfilm.com/walt-disney-animation-announces-zootopia-for-2016/zootopia-working-title/ Use our coupon code knot at AdamEve.com for a great deal~ Music: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01588/ Episode 229 […]
KnotCast: Episode 229 – Fuzzy Books
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Alkali's Outtakes from the F Squared Con Trailer
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How should I break this to my parents?
Alright, my name's Jackson, I'm 12/5 and I'm a furry. I want to tell my parents about it, but I'm worried that they might think I'm some weirdo sexual deviant. I dropped subtle hints about getting a dog collar to wear around, but they took it as a joke. Anybody know how I could tell them, or if I should tell them at all.
TL;DR: young furry needs help telling parents, halp.
submitted by Jacknightshadow0[link] [24 comments]
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Dust: An Elysian Tail - Voice Acting Outtakes
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