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Zombie Apocalypse Role Play, interested?

Furry Reddit - Sun 25 Aug 2013 - 01:33

I am looking to get a group of people together to start a Zombie Role Play, and have it be a very serious thing where the zombies are a threat and we are almost in constant danger, like the walking dead (Game and series I'm guessing, I haven't seen it yet), Fallout, The Last of Us. That sort of stuff.

But that doesn't mean there cant be friendships/romances/funny moments coming out of it. There will be times however where we will need to leave our new shelter as it is being Raided, or a city/town we come across is completely infested. And yes this RP might go on for a while depending on if it is going well or not.

Is anyone interested?

EDIT: Okay so I guess the Role Play will be done over Skype. The main big events will happen over group chat and the little private conversations can happen in separate chats...only thing is that everyone joining in will then need a Skype account. The maximum amount of people there can be in the RP is...about 5-6. Anything larger becomes too hard to handle.

Here are the people interested/already in the Role Play:

  1. Me

  2. SentimentalTrash

  3. weirdyetidude

  4. GrayWolfCoder

  5. JackSLO

  6. CyrusGrey517

EDIT 2: It will be held every Saturday. Is that good with everyone?

submitted by the_bi_lizard
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Categories: News

A Furry Walk of Fame?

Furry News Network - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 23:38
Author: Fred Jerry Beck on the Cartoon Research website has posted news that in April, animator Paul Terry and his Mighty Mouse were among this year’s inductees added to the New Rochelle (New York) Walk of Fame, just outside of the town’s central Public Library. The plaque emphasizes Mighty Mouse (who is a lot more […]
Categories: News

FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really go

FurCast - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good. In some very special places. Your personal special place. Right in your <censored>.

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Furries share worries about pay-dating fraud: spotlight on by Patch Packrat

Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman, be known as Chelsea

Germany first EU country to assign third gender

Fox News Says Three Teens Committed Murder Because There Is Too Much Facebook And Abortion

  • Lyle the Bluejay – “Can`t Dance! X{ }”
  • oddeofreq – “More than one Me”
  • RandomxBlackxCat – “Human and Furry Relationship”
  • Bzooks & Randt – “help, how do i into rainfurrest”
  • Sylanna Maxwell – “Finally giving myself a label?”
  • Sven – “I…..I just really like penis, ok?”
FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really go

FurCast - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good. In some very special places. Your personal special place. Right in your <censored>.

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Furries share worries about pay-dating fraud: spotlight on by Patch Packrat

Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman, be known as Chelsea

Germany first EU country to assign third gender

Fox News Says Three Teens Committed Murder Because There Is Too Much Facebook And Abortion

  • Lyle the Bluejay – “Can`t Dance! X{ }”
  • oddeofreq – “More than one Me”
  • RandomxBlackxCat – “Human and Furry Relationship”
  • Bzooks & Randt – “help, how do i into rainfurrest”
  • Sylanna Maxwell – “Finally giving myself a label?”
  • Sven – “I…..I just really like penis, ok?”
FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really go

FurCast - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good. In some very special places. Your personal special place. Right in your <censored>.

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Furries share worries about pay-dating fraud: spotlight on by Patch Packrat

Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman, be known as Chelsea

Germany first EU country to assign third gender

Fox News Says Three Teens Committed Murder Because There Is Too Much Facebook And Abortion

  • Lyle the Bluejay – “Can`t Dance! X{ }”
  • oddeofreq – “More than one Me”
  • RandomxBlackxCat – “Human and Furry Relationship”
  • Bzooks & Randt – “help, how do i into rainfurrest”
  • Sylanna Maxwell – “Finally giving myself a label?”
  • Sven – “I…..I just really like penis, ok?”
FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really go

FurCast - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 22:59

A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good. In some very special places. Your personal special place. Right in your <censored>.

Download MP3

Watch Video News:

Furries share worries about pay-dating fraud: spotlight on by Patch Packrat

Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman, be known as Chelsea

Germany first EU country to assign third gender

Fox News Says Three Teens Committed Murder Because There Is Too Much Facebook And Abortion

  • Lyle the Bluejay – “Can`t Dance! X{ }”
  • oddeofreq – “More than one Me”
  • RandomxBlackxCat – “Human and Furry Relationship”
  • Bzooks & Randt – “help, how do i into rainfurrest”
  • Sylanna Maxwell – “Finally giving myself a label?”
  • Sven – “I…..I just really like penis, ok?”
FC-137 Penguin Prostitutes - A crazy 5-star episode with great news, emails, stupid laughs and FurCast crew chemistry antics. Another one of those episodes that made us feel fantastic by the very end, hopefully it does for you too! Hope you feel really good. Really really good.
Categories: Podcasts

I'm jealous of my boyfriends 'fan base'

Furry Reddit - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 21:09

Long story short my boyfriend and I are both Furries He has a fursuit and I don't, his was also professionally made by Janko. He has quite the fan-base now and people recognize his suit online. He also has a few local fans who actually have a crush on his sona. I've had to get 'defensive' more than once because of one guy who wouldn't back off even when I told him he was being very weird and that 'Dark' [my boyfriend] is in a relationship. The altercation with this guy included me hugging and kissing my boyfriend while he was suiting. The guy pushing me away from my boyfriend and grabbing onto him. Let's just say I wasn't the nicest person ever after that...

I dunno I just don't like him having fan-girls who constantly flirt with him and ignore the fact that his arms are around me.. dunno I'm just being complainy.

I really love being a furry but seriously people need to learn to back off. -growls-

submitted by jessikaye
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Categories: News

Video: the Kia hamsters are back, getting ‘totally transformed’

Furry News Network - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 20:38
Author: Higgs Raccoon The Kia hamsters, rodent stars of several commercials for the Kia Motors Corporation, are back in an advertisement to promote the 2014 Soul. The ad, set to Lady Gaga‘s “Applause“, features the three hamsters jogging, swimming, and working out on various pieces of gym equipment. At the end, emphasising the message that the […]
Categories: News

Help for new Furries?

Furry Reddit - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 19:53

Ok, my brother and I came to a realization that we are furries, however we know little of the fandom. We really really need help. Were is a good place to start out?

submitted by AmorahShadowfur
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Categories: News

Help the Fighting Monkey

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 18:59

Jed Henry of Provo, Utah is a big fan of Japanese wood block artwork — so much so that he’s joined up with on-line efforts to preserve and encourage the craft, which has suffered in Japan of late. Now he’s taken things up a notch or two and created Edo Superstar, a new animated game that incorporates the wood block style. In it we meet Masaru, a headstrong young Japanese monkey who quits the shadowy world of ninja warriors to become a fighting hero in the light of day, working his way toward the capital city in his quest for glory. Edo Superstar is being developed both as a computer game and as a smart phone app. Jed Henry and artist Dave Bull have set up a Kickstarter campaign to finance the project, and the perks for various levels of contribution include various t-shirts and art print sets. The Kickstarter page also includes several animated video previews of the game.

image c. 2013 by Dave Bull

Categories: News

Flayrah from 2001 to 2012 – a statistical perspective

Furry News Network - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 17:40
Author: crossaffliction Flayrah has been around since 2001. It has had three editors-in-chief (Aureth, Frysco and GreenReaper) who between them have published 3529 stories from 279 unique contributors (plus another 341 anonymous contributors), including both news and opinion pieces. What follows is a statistical breakdown of Flayrah in various ways. read more Find the full […]
Categories: News

[NSFW] Think About It For A Sec...

Furry Reddit - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 16:07
Categories: News

Accused of Stealing His Fursona

Ask Papabear - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 16:00
I have a little problem. I don’t know what to do. This is the problem: a fur [is] accusing me as a fursona stealer. His name is J--- C------. He is attacking my Facebook friends. He is threating them. And me. He tells me I stole his fursona. Well two weeks ago a fur friended me. He was a pig fur. Name J--- in Savannah, Georgia. JC accused me of stealing his pig fursona. Then he is posting on Facebook and other websites, saying I’m a fursona stealer. This is not true. I never steal anyone’s fursonas. But I already blocked him and reported him. But he is creating bunch of accounts telling all the furs who are on my Facebook friends list that I’m a fursona stealer. Cause of this I lost J as my Facebook friend. So J blocked me. On both accounts I tried to tell him. But JC is still posting somewhere, telling all the furs I’m a fursona stealer. Plus I been warned 3 times on Facebook. If he keep doing this, I might lose all my Facebook friends and my Facebook accounts. I already block JC on both accounts. But he is still posting that I’m a Fursona stealer. I don’t know what to do. Can you please give me advice?


Brownee Bear

* * *

Dear Brownee,

All of this is very immature trolling on JC’s part. It’s also immature of your so-called friends to unfriend you because of some unsubstantiated accusations by some derp. True friends would believe YOU and not this troll, who is just doing this because he is a pathetic worm with nothing better to do with his life than make other people feel bad.

Papabear knows you personally, Brownee, and if you want to send them my way I will vouch for you that you are not a thief and do not steal people’s ideas about fursonas.

There’s a couple of things about fursonas, while we’re on the topic. 1) They are not copyrighted, and so, to be honest, they are kind of fair game if someone wants to “steal” one. 2) People who do steal fursona ideas from other people are just showing how unoriginal their thinking is, but are not committing a crime. 3) You can report “stealing a fursona” to FB admins, but they probably won’t take the complaint seriously, so I don’t know why FB is warning you about this.

So, Brownee, the point is, your real friends will stay true to you, like me! You do not have to worry about losing your real friends because they won’t believe this B.S.  Secondly, and I think I’ve told you this in private conversations before, you shouldn’t worry about the rantings of a derp because they are not to be respected. The only opinions that should matter to you are those that come from people who deserve respect.

If you really still care, though, I would go back in your post records, as far as you can go, and find the first time you posted anything related to your fursona and show it as evidence of when you started using that fursona. I’m not sure what evidence this other person has. Do you use the same fursona name? Does the fursona look the same? I mean, if both fursonas are pigs, and there isn’t much unique about them other than they are pigs, that is not really evidence of stealing. If there were, on the other hand, unique characteristics they both share (say, both pigs have purple hooves, wear leather jackets, have an ear ring in the left ear, and go by the name Percy) then there might be a problem. I guess the best way for me to determine that is if you sent me a jpeg of both fursonas to look at.

Anyway, Brownee, you really are letting yourself get overly flustered over this. It’s just a fursona and a troll who is a big fat derp. Your real friends will stick by you, and any friend who drops you because of this is not a real friend.

So, you know, chill, bear.



Something I don't understand about /r/furry.

Furry Reddit - Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 15:31

Hello reddit furs.

What really bothers me about this sub thread is that you barely find anything mildly interesting except for the occasional sketch and drawing some people do.

Right now the biggest furry convention is Europe is happening and I don't see one post / one video / one link to a report on TV absolutely nothing about it, which begs the question "Why is there never anything of commune interest posted here?"

I was expecting this to be the place where you can find a few things about furry gatherings / meetings / nights out, but at this point there is nothing like that around here. Why is that ?!

submitted by theteatiger
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Categories: News