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A Rat, a Pig, and a Lawyer Walk Into a Space Bar…

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 11 Sep 2013 - 00:59

Pearls Before Swine is a full-color on-line comic strip written and illustrated by Stephan Pastis — who was formerly a lawyer in California.  “At its heart, Pearls Before Swine is the comic strip tale of two friends: An arrogant Rat who thinks he knows it all and a slow-witted Pig who doesn’t know any better. Together, this pair offers caustic commentary on humanity’s quest for the unattainable. Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams says that Pearls is ‘one of the few comics that makes me laugh out loud.’” Well there you have it. There have been several paperback book collections of Pearls Before Swine comic strips; the latest one, Rat’s Wars, is coming from Andrews McMeel Publishing this October. Check it out over at Amazon. And check out the comic itself over at GoComics.

image c. 2013 by Stephan Pastis

Categories: News

An icon of my bobcat, done by a friend

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Sep 2013 - 00:44
Categories: News

$2 ink sale

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 22:53
Categories: News

Episode 56 – The Slow Burn Of Yesterweek - Well hello there all of you lovely peeps! Are you ready for a fully rambolitic podcast? You know you are! This episode, the cast attempt to tackle some of the stories trending the internet, only to "throw it on t

Furballd - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 22:07

bored coverWell hello there all of you lovely peeps! Are you ready for a fully rambolitic podcast? You know you are! This episode, the cast attempt to tackle some of the stories trending the internet, only to “throw it on the ground” and simply talk about whatever the hell comes to mind. Batfleck! Twerking! The Kung Fu Panda series and much more! Only on Furballd Episode 56!

This week in the news: Mega-Man transforms into Mighty No. 9 and smashes its Kickstarter goals in the first week.  The Xbone continues to disappoint by not supporting external storage or voice commands in places that aren’t America.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to discuss game achievements and completion this episode due to a couple of mix-ups. So instead, we’ll be tackling that topic next episode!

Want to tell us what for? Well then send that e-mail along to us at! We always love reading out your letters!

Bye for now, but not forever!

This week’s song is “Squishy’s Theme” by The Orichalcon.  You can find the song here on OCRemix.

Episode 56 – The Slow Burn Of Yesterweek - Well hello there all of you lovely peeps! Are you ready for a fully rambolitic podcast? You know you are! This episode, the cast attempt to tackle some of the stories trending the internet, only to "throw it on the ground" and simply talk about whateve...
Categories: Podcasts

Furry Card Based RPG (Art needed!)

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 21:49

This year Oklacon's theme is "Let the Games Begin," and it is centralized around Role Playing Games of all kinds. As a themed "extra" this year, Oklacon is creating a trading-card-based, professionally printed RPG for its attendees to play and trade. There will be a tournament with a Super Sponsorship as a prize, random encounters throughout the convention, and more.

This is where you come in. We wanted to ask if you would be interested in creating one or several small (in the physical sense) pieces of artwork. If you do not believe this is something you would be interested in, please feel free to stop reading here, what ensues is the specifications for the project just in case you are interested. If so, read on!

We have all of the cards in the game outlined in title and effect, now all we need is the picture to match. This link ( is a spreadsheet with the title of a given card and the effect it has. If we felt the desired picture needed more than a basic description, suggested artistic direction is also listed. Cards with a name to the right in the "artist ICO" column have already been reserved by another artist.

If you are interested in helping with this project at all, please let me know which you might be interested in and I will mark your name down. As far as deadlines, final work would need to be submitted by Thursday, September 17th.

We request that all pieces be formatted for 4.5in. x 3in. at 300dpi landscape in digital format. If you would like to do a traditional piece, we encourage it! We just ask for a scan at those dimensions and resolution.

As far as maturity is concerned, anything from G rating to suggestive themes is okay. We don't want any overt nudity or excessive gore, but suggestive allusions are fine and somewhat encouraged!

Also on the sheet, you will see different levels of cards, 1-5. The higher level, the more powerful, and, thus, rare the card is. If you would like to tackle a higher level card, just for collectibility purposes, we ask that you take extra time on it, preferably more detailed, background, shading and color, etc.

So you may be asking what you get out of this. First off we want you to see this as an opportunity for free advertising. This game will have exposure to 350+ convention attendees, and if things take off, potentially more outside of the convention and in future years. Artist name and credit will be given on every card, and, potentially, we would like to include a QR code linking a profile or page of your choice if we can work it in without distracting too much from the card . Additionally, we would send you a proof of the card (or cards) you helped create. All cards will be professionally printed, on 300gsm aqueous finish cardstock (think smooth casino-style cards).

Con attendees will receive cards with their registration. Additional cards of varying rarity and "booster packs" will be sold, and all proceeds will go to the Con's sponsored charity.

We hope that you will consider helping out with this project, and please feel free to respond with any questions. Thanks so much for your consideration!

Here is a link to some of the card art we have gathered thus far:

List of cards still needing art:

Whatcha-macallit, Flash of Gordon, Troll board, Stumbles the Hill Husky, Feather mites, I'm a kitty cat, Fly in my soup, Silent but deadly

submitted by poweredbylemons
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Valiant Hearts: The Great War - features WWI Stories, Medic Dog

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 19:15

Ubisoft introduced a new game at their "Digital Day" event, titled Valiant Hearts: The Great War. It's a goosebump-inducing, potentially emotion-filled adventure game about six strangers finding themselves and each other among the trenches of World War I. The game is partly based on real-world letters a developer of the game's great grandfather received and sent during the war. It follows the group on individual journeys that lead them on a 2D Puzzle Adventure with a (hopefully) poignant story, beautiful art, and moving soundtrack.

Make your own decisions about this new IP after you view the debut trailer:

Categories: News

;P (more study hall doodles)

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 18:30
Categories: News

Scrapbook badges! I -LOVE- Making these!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 18:15
Categories: News

Rockin' Rockcoon!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Sep 2013 - 13:41
Categories: News