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The canine virus that doesn't respect the species barrier

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00
Canine distemper virus (CDV), a relative of the human measles virus, was first described in dogs and infection causes fatal pneumonia and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).But this virus is incredibly promiscuous and can infect jump into a variety of different animals - usually with catastrophic effects.Two suspected CDV outbreaks, the first in 1988 and a second in 2000, killed thousands of Baikal then Caspian seals.The virus has also ripped through Africa, with fatal outbreaks in silver-backed jackals and bat-eared foxes and catastrophic die-offs in wild dog populations that continue to this day.

The latest victim of this virus is the Siberian tiger, struggling enough as it is with shrinking habitat and poaching. The glimmer of hope is that there's a vaccine for CDV, but the problem is in cost effective delivery. Scientists are currently looking for where the source of the infection outbreak is happening so they can do a targeted vaccination programme.

via Flayrah's Twitter feed


Categories: News

Italian Furry Island

Fursday - Second Life - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00
In their wordsA calm place to hung around, meet friends, being lazy and enjoy a quiet place. The land is open for everyone! This is also the core of the of the Italian Furry community in SL.Features
  • Dance floor
  • Shop
  • Sandbox
  • Skybox themed as woodlands
Gallery 2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_001.png
Beach 2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_004.png
2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_002.png
2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_003.png
Dance floor
Dance floor 2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_006.png
2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_007.png
Sandbox The Rabbit Hole
The Rabbit Hole 2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_011.png
2013-10-23 - Italian Furry Island_012.png
Rating Censor_14c.gif

You must be 18 or over to have a Second Life account. The parcel is a moderate rating. Visitors are advised that strong language might be used.


Categories: News


Fursday - Links - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00

Furry blog reporting on the many anthropomorphic media releases of interest to the furry fandom; whether films, TV shows, comics, books, InFurNation covers them all. They also look at interesting new furry websites and news going on in the fandom.

In their wordsWe’ll keep you informed of new movies, TV shows, DVD releases, comic books and graphic novels, story collections, art how-to books, furry and furry-friendly conventions, awards, costume events… everything a fan might want to know about ahead of time. As soon as we find it, we pass it along to you! How do we do that?Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.



Fursday - Links - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00

A beautiful short story written and illustrated by Dylan Meconis. One day a laundry girl meets a fox running away from hunter, who miraculously speaks for the first time begging her to save his life.

In their wordsWe all know you should be careful what you wish for.But should you be careful of what other people wish for?A chance encounter on a forest road leads to unintended consequences in this original 24-page comic book fable! When a humble laundry girl rescues an unusual creature from the hunt, both their lives will be changed forever.Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.


Additional linksStore link for the comic


Paw Recognize Paw Studios

Fursday - Links - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00

Personal and artist website for furry hip hop musician Bucktown Tiger.

In their wordsBucktown takes his moniker from the nickname of his hometown of Brinkley, Arkansas, where he was born and raised and where his family still lives. Brinkley's high school mascot is the tiger, an animal whose gracefulness, strength, and unwavering willpower Bucktown greatly admires and aspires to. A poet and pianist since grade school, Bucktown was always full of creative talent, but it was online social networking that provided him the catalyst to create music about and for the communities that consume a big part of his life. Since then, Bucktown has performed concerts and pieces at conventions and charity events from coast to coast.

Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.


Additional links

Rabbit Valley storeFurAffinityYouTubeJustin.tvUstreamTwitter


Menagerie Workshop

Fursday - Links - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00

Fursuit construction duo’s commission website which also includes several tutorials for other would be crafters.

In their wordsWe make high quality hand made mascot costumes and fursuits. Our costumes are durable, unique and eye catching! Let us bring your character to life!Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.


Additional linksFurAffinityFlickr GalleryTwitterFacebook Page


Otterly Amazing

Fursday - Links - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 03:00

Stock of fuzzy shiny tails ready to buy off the shelf. Especially good collection for canines, felines, big cats and rabbits. 

In their wordsHi. I am Las, the 'otter' behind Otterly Amazing. I got started making tails because so many people in the fandom needed a I made some! I had been making tails for myself and friends for 3 years. I got so many compliments that I decided to start my own business in 2008.  Since then I have been branched out in to ears, hand paws, foot paws and even full costumes. Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.


Additional linksFurAffinityDeviantArtFacebook PageTwitter


The Horse Returns

Furry News Network - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 02:04
Author: rodney Neil the Horse was a funny animal comic strip written and illustrated by Katherine Collins, starting in the late 1970′s. Throughout the 1980′s it was one of the most popular funny anthropomorphic comic books going, adored by classic funny animal fans and underground comic aficionados alike. Equally a tribute to old fashioned comic […]
Categories: News

Churbles - A Beautiful 3D RPG Adventure

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 01:00

Churbles. No I didn't sneeze, that’s the name of this adorable looking game being kickstarted by the indie studio CrashGem. They describe the game in the following quote.

"Churbles is a fantasy simulation RPG focusing on the heroic efforts of adorably tough hamsters, slated for a 2014 release on PC, MAC, and Linux. A Churble is an adorably tough hamster, sporting magical powers and elemental affinities. They reside in an underground world of diverse biomes, elemental nodes, exotic locales and fortified communities—all interconnected by a series of endless tunnels and tubes. This is a world fraught with perilous dangers and hungry monsters; the Churbles fight hard to defend their homes and expand their colonies, but they could really use your help. Their world in peril, you must choose one Churble to become a legendary hero. Together you will quest for resources, glory, and fame; all while expanding the size and scope of your colony, recruiting heroes to your cause, and thwarting vile plots and sinister villains."

Churbles 2

Now if that doesn't sell you on it right away I don't know what will. Well maybe the turn based combat system, awesome character customization, or wide array of classes and weapons with "over 63 possible combinations" will. The game will also feature 2-3 player local co-op. Can't get that in your Final Fantasy now can you?

Churbles 3

Ok I hear some of you out there saying "yeah that all sounds great but I'll believe it when I see it." Ok here's the trailer.


There now you should be fully convinced of the awesomeness of this project. So go visit their Kickstarter and throw some money at this to help it become a reality. I just pledged $15 myself. They also have a PayPal option for those who don’t have an Amazon account. While you're setting up your payment you can also follow the game on Twitter and Facebook, and while you're on those sites anyways you can also follow Gaming Furever on Twitter and Facebook if you're not already.


Categories: News

Night in the Woods

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 00:44
Categories: News

Wife's thrift store find leaves me speechless (x-post from r/funny)

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Oct 2013 - 00:37

Humorously one of the comments on the original post is "you should x-post /r/furry." edit:

submitted by AboyBboy
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 23:51

Do furs still play second life?

submitted by CrushTheNWO
[link] [16 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 95 – AHHH Real Furries - Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95! AHHHH!!! Real Furries Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the

Fuzzy Logic - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 23:18


Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95!

AHHHH!!! Real Furries

Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the show by the name of Anaktis! He tells us about the old-school radio shows he entertains himself with. Halfwit tells us of a really cool organization trying to make Lovecraftian films in the style and technique of film-making available during eras past! Neat! Isty provides us details on his adventures in and the progress of his eye. Smokey pops in next with a brief discussion of Cartoon Hangover and their various shows, including a new show called “Bee and Puppycat” (which is amazing, go watch it… go watch it now, even if you’ve watched it already, go watch it again). There is a kickstarter up for the team to make this show into a series. Go give them money if you can!

Emails come next and there are seven of them.

Legionbunny starts up with his definition of fear and the only team he was truly afraid (and honestly, we’d be pretty terrified in that situation ourselves!). Sketchy Genet is next, sorry man, Kyo wasn’t here to cry over this again! Darn fox! Stratosfear Tully writes in and opens up a bit about his fears. We feel your pain. It’s never fun living with that kind of trouble. Dox returns, provides a summery for those who might need the backstory, then provides an update. Hope you can push on through the issues dealing with your mom, man. He has a few topis he discusses after that and they’re nice and varied.

Legionbunny pops back in real quick to tell us of his first adventure in pride parades! Do whatever makes ya happy! Hope you keep having fun with those! Jay Ventus is next and runs down a list of things most people are scare of and applies them to himself. Finally, Umbra sneaks in at the last possible minute (gotta get these in sooner, can’t always catch them there at the end!) and tell us of a spoooookey story with a friend of his!

Our next show will be about learning. What helps you learn better? Do you have thoughts on the methods used in schools? Have you had an accidental moment of learning you didn’t expect? Any form of learning is acceptable! And of course, you don’t have to be on topic to write in. Just write in!

Prelinger Archive
This is one place where Anaktis gets some of his old school stuff!

Bee and Puppycat Kickstarter for Cartoon Hangover
This is the kickstarter for an awesome cartoon! Go watch! Go donate! This needs to be a series! DOOO EEEET!! #butt

Music Break: This Is Halloween – Nightmare Before Christmas

P.S. – Hope you like the second edition of “Pornography and You!”

Episode 95 – AHHH Real Furries - Ladies and gentlefarps! We have come to episode 95! AHHHH!!! Real Furries Kyo could not be present due to being stuck filling out health insurance forms for all the hookers he stabbed. In his place, we have a guest on the sh[...]
Categories: Podcasts

The Horse Returns

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 23:12

Neil the Horse was a funny animal comic strip written and illustrated by Katherine Collins, starting in the late 1970′s. Throughout the 1980′s it was one of the most popular funny anthropomorphic comic books going, adored by classic funny animal fans and underground comic aficionados alike. Equally a tribute to old fashioned comic books, classic Hollywood musicals, and children’s books, Neil and his friends largely disappeared after the 1990′s. Now Hermes Press have announced that the dancing equine’s comic book adventures will finally be re-released in Neil the Horse: The Complete Comics Stories. Collecting Neil issues 1 – 15 and featuring a historical essay by Trina Robbins (a comic book legend in her own right), this hardcover collection will ship this coming December — but Amazon is taking orders now.

image c. 2013 Hermes Press

Categories: News

Wading in the River

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 22:55
Categories: News

Ep. 84 - Epcot Center of Terror - We're back! We yap about Fur Reality, do lots of listener questions, and try to figure out how w...

The Dragget Show - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 22:02
We're back! We yap about Fur Reality, do lots of listener questions, and try to figure out how we would run Epcot Center's different countries during Halloween. Also, don't forget to preregister for Fur Squared! Be a part of the next big fur con! Ep. 84 - Epcot Center of Terror - We're back! We yap about Fur Reality, do lots of listener questions, and try to figure out how w...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 84 - Epcot Center of Terror - We're back! We yap about Fur Reality, do lots of listener questions, and try to figure out how w...

The Dragget Show - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 22:02
We're back! We yap about Fur Reality, do lots of listener questions, and try to figure out how we would run Epcot Center's different countries during Halloween. Also, don't forget to preregister for Fur Squared! Be a part of the next big fur con! Ep. 84 - Epcot Center of Terror - We're back! We yap about Fur Reality, do lots of listener questions, and try to figure out how w...
Categories: Podcasts

What would you do if you wake up a your fursona one day

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 20:30

wake up :D OMG YAY for 5 min realize that family is still asleep scream MOOOOOM COME BUT DONT FREAK OUT

submitted by Vin595
[link] [42 comments]
Categories: News