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Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 21:35
Categories: News

Persona 4 Golden Sells 700k Units Worldwide

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 20:50

It seems like over the past week or so I've been either talking about Persona, hearing about Persona, or thinking about Persona. With that in mind, it's fitting that I'm here to write up another story regarding the beloved franchise, and luckily for everyone involved it's some positive news. Persona 4 Golden for the Playstation Vita has sold over 700,000 units worldwide!

While it may not seem like a lot in the context of AAA titles like Call of Duty who sell millions of units in a day, most ATLUS games are consider an amazing success if they break half a million. They already did so with Persona 4 for the PS2, and now they've done it again for the Vita.

ATLUS is celebrating this by discounting the digital version in the japanese Playstatino Store, but sadly there's no news about a similar price drop on the english version.

I'll leave this by saying that if you haven't played Persona 4 before and your a big fan of JRPGs, it's well worth it. Even if you're not a huge fan, there's still much to love with the story and characters. I reccomend to everyone.

Have you played P4 or P4G before? If so, what did you think about it? If not, any reason that you haven't picked it up yet?

Categories: News

Saw This in Wayne's World...

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 20:13
Categories: News

am I too young to be a furry?

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 16:42

Im 14 a male and I have been into this fandom for a while. I know this the community is very welcoming and accepting of all people so I am hoping that its not a big deal. I just realized that I am pretty young in this group of people and hoping it wasn't a big deal. Please let me know in the comments of what you think. Thanx!

submitted by gamer7001
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Categories: News

Guys.... I can't even....

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 10:17

Lastest suit design being called out for being "stolen".

I'm being human here, so, yes, I'm frustrated and resisting the urge to say some less than stellar things.

Why is there such a huge victim/call-out/YOU STOLE THING complex in the fandom? As someone who worked hard on her work, it's disheartening to see these accusations.

I did put up a neutral, informative rebuttal, but, seriously... why?

Not stolen, and here's why:


submitted by TwerkOnThatShark
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Categories: News

Mafia game. (Killa be killin)

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 10:14

Hello Reddit, It is Naku12 once again. I have decided to start a mafia game. I'm going to copy paste the rules to the game in here. I already have 4 people that want to play. I'll be making a 25 person limit. This also will be taking place on Skype. Anyways to the rules which were originally posted on a forum.

Welcome one, welcome all, to the game where the goal is to kill 'em all!

The Rules! Exactly like the party games Murderer or Mafia, the objective is to find the killer and execute him or her to prevent them from continuing their murderous rampage. The game ends either when the killer is executed, or he has killed off everyone else.

Determining the Killer: The murderer among you is determined through random chance. Each participant will PM me a number between 1 and 100. Whoever gets the closest number becomes the killer. In the event of a tie, a random number generator or a coin will be used at my discretion.

Every round, the killer chooses one person whom they wish to have killed. The recently deceased has the option to post the way they were murdered. It doesn't matter how long you want to make the story of your death. Just make it clear that you are murdered (And please put it in a spoiler, ESPECIALLY if your death is a wall of text).

Part 2 - Execution: After a murder victim has been announced, and their death posted, everyone still standing must cast a vote as to who they believe to be the killer. Please note: You are to PM your vote of execution, not post it in the thread, otherwise it might get lost in the text. You are always free to reveal your vote, just make sure you PM it to the GM as well.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! This round's voting has a strictly enforced time limit. I will be generous, and give all participants TWO DAYS at absolute most to cast their votes. Anyone who has not voted by that time will have their vote randomly determined. If I do not reach 80% participation in the vote, the killer will be spared and one of the non-voting people will be killed off instead.

When the votes are tallied, I will PM the person with the highest number of votes, and they write and post their manner of execution. Again, make it clear that you have been executed.

Part 3 - Rinse and Repeat: Once the execution has taken place, the killer is free to strike again in the next round. The process repeats ad infinitum until one of the two victory conditions detailed above has been completed.

The way to murder in this game When the Killer chooses his victim, he is to PM the name of his intended victim to the GM, which will then relay that message to the victim. They get 48 hours to post their death or recruit someone else to write it in the case of bad Internet, a family emergency or too lazy.

Roles There are three extra roles besides the killer: the Medic, the Spy, and the Arbiter.

The Medic The Medic has the power to save one player per round. The player chosen by the Medic cannot be the target of the killer for that round. However, the Medic cannot save themselves from a knife in the dark.

The player with the number furthest away from my own becomes the Medic.

The Spy The Spy is allowed to ask me up to three "yes or no" questions throughout the course of the game, to attempt to determine the killer's identity. I will answer them to the best of my ability. The Spy can only use one question at a time, though. This allows the killer to have at least three deaths under their belt. The Spy is also limited to one question in regards to the Killer's username as it has been deemed too easy to identify the Killer's identity by asking questions only about their username.

Whoever picks the number second-closest to my own becomes the Spy. Also, the Spy is free to distribute the information however they wish, be it in full view of the public, in private or otherwise until they are murdered or executed. Upon the GM messaging the spy that the spy has been murdered or executed, the spy can no longer inform any players of the questions asked and their answers or who they have narrowed the possible suspects down to.

The Arbiter The Arbiter has the power to instantly execute one other player, without the need for a vote or intervention on any other player's behalf or that of the GM. Should the Arbiter do so, both the Arbiter and their target are killed to maintain the balance of the game and allow the killer to continue should he not be executed.

The Arbiter may perform their execution at any time of their choosing, without the need for a vote from the others. They should, however, notify the GM when they execute someone; if this doesn't happen then the GM, and by extension the other players, is out of the loop in regards to the Arbiter's execution.

In order to maintain fairness to the killer, the Arbiter has restrictions on the use of their power. The Arbiter can use their power up until the point where the Spy has asked their third question to the GM. The Arbiter will have 5 rounds to decide their kill, or less if the Spy acts faster than the Arbiter.

The Arbiter is given to the player who guessed the number second farthest away from the GM's number.

Note: The Medic, Spy, and Arbiter are free to reveal their identities, although it is generally unwise to do so.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The killer for the round becomes GM for the next. If the killer is unable to be GM, they can pick someone they feel is competant/sane enough to do the job for them.

submitted by Naku12
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Categories: News

He Needs to Back Off and Not Pressure Her for Attention

Furry News Network - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papa Bear, I’m not sure where to start with this letter. My birthday is coming up in less than a week, and it will be my 21st birthday. My parents are taking me to Vegas for the occasion, and I was hoping to bring along a friend, someone around my age. I had […]
Categories: News

Awesome furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 07:23
Categories: News

Unsheathed Presents: K.M. Hirosaki's Star Wars, Episode III - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Unsheathed - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 04:00
K.M. and friends sit down to talk about Episode III while watching it. Listen for synchronization instructions. Unsheathed Presents: K.M. Hirosaki's Star Wars, Episode III - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Categories: Podcasts

I need your furry help with a book suggestion!

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 02:10

Hello furry peoples, stumbled acrossed thus subreddit googling nose art for airplanes and I have desperate need of some help. I personally think werewolves, or anthro wolves, or whatever, are pretty bad ass. Are there any books though, that are good, with this type if character as the good guy?

I appreciate the help! I get asked if I'm a furry sometimes, because my game name is Madwolf, and I'm not sure that I am or not, but you guys seem pretty awesome, so I'm not against the idea. Video game and movie designers need to kidnap some furries and other people and come up with new ideas other than CoD: 85 :p

submitted by MadCard05
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Original Voice Actor for Tails Dies at 48 [Update: He's not dead]

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 01:00
 He's not dead]

UPDATE: Turns out, it wasn't the voice actor that died, just a guy with the exact same name.

Christopher Evans Welch, the original voice actor for Miles "Tails" Prower from the "The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" TV series, passed on earlier this week.

The voice over artist died in an L.A. hospital following a short illness. He was 48 years old.

His work as Tails was his first ever TV role, starting in 1993. His later film credits include the narrator in Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", as well as roles in "Synecdoche", "NY" and Sydney Pollack's "The Interpreter".

Prior to his death he was shooting a role in the upcoming HBO series "Silicon Valley".

Categories: News

Dogs Get "Furry" update on Call of Duty: Ghosts

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 4 Dec 2013 - 01:00

Y'know what we need more of in Call of Duty: Ghosts? Fur. There just isn't enough of it. Dynamic, flowing, realistic, PC-only fur. Well HOLD ONTO YOUR TAILS, FOLKS! With the newest update for Ghosts comes the addition of "Dynamic Fur Simulation." The stability update allows for "Re-enabled fur and smoke DLLs from nVidia." This is possible since PC versions of the game now support nVidia's PhysX and Apex technologies. Luckily, reports say that even if you don't have an nVidia card, you can still simulate most of the effects. 

This Dynamic Fur Simulation allows fur to react realistically to the environment. All dogs in the game will now have this technology. Enjoy your new furry coats, canines! There's a video below:

Categories: News