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Follow-up to my last post.

Furry Reddit - Sat 7 Dec 2013 - 13:51

Wow is all I can say. My moms bf actually likes the furry fandom and has been to a couple furcons! So it may be a possibility that in the future I can go to one!

submitted by ShadowFur17
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Categories: News

Dragon Party

Furry Reddit - Sat 7 Dec 2013 - 08:25
Categories: News

Ep. 87 - Ninja Whorior - Great episode! No, seriously, we were really proud of this one. We get in the Christmas spirit,...

The Dragget Show - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 22:13
Great episode! No, seriously, we were really proud of this one. We get in the Christmas spirit, talk about Christmas bums, XBox One & PS4, Wipeout, create Ninja Whore-ior, and make up Christmas Songs and sing them. Lastly, don't forget to pre-register for Fur Squared! Ep. 87 - Ninja Whorior - Great episode! No, seriously, we were really proud of this one. We get in the Christmas spirit,...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 87 - Ninja Whorior - Great episode! No, seriously, we were really proud of this one. We get in the Christmas spirit,...

The Dragget Show - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 22:13
Great episode! No, seriously, we were really proud of this one. We get in the Christmas spirit, talk about Christmas bums, XBox One & PS4, Wipeout, create Ninja Whore-ior, and make up Christmas Songs and sing them. Lastly, don't forget to pre-register for Fur Squared! Ep. 87 - Ninja Whorior - Great episode! No, seriously, we were really proud of this one. We get in the Christmas spirit,...
Categories: Podcasts

Cat of the Living Dead

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 22:02

This probably would have made more sense back around Halloween, but… Pick your own horror adventure: On four paws! “Inspired by the gamebook fad of the 80′s, You Are a Cat in the Zombie Apocalypse! is the much-anticipated sequel to the first book in the Pick-a-Plot series, You Are a Cat! Lavishly illustrated from the first-person feline floor purrspective, the furightening and appawling You Are a Cat in the Zombie Apocalypse! is a horror tail that will stalk you, surround you and eat you alive.” This very strange black & white paperback graphic novel — where you choose on each page which horrible experience you have next — is available now on Amazon. It’s written and illustrated by Sherwin Tija, and published by Conundrum Press.

image c. 2013 Conundrum Press

Categories: News

Extreme help needed right now!

Furry Reddit - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 21:27

Ok since I'm skeptical about telling my mom I'm a furry my moms boyfriend (yes my true parents are divorced) randomly says that he missed a furcon. SAY WHAT?!? Once I heard that I dropped cold. I'm not sure what to do and I just told my mom that I'm wanting some art supplies but not telling her what it is about. I just don't know what to do. Help please!

submitted by ShadowFur17
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Categories: News

MWFF Elevator

Furry Reddit - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 20:33
Categories: News

Getting to know the furry subculture(Ethnography)

Furry Reddit - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 19:33

Hello, I am a student currently enrolled into a Culture Anthropology course. I was assigned a small research paper that must be a minimum of 4-6 pages in length. The research paper is an ethnography of a subculture we are currently not a participant of. An ethnography is a systematic study of a human culture. I decided to do my report on furries due to hearing difference in opinions around the internet about your subculture but never actually hearing what is to be said from a participant. It would be nice if you could answer a few questions on this board and if I could use them in my report(strictly educational, only my professor would see it). If possible I would also be grateful if a few people could allow for me to interview them sometime this weekend through Skype or another possible messaging service/emails(inbox me if interested). My questions for this board are pretty simple:

  1. When and how did you get introduced/ decided to join this subculture.

  2. How has it affected your personal life(ie. Relations to parents or others) if/when they found out or you told them.

3.(More personal question) Has it had any effects on your sexuality any any form?

submitted by Anth-stu
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Categories: News

Furry Pirate Doge

Furry Reddit - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 18:29
Categories: News

Fuzzy Notes 22 - Starts With A Song - ** This is overall episode 48 in the Fuzzy Notes world!!** It's been a short break, but Roo is...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 18:10
** This is overall episode 48 in the Fuzzy Notes world!!** It's been a short break, but Roo is back and he's SINGING! gentle...he grabbed a guitar and made that up off the cuff for you in lieu of the normal opening theme. Here we are! Three returning artists and two new ones featured this week on the show about the music made by furs! OH! And before we move on, SEND ME YOUR CHRISTMAS MUSIC! You have until December 15th...GO!!! OH! Also, the 50th Episode is coming soon. If you'd like to do a mini Skype interview with Roo for the show, get in touch! THE MUSIC: Doubleecho - Liebeist * Track: * FA: * Bandcamp: FoxT - Ken’s Legacy * Track: * FA: * Twitter: Partywolf17 - Cinderella * Track: * FA: Callatov/Popwar - Peachy (EP coming) * Track: * FA: Psyrus (Of Summers) - (from Collapse) (TOTALLY FIRST BSS SOUNDING!!!) * Track from Collapse: * Twitter: * FA: SPONSOR: Fuzzy Notes is sponsored by Copyblogger Authority, the best way for you to keep up to date with the best ways to write and promote your art. Head to to read their amazing articles and free e-books, and when you're ready to take the next step sign up for Authority using the link below. You'll improve your writing skills, learn ways to market your content AND help Fuzzy Notes at the same time. Win-Win-Win! HOUSEKEEPING: Please give Fuzzy Notes a review on iTunes or helps us get furry musicians to more ears, perky and droopy...ALL! iTunes: Podomatic: Like me on Facebook! I'll like you back...a lot! Follow me on Twitter...I'll follow you too...a lot! But not in the stalkery way. Twitter: Facebook: Fuzzy Notes Dropbox: Closing Track - Fuzzy Notes 4 by Asid Rayne Fuzzy Notes 22 - Starts With A Song - ** This is overall episode 48 in the Fuzzy Notes world!!** It's been a short break, but Roo is...
Categories: Podcasts

Letting your friends know you are a furry. Not a tutorial.

Furry Reddit - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 17:13

Why is it that I see everywhere that one fur says to their friends that they are in this fandom they get bullied and harassed about it? Yes I do know some people can be jerks sometimes, but when I told my friends they were cool with it. Also I do know that media can bring negative attention to the fandom. Do I just have good friends that don't think negatively about this? Or do I have a rare occurrence? They are not into the fandom though. What do you think?

submitted by ShadowFur17
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Categories: News

Does This Virtual Penis in My Mouth Make Me Gay?

Ask Papabear - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 14:49
Hey Papabear.

This is my first time doing this, so I’m a bit nervous, please forgive me. So you know how everyone has a sexuality? Like bi gay straight pan or any other that I missed. Well I’m very confused with my sexuality. In real life‚ I like girls, but I’m not sure if I like guys. But with the Internet and furries, I tend to like guys a lot more than woman. I’m not exactly sure what I am. I’m very very confused. I come to you because I can’t go to anyone else. My parents said if I was ever gay they would kick me out of my house. Plus I’ve read a couple of your answers to letters and you seem very knowledgeable. So please help me if you can. 

With Uncertainty
Jake (age 18)

* * *

Dear Jake,

Thank you for writing and reaching out to someone when, sadly, your parents aren’t there for you as they should be. It makes this bear weep that there are so many judgmental parents who would rather have their own children homeless than love them unconditionally for who they are. (40% of homeless children on American streets are LGBT kids whose parents kicked them out; that’s criminal in my book). Never forget, Jake, that your sexuality, whatever it may be, does not make you a bad (or good) person. It is what it is, no less and no more.

At your age, it is normal to be confused at times about your sexuality. This is a time for discovering who you are. Sometimes, people who are young and getting in touch with their sexuality experiment, so to speak, with various people and sexual practices. This is normal, too. Sometimes, too, someone who is unsure of his or her sexuality may have relations with someone of the same sex. Most will decide it is not for them and go back to a traditional heterosexual relationship, but some will decide they do like it and discover that they are gay or bi.

In the past, such experimentation would be conducted in the real world, but now we have this entire new virtual reality that offers sex play on the Internet. This is unprecedented in human history and is something that society is still coming to terms with. Nevertheless, it has become a testing ground for experimentation, with its good and bad points. The bad point is that having some role play, say, in SecondLife, does not afford you the tactile and other sensory pleasures of real life; the good point is that, when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, you cannot get safer than the virtual world (unless you pick up a computer virus!)

Just like in real life, you can try things online to see how you feel about them. You might not like them and then try something else. But, here’s the thing that’s really unique: you might like them in the virtual world but not in real life. I can attest to this personally. There are things that Papabear has done with role play online that I would never ever do in real life, either because I don’t think I’d find them very pleasurable IRL or because, LOL, they would be physically impossible. Therefore, just because you like something online, Jake, it does not necessarily follow you would in real life. Online, you might have sex with a gay wolf or lion, but in the real world you could still prefer women. And that’s perfectly fine.

On the other paw, it could be, as you suspect, a signal that you have some subconscious desire to be intimate with another man. The important thing right now for you, Jake, is to not push yourself one way or the other. Rather than telling yourself, “I have to be straight because of my parents so I will only date women,” or the opposite, “I have sexual desires for men so I must be gay and have to find a man now,” simply hang out with people of your age group in comfortable social settings and see whom you meet. Look for someone you can love as a person regardless of their gender—that person whose smile makes your heart flutter in your chest—and you will find your answer.

As for your parents’ reaction, well, you are 18, which is about the time for you to start fending for yourself anyway. Your parents are no longer legally obligated to support you, although one would hope they would still support you emotionally and not reject their flesh and blood because they fear gay cooties, or the rage of those whose farts warm the seats of church pews, or whatever goes through the minds of people like that. It’s disappointing they feel that way, and a poor reflection on them, but more important than what your parents think and feel is how you think and feel.

It is time for you to discover yourself, and, once you do, consider yourself very lucky no matter what others think. So many people in this world lead “lives of quiet desperation,” as Henry David Thoreau put it, because they allow themselves to be ruled by society rather than ruling themselves.

Put your fears aside, Jake, for they will befuddle your mind, and you will see yourself as you truly are.



Alpha Male Diaries #1: A New Dawn.

Furry Reddit - Fri 6 Dec 2013 - 12:53

In an attempt to bolster my fiction writing skills, I decided to create the first entry in a science fiction story I've had in my head for awhile now:P

As a fairly new writer, I would love any feedback on how I can improve!

submitted by IssacsoftheEEC
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Categories: News