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Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 20:17

What are watchers? Two people are watching me. Is that like a subscription?

submitted by ShadowFur17
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Categories: News

Twisted too tight

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 18:58
Categories: News

A Dandy in Space!

Furry News Network - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 14:04
Author: rodney Lots of fandom folks (anime, furry, science fiction and otherwise) got excited this fall with the news that the team behind Cowboy BeBop had created a new, openly-silly science fiction anime called Space Dandy.  The teaser trailer started making the rounds on YouTube. Well now comes even better news: Thanks to the efforts […]
Categories: News

Where can I find some NSFW RP?

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 11:21

Hey sorry if this question is asked a lot on here, kinda new. Just wondering where are some good places to find RP partners. I used to use omegle but now there doesn't seem to be as many on there? So I was just wondering if everyone is using something else now haha?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

submitted by Jubilee_Street
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Categories: News

My Story: A Sad Tail of my Life up to Now.

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 10:15

So, most of you have seen me on here before, but I've never really posted something that truly meant something. So, I've decided to share with you all, my story.

If you don't want to read some very dark stuff, I suggest you close this and go on your merry way

So, first, some very basic information about myself.

  • Name: Ryan
  • Age: 15 (Birth Date January 28, 1998)
  • Some of this is stuff I've never told really anyone
  • Most of this has NOTHING to do with Furry, so it shouldn't portray us in a bad light

Pre-Fandom Life

I grew up in a New Jersey suburb. I was like any other kid, albeit I had some "quirks". I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 4/5 and, although my family didn't know it at the time, I also had Asperger's Syndrome. I attended mainstream elementary school, where, sadly, I was shunned for being strange, abnormal, and different. I had no friends except for the teachers, and even now, I still doubt that they enjoyed having me in their classrooms. I was in the school's enrichment program, a small class dedicated for children that have above average intelligence. Even there, with others who were as understanding and slightly meta-cognitive, I was still shunned,so every day, I ate lunch alone, I did my work alone, and I played alone.

I was put on a plethora of different medications, most SSRIs. I never really noticed any difference. Keep in mind though, I still was diagnosed with ADHD and not Asperger's.

I moved onto Intermediate School, and the summer before, I was taken off all medication. Needless to say, that year was a low point in my life. I got into fights, and my grades tanked. I always had straight A's. That year? All C's. Near the end of this year, I discovered YouTuber HinaUchi, although at the time, I didn't realize what she did was Furry. (I think she was furry, not sure though.) I forgot about her for a year or so.

Seventh Grade, I was back on medication, and properly diagnosed with Asperger's.

Now here's where my life started to take a turn for the worse.

I always had been a magnet for trouble. Because of my Asperger's, I had literally no Common Sense. I had finished Seventh Grade by now, and I was attending an Archway day camp for children and teens with Developmental Disorders. There, another teenager was talking to his friends about pornography.

That was where reality started to take hold of me.

I started to learn about ow the world works behind my bedroom door, but I wasn't able to hide it for long. My parents found out and took my iPod away. Needless to say, when I got it back, I still kept making the same mistakes.

When I reached Eighth grade, I went back and watched some more of HinaUchi's videos, and did some research. That's where I learned about the fandom. And the fandom is where some of my best, and also some of my most harrowing experiences happened.

After Discovering Furry

I began doing more research and also began chatting on Furnet IRC. I made a Furcadia (Without my parents knowing). Needless to say, they found out yet again, and this time it was worse. They already knew about Furry and saw the Infamous CSI Episode. They tried to squash it out of me, but, being so tech savvy, I always found another backdoor to do what I wanted to do.

By this time, I also started doing Shaolin through my local CMO, there I met an 18 year old guy who I could really relate to. At that time, I didn't know, but he was a homosexual (He was not a furry though). I was also going through sexuality confusion at that time.

The CMO closed down the shaolin program after a while and switched to a boys only group within their own offices. There, me and the guy got to talking and we actually had a mutual interest in each other. My parents found out though, and put a stop to it. the group was disbanded and the guy was put on probation.

I was devastated, my emotions are more pronounced than some of my neurotypical counterparts, so I slipped into depression.

Time passed, and I started doing therapy with my current therapist. He helped me get better at social interaction in real life. At this time, I also met another guy through Furnet IRC, and we became close friends. Sadly though, we had to terminate contact with each other until I turn 18, for safety reasons. The decision was mutual.

I slipped deeper into depression. I was all alone. I started to have suicidal thoughts, but I never completely acted on them. I've had two incidents. One where I put a knife to myself, and one where I was to jump out of a window. I wasn't injured either time.

At this time, I had started high school. Freshman year was a hell of a ride.

I started to get in contact with another fur who actually lived in the same neighborhood as me. The only catch? He was 22. We had arranged to meet up, but my parents found out, and I think they saved my life.

My therapist analyzed our conversations and proved beyond a doubt that this man was trying to lure me, potentially rape and murder me.

I slipped yet deeper into depression. Freshman year came and went, I was suspended for drinking in school, and abuse of school technology.

Sophomore year came and I got my first girlfriend, my first kiss, and my first breakup. I was devastated yet again. Any, yet again, I became depressed even more.

I went back to writing and drawing furry things. My parents never really approved, but my mother was understanding. My father on the other hand, was not so much.

They never really liked me interacting with people on the internet, but sadly, that's where all my best friendships have ever been.

My father tore my Nintendo 3DS in half because I was drawing furry art and interacting with other furs through it. They also freaked out because I was texting friends I had made in Florida And California.

And, that's how my life has been. Thank you so much if you read all of this. I just needed to get it all off my chest and out into the open.

Sorry if you all are in any way, shape, or form are offended by this. And Thank you.

submitted by ryartran
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Categories: News

My submission for my art class final!

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 07:47
Categories: News

Episode 61 – HEY LISTEN - Holy crap, this is late. Killick's fault really. He forgot to send the files to Sepko before he flew to Canberra, the stupid bastard. So this episode has a discussion on annoying characters, and some news, and other stuff...

Furballd - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 07:38

The fuck has science doneHoly crap, this is late. Killick’s fault really. He forgot to send the files to Sepko before he flew to Canberra, the stupid bastard. So this episode has a discussion on annoying characters, and some news, and other stuff… I can’t even remember at this point, we recorded this so long ago. When are we recording the next episode? Tomorrow?!? Jesustittyfrakingmonkeypiddle…

This episode’s song is “Foxeh’s Thanksgiving Gift” by Tundrafox. You can find the song on SoFurry here.

Episode 61 – HEY LISTEN - Holy crap, this is late. Killick's fault really. He forgot to send the files to Sepko before he flew to Canberra, the stupid bastard. So this episode has a discussion on annoying characters, and some news, and other stuff...
Categories: Podcasts

r/Furry Galatic War Game #3! Sign-ups are now!

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 07:04

Special rules for this game:

  • Circular Galaxy

  • 'Large' Galaxy size

  • Formal Alliances enabled

  • TWO pay periods per day! (12h)

  • Fog of War ON

Password is once again 'furry'

I may sit this one out. But if friday comes around and the game needs the 8th slot filled, I'll jump in!

Good luck!

submitted by HappyWulf
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Categories: News

Anthros in Anime

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 05:14
Categories: News


Fursday - Links - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 04:00

The furry fandom’s most popular IRC chatroom network based on membership numbers. Caters to a wide variety of interest groups.

In their words

Furnet is an IRC network for the global furry community, and provides a network of IRC servers in Europe, the United States and Australia.


Furnet is self described as an unmoderated forum. Anyone can use the IRC channel so adult supervision is advised for minors. Many of the rooms are strictly for 18+ because of their mature topic of conversation. Furnet has chatroom channels catering to teenagers such as TeenageFurs and Furry Teens.

Additional linksTwitterQuotes from FurNetWikiFur entry


Falling Acorns

Fursday - Links - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 04:00

Confusing it is also known as A Chipmunk and a Lizard, Falling Acorns is a comic about a couple of animals who spend their day sitting on a rock, wearing masks and conversing.

In their words

a Chipmunk and a Lizard is a comic strip posted daily, Monday through Friday, since April 1, 2002. It became the weekly strip Falling Acorns on its eleventh anniversary in 2013. Small masked animals sit on a rock and talk.

Rating Censor_Gc.gif

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.

 Additional linksStoreFacebook Page


Furry Writers’ Guild

Fursday - Links - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 04:00

An organisation for the benefit of writers, their website gives aspiring and experienced writers access to a wealth of resources aimed at helping them improve their writing, find publishers and promote their work.

n their words

The aim of the Furry Writers' Guild is to become a great place where writers of all levels and abilities can come together and help improve the quality of anthropomorphic fiction.  As of right now, there is a lot of useful information, great stories, and various publishing opportunities available for furry writers, but it's scattered around the internet.  The goal of this site is to collect those things into one location and give a place for outstanding anthropomorphic writers and fiction to shine.  So have a look around, and I hope you'll enjoy what the Furry Writers' Guild has to offer.

Ratin Censor_Gc.gif

uitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.

 Additional linkTwitterFurAffinityForumForum (disused)WikiFur entry



Fursday - Links - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 04:00

Every good fandom needs its own dedicated wikipedia and the furry fandom is no different. WikiFur is a comprehensive encyclopaedia of personalities, anthro media, websites, conventions and more.

In their words

WikiFur is a cooperative attempt to record information of use to the furry community. Yes, that's a broad statement! If it's related in any way to furry community or culture, chances are it's worth mentioning on WikiFur.


Most content is suitable for all ages, however being an encyclopaedia it will contain adult subject matters as well as link to sites not suitable for minors.

Additional linksWikiFurs EnglishLiveJournalWikiFur statisticsWikiFurs entry (inception)


The Furry Sneezing Archive

Fursday - Links - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 04:00

Forum dedicated to the sneeze fur community, in other words furs who love sneezing, whether it be art or stories or video clips. Also branches out to tickling, macro and footpaws.

In their words

Welcome to This is a fetish-based community site that combines sneezing and anthropomorphics. Located at this link is a sampling of the art content that has been collected over the years.

Rating Censor_Mc.gif

For mature audiences.  Contains moderate risk of nudity, and adult situations.  Minimum age for registration is 16. Forum is a mixture of adult and clean content.

Additional linksChatroomWikiFur entry


He Does What He Wants, She Begs for More

Ask Papabear - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 02:16

Alright, so I fell in love with a fox furry and he is trying to stick to the whole typical fox characteristics of being really yiffy and wanting to yiff and have more than one mate. We dated for a year; he proposed, but then I started accusing him of cheating and found out he was but it was just online and by text and that made me more paranoid and I accused him more. He broke up with me on Thanksgiving Day, right after I went too far and told his friend that it sounded more like he had a mate and I had changed his status on an adult furry website. Now after he cooled down he said we would be on a break till the 19th. He made it sound like he really would take me back; then on the 3rd of December he decided I would be his pet. On the 4th of December he said, no, I want to be friends or nothing. Now he has agreed back to the 19th of December to rethink this. What am I to do? I really love this guy and no one understands that he was the one and only I could ever see standing next to me at the alter. I would agree to any terms he would put before to get him back. What do I do?

Banana Chan

* * *

Dear Banana,

I wonder if you can hear yourself in this letter. He breaks up with you, he decides you’ll go on a break until the 19th, he decides you’ll be his pet, he says you’ll be friends or nothing, he agrees to go back to the 19th and think about it. Sounds like he’s calling all the shots. Where do you factor in this relationship? Well, as you said, you would bend over and do anything he wants for him to be your mate. Doesn’t sound like a good arrangement to this bear’s ears.

In a good relationship, the two partners are on an equal footing. This is built on respect for one another. I don’t see him respecting you too much, as he seems to do whatever he wants in the relationship, but I also don’t see you respecting yourself very much.

Before you worry about your relationship with this fox, you need to find your self-respect. In other words, stop being a door mat. No relationship is worth losing your sense of self-worth. Once that is firmly established, you will be able to have a healthy relationship with someone. As things stand currently, that is not possible.

Put the fox aside for now, hon, and work on yourself.



Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus rated by PEGI for PS Vita

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 5 Dec 2013 - 01:00
 Into the Nexus rated by PEGI for PS Vita

"Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus" was rated yesterday by PEGI for PS Vita release.


The European rating board gave the game an age rating of 7, which would be simmilar to the ESRB rating of E or E10+.

Into the Nexus was released in Europe for the PS3 back in November but was overshadowed by the PS4 and Xbox One who were both released within a few days of it.

"Some of you have asked us why we made a shorter Ratchet game," Insomniac said earlier this year. "The truth is, we relished this ability to tie a bow on the PS3 era of Ratchet with a shorter title.

"We have a lot of stories to tell, some longer, some shorter. This one felt just right. It's a very polished self-contained return to the Ratchet adventures of yore."

Into the Nexus is an epolouge of Ratchet and Clank's "future series" which consists of "Tools of Destruction","Quest For Booty" and "A Crack in Time".

Categories: News