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Your Face as a Furry

Furry News Network - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 14:05
Author: rodney How would you like to appear as a red panda character on Skype, Twitch, or other services that use a web cam? That’s the idea behind FaceRig, a new program under development at Holotech Studios which allows anyone with a web cam to appear as an animated character. In addition to the red […]
Categories: News

Let's see all of those feline fursonas/characters!

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 11:41

I don't see enough felines in the fandom and want to see a concentration of them here! :3

I am a Fuzzy Lion named Toph :3

Meow, Rawr, Purr, Hiss :D

Edit: Hybrids that include felines are ok!

submitted by TophLion
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Categories: News

Happy Holidays from /r/furry!

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 09:38
Categories: News

My fox and I, playing WiiU

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 09:16
Categories: News

My boyfriend fursuit :D

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 08:39
Categories: News

Meet my fursona, Sylvia Valentine!

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 04:26

I keep forgetting to share this here. I had this drawn by a friend. She's my bunny fursona! Took me a while and some close working with the artist to get it done, but I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. (something which I really, really appreciate).

If you happen to want to draw her, let me know. There's a marking hidden under her clothes and one on her back, too, as well as a short tail that's not visible from this angle (she often tucks it in to keep it away from prying paws.

Link to artist's DA will be in comments (they haven't posted it on their DA, but I've asked if it's okay to be sharing). And yes, they forgot to sign it XD They do mostly rendered art, but 'cos I was in a pinch they helped me out on this one. :D

submitted by affirmedatheist
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Categories: News

12 Days of Fur-Mas! - This is just the audio of the 12 Days of Fur-Mas video we did, so be sure you go and see the real...

The Dragget Show - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 01:30
This is just the audio of the 12 Days of Fur-Mas video we did, so be sure you go and see the real deal video! We won't be able to do a podcast this week, so we hope you enjoy! ENJOY IT DAMN YOU!!! 12 Days of Fur-Mas! - This is just the audio of the 12 Days of Fur-Mas video we did, so be sure you go and see the real...
Categories: Podcasts

12 Days of Fur-Mas! - This is just the audio of the 12 Days of Fur-Mas video we did, so be sure you go and see the real...

The Dragget Show - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 01:30
This is just the audio of the 12 Days of Fur-Mas video we did, so be sure you go and see the real deal video! We won't be able to do a podcast this week, so we hope you enjoy! ENJOY IT DAMN YOU!!! 12 Days of Fur-Mas! - This is just the audio of the 12 Days of Fur-Mas video we did, so be sure you go and see the real...
Categories: Podcasts

Are there any U.S. furry cons that would be good for a first timer in the next few months?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Dec 2013 - 00:17

I'm kinda itching to go to my first con...but I'm also nervous because I'm not sure if I'll have anyone to go with and I ain't got no furry friends. Are there any coming up that are good for a newbie? I'm in the Northeast, but I'm up for some travelling.


submitted by allthingsfuzzy
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Categories: News

Your Face as a Furry

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 22 Dec 2013 - 23:40

How would you like to appear as a red panda character on Skype, Twitch, or other services that use a web cam? That’s the idea behind FaceRig, a new program under development at Holotech Studios which allows anyone with a web cam to appear as an animated character. In addition to the red panda, the current characters available include a leathery demon, an anime girl, and a beefy human soldier — but they have plans to add more characters as the program is developed further. It all works through cutting-edge face-tracking technology that the developers have created. Check out the demo video over on YouTube. Meanwhile the developers have an IndieGoGo campaign started up to help them get the venture capital they need to bring this program out on the market.

image c. 2013 Holotech Studios

Categories: News

Mecha Woof claws!

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Dec 2013 - 23:28
Categories: News

Looking Like Science

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Dec 2013 - 23:01
Categories: News

I'll sketch some of your guys fursonas tonight!

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Dec 2013 - 21:49

Hey r/furry! I got my sketchbook and some pens and pencils and figured I could draw some stuff for you guys! It doesnt even have to be your fursona, just something furry. Just remember replies wont be immediate as I do have to still do some small things. Well I hope to get from requests from you guys!

EDIT: woah, so many requests! Im gonna try to get to as much as possible tonight, if I dont get to yours tonight I'll jump on it tomorow! Plus im now drawing them digitaly so you guys can get something good instead of a low quality sketch.

EDIT 2: Hey guys here again, just finished another piece for tonight so im gonna head to bed, if you still want art or are waiting be patient, this is very fun and love to do stuff for you guys! Also, to the few who posted art for refrence from FurAffinity, the site is still having problems, (at least for me) so if you can try to get another host for the picture, I will retry the links tomorow once i can though, just incase you can't. :3 . See ya tomorow!

EDIT 3: (all these edits omg) I need to go to bed but I got into FA and now I just need to sign in to see the posts, I will check them out tomorow, ok good night everyone.

EDIT 4: Hey guys, so something came up and now have less time to fill the requests, whenever I can I will work on them cause its fun, but my tablet is giving me problems and I wont be able to fix it now. I will let you all know when ill be working again so dont worry 3.

submitted by Blu35tr1k3
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Categories: News