Feed aggregator
Sold a design and the customer wanted seasonal coat changes - have any recommendations or opinions on colors?
Anyone headed to confurgence this weekend?
It will be my first con so I figured it would be cool to meet up with some people :)
submitted by skullnoir[link] [comment]
A Quick Answer for Some Good Information on Furries
Hello! I am new to Reddit and I have no friends who are furries! I just wanted to introduce myself to the fandom here! I am on FurAffinity and SoFurry.
submitted by catsdontdance219[link] [8 comments]
Opportunity to get your FaceRig questions answered! Interview With Lead Developer 9AM PST...
Hey /r/Furry! We are My Geek Review an online Geek Culture publication and we have an interview at 9AM PST with the lead developer from FaceRig! And we wanted to give you all a chance to get your questions asked!
So please leave a comment here and we will do our best to get it answered for you!
My Geek Review
Edit: That's it folks! Thanks a lot for all of your questions, we just finished the interview a few minutes ago and we got a lot of your questions in. Keep an eye on our website around August to see if your question(s) got asked and answered!
submitted by MyGeekReview[link] [12 comments]
Any furry gamers out there? I took a few screenshots from Overgrowth. (Bee-tee-dubs, it's in its alpha stage right now)
How did you make your furry friends/what's best way to meet people?
Yet another "new furry" post. Circled around the fandom for some time, not really joining in, until I found some convention videos and finally decided "hell yes! this is awesome! I want in!"
So the question is what is the best way to meet people?
I made a FurAffinity account and put up a little art, but FA doesn't really seem to be the greatest environment for just chatting and getting to know people and whatnot, or maybe I'm just not using right.
One more thing, I'm thinking about going to the Fur Squared convention in February, but I was wondering if it was worth going if I didn't know anyone. Thanks
submitted by Ijzer102[link] [21 comments]
Another damn skype group request
Hey, I know these threads are plenty, but yeah. Didn't really work out with the last Skype group I was a part of and I was wondering if anyone had any groups I could join. Thanks.
submitted by Explolguy[link] [comment]
I've been looking for a certain vintage furry comic for ages. It features scantily dressed cowgirl mice who speak in Southern drawls. There are a bunch of them.
Never really got to much into the fandom
So I've considered myself a furry for a while now, but I've never really delved myself into the fandom. And I'm not really sure how i should, I haven't bothered to much with a Fursona but i have thought about it. What i'm mainly interested in though is meeting other Furries. To start off I love pc video games (also have a 3ds and love pokemon if any cares) and love to play with some of the people on this reddit. I know there is a few good Furry steam groups like redditfurs and such but I decided i would like to try directly here first. If you want my steam or anything else just pm me (If i can ever figure out how to work reddit right). Also i know lots of people in this community make art and i'm interested in being able to draw as well. Does anyone know of some basic to more advanced guides for drawing Anthro or just plain animals in general? Thanks ahead of time.
Sorry for the wall of text and semi disorganization but i really appreciate it.
submitted by mysteryponi[link] [14 comments]
Putting the ART in Furry Art
Lisa Hanawalt is a New York-based artist whose illustrations feature humans and anthropomorphic animals in a variety of artistic styles, all in the service of the creator’s wry observations of pop culture and human foibles. Her works have been seen in a variety of publications and on a variety of web sites, as you can see if you visit her home page or her shop on Tumblr. Well now, her works have been gathered together on dead trees in a new hardcover collection, My Dirty Dumb Eyes from Drawn & Quarterly. Check it out at Amazon. It’s also available as a trade paperback.

image c. 2013 by Lisa Hanawalt