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/r/furry, here is another obligatory post about Skype.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 17:14

So, I wanted to make another obligatory skype post because I really wanted to have a few more of you guys on my list. I have about 4 people, and it's a bit lonely, so I'm looking for a whole bunch of furs wanting to chat!

Also, I'm looking to make a group chat for a couple people aswell - I have been in control of group chats over 50+ - so I can handle admining/moderatoring, so if you would like to be in the group, please do tell me aswell when your adding me.

So, yeah. Skype: "brownpancake" w/o quotations OR "Mack The Arctic Fox." w/o quotations - and it should come up with Mack The Arctic Fox.


submitted by Mackfoxeh
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Categories: News

Furries descend on Lake Murray

Furries In The Media - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 17:03

Here is an article in the January 6 edition of the San Diego Reader:

It describes a recent furmeet at the Lake Murray reservoir in San Diego, California.

Furries descend on Lake Murray
Everyone was hugging, laughing, riding motorcycles, and playing tag

By Gloria Ciprian, Jan. 6, 2014

On January 4, LMFAO arrived at Lake Murray between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to have their monthly meeting, which they hold on the first Saturday of every month.

In this case, LMFAO does not stand for the vulgar “laughing my f*ing ass off,” but "Lake Murray Furry Anthro Outing."

Their gathering was held at the less-visited part of the lake — more like the “downtown” section, which includes the lake store, lake rentals, boat dock, and picnic area; the running trail attracts most of the park’s visitors.

The several members greeted each other and onlookers with over-the-top friendliness and glee. Most people who saw the “furries” wanted to know the purpose of the animated party. Each member had a badge with his or her “club” name written on it.

Ryka and Motomo were two members’ names, along with Hogwash, who claimed to be the group’s leader. Leo, one of the park workers, laughed and commented that he thought a lot of the costumes cost a lot of money.

Everyone was hugging, laughing, riding motorcycles, and playing tag. The atmosphere was joyful and playful. Some bystanders were wondering how they could become a member. Hogwash quickly told them that anyone who shows up on the first Saturday of every month could be a member.

“What is the real purpose?” was the question on most people’s minds. When asked, Hogwash responded that LMFAO’s sole mission was to have fun.
Categories: News

Looking to get back into the fandom!

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 14:52

I was a very active member of the fandom a few years ago, drawing, fursuiting, posting on forums and getting excited for furcons. But the My little pony fandom kind of dragged me away and I lost touch with my furry side! D: I've been slowly working in more and more furry art, and been trying to hang out with my irl furry friends more often! It especially helped that I "started over" with a new fursona that I love a lot more than my old one,started a fresh new FA account, and got a brand new suit!

tl;dr: i started drifting out of the fandom a while ago and am looking to be more active again!

I do have a FurAffinity and a Tumblr (Though the tumblr is less fur, more pony.) I just want to talk to some fellow furs,about anything fandom-related really, since I don't do that too often anymore! I'll talk about my suits, my art, my friends, the cons i've been to, I just really want to get back into the fandom I love so much!

submitted by theblueroanfilly
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Categories: News

Putting the ART in Furry Art

Furry News Network - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 14:05
Author: rodney Lisa Hanawalt is a New York-based artist whose illustrations feature humans and anthropomorphic animals in a variety of artistic styles, all in the service of the creator’s wry observations of pop culture and human foibles. Her works have been seen in a variety of publications and on a variety of web sites, as […]
Categories: News

Purr-sona! (Credit: Ryshili)

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 13:47
Categories: News

Revit's MFF 2013 Con Video

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 10:37
Categories: News

Anyone headed to confurgence this weekend?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 09:40

It will be my first con so I figured it would be cool to meet up with some people :)

submitted by skullnoir
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Categories: News

A Quick Answer for Some Good Information on Furries

Furry News Network - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hi Papa bear.  I was wondering how to talk to stubborn patents about furries. My parent recently looked at my tumblr and email seeing questions about fursuits. From some of the people on tumblr I follow she saw “bad” things. How do I explain to her that not all furries are bad. Koma the hybrid […]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 05:28

Hello! I am new to Reddit and I have no friends who are furries! I just wanted to introduce myself to the fandom here! I am on FurAffinity and SoFurry.

submitted by catsdontdance219
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Categories: News

Hey there r/Furry! I'm Dez!

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 02:57
Categories: News

Opportunity to get your FaceRig questions answered! Interview With Lead Developer 9AM PST...

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Jan 2014 - 02:41

Hey /r/Furry! We are My Geek Review an online Geek Culture publication and we have an interview at 9AM PST with the lead developer from FaceRig! And we wanted to give you all a chance to get your questions asked!

So please leave a comment here and we will do our best to get it answered for you!


My Geek Review

Edit: That's it folks! Thanks a lot for all of your questions, we just finished the interview a few minutes ago and we got a lot of your questions in. Keep an eye on our website around August to see if your question(s) got asked and answered!

submitted by MyGeekReview
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Categories: News