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Ep 90 - Gay Casino (The Brown Nugget) - Great ep! We talk hangovers, Golden Globes, Acai berry, Jew Hat Restaurant, Shadowrun, not fappi...

The Dragget Show - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 23:20
Great ep! We talk hangovers, Golden Globes, Acai berry, Jew Hat Restaurant, Shadowrun, not fapping, gay screennames, Gay Casinos, KKKakes, and more! As always, don't forget to pre-register for Fur Squared! Getting a discount and the opportunity to get in the con pic is quickly running out, which you'll also receive a copy! Ep 90 - Gay Casino (The Brown Nugget) - Great ep! We talk hangovers, Golden Globes, Acai berry, Jew Hat Restaurant, Shadowrun, not fappi...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep 90 - Gay Casino (The Brown Nugget) - Great ep! We talk hangovers, Golden Globes, Acai berry, Jew Hat Restaurant, Shadowrun, not fappi...

The Dragget Show - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 23:20
Great ep! We talk hangovers, Golden Globes, Acai berry, Jew Hat Restaurant, Shadowrun, not fapping, gay screennames, Gay Casinos, KKKakes, and more! As always, don't forget to pre-register for Fur Squared! Getting a discount and the opportunity to get in the con pic is quickly running out, which you'll also receive a copy! Ep 90 - Gay Casino (The Brown Nugget) - Great ep! We talk hangovers, Golden Globes, Acai berry, Jew Hat Restaurant, Shadowrun, not fappi...
Categories: Podcasts

Furfunding Week in Review 1-13-14

FurStarter - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 23:16
Furfunding Week in Review 1-13-14

This week’s illustration is from the kickstarter for Nature Hater by Adam Comiskey.

Wow, three weeks between posts? I’d say “mea culpa,” but there just weren’t that many major projects. Let the minor projects wash over you like a mighty flood.

In other news, the busy dogs at Furstarter are trying to solve the problem of “how to display Patreon “sustained crowdfunding” projects in a way that’s interesting and fair?” Draft One’s here…but we’re looking for a better answer.

And a little thank you to Julian Bynoe, who gave me a surprise walk-on part for Christmas :) What a nice little treat!

This week’s reviews: Rick Griffin’s Patreon campaign for Housepets and other projects, and the wolfy walfy underground anthology comic, “Wolfen Jump.”

Reviews roundicon-housepets roundicon-wolvenjump New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page!


DrawPonies (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
MLP Fanart by DrawPonies.


Primal: Art Photo Book (Ends: 2/11/2014)
Artistic nudes juxtaposing human forms and animal imagery
Partial not-very-SFW gallery here….

Children’s Products

Kola the Kitten (Ends: 1/30/2014)
Disgustingly cute magic kitten gets its own children’s book. Oh, the cute.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Sunnyville Stories V1 (Ends: 2/12/2014)
Re-edition of indie comic “slice of life” stories. Issue 1 is available at the Sunnyville website.
These are…screamingly bad. But kind of charming in a weird way.

Wolfen Jump (Ends: 2/17/2014)
A wolf-saturated underground-style anthology graphic novel, loaded with anthro characters in a variety of styles, but mostly wolves.
Check out their web edition here!

Shivae Studios Graphic Novels (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Support for Shivae Studios, creator of furry webcomic The Cyantian Chronicles

Inhuman Comic (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Sci-fi webcomic–not so much with the furry, but loaded with demi-humans, talking animals, and dragons!


Realistic Animal Costume Ears (Ends: 2/9/2014)
Cute and fuzzy fox ears with realistic fur shading


Canterlot University (Ends: 3/1/2014)
Celebrating the Year of the Horse with a new ponycon in Singapore


Dawgtown Phase 2 (Ends: 2/2/2014)
The Dawgtown animated feature, Watership Down meets Gladiator (but with dogs), seeking funding for staff and production

Zoochosis: A Short Documentary (Ends: 2/7/2014)
A film about the abnormal behavior patterns of animals housed in zoos


KristinMadeStuff Acrylic Charms (Ends: 2/5/2014)
Cute animals in tiny acrylic charms!
So, “Acrylic animal tags” is a genre, but the gray wolf is “stop the bus” cute…

Video Games

NatureHater (Ends: 2/12/2014)
Side-scrolling shooter. Dean the Platypus has a HUGE chip on his shoulder, and he’s taking it out on the entire damn ecosystem. Nature…nature must die.


Baraking Webcomics Funding (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Furry yaoi comics by Baraking.
Hmm…young artist and new. It’s nice stuff, but seeking funding without a deep background…

…Just For Fun

Adventure-Pom Road Trip! (Ends: 2/2/2014): Captain Henry Gingersnaps, clearly a pomeranian of action, goes on a photo-book adventure!
Music for the Island of Dr Moreau (Ends: 2/7/2014): Throwback to our Victorian furbears, funding the soundtrack for a dramatization of Wells’ tale of man’s inhumanity to manbeasts.
Perth Mermaids (Ends: 2/14/2014): Care and maintenance for Australia’s resident mermaids. I didn’t know Australia HAD mermaids.
Mulmino (Ends: 3/12/2014): Graphic novel project. Just bizaare, go read. “Mulmino is a biologically fine engineered creature with single head and many physiques…there would not be anymore biological evolution process in the earth after Mulmino. Mulmino will be the most intelligent and rational being in this planet.” To license Mulmino, please send money. Life is full of mysteries.

Categories: News

A space sergal

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 23:00
Categories: News

Holy Crap Its So True...

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 22:42
Categories: News

School Mascot Drawing Contest!

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:56
Categories: News

Would anyone be interested in me drawing their character?

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:52

I'm offering cheap commissions at the moment to try and get more productivity(plus I gotta buy gas to get to college and back). Prices may change at any point, so get your name in quick if you want them this cheap. :3

Here's my Commissions Information on FurAffinity. You're welcome to look through my gallery as well.

Edit: Just realized the picture itself wasn't showing for all of you that use the Reddit Enhancement Suite. So here you go.

submitted by Hot-Gothics
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Such Big Teeth: Wolfen Jump

FurStarter - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:51

wj2Underground anthology comic stuffed with more wolves than the elevator at FC…


Wolfen Jump

Indiegogo ending 2/17/14

wj1There’s indie comics–artsy and thoughtful with quirky characters, playful, dialog-based, gentle little fantasies, serious little slices of life. The Flight anthology series springs to mind, but there’s dozens of titles out there. Heck, one of the granddaddy indies is even furry, kind of–thank you, Maus.

And then there’s the world of underground comix, sleazy, psychedelic–not necessarily “adult” in the NSFW sense of the word, but certainly with a college audience. Robert Crumb‘s their poster child–grungy, trippy, satirical, maybe raunchy.

wj3Take a little of column A, a little of column B, mix them together, and COVER IN FUR, and you’ve got Wolfen Jump, the wolf-themed–I’m sorry, walf-themed indie comic anthology. You can see all of issue one in glorious semicolor on Tumblr, and it’s absolutely worth the read, a long tour of loosely-themed comix, with a big pack of artists and styles.

wj4So, yeah, there’s the entire comic. What’s the Indiegogo campaign for? Short answer: Buy the book. For just $20 you can take your walfs home, a 24-artist anthology. Slightly more involved answer, the deadline for submissions for Volume 2 is August 15, and there’s plans in place for the next print anthology. So this is the support callout–support the walfs, support the book, maybe get the awesome “walf house party” poster. It’s all really good.

wj5I want to say something about the structure of the IGG project page itself, but there’s not a lot to say. Look! Buttons! Books! Rewards! Commissions! Y’all know the drill. Enjoy the walves, friends.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.


Categories: News

Just finished making my first fursuit!

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 20:10
Categories: News

Griffin, Housepets, and the New Medicis

FurStarter - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 18:35

Puppies and patronage models with Rick Griffin’s “Housepets”…



griffin1So…this is about Rick Griffin’s “Housepets” and his new crowdfunding campaign. But, really, it isn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Griffin’s three-per-week comic. What’s not to love? If you like your cats and dogs cute and cuddly, your wolves just this side of beefcake, a little bit of magic, a little bit of drama, a little bit of angst, just a dash of interspecies relationship weirdness…it’s a fun world. There’s even a little bit of challenge to the reader–what does it mean to be a pet in a world where animals can answer the phone and hold down a job? What does it mean to be a human in that world?

griffin2I’ve consistently enjoyed Housepets for a few years now, it’s usually funny, occasionally sweet. And there’s even cheap D&D and LARP jokes. If I was going to criticize it, there’s a bit of a shortage of strong female characters, but that seems to be changing as the series matures.

Anyway, I’m really not talking about Housepets, though I’m happy to gush about my favorite webcomic. No, I’m really talking about Griffin’s new campaign on Patreon; ever since my friends at The Furry Agenda mentioned it to me, I’ve been itching for a chance to claw that box open. So, Mr. Griffin, I’m really just using you shamelessly. Thank you.

Kickstarter is about the product launch, above all else. It builds up expectations, assumes a deadline, demands a release date. Indiegogo can be used for annual fundraisers, and Offbeatr can be used for ongoing digital sales, but their culture is pretty firmly in the world of due-dates and delivery timetables.

Artists don’t tend to work like that–and by artists I also mean musicians, writers, journalists, cartoonists, bloggers (go team), youtubers…all us content providers.  Patreon is crowdfunding for the long haul, stream-based micropayments for  the Internet’s workhorses.

griffin3How does it work? In Griffin’s case, he commits to providing entertainment in the form of a month of webcomic silliness. In return, a patron might promise to give him $3 for that month. If both promises are kept, Griffin goes home with a fat $3, and can buy himself a candy bar. Of course it doesn’t stop there, and Mr. Griffin is now going to make a tidy $500+ per strip–it’s not a living wage, yet, but it does pay for the electricity. And Griffin gets an audience for some of his non-”Housepet” projects.

Other furry creators have asked for pledges on a per painting (podcast, webcomic…) basis, weekly basis, per album or portfolio…there’s some variety.

griffin4And what else does the patron get? I mean, the stuff’s going to be posted anyway, right? Artists gotta art, and all. Patrons might get access to a monthly webchat, a draw from a goody grab-bag, a print of the month, special callouts, walk-on roles…you name it. The usual array for a crowdfunded “gimmie,” but again, with an eye toward long-term, sustaining, relationship-building.

I spent a few hours dipping into the furry side of Patreon, there’s a few of us there…mostly bronies, with a heavy helping of MLP:FIM commentary video streams (don’t laugh, please don’t laugh, some of them are bringing in nearly $450 an episode!) But as an intrinsically creative community, I expect to see a slow trickle of Patreon patronage as we trip forward.

A few gems from Patreon:

 Animated comedy MLP reviews with a great British accent!Reviewing is Magic: One of several MLP analysis streams on youtube, but one of the better ones! Witty commentary, fair-to-middling animation, and a charming British accent puts this one ahead of the herd.

Kenno Arkkan's "My Life With Fel" Webcomic

Kenno Arkkan’s My Life With FelA colorful webcomic with a vast range of visual styles, from realism to abstraction, with touches of Chris Goodwin (particularly in Kenno’s variety). Hard to describe, but worth a tour.

Unicorn HuntThe Unicorn Hunt: A chatty pair goes on tongue-in-cheek unicorn hunts through their local neighborhood, dipping into DIY crafts and baking. Youtube stream and art/crafts tumblr.


 Digital and Traditional anthro art (Kwik on FA)Kwik: FA artist Kwik’s artist patronage page, offering insider art opportunities and smut perusal opportunities (“smutportunties” from now on).

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Art Commission Wanted!

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 18:13
Categories: News

Gaming Furever selects Alpha Game Awards for 2013

Furry News Network - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 17:38
Author: JoJoJoshua Gaming Furever has released their “Alpha Game Awards” for 2013. Winners include top hits from all platforms, and a special category chosen specifically for furry-focused titles. Voted on by the content contributing staff at GF, the awards reflect a years’ worth of fantastic games. 2013 has been an exciting year, not just because […]
Categories: News

any Dj furs here?

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 16:44

i am a dj and i am quite a huge amateur at it and wondering how did you guys get your start as a dj and what would you suggest that i do so i can get reconized?

EDIT: well my karma's gone oh well at least I met some other dj's

submitted by SuperiorSnayke
[link] [26 comments]
Categories: News

I'm sure some of you have been in a long distance before, can I have some advice? ; ;

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 16:31

So begins my story about my first relationship and how it affects me still.

So beginning about this time last year, I had been on a smaller, lesser known forum called 'FurryTeens', or FT for short. Seeing as I was 16, this was a very friendly community for us younger furs. Within that forum, I made an abundance of friends, one in particular I will call 'Stephen', for security's sake. Now there was something about Stephen, that made him stand out from the rest of the friends I had made. A certain, grace about him, if you will. A caring aura and loving atmosphere surrounded his person. Now, at the time, I was straight. I'm not even going to say "I /thought/ I was straight, because I'm dead certain I was straight. I had absolutely no interest in guys... until I met Stephen. Again, he was quite different from the rest, in quite a spectacular way. And from the day I met him, I fell head over heels in love with him. Now fast forward, it was Valentine's day of 2013. I had a letter prepared and everything, telling him how I felt, and how much I loved him. That day I found out that he was in love with another guy on the forum; I was shattered. Now it may sound silly to those of you who have never experienced love through a computer screen, it's... it's odd. One would think that you could not have the same love and emotions as you would with someone in real life, but I assure you the feelings are real. So bear with me if you will, and fast forward yet another few months. The guy Stephen was dating had lied about some things, Stephen was pissed and broke up with him. Now being close friends with him, I consoled him that night, and eventually, I built up my courage. I let loose all my feelings, the love and the heartbreak, the same level of emotion as the last verses in Billy Joel's 'Piano Man'. And he wanted to wait just a little while to recuperate, but as you can guess, we were together at last. Now parents were an issue. Not only did I live in a small house which made it impossible to call, but I just naturally had a very good, open and honest relationship with my mother. (Parents are divorced.) So when I finally told her, it was on the drive back from the airport, after visiting my dad. So when I told her, not only did I come out, I admitted I was in love with someone who lived states away, and we were together via the internet. So, she flipped out. Not about me being gay, but she was so mad that I was talking to people online and thought our love couldn't be real. In her defense, she works with sexually abused kids, and cyber predators are a very real threat for us teenagers. So she took all my electronics away, I called my dad and he immediately took my side. 2 weeks later, my mum finally let me have the stuff back, on the condition that we video called so that she could see that he was real. After that we were fine. For then. Fast forward again 4 months or so, and the turbulence started. We, had a different view on sex, it seemed. I was a little (much, I find later) conservative with sex. He would almost brag to me about how all his friends said he was good at sexual RP's, which freaked me out considering these friends with benefits were still his best friends, actually completely infamous for being the sluts of the forum. A few of them are known for sending nude pics and stuff, which like, freaks me out considering we are ONLY LIKE 15-17 and I know by both sending and receiving the pictures underage you can be tagged a sex offender for the rest of your life. Blah blah blah. The main thing that made me angry as hell, was the one guy who addmitted his love to half of the forum, admitted his love to my boyfriend... and they remained best friends. Needless to say, I was paranoid. Anyway, we met for the first time IRL, it was amazing and we had a great time. I had never been so in love before, probably because I had never been in love before. Afterwords, we were planning the second trip, he was being very suggestive about having sex when I was up there, I was saying that I just wanted to take it as it comes, not plan anything. He sort of, broke down and though that meant I wasn't attracted to him in that way, which I was, very very much so. He started breaking down more often, about nothing. He would not let me console him or try to make him feel better, because 'He wasn't good enough for me' and 'I deserved someone better'. I would always tell him that I loved him more than life itself, and he was that love of my life. And eventually, he broke up with me and went into a very, very dark place. And so we reach now. More than 6 months after he's broken up with me, and his name still kills me. I come to find out, him and the infamous guy from the forum who admitted his love to him while we were together, are dating. Not just that, but it's an open relationship. So here's this guy, who tried to take my boyfriend away from me while we were together, and now is dating him, another friend of mine, and has a 22 year old 'master'. Keep in mind, he's 15. So, the more and more I learn about Stephen, it's like he never showed me his true colors. His real self. And I'm regretting it every day, yet I still just, I don't know... I don't love him, I'm happily in love with another long-distance guy and we've been together for going on 5 months, but his name can still make me angry, depressed, sick, you name it... I'm just so lost.

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

Marvel comics to feature furry collectible covers in All-New Marvel NOW!

Furry News Network - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 14:38
Author: crossaffliction Because superheroes and reboots go together like peanut butter and jelly, Marvel is featuring an All-New Marvel NOW! throughout the early half of 2014, in which many of the publisher’s superhero books are gaining new writers and artists, while others are beginning with new #1 issues — never mind that the All-Old Marvel […]
Categories: News