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Making some friends on the slopes :D

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 19:10
Categories: News

Furry Alarm clock

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 19:05
Categories: News

Furfunding Week in Review 2-16-14

FurStarter - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 18:08
Furfunding Week in Review 2-16-14

This week’s illustration is from the kickstarter for Migration by Jeo Cannon 

Patreon continues to be a popular destination for fandom content providers. At some point I need to redress how best to feature Patreon projects and pages, they’re getting to be a bit like tribbles, piling up everywhere! Ach :)

This week’s reviews: The all-minotaur tabletop RPG “The Clay that Woke” and steampunky goodness with “Brick Port Dogs.”

On an unrelated note, I’ll be giving the “Crowdfunding for furries” panel at Furry Fiesta this Saturday! Please stop by and say “hi” if you’re in the area! I’d also welcome the input of an experienced crowdfunder at the table :)

Reviews bricksmallicon claysmallicon New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and the Patreon Page!


The Hungry Wolves: An Illustrated Book (Ends: 3/12/2014)
A story told in haunting illustrations featuring dreamlike and frightening images of nature and animals (particularly wolves…)

Caribou Ink’s Comics and Art (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Art and webcomics by Caribou Ink


Freethinker’s Book of Fables (Ends: 3/4/2014)
A collection of illustrated fables grounded in modern reasoning and critical thinking
I need to call out the image of the squirrel prophet worshipping a statue of one of the Three Muskateers as particularly life-changing.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Poppy O’Possum (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
A biweekly webcomic recently started by Morbi and crowdfunding on Patreon.
Patreon: The “P” is also for “Possum.”

Animatics (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Awkward bromance and wolf-on-ungulate drama on DeviantArt
I can’t find the actual webcomic. It must exist somewhere. Anyone?

Anthronauts (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Quirky and colorful sci-fantasy webcomic by Nixieseal

Brick Port Dogs (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Webcomic and graphic novel work in progress set in a magic-touched, steampunk version of Portland, Maine, by Glowcat

Inhuman (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
The “Inhuman” sci-fi webcomic by Not-Fun


Naughty Pups (Ends: 3/8/2014)
Puppy play props, tees, wristbands, and toys
Hmm…it’s kind of like someone made a vaguely naughty fandom about dog-based leather play, and farmed the props out to Cafepress. I like the rainbow paw print tee though.


Medicine of the Wolf (Ends: 3/13/2014)
A beautifully-filmed documentary about our changing relationship to wolves

Tabletop Games

The Clay That Walks (Ends: 3/15/2014)
A moody and mythical tabletop RPG of a race of enslaved minotaurs in a Mesopotamiam wilderness
By the maker of “My Life With Master“, the “Igor, Bring me the Brain!” Indie RPG

migration2Migration (Ends: 3/15/2014)
A board game of colonization and exploration in the “Settles” German board game mode


Face.Rig.US Fansite (Ends: 2/26/2014)
A fan-made forum for Facerig, with lots of custom characters.
Not affiliated with the original Facerig project, BTW!

Categories: News

Confused Kitty

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 17:46

So, my wife and I went shopping the other day, and we were looking at clothes for her, and as she was looking, I kept seeing different items (obviously feminine clothing) and wondering to myself, "Would I look cute in that?" That has never happened to me before, and I'm a bit confused, yet excited about the idea. What is the furry opinion on this?

submitted by lokilullaby
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

Sharon & Stan Sakai fundraising & call for submissions: hardcover to be published by Dark Horse Comics

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 17:38
Author: earthfurst As reported a few months ago, Sharon Sakai has been battling illness. The Cartoon Arts Professional Society (CAPS) have been fundraising for Sharon & Stan Sakai (creator of Usagi Yojimbo) to help with medical bills. Dark Horse will be publishing a hardcover benefit book The Sakai Project: Artists Celebrate Thirty Years of “Usagi […]
Categories: News

Review: ‘Sunset of Lantonne’, by Jim Galford

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 14:38
Author: Fred This is Book 3 of The Fall of Eldvar. I reviewed Book 1, In Wilder Lands, here in March 2012, and Book 2, Into the Desert Wilds, in November 2012. Those were a two-part subseries, “the wildling story arc”, within the larger saga of The Fall of Eldvar. Galford said on his website […]
Categories: News

Don’t Mess With The Barbarian Wolf

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 14:05
Author: rodney Amigo Comics is a publisher and distributor of creator-owned comic book series. One of their recent titles is Ghost Wolf, a new full-color barbarian adventure series written by El Torres and illustrated by Siku. “The full saga of the Ghost Wolf, the spirit of vengeance of the northern wastes. When the sons of […]
Categories: News

Wolves of Portland: Brick Port Dogs

FurStarter - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 11:17

BPDLogo Gaslight adventure, humor, magic, romance, and the challenges of juggling business and anthropomorphism in Steampunk-era New England…

Brick Port Dogs

Open-ended project on Patreon

BPD5UPDATE 3/2/14: The Brickport web comic launches tomorrow!

I would never have stumbled across the artist Elizabeth “Glowcat” Malloy had I not seen her page on Patreon. And I’m so very glad I did–if you’re a Facebook user, visit her photostream gallery or look for Glowcat on DeviantArt and click randomly around. Her work is detailed, exciting, expressive, OMG werewolves, and her occasional “must have spent weeks on it” image is on par with any of the Great Old Masters on the convention circuit.

BPD1Her newest project, recently launched on Patreon, is a steampunky story set in coastal Maine, in the tiny fictional city of Brick Port, Maine. Mainers might recognize the occasional note of Portland, once Glowcat’s home town. It may be silly, but I’m excited about a Steampunk (or steampunk-inspired) story set in the United States, the dynamic ingenuity of mythical America seems like such an obvious fit for the technological playfulness of the genre, it’s surprising we don’t have a bit more native sons and daughters of Steampunk…but I digress.

BPDiconThe principle characters in Glowcat’s are Victoria and Cyote, the former a tattoo artist, the second a roguish jack-of-all-trades (I’m not saying that there’s a certain amount of “drawn from reality,” here, but Glowcat’s gallery has no shortage of tattoo work. Dr. Who fans might like her TARDIS design. I don’t follow Dr. Who personally, I assume there’s not supposed to be that much blood spattered on the windows :)

The series, at least from the notes Glowcat shared with me, seems to lead with a romance between the two characters, with threads of adventure woven in. In a world where Brick Port is a mote of civilization stranded in the wilderness, and there are goblins and other magical creatures hidden in the margins, there’s adventure to spare. Victoria develops through the series, both in her relationship with Cyote and on a winding, mystical path. The world is touched by magic, with hints of a magical world soaking into ours like paint into a canvas, and the realization of that mystic otherness is one of Brick Port Dogs’ long-term plot elements. That, and trying to run a business when your partner is a coyote. Good luck with that.

bpd4On the “furry” front, the characters of BPD run a continuum, from characters like Victoria with just a touch of the inhuman, through typical anthropomorphic fangy tail-waggers, to fully animal characters, driven more by instinct than the trends in the new Sears Catalog.

bpd3The world of BPD is a blend of Steampunk, touched with just a bit of the gothic (Glowcat mentions the Mordheim game as a source of artistic influence). Her world has the usual steam-powered automatons and the unusual anthro elements, but along with the magic comes goblins and likewise critters, soothsayers and healers, and Cyote himself has some magical elements that Glowcat hints at–we’ll see how those unfold. Glowcat says she’s found a lot of inspiration in the sepia-toned world of Lackadaisy, in its aesthetic treatment and nostalgic tone–I’m not sure I see it, although Cyote’s manic grin might have escaped from that world.

BPD2Now, about the funding model. Ultimately, Glowcat’s plan is to release the series in webcomic form, an ongoing promise that’s perfect for Patreon’s sustained funding model. A dollar, or $5, or whatever a month for something that brings me joy on a Monday morning? Don’t mind if I do. However, there’s a hybrid element at work that’s unusual–at the end of the day, BPD wants to be a graphic novel, a concrete, hold-in-your-hands tome. There’s a clash of ideals there, on some level, between the soft, ongoing funding model and the more Kickstartery project launch model. Both approaches are about creating community–a microfandom on the one hand, and angels for a big release event on the other. I hope to have a chance to talk with Elizabeth down the road to see how she’s merged these two models.

Artwork used in this post with the kind permission of the artist to support her project, please do not reuse.





Categories: News

I sculpted a little fox head!

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 10:14
Categories: News

Simple question

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 09:53

Hello everyone. I'm just a youngfur exploring the furry planet.

That being said, there is something I want to ask to everyone here. What is the best thing that happened to you thanks to the fandom?

submitted by Watchi-2
[link] [29 comments]
Categories: News

Fighting the Urge to Withdraw after Personal Loss

Furry News Network - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 07:57
Author: Dear Papa Bear, I feel I have closed myself off from most of my family and friends the last couple months. In December I had two family members and a dog die, and January I had another family member and dog die. My family in the house tried to soften the blow by getting […]
Categories: News

Fursuit Raffle!

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 05:50
Categories: News

Would anyone like to make some user flair or get a custome flair?

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 02:34

/I can totally spell custom./

If you can art, would you like to make some user flair for us? I would do it, but I'm sure no one wants shitty MSpaint cat faces.

And if you would like your user flair to be of your fursona, just leave your ref here.

submitted by Chewy_Lemon
[link] [17 comments]
Categories: News

Viktor Hyena Badge

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 02:02
Categories: News

Streaming bead art

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 01:46
Categories: News

Scaredy Cat

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Feb 2014 - 01:19
Categories: News