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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ok! We have our first trailer for the new Michael Bay Ninja Turtles…. Still not sure what to think.
Millennials: Advice You Know (Julia Brito)
College Club?
So... I had the idea last evening to start a furry club at my college (Cornell University). But... I have no idea how to do any of that. I wanted to create it so that furries here could meet each other and get to talk. We could have drawing lessons some nights for those who can't draw (such as myself), lessons on how to create a character for stories, potentially creating a fursona (or a second one), and trying to go to a convention as a trip. I know we don't have a club currently, and I was wondering if doing this would be a good idea. Basically, the point of it would be a meet and greet. I'm sure the school would want some sort of reasoning as to how it would improve the college community, but I know I could figure something out for that. So... thoughts? Ideas? I need help!
submitted by dragon567[link] [13 comments]
It's been a good day.
Earlier today I was with my small 4 person group of friends. Let me clarify that I like clop and yiff. We were talking and we were talking about MLP. I am a Brony and they are not. We got in the conversation about clop an how a lot of Bronies seem to be Cloppers. We started joking about clop and Yiff and looking at pictures. I don't know why. They do not know that I like this. I was particularly surprised how one if them, lets call him Steven, started going into detail about clip and yiff. He sounded so much like myself. I casually joke about these things and explain them to others just to have a laugh. But he was just like me, he knew all about it and was way more open in talking about it. I have just recently moved to this new town and I am so glad to say that one of my friends may share the same interest in clop and yiff.
submitted by StallionMC[link] [5 comments]
Why Would He Want a Selfish, Untrusting Partner?
I think I messaged you a while back and I could really do with hearing some advice from another person regarding relationships. It's starting to eat at me a bit and I want to know what I should do because I feel conflicted about the matter.
You see, I got into a relationship some time back, however after a while, we broke things off because of our life matters. Recently, we got back again together but as you know, people change. Some of it was jarring to me but weren’t to him. Like before, he would not cuss or apologize if he did so because I told him I’m not comfortable with strong language so casually used. But now he still uses it and tells me that he's free to and I shouldn’t be bothered about it because technically nothings wrong with it. (its not at me, just generally saying stuff at games)
Now, I aim to please and that’s my nature. We like to RP with each other because of the detail we put into our fantasy posts. I found out that he likes to do non-con [non-consensual sex] now and then. Now that’s new to me because I’m somewhat vanilla and a romantic and haven’t been exposed to that stuff. So I decide on a private venture to go on an online RP site to see channels of it. However, during this period of checking this, we had an argument about the lack of interest he had to me (He was feeling an all time low in sex drive, which I found was because he craved non con RP). In the result, I acted out rather rashly and spiced up my RP profile as if I wanted others attention. It was in vain because soon after he discovered my profile and felt I was cheating on him.
I tried to explain the profile was to learn non con for him (and only days ago we tried it and managed okay). he said he was hurt that I went online to a RP site behind his back and spruced up my profile despite being in a relationship. I told him I wasn’t seeking RP with others but for him. he didn’t believe me and demanded I show my profile page to him so he can scour it for proof. When there wasn’t anything, he believed I wiped it all and was upset. This was followed by 3 months of him giving signs he didn’t trust me and the issue ate at him despite him saying he forgave me. When I brought up the matter, he admitted that he did forgive me at the time but he didn’t believe it.
Needless to say, he soon broke up with me because of my attitude to justify myself that fix the problem he had. He's said that if I want to get back with him, I have to win him over, show I care and give him love and patience still. This is my conflict. Do I pull myself together and do it despite all the hardship of being accused like so? Was I really wrong in trying to go on a site to please him. How else can I do it if not secretly to surprise him?
Do I move on and let go or try to make amends? I do enjoy the RP we had and the relationship, its hard to let it go ... but then again, I don’t want to get back into arguments like that and the brashness of it all either. What do I do? Part of me just wants to give up on this and get back to being single and searching but another part is going to miss the RP and time spent. How does one let go of someone you had been attached to for a while? I try to care for him but I know after all these fights, he doesn’t feel the same about me anymore s:
The Distant Fox
* * *
Dear Distant,
Reading your letter, I could see a pattern: your former BF refused to do anything about his cursing, even though he knew it upset you; he lost interest in you sexually because you would not do the non-consensual thing with him at first; and then when you tried to do something about this, he didn’t trust your word had a hissy fit and left. Then it is your job to go crawling back to him if you want to put the relationship back together? No apology from him for not trusting you? I'm going to adopt my Lateisha persona now and say, "Excuse me, honey? I don't think so! Uh-uhhhh!"
To me, this demonstrates very selfish behavior on his part, an unwillingness to compromise or do anything for you. (Which begs the question, what were you getting out of this relationship, eh?) It was all about him and his needs. You, on the other hand, put up with his cursing even though it offended you, consented to role play that you found disturbing, and conducted extensive research to find out how to please him and surprise him with your very personal gift to him.
I know that you will miss this guy and had formed an attachment to him, but in this bear’s opinion you deserve better. You deserve someone who is more thoughtful, considerate, trusting, and loving toward you.
Move on, fox, move on. You’ll be better off.
Did anyone here pay a commission using bitcoin?
Did anyone here use bitcoin to pay for a commission? What do you guys think about bitcoin? Are there artists who deal in bitcoin?
submitted by InkMercenary[link] [9 comments]
New Skype list
Maybe we can get another list of skype names on here again? You can add me at Crypticcoke :3
submitted by CrypticCoke[link] [37 comments]
Con Report: Furnal Equinox 2014 - Wolfin is back, and he's brought Near! They took a road trip out to Furnal Equinox in Toronto this year, so this week they recount their stories and tell their favorite parts of the trip.
Wolfin is back, and he’s brought Near! They took a road trip out to Furnal Equinox in Toronto this year, so this week they recount their stories and tell their favorite parts of the trip.
Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 12Runtime: 30m
Cast: Levi, Near, StarlightWolf, Wolfin
Editor: Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 WagzTail.com. Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by WagzTail.com as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, WagzTail.com 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.
Podcast image belongs to Jeffery Core, used with permission.
Con Report: Furnal Equinox 2014 - Wolfin is back, and he's brought Near! They took a road trip out to Furnal Equinox in Toronto this year, so this week they recount their stories and tell their favorite parts of the trip.
Official video Dr. Phil on furries
Animation: ‘The Polar Bears’
Working on my first villain, based on a Lynx
Who/what is your "fursona" to you?
My "fursona" is just a representation of myself as an anthro. Same nose piercing, same personality, same crazy hair/mane/whatever. I never intended to create a "character," just the design that I might inhabit in Parallel Universe Furry.
Now, I assumed that that's what a fursona was to everyone until quite recently, when I noticed a couple of artists who had fursonas who they portrayed all the time, as well as more minor characters that they would describe as "me" or "representative of me."
So what's the most common? Is your fursona someone that you'd like to be? Is it someone different from you that you'd like to have as a friend? Or is it just...you? When I say "fursona," what do most of you think of?
submitted by EmbarrassingShit[link] [46 comments]