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London and Peterborough furs (UK)

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 13:30

Afternoon all,

I spend a lot of time in both London (west and central, though anywhere is fine) and Peterborough. Just curious who was about in these areas :3, have a nice evening everyone xx

submitted by GizTehCookieFox
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Categories: News

First furry convention

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 10:51

So I got convinced by someone to go to a con and, as I work third, I left right from work before I got too tired. Now I am sitting outside the hotel, in my car, as my room isn't ready yet. I misjudged how long it would take me to get here.

I have been a part of the community, though not deep, for almost twenty years now. Sitting here waiting sure makes me think about retreating. Social anxiety, thoughts of my age, feeling like more of a peripheral member of the community being at a con...these thoughts are trying to push me to drive back home.

But, I feel like I have become almost a shut in, using the excuse of third shift to make it easy to retreat when nervous in social situations, so I am attempting to ignore those thoughts.

submitted by Tambi_B
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Categories: News

Rambling about coming back to the fandom, allowing myself to do what I want to do, and making new friends

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 09:42

Hi! I'm Haltaar, and I'm a (newly) bisexual European Grey Wolf.

Well that should stop a couple of the PMs.

On a more serious note, I've just come back to the fandom after a years hiatus.

Why leave you ask? Because I was having too much fun, and me being stupid I thought that that could only be a bad thing.

For whatever reason I just decided that being furry was just wrong, strange, and abnormal; that I needed to become more 'normal' and stay away from all things fur.

So I did. I abandoned my accounts, deleted everything that i could and tried to pretend that Haltaar never existed. I abandoned forums, social groups, friends, acquaintances.

And you know what? Normal is way too boring. I could never truly push fur out of my life. I limited myself to lurking in /s/fur threads on /b/ just to allow myself something....

But the other day I thought "You know what? This is really stupid".

So I came back. The only problem is that it's surprisingly difficult to do so.

The first thing that I noticed is that all of my contact lists had turned into wastelands. The few names that I could remember off the top of my head had been deactivated. I was being ignored on all the old IRC channels i used to frequent (at least the ones that hadn't died). I knew no-one. I was completely alone.

So I did what any idiot social cripple does when he wants to force people to talk to him, and opened up

After going through the usual slogs of people just looking to yiff and nothing more, I eventually got talking to a very friendly Gryphon. He was very welcoming and sympathetic. We talked for hours after exchanging skype names.

And well... One thing led to another. Which was new for someone who previously Identified as ruler-straight hetro. I enjoyed myself and realized that the only thing that had been stopping me before was because I wanted to be normal.

Well I can quite happily say fuck normal! The furry fandom is the happiest, most friendly bunch of weirdos I've ever been proud to call myself part of. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of socializing and not sitting and wallowing in self-loathing and it feels great!

So here I am, whether past me likes it or not! wags his tail happily

Now I need to commission some damn pictures of my sona, because past me was right about one thing, I can't draw to save my life.

TL;DR I'm furry, like men too, and couldn't be happier about it! You guys are too much fun damnit!

Edit: Since I'm here, where would you recommend would be the best place to go make new friends easily? I'm still going on IRC and stuff but it's difficult breaking into the established groups that form on there

submitted by Haltaar
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Categories: News

Streaming FREE ART In Five Hours!

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 09:21

Yessiree, I'm doing it again! You can find more details here and I'll be posting the link here about half an hour before game time.

You can find last night's sketches here!

And if you like my style, I'm doing commissions, baseline being $5 an avatar or simple sketch!

See y'all later!

Edit: We're starting shortly! Find Me Here! Sorry for the slight delay!

EDIT EDIT: Closed for the night! Thanks for joining me, and catch me again soon!

submitted by Mister-Dewitt
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Categories: News

I want to start doing commissions too, but need to sort out my prices. How do these look?

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 08:16

I've so far only done one commission, and I want to realllly start getting my art out there. Here's my current work-in-progress commission sheet:

I just want to know if these will be bought; I've been told they could be higher, but what do you think?

Thanks a bunch!

edit: I need to go to sleep now, but I'll check out any replies I get in the morning <3

submitted by OtterPower
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Categories: News

Non-Furry and Musings On Social Stigma

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 08:12

I have been watching how things have changed over the years, I'm not terribly ancient but I was a kid around the time when being called fag was still a social norm, circa 2000 for high school. Genderqueer freedom and equality has kind of exploded, and my awareness has gone from, "Well that's not my thing, but I don't care what they do as long as I don't see it and I am not confused for one" to "This is their life, their body and to punish someone for their sexuality is wrong." It took a long time to go from a sexually-insecure teen to a fairly comfortable 30-something adult but I'd like to think my mind has been changed for the better.

Despite this, furry stigma is just as strong, if not stronger than ever. The meme of "kill it withe fire" or "yiff in hell furfags" is just as prominent today as when I was kid when "faggot" was still an acceptable term of endearment in school. Things change, but I'm not seeing change for sexual cultures like Furries. Why is that? Is it that there has yet to be a Stonewall for Furries, a rallying point? I think I remember my transformative realization, Matthew Shepherd. It became something that remained raw in my mind, how the little cruelties become acceptable until we don't see people anymore. I hope that the point of awareness isn't something so horrific, but then again I think about it and I realize how little exposure I see to furry culture.

With homosexuality it started small, Polari becoming seen on TV, gay characters portrayed sympathetically and gay people we meet through life helping us overcome our prejudices. I feel like it's still taboo for your culture to be mentioned still, as if it will incite riots and persecution because it's still hidden and still secret to an extent. The loudest voices seem to be the crypto-furries behind the mask of Bronies, unabashedly loving things not for their gender, sexualizing animated characters. I think it's something that is universal in our culture but so taboo once you reach a certain age that it becomes painful to ever speak of such things. I remember as a kid I used to love Mrs Brisby from the Secret of Nimh, and I don't care WHO you are, Minerva Mink was stacked O.O

I think this is all winding around to the feeling that I've neglected standing up for people who need it, and for kids who grow up thinking they're weird or broken and wrong because they like something that is not the norm, even the subculture norm. Even those with alternative lifestyles turn their nose up at furdom, hypocritically. Everyone has a preference, everyone has a sexual desire that fits them. I'm a vanilla hetero kind of guy, boring in fact, though a bit of a chubby chaser if that term is still PC. It's just my preference. I like chocolate sometimes but I generally stick to what I like. No one needs to be shit on for liking a different ice cream than you, or enjoy a different sexuality.

It boils down to the basics: Do all participants enjoy it? Are they consenting? Are they of legal age? Is what you are doing safe? Then it's time to destigmatize it. There will always be fringes to what people find acceptable, even among furry culture I'm sure there's an underbelly that people shudder to look upon.

It may simply be ramblings, but I think it is specifically because of things like the Trevor project, it made me think of kids like me who were lost and didn't know what they wanted and believe this is wrong, this is shameful or should be hidden.

I'm a 30-year-old white, married, anglo-saxon christian american male adult, telling you you are exactly who you are supposed to be, and you have an ally in me when the time comes that you want to come out. I may be only one, but I am still one and I'd accept you and defend you like any brother or sister of mine. This is not a throwaway, this is my main account. My name is Jacob and while not many will accept or understand at first, they won't know until you show, and I'll be there.

submitted by octopodesrex
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Categories: News

His Sheltered Friend Might Be in for a Shock about Furry Art on the Web

Furry News Network - Thu 1 May 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, Sorry for bothering you multiple times over the past year, but I’ve found your advice to be some of the most helpful stuff in the fandom (yeah, we’ll get to that in a minute). Let me jump right in on this one. I have a friend who I know outside of furry-related […]
Categories: News

It's a Thursday in your fursona's world. What are they up to?

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 07:55

Assuming that your fursona is a character, what does their Thursday routine look like? School? Job? Snuggly laziness?

If your fursona's not a character, then what are you up to this morning/afternoon/evening?

submitted by MydasThrown
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Categories: News

Animal Rights II - What emotions do animals feel? This discussion came about as an extension of our talk from the first Animal Rights episode. Today we talk about what emotions animals are capable of, animal intelligence, and just what separates humans fr

WagzTail - Thu 1 May 2014 - 06:00

What emotions do animals feel? This discussion came about as an extension of our talk from the first Animal Rights episode. Today we talk about what emotions animals are capable of, animal intelligence, and just what separates humans from animals.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 17

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Braniff, Levi, Starlight Wolf, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to Michiru Maeda, used with permission. Animal Rights II - What emotions do animals feel? This discussion came about as an extension of our talk from the first Animal Rights episode. Today we talk about what emotions animals are capable of, animal intelligence, and just what separates humans from animals.

Categories: Podcasts

Animal Rights II - What emotions do animals feel? This discussion came about as an extension of our talk from the first Animal Rights episode. Today we talk about what emotions animals are capable of, animal intelligence, and just what separates humans fr

WagzTail - Thu 1 May 2014 - 06:00

What emotions do animals feel? This discussion came about as an extension of our talk from the first Animal Rights episode. Today we talk about what emotions animals are capable of, animal intelligence, and just what separates humans from animals.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 17

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Braniff, Levi, Starlight Wolf, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to Michiru Maeda, used with permission. Animal Rights II - What emotions do animals feel? This discussion came about as an extension of our talk from the first Animal Rights episode. Today we talk about what emotions animals are capable of, animal intelligence, and just what separates humans from animals.

Categories: Podcasts

Selling a Partial and Character - Also a Little Story

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 May 2014 - 05:42

Normally I wouldn't advertise auctions (I have done countless auctions for this and that, but have never advertised them), but since this is /r/furry I figured that just this once I would advertise an auction, and also tell a little story for those who make fursuits to keep in mind.

First off, auction is here:

Now, story: I had this character, Malk, created awhile back. I went on to commission the partial (He was always intended as a partial for clothing changes) from a suit maker a friend recommended. I started to work on creating this character, from all his quirks down to his accent (Russian, in fact I spent money learning to keep up a Russian accent from a voice trainer). He was, and still is, probably one of the most diverse characters I have because he was designed to be totally insane, so really sky is the limit on him.

During the process of having him built, I was largely ignored. He was pushed back for other suits that either were more interesting or whatever other reason (Speculation but I knew queue order and where he sat). There were weeks, during the final stages of his work, that I had radio silence, with no updates. As the weeks progressed...I started to hate the character just due to the circumstances. Finally, about 2 weeks prior to completion (And basically there being a tail and hand paws with /maybe/ the beginnings of a sculpted head), I told the maker to just stop work on him, and don't worry about him (Wasn't asking for money back, just didn't even want him. I had paid /more/ than 3/4s of what was owed by then).

Now, he is up on FurBuy, selling not only the partial, but all memories of the character (Ref-sheets, badges etc etc).

Basically, I tell this story to tell suit makers: People do generally care about their characters. Some just have suits made to have them made, most, however, take pride in the character, and everything around them. If you just shove them aside, ignore them or what have you, you do run the risk of destroying the character for the person commissioning the suit. In my 25 years, I have built up at least a dozen, if not more, characters, this one is the first one that I want rid of just because looking at him reminds me of the whole process. My artist has also done the same thing (She loved the character as much as I did), by deleting all of the files she has of him, and taking him down off her galleries (She watched the process of the suit as well, and it bothered her as well, though for different reasons than me).

submitted by PendoFur
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Categories: News

Bye Eddie

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 1 May 2014 - 01:57

The world  of movies lost another big name this week when actor Bob Hoskins passed away at the age of 71. Though he was known throughout much of the world for his dramatic roles (and earned award nominations for several of them), here in the United States he will perhaps forever be best known for his role as gumshoe detective Eddie Valiant, playing opposite a crazed toon bunny in the groundbreaking 1988 live action/animated film Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, which went a long way towards putting animation back on the American landscape after a long slump in the previous decade. But not even counting that, Hoskins had numerous roles in movies with more than a bit of Furry Fandom interest. Some of them cringe-worthy (Mario Brothers, anyone?), some of them wonderful (like the voice of Boris the goose in Balto), and some of them rather obscure (he played Badger in a 2006 British TV movie of The Wind in the Willows). Check out his page at the Internet Movie Database to find out just how diverse his career was. He will be missed.

image c. 2014 Walt Disney Pictures

image c. 2014 Walt Disney Pictures

Categories: News

Control Bear

Furry.Today - Thu 1 May 2014 - 00:41

Here is a Miazaki-esque animated short for an an unusual art project.

“By creating an image that is so unexpected and unusual – a cute,
innocent bear taking off his own head – the artist communicates his message:
you control everything, be strong willed and don’t be controlled
by others or just follow what others expect you to do.”

Categories: Videos