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Furries: The Movie [8 Sept 2019] - South Afrifur Pawdcast

South Afrifur Pawdcast - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 13:01

Today we have the honor of bringing you an interview with Lucas and Tetris, two individuals who are part of the cast and crew of Furries: The Movie, an 80's style horror movie comedy set at a furry convention! If you would like to find out more about the movie, or help fund the production, click here: Find us on Twitter: @South-Afrifur,, on Tumblr,, and on Facebook, Also, for more local news, check out the Zafur forums!
Categories: Podcasts

Animal Farm: a furry fetish party at the Citadel in San Francisco, Sept 14.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 09:36

Art by Alterkitten (Furaffinity / Twitter)

At Animal Farm, all animals party… but some animals party more than others.

Furries have conventions, bowling meets, and dance parties, but until 2014 there were few or no openly advertised, public-access furry fetish parties in the world. Then San Francisco got Wild Things at The Citadel. The BDSM club wanted to host something different and got me involved. (Apparently I look like a helpful dog who likes helping every species to express themselves and get their kink on, with support and safety about consent. Also, I got to do weird fun promotion like joking about a Human Sized Cat Box and making a cat box cake to share in the lounge.)

Wild Things had 4 parties with lots of praise from its diverse, young, LGBT-friendly goers from ages 18+. Then the organizers let it go into hibernation. Until now. If you want to enjoy this stuff, try it here on a set schedule through 2020, because sex is healthy and fun and furries are cute and cuddly.

Come get it:

  • Not just teasing like other furry parties… all the sex, and nobody will turn the hose on you for being naughty!
  • Get some in the well-equipped dungeon full of gear and toys.  Get a vet exam, or be fun and frolicsome. Prance, pose, participate… or get dragged into the fray by your collar! Try a glory hole, get tied up and spanked, do it with a friend, do it with lots of friends, or do it solo while they watch.
  • Safety supplies provided (house rules discourage going raw dog unless with your SO.) Sorry, no watersports, save it up for after the party.
  • Nervous or shy? Don’t fear, enjoy the lounge where no sex is allowed. Just chill out and talk to new friends, with a kitchen full of snacks.
  • Enjoy a secluded cuddle zone with a fun, plush sexy environment, and dancing on the light-up disco floor with DJ Nightkat. (BLFC, Furcon, Frolic.)
  • There’s lockers for your gear if you will change. (They’re not big enough for your gimp/pet person, but there are kennels.)
  • Got a murrsuit? Bring it, and don’t even try to hide that SPH. Pup gear, leather, and any animal costuming goes, with a headless lounge for safe changing.
  • Not sure about coming? Any way I can convince you? How about a free show? Ask to see my dog bone and I’ll give you an eyeful for a party favor.

Sexy soundtrack by @djnightkat.

Get involved, find friends, and please volunteer.

Volunteers are needed for setup, cleanup, and kitchen. Cashier or DM wanted if you have Citadel training.

Got any demos you’d like to run? How about games or a pet auction? Get in touch. It can have volunteers write down pet tricks they will do, and have a pet show where we spin the bottle to find who chooses, with a winner picked by who gets the most barking. And if you don’t do a trick you can do truth or dare.

I dare you to come to the Animal Farm.

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Categories: News

FSMX2 Trailer

Furry.Today - Fri 6 Sep 2019 - 21:05

Did you know there was Furry meetup at Siguniang Mountain in the Xiaojinxian in the  Sichuan Province, China?   How amazingly cool is that?  Check out the trailer for the Four Sisters Mountain Furry Summer Meeting for 2019 [1].  I just love seeing furry stuff like this in places I never expected to see furry go. [1]
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Categories: Videos

Eurofurence Feels Like Home

Furry.Today - Thu 5 Sep 2019 - 18:34

I gotta say Eurofurence does seem to have a lot of well produced music videos. Are cinema cameras just cheaper over there?    
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Categories: Videos

Brasil FurFest on Converse Sponsorship

Global Furry Television - Thu 5 Sep 2019 - 07:40

I know a lot has been said about Brasil FurFest and it’s deal with Converse, but the following it directly from Brasil FurFest and 100% official. This year, Converse is doing a campaign about groups of people having fun in different ways around the globe (the campaign is still ongoing, featuring dancers, basketball teams, motorcycle […]
Categories: News

The Dragon Clan Trailer (Armello)

Furry.Today - Wed 4 Sep 2019 - 19:12

Some new DLC for the game Armello and I kinda wish this was a movie. "Join the insidious band of scaled heroes in their journey to reclaim their birthright, Armello's throne. The Dragon Clan, Armello's second Clan DLC, features four new playable Heroes, a brand new Dragon-exclusive Quest system, a complete Dragon Clan Novella, Dragon Dice, six new Signets, and a new Amulet!"
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Categories: Videos

Untitled Goose Game

Furry.Today - Tue 3 Sep 2019 - 19:30

Ever wanted to be a goose and irritate the hell out of everybody? ...I didn't before but now I do! Coming soon to Nintendo Switch and Steam.        
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Categories: Videos

Animago Trailer (Wolf)

Furry.Today - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 20:09

Today we have a short trailer for the 3D animation conference  Animago [1] in Munich Germany this coming November. I do love the style and design here.     [1]
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Categories: Videos

Episode 69 - Sharking sharks

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:28
And caught up for you all. Join the crew together to talk and yammer the night away Episode 69 - Sharking sharks
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 68 - Shark puns are hard

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:18
The crew returns again to talk the news and hopefully entertain ya all! Episode 68 - Shark puns are hard
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 67 - Sharking up into your ears

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:15
The crew is getting caught up and letting you all enjoy our sultry voices once more! Episode 67 - Sharking up into your ears
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 66 - Shark keeping his nose to the grindstone

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:14
A bit of a backlog to get posted up, here they all come. Thanks for all your patience! Episode 66 - Shark keeping his nose to the grindstone
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 65 - The Shark keeps going!

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:10
A bit of a backlog to get posted up, here they all come. Thanks for all your patience! Episode 65 - The Shark keeps going!
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 64 - Catching the shark up

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:09
A bit of a backlog to get posted up, here they all come. Thanks for all your patience! Episode 64 - Catching the shark up
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 12 Promo

TigerTails Radio - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 14:00
Categories: Podcasts

The Tiger With Good Manners

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 01:12

Here’s more from Animation World Network: “Channel 4, Lupus Films, and HarperCollins have announced the voice cast for their upcoming animated film, The Tiger Who Came to Tea… Based on the classic children’s book by Judith Kerr OBE, the half-hour film will bring the vivid images and irresistible story of this classic picture book to life.  Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, Avengers: Infinity Wars), Tamsin Greig,  David Oyelowo, David Walliams, and Paul Whitehouse will portray the characters of Daddy, Mummy, Tiger, Narrator and Milkman respectively, while seven-year-old newcomer Clara Ross will make her TV debut as Sophie. Published by HarperCollins Children’s Books and produced by Lupus Films, The Tiger Who Came to Tea tells the story of what happens when the doorbell rings as Sophie and her Mummy are sitting down to tea in the kitchen. Confronted with an unexpected guest – a big, furry, stripy tiger – they invite him inside where he proceeds to eat everything in sight before making a timely exit, just before Daddy gets home. Inspired by the author’s daughter, The Tiger Who Came to Tea was first published in 1968 and has sold over 5 million copies. Lupus Films’ distinctive, hand-drawn animated style will bring the story to life, introducing the characters to a whole new audience. Channel 4 will broadcast the one-off half-hour special this Christmas.” Now we’ll see if it becomes available in North America after it airs in the UK.

image c. 2019 Lupus Films

Categories: News


Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sun 1 Sep 2019 - 07:00

《瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約》(CITES)27日於瑞士日內瓦做出一個重要決定, 非洲的野生大象將不得再被捕捉出口到動物園!



Humane Society International 非洲象 (攝自法新社)

國際人道協會(Humane Society International)非洲野生動物主管奧黛麗.德爾辛克(Audrey Delink)指出, 這是CITES對非洲大象的重大決定; 這不只是保育問題,更攸關著動物福祉。

投票結果 全案以87票贊成、29票反對、25票棄權,確定通過。除了可能因新案通過,導致他們無法透過大象交易,換取急用現金的辛巴威和波札那以外;美國和歐盟也投下了反對票。


Categories: News

Fur times X 綠豆腐「手把上的獸生」

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sun 1 Sep 2019 - 07:00





問題2: 請問在聊聊窩的直播之前,豆腐會做怎樣相關的準備呢?







編註: 魯道夫·范·科伊倫, 荷蘭數學家 ,精準計算圓周率到小數點後35位




《Final Fantasy III》中戰鬥的指令,為了玩和朋友借來的《失落的封印》
把顏色密碼表給背下來,玩《天堂》存了好幾個星期的錢才買到的法師套裝只因為上個廁所就噴裝被撿走,第一次摸到類比搖桿連《薩爾達傳說 時之笛》一座獨木橋對面的5塊錢都拿不到,也因為《尼爾》那毫無救贖的劇情和記錄檔而落淚。 太多了,所以我還是選擇《人生 Online》吧XD

薩爾達傳說 時之笛 (取自維基百科)





Donkey Kong (取自














不過總之先鞏固好自己專業的部份,這樣說話才能穩住立場,也別忘記你不可能討好所有的人,Be yourself。



Categories: News