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What’s The Gecko’s Name?

Furry.Today - Fri 9 Aug 2019 - 23:39

I work in IT and I have had this happen to me more times than I care to think about.   It's best to just fake an extreme illness and run out of the room and never speak to them again.
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PAWS ON FIRE Tribute Video

Furry.Today - Thu 8 Aug 2019 - 22:54

Paws on fire is a Eurofurence one on one improv dance contest with one winner left. Man, I gotta say this is one of the best filmed of this sort of things I've seen so far.   Bravo.
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PAWAI 2019 Constory

Furry.Today - Wed 7 Aug 2019 - 22:43

The 2nd furry convention in Jakarta, Indonesia with the theme of the Urban Jungle occurred and it looked like they had a blast.  It just still stuns me how far furry has gone and it makes me very happy.  
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Machine Gun Mama

Furry.Today - Tue 6 Aug 2019 - 22:15

Please, Team Tumult ... make this an actual series. "This animated short is edited at breakneck speed and introduces kickass characters in a fake intro for a fictional TV-series. The film was made for the 50th anniversary of the Swiss Animation Group and is currently in the festival run."
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Ironclaw: The Book of Monsters, by Tempe O’Kun and Ursula Vernon – Review by Sha

Dogpatch Press - Tue 6 Aug 2019 - 10:00

Welcome to Sha of Red Furros — the Spanish language furry news site out of Mexico City, founded in 2009. Some articles will be translated for other readers to enjoy, with light editing to make it smoother. – Patch

Here’s an addition to our articles about Ironclaw, the anthropomorphic role-playing game in it’s 20th anniversary. Recently, Ironclaw’s “The Book of Monsters” was presented at Anthrocon. It’s a bestiary for the base game.

This book originally began its Kickstarter on Aug 21th, 2018 where it quickly reached its funding goal.

It’s a collaboration between Tempe O’Kun (Windfall, Sixes Wild) as the writer, and Ursula Vernon (Digger, Dragonbreath series) for illustrations.

For Sanguine Games Book Of Monsters, Tempo and Ursula reimagine the world of Ironclaw with the premise that in a world where animals can talk and form societies, why wouldn’t plants be able to walk and hunt?

Imagine a tree that can walk and transform into any other character, or fungi that attacks using toxic mist. These imaginative scenarios can make for very funny situations (like being chased by a maniacal, murderous onion), to very creepy ones with a tree-clone of a recently-deceased loved one following you around.

Ironclaw is a very immersive game, more focused on the diplomatic side, that invites you to interact with the civilized world around you (even when it’s about animals). However, this new expansion adds more interesting enemies and adventures that some of the critics of the game found lacking.

While I was reading this book, I couldn’t stop thinking of the Ghost of a Tale videogame, and the excitement I felt scurrying around as Tilo, in a dungeon filled with rat guards.

I think Ironclaw, and this new expansion, are a great way to play a bit more interactively with fursonas that are a bit reminiscent of the old Furcadia MUCK.

Ironclaw is a game with a difference from other pen-and-paper games. It doesn’t use the hitpoint system, and it’s more based on placing status onto other characters based on successful dice-throws. This may be a bit confusing or off-putting at first for old-school players of more complex games like D&D, but it quickly becomes fun and immersive due to it’s complex societal and diplomatic relationships and stories.

I think it’s the perfect games where RPG veterans can introduce newbies to the RPG world, in a way where they also have to manage more complex stuff (like the gifts or managing the status hierarchies.)

The design of the interior is pretty good and has a nice continuity with the base Player’s book. The cover art might benefit from a more modern look since it looks a bit dated even when it’s just been released. However, that part also helps to keep that feeling of continuity with the entire series.

Ironclaw is a game by furries for furries. (And not just for furries, of course). It’s very well made and very fast to start playing as it doesn’t take a lot of setup to start from your character sheet (it even has some pre-made) to begin the adventure itself.

You can get your copies of Ironclaw and “The Book of Monsters” on DriveThruRPG.

– Sha

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

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Singin’ in the Pond

Furry.Today - Mon 5 Aug 2019 - 23:47

♪ What a glorious feeling I'm happy again ♪ "At dusk, a frog named Gene finds a cocktail umbrella drifting on the surface of a pond. Suddenly inspired, Gene breaks into a dance. The umbrella is soon coveted by other creatures. But Gene is determined to be the star of the night. That is, until a salamander named Judy catches the umbrella...."
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Episode 27: "Video Games" (2019-08-05)

Size Matters - Mon 5 Aug 2019 - 07:00
Are they always the boss battle? Are they always punching and jumping on buildings? Talking about macros and the micros in video games. As well, artist spotlights and the next round of Macro Madness. Episode 27: "Video Games" (2019-08-05)
Categories: Podcasts

Enter the World of Cerulean

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 5 Aug 2019 - 00:01

We literally came across this book on the shelf at a local coffee house! Never heard of it, but wow… Sunborn Rising is a new fantasy series for young folks by Aaron Safronoff, lavishly illustrated in both black & white and full color. “The Great Trees of Cerulean are dying. Infected with a mysterious blight, time is running out. Join Barra, a willful, resourceful and adventurous young Arboreal and her two friends, Plicks and Tory, as they journey down into the forgotten heart of their world in a desperate attempt to save it.” The first book in the series, Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall, is available now in several formats. The official web site has lots of background information and several videos about the making of the series. (Honestly, this looks like an animated movie waiting to happen!)

image c. 2019 Neoglyphic Entertainment Inc

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Lucas the Spider: It’s Hot

Furry.Today - Fri 2 Aug 2019 - 21:05

It's summer and too hot! Even for spiders.
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Dragget MD 4 With Fox Amoore! - on YouTube: for all…

The Dragget Show - Fri 2 Aug 2019 - 13:04

on YouTube: for all things Dragget Show -- support us on Patreon! -- all of our audio podcasts at @the-dragget-show You can also find us on iTunes & wherever you find podcasts! Dragget Show telegram chat: Dragget MD 4 With Fox Amoore! - on YouTube: for all…
Categories: Podcasts

PAWAI Street by Indonesia Furs

Furry.Today - Thu 1 Aug 2019 - 18:34

Seriously, We are everywhere. "The Playgrounds of Our Furfriends. There lived a creatures who danced, show off and do tons of funky stuffs everyday!"
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獸繪師 “Zanakil 魔法少女” 錢袋疑遭不法分子竊取

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 1 Aug 2019 - 07:00

在同人圈裡有名氣的同人展 “開拓動漫祭(Fancy Frontier)“,近日於7/27~7/28在花博爭艷館舉辦 “FF34″;其中不少獸繪師也來共襄盛舉,其中”Zanakil 魔法少女”也是其中一位。

當天 Zanakil 魔法少女 的攤位宣傳圖

Zanakil 魔法少女 的攤位位置剛剛好在 監視器死角 的P排
據當事人 Zanakil 魔法少女 表示, 竊盜事件是發生在最後整理攤位的時候 ;當時場面凌亂,以及他們當時在攤位上直接計算當日營收,忘了自己的錢袋放在凌亂的桌上還沒有收起來 。當時他們正在忙碌的計算,所以也沒有發現竊賊的蹤影。
兇手想必是看準行兇時不會被監視器照到,所以才會如此大膽 的行竊。


錢袋裡面裝了近期生活所需的錢,這讓 Zanakil 魔法少女 相當著急,畢竟吃飯錢及住宿費都在錢袋裡面。 但還是有許多熱心的朋友願意給他一臂之力;有朋友願意借給他錢, 讓他晚上能夠吃飯跟住,他事後也在臉書發了一篇感謝文,來感謝這些陪他度過患難的真朋友。

最後Zanakil 魔法少女呼籲,貴重物品真的要收好而且注意四周啊!

Categories: News

獸時報 Fur Times X CK Studio 「當造夢者遇上十字星」

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 1 Aug 2019 - 07:00

這期當然也有眾獸期待的訪談拉!這次我們請到了CK Studio的二位成員,肌肉線條繪製的栩栩如生的「骨凱 Canyne Khai 」和以無線繪、特別畫風聞名的「 小塯犬 Liu Moon Eater 」進行訪問,也希望能夠透過這個機會讓更多人認識這兩位繪師。


小塯犬 :
有著其他同好。 我是後來在高中時期認識了




小塯犬 :


這六年來 骨凱的畫風明顯轉變很大,試問中間究竟下了多少苦工練習畫畫呢?


小塯犬 :
但有時候我個人會覺得創作不是只有在繪技方面,多看多感受、學習也非常重要。 所以總是常常得拉他出門,另一方面是自己無法總是只待在螢幕前畫圖(苦笑
未來希望我們能夠踏出同溫層繼續學習與進修 。


在國小國中高中的時期,我幾乎不讀書,上課不是睡覺就是畫圖 對於畫圖會比較有動力去研究、摸索,花費的時間當然也是相當龐大

二位身為職業畫家 請問當初為何會選擇這條路呢?

小塯犬 :
我也經歷過迷惘期,對自身的能力或技巧、自我價值、生活與理想的拉扯與存疑等等… 說真的,直到去年九月我才正式下定決心要做這件事情。


喔哇嗚,我感覺我的人生被啟發了 。


小塯犬 :



小塯犬 :
他有時候很愛聞東西的味道,尤其是他自己的體味,還記得第一次見面時,他對我做的第一件事情就是靠近然後聞我身上的味道(我一直在等他親我) 還有他其實有時候很木頭(苦笑



寶可夢劍盾的直播推出不到一天,骨凱便畫出藏瑪然特(神獸) 請問像這樣的作品大約需要多久能夠完成呢?

獸人版花有間斷的零碎時間完成的,粗估4~5小時 。


胡塗小塯犬 粉絲專頁:
CK Studio 粉絲專頁:

Categories: News

Under Covers (NSFW)

Furry.Today - Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 22:57

This gets dark quickly ... and seriously weird. "On the night of a lunar eclipse, we uncover the sweet, salacious, and spooky secrets of a small town. From a pigtailed psychopath to naughty nuns and everything in between, this stop motion animated film conjures a comforting thought: that weird is relative."
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They’re Not Toys

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 00:10

And another from the Festival of Books — in a similar vein, perhaps. This is the Isle of Misfits series of novels for young readers, written by Jamie May and illustrated by Freya Hartas. The first book, appropriately called First Class, goes like this: “Gibbon is a gargoyle who has been unable to sit still for hundreds of years. One day, he leaves his post from the castle he was meant to be guarding, and a person sees Gibbon, he panics and runs away. As Gibbon is sadly walking back, he meets three gargoyles who bring him to an island filled with other legendary creatures. There, he goes to a special academy that will train him to go on missions to protect all sorts of mythical creatures who are in trouble. Excited to go and happy that he won’t be lonely anymore, Gibbon is also nervous to go some place where he doesn’t know anyone. Will he be able to make friends in this new place? Find out in this new and exciting creature-filled series, complete with a hilarious cast of characters such as a clumsy dragon, an ill-tempered fairy, a griffin with poor flying skills, and a yeti with a manbun!” Four books in the series are available now from Simon & Schuster.

image c. 2019 Simon & Schuster

Categories: News

Trailer: Arctic Dogs

Furry.Today - Tue 30 Jul 2019 - 21:10

Can we say Furry Bait? "Swifty the Arctic fox works in the mail room of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service but dreams of one day becoming a Top Dog (the Arctic’s star husky couriers). To prove himself worthy of the Top Dog role."
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GFTV moves to a brand new YouTube channel

Global Furry Television - Tue 30 Jul 2019 - 19:20
Welp, this is a late post XD The GFTV has moved to a brand new YouTube channel, and this is so to prevent confusion between non-furry content (which I do post occasionally) with GFTV’s content, that is purely furry-centered. The idea of a official channel was furst suggested by our video editor of the Media […]
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Cat Rapper: Double Duty Cat Litter

Furry.Today - Mon 29 Jul 2019 - 18:44

How awesome is this?  iAmMoshow the cat rapper [1] has made a commercial for Arm and Hammer Kitty litter. Here he is with Jase Spots at Cat Expo: [2]   [1] [2]
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Frolic Party gets crepe-y news about a furry food tradition.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 29 Jul 2019 - 10:00

“Fast food meets slow news day”

San Francisco’s original furry dance party is a thirsty place. Besides for watching Fluke Husky and panting. (Or being pantsless… like an innocent toon character of course). Every first Saturday at The Eagle, I get sweaty from jumping around in a big rug with sweet tunes. It makes me need a Squirrel Pop or five to cool off.

Then it’s drunken feasting time. That’s when food tastes like it looks in cartoons, where mice dive into bowls of jello and eat cheese wheels from the inside out.

At 2 A.M. when you’re still bouncing out the door, if the booze in your belly needs a friend, Crepes A Go Go is the go-to place. (Or was.)

That junky parking lot with a flat-tired truck, and a tattered awning over furniture that shouldn’t live outside… that was the gate to heaven. A smoked salmon, basil, tomato and cheese crepe was my staple.

One time I was going to town on one of those bad boys all doused in hot sauce. That salty, fishy, spicy, juicy treat was getting stuffed in my pie hole so hard, I didn’t notice it got crunchy. Whoops. That was my tongue. Well, it would get better. I kept going, finished the first crepe, got back in line for seconds, and savored how extra… juicy… and salty… whoops again. Fish, tomato and hot sauce had just the right chemistry with the blood in my alcohol stream, that I didn’t notice my tongue had been gushing blood in my first crepe and second one too.

It got kind of scary. I could spit it like a creature from a zombie plague movie, or make a pile of napkins look like a crime scene, but it didn’t want to stop. I headed home so they wouldn’t have to put up biohazard warnings, and drove with my mouth open for 30 minutes to get some air on it. That sealed things up and it was OK.

Gross huh? But that’s how good those crepes were. They made pain feel good. I’d ignore a sucking chest wound for one. They’re going to get mourned, because Crepes A Go Go got pushed out to make some stupid office building. Everything in San Francisco is on the gentrifier chopping block like that.

Well summonabithc. Here's what happened to the crepe truck for @FrolicParty

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) July 22, 2019

I chatted up DJ Neonbunny, the Frolic Party organizer. Could a food truck park outside the Eagle? That would be a good time for everyone. Maybe Grilled Cheez Guy, or the Royal Egyptian truck, who did the Galactic Camp party and became more or less honorary furries?

Neonbunny told me: “We got a food truck to come outside the Stud a few times when Frolic was there! But after a while, they moved on. The Eagle has a few connections for trucks too. But there’s a lot of construction right now, and one has to be willing to go through a heavy permitting process.”

Nacho Husky of Galactic Camp told me: “The other thing is the Eagle will let you bring a BBQ and sell food if it’s for charity. I’ve done it with them. If someone wanted to bring a BBQ, they have a food permit.”

Well that would be fun! Until then, there’s a couple of sub-par overpriced pizza places or hot dog pirates on the sidewalk.

Last things: Does anyone know of any aging-rockers-turned-DJ’s in California who might be hireable for a special Frolic? (Like Jello Biafra last year?)

And for October, look out for a sweet music video release party. I was a rodent in it, and there was cheese!

Recently a music video was shot for "Squirrel At The End of the Bar" with @Zarafagiraffe @Catprowler12 and more. Here's a photoset by Candy and a few with my rat. @fakedansavage wanted it in @humpfilmfest. Maybe @FurFilmFest too? 1/

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) July 18, 2019

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

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Be Careful What You Wish For

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 28 Jul 2019 - 01:54

At this year’s Los Angeles Times Festival of Books we came across an illustrated children’s book called If I Had A Gryphon, written by Vikki Vansickle — and our eyes were caught by the colorful illustrations of Cale Atkinson. “Sam just got a hamster for a pet. But the hamster is kind of boring … he just eats and sleeps and gets his shavings wet. Inspired by her book of mythological creatures, Sam longs for a more exciting pet. But she soon realizes that taking care of these magical beasts might not be as wonderful as she thought. Sasquatches are messy, unicorns are shy, hippogriffs scare the dogs at the dogpark, and having a fire extinguisher handy at all times makes dragons seem like an awful lot of work. In the end, Sam realizes that her hamster is a pretty sweet and safe pet … or is he?” You can find out more at Penguin Random House.

image c. 2019 Penguin Random House

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