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I found one of my old silly band bracelets I wore in middle school. Now, it's my new bracelet to remind me of who I am!
Is Friendship Over After What Might Be Considered an Insensitive Joke?
So I had this one friend who is an artist. We don't exactly talk too much but I will always leave a like and a comment on her pictures on Facebook or Instagram. Sometimes we would chat and she would give me advice on how I can become a better artist.
A few months ago, I made a critique on one her friend's animation and she capped (yelled/scolded) at me. I then deleted the comment.
Months later, I saw a picture she drew where she was practicing legs so I commented "Nice legs, what time do they open?" and she wrote back "totally lost respect for you now."
I immediately apologized and said what I wrote was stupid and degrading. Then I removed the comment.
This may be a silly question, but is it best I just delete her as a friend and forget about ever talking again? We never did talk much anyway and I feel so awful for making someone upset like that. I thought what I said was funny, but I did not think about what others thought of it.
PearBearskunk (age 17)
* * *
Dear PearBearskunk,
Granted this is a first impression on my part, but in your brief letter you mention two incidents in which this artist came back at you with highly upset responses. I don’t know how you phrased your critique of the animation, but let’s assume it wasn’t full of four-letter-words and was just a negative assessment. It’s perhaps nice that she stood up for her friend, but it sounds like she overreacted a bit and is rather oversensitive for some reason.
On the second incident, well, it can be a little dicey. If, for instance, this artist had a bad experience in her life involving a chauvinist, sexual comments, or some sort of harassment, you might have pushed a button that triggered her hurtful response. Or, she might just be a bit of a prude. If you had made such a comment between you and a close friend whose sense of humor you understood, this could, indeed, have been a funny remark. It’s all about the audience, really. Some people are very sensitive, very religious, or just don’t get off-color remarks, while other people are not in the least offended by them. For the latter crowd, your comment was actually pretty mild.
You say that the two of you never talked much, so, really, you are just acquaintances. I would suggest, therefore, that you don’t just jump the gun and cut her off. You have apologized for your comment, but I don’t know whether or not she accepted that apology. If not, write again and apologize one more time and ask her if she accepts your apology. In either case, contact her and say that you would like to become closer friends and get to know her a bit better. If she is open to that, getting to know her personality better should educate you on how to correspond with her in a way that won’t accidentally offend her. Emails and IMs can be tricky because texting does not convey well the body language and other nuances that clue people to the fact that you might be stating something ironically, sardonically, sarcastically, sympathetically, and so on.
If you like this person, don’t give up on a friendship yet. Make a little effort to repair the damage and see if you can become good friends.
Friend at a Loss How to Help Rape Victim Get Over Her Anger
How did you discover/join the fandom?
Tell me your storieesss
I myself saw a video with fursuiters in it and slowly became drawn to the fandom, then all the hugs made me stay c:
submitted by Invisible_Elvis[link] [56 comments]
Opossum Tail Making Help?
I'm trying to make an opossum tail for my friend. I want to make it out of a rubbery material so it's like a real opossum tail (no plush stuff). The molding isn't a problem but what would be a good rubbery elastic material I could pour into a mold for a durable final product?
submitted by MezzaCorux[link] [2 comments]
Future Furry
This Fandom, as a social order, has been around for arguably 30 years. In that time we have broken down social walls, made an economy based off of art, and spread from one side of the globe to the other. As someone who just joined a committee to establish central organization to his local Furry community in much the same way one organizes street politics, I pose this question to the Fandom. Where do you think Furry will be in another 30 years?
submitted by Hemms3[link] [25 comments]
On the Twentieth Anniversary of the Lion King, "The Tragedie of Scar, King of Pride Rock"
I just rejoined the furry fandom after stumbling upon this sub. Thanks for bringing me back!
Well I'm officially a furry again. Over a year ago I told myself I was done with the furry fandom, but apparently I couldn't keep myself away from you fuzzy bastards forever. I've missed you guys! I've forgotten how amazing this community is, but going on this sub reminded me of all the great times I've had. The furry community is really like no other! I'm just regretting deleting my fur-related videos off of youtube and my furaffinity, but luckily I found my commissioned art on an old hard drive.
AMA if you want!
EDIT: If any gamer furs are here, feel free to leave your steam name here or PM me and I'll add you. I'd love to play some vidya with some furries!
submitted by Sno-Fox[link] [18 comments]
I need some Skype friends.
Went through a pretty harsh break-up, I only used to talk to my now ex all the time, so wouldn't mind having some people so I could take my mind off of it. I usually stay up really late playing a lot of games so just hit me up. my skype ID: zorritopr
submitted by foxpr[link] [7 comments]
Emergency commissions to feed a kitty.
One if my friends is moving tomorrow and is leaving behind their cat and wants to leave it with me... Downside is I don't currently have money to get food and litter and a litter box... So yeah all of my commissions are $10 right now (with the exception of badges, I need shipping cost for those too)!!!!!
submitted by HarmonyHeartstrings[link] [31 comments]
Chibi Badge - I do commissions for these, yo.
Any good deciated furry gaming groups?
I've been trying to find a nice group of chill people to game with, preferably something other than TF2. I've tried all the basic ones (TFP, AnFur, OzFur, SCG)
Anyone got any ideas?
submitted by Jinxyface[link] [30 comments]
A horse, a squirrel, true love.
A photographic romp in robber masks and vintage sets…
Horace and Agnes: A Love StoryKickstarter ending 7/13/14
This is a gentle sort of project.
You’ll recognize at least one of the characters from “Horace and Agnes: A Love Story” from the Internets. Horace’s rubber horse head is practically a meme on its own, and I honestly almost clicked past this one when I saw his screaming, whinnying face. I’m glad I didn’t.
Imagine if the cast of “Hipster Animals” went crazy with the rummage bin at the Salvation Army and a lomo camera. That’s the feel of H&A: a world of animal people in quirky vintage. Here’s a shot of two high society hippos dancing in the new year in 1968. There’s your Uncle Walt, but with a goat’s head.
I don’t actually know your Uncle Walt, maybe he has a goat’s head. I can’t make assumptions with furries.
Horace and Agnes, AKA Asia Kepka and Lynn Dowling, are jointly raising money for a photo exhibit at the Griffin Photography Museum, opening up the world of Horace and Agnes to the greater Winchester, Massachusetts museum-going community; the Kickstarter is intended to provide funding for their gallery launch-frames, transportation, etc etc…probably more rubber masks are involved at some point.
I like this photography collection. It’s quirky, the vintage clothes and props are just dead on, archetypally 1950s, and the sense for real characters have real lives and real friendships is so strong. Sure, it’s all soaked in a Wes Anderson-based marinade, but try to look at “Home Movies” and not want to put on a rubber dog face and tipple back a sloe gin fizz. Somehow, the artificial rubber masks lend everything huge amounts of life.
The Kickstarter itself has one of those typical “art over product” problems, if it’s a problem–there really isn’t a magic pledge point where one can get the thing, whatever the thing is. The books are very expensive (even if you like the joke a lot, $100 is a bit much to pledge for a joke), the calendar’ looks like it’s just a single image. There’s no place that really feels like the right pledge point for someone who doesn’t know the photographers personally and isn’t likely to make it up to Massachusetts.
You can see more of the “Herbert And Agnes” story on Asia Kepka’s portfolio, or of course at the Kickstarter page. The “making of” video at the end is worth a view, if you’re amused by the rest of this silly stuff.
Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.
Ok I'm looking for something subtle, or maybe even a shirt only furries will understand. Can you help me find something? :3
submitted by Mison0514[link] [15 comments]
Looking for something
I'm trying to find something for a friend. Does anyone know where I can find a drawing of a baby wolf/fox hybrid? I tried Google, but the results were less than satisfying.
submitted by crookedear[link] [4 comments]
Ep 23 – Wait, Communicate and Listen - We discuss the different interactions a writer can have between other writers, editors, publishers and readers. How to conduct yourself as well the waiting game that happens when dealing with editors and publishers.
We discuss the different interactions a writer can have between other writers, editors, publishers and readers. How to conduct yourself as well the waiting game that happens when dealing with editors and publishers.
Email: podcast@fangsandfonts.com
Twitter: FangsAndFonts
Website: www.fangsandfonts.com
Fangs and Fonts
Click below to Listen http://www.fangsandfonts.com/FnF/Episodes/Ep23_-_Wait_Communicate_and_Listen.mp3Download here | Open Player in New Window
Ep 23 – Wait, Communicate and Listen - We discuss the different interactions a writer can have between other writers, editors, publishers and readers. How to conduct yourself as well the waiting game that happens when dealing with editors and publishers. Email: podcast@fangsandfonts.com [...]Clean furry wallpaper?
I'm looking for clean (g-rated) furry wallpaper. I tried searching online and let's just say when the filters are on...what I got was NOT clean.
I mean, sure, nothing wrong with that but anyone got a website for actual clean furry wallpaper?
submitted by Lots42[link] [18 comments]