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/r/furry Which Do you Prefer: Comic or Story?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:56

I am working on a Furry-ish story, and I started having it illustrated as a comic (Page in, not that far into it).

While the illustration has been in process, I have been writing scripts for several chapters ahead and one in particular ended up over 15,000 words. Now, granted a good deal of that is description, actions and what have you, but still that's an 1/8th of a novel for one chapter of a comic. I am starting to get concerned that things will be lost because...well some of that has to be cut.

This is why I ask if you prefer comic to story, and why I ask /r/furry in particular since this is...somewhat furry (It's kind of a long story and there's more to it but...still furry in some ways).

submitted by PendoFur
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Categories: News

In the market for a full fursuit. Who would you recommend?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:46

I am looking for a makers whose prices do not start over 2k.

submitted by Yiffing_Time
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Categories: News

An alternate status quo for furry expression

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:26

Lets have a thought experiment.

What if furry fandom was considered tantamount to religion by the public. Wearing a tail would be considered similar to wearing a cross or a kippah. Like religion, there is varying public opinion on the subject, but in many places it is a non-issue.

Would you chose to express yourself? If so, how?

After I saw that comic posted here a few days ago (which I can no longer find the link to), I have been mulling over this idea.

submitted by Evilinc90
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Categories: News

Anyone have any movie or tv show scenes/characters they want me to draw but furry version??

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:24

I'm curious how they will turn out XD just comment what you want me to draw and I shall!

submitted by FizzyFoxy
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Categories: News

S3 – Episode 24 – Season 3 Recap - Can you believe it? We've come to the end of Season 3! Mark joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they relive their favorite moments from the Season, read your emails, read a new "How Google Transcribed it", and more!

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:09
Can you believe it? We've come to the end of Season 3! Mark joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they relive their favorite moments from the Season, read your emails, read a new "How Google Transcribed it", and more! This deluxe length episode wouldn't have been possible without YOU, so we thank you for writing in for each episode and letting us know what your favorite moments were. We hope you enjoy reliving the journey with us.



Special Thanks

Axel Thunderpaw
Kira the Fox
LilChu the Raichupup
The Ringmaster

Music and Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Musical beds for various parts of this episode: Various pieces from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Soundtrack. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2014 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Used per Materials Usage License.

Next episode: S3 Special 4 - What Does Furry Mean to You? But send your emails now for Season 4 Episode 1 - Outsiders ask questions about the fandom! Send your emails by August 15, 2014! S3 – Episode 24 – Season 3 Recap - Can you believe it? We've come to the end of Season 3! Mark joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they relive their favorite moments from the Season, read your emails, read a new "How Google Transcribed it", and more!
Categories: Podcasts

Looking for an artist

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 17:01

I'm looking to get a character sheet. Unfortunately the artists I have found who's style fits my mental image of my sona either don't make character sheets, don't draw canine genitals, or are sadly never available to commission. Here is where I ask your help. I would like to find an artist with similar styles as those I have linked and meet my requirements. Your help wild be greatly appreciated.



Spearfrost NSFW

submitted by adomb
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Categories: News

Deekus begging for a fuck [m]

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 09:05
Categories: News

New Mousepad!

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 08:46
Categories: News

Guest post: “Why I Review” by Tarl “Voice” Hoch

Furry Writers' Guild - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 07:04
Why I Review

by Tarl “Voice” Hoch


For those that follow either my Smashwords or Goodreads accounts (or my Facebook and Twitter for that matter) will know that for the last year or so I have been reviewing any and all books that I read. No matter what they are, be they religious texts to fiction novels, I head over to the sites when I am done and rate them, plus give them each a review.

Someone once asked me why. Why do I review, and why is it so damned important to me that I do?

The fact is, it helps the community, it helps the writer, and it helps the purchaser.

In all of my time doing this, I’ve tried to stick to the constructive criticism model I learned in University. Say something nice, then something that needed improvement, and then something nice. Though I didn’t see very many students following this model in my art classes, I saw just how effective it was when someone actually followed that guideline. I’m also happy to say, except for two or three books, I have been able to stick to that formula.

You see, reviewing helps writers. It helps them to know what they could improve upon in their story. If only one person says something, then it’s kind of pointless. But if you have ten, or twenty, or fifty people saying that your pacing is choppy, then you know what you need to work on. It also gives you to know what worked in your story as well. If everyone raves about how hot your sex scenes are, then you know you don’t need to work on them, and can concentrate on the stuff that DOES need work.

But as mentioned, reviewing also helps purchasers. I have taken novels and short stories off my wish list because of poor reviews. Let me make this clear before I continue, they have to be GOOD reviews. Well thought out, well spoken, before I will listen to them. None of this “IT WAS AWESOME!” crap. Anyway, if someone has commented on a novel being terrible due to the ending, or the pacing, or grammar, or whatever, then I am more likely not to get it. Not only does it save me money, but it also saves me frustration at the author when I read it (and hopefully lets the author know what they need to work on).

And last, reviewing helps the community. Be it writer, or be it furry, reviewing works constructively lets authors know you’re reading their material, it gets knowledge of a book or anthology out there, and it lets the culture grow and evolve in a positive manner. Without reviewing, everything would just sort of stagnate. No one would get feedback, besides sales authors wouldn’t know if people were reading or enjoying their material, and no one would be able to improve upon their work.

In the end, I review because as a writer, it helps not only my community, but it helps other writers to improve their craft. I try to give as detailed reviews as possible and try to be fair and honest with each one I give. I’m not perfect, and there have been reviews where words fail me and I have to put something down. But for the most part, I try to explain the best I can what I liked and didn’t like about each and everything I read.

So that is why I review everything I read.

I suggest you do the same. It helps a lot of people out when you do, especially if you take the time to make it detailed and you give it in the constructive criticism format. Not all books are perfect, because no writer or editor is perfect. But that said, no book is ever complete crap either, and there is always something positive to say about a story (though I’ve come across a couple where I honestly couldn’t think of anything good to say, and those two stories still bother me because of that).

In the end, the brief time it takes to actually type out a short review is so minor compared to the benefit to those it touches, that there really isn’t a reason why you shouldn’t be reviewing the stuff you read.


This post first appeared on Tarl “Voice” Hoch’s blog on Goodreads.


Categories: News

Guys look at my sweet new pillow!!!

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 06:28
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 05:12
Categories: News

Hee. (re Guardians of the Galaxy)

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 04:57
Categories: News

Ansleigh the Grizzly

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 04:32
Categories: News

Neil Cicierega - Furries [2-19]

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 02:39
Categories: News

Have you ever struggled to believe in love?

Furry Reddit - Sun 10 Aug 2014 - 01:59

I had what fealt like my heart shattering into a million pieces and I'm having a hard time believing in love. Honestly I'm drunk and emotional but I could use sone encouargement.

submitted by duskeater
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Categories: News