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All the Worlds and a Rabbit
The big-name comic book publishers like to do things big. Really big: Whole universes have been made and destroyed on a regular basis. Now DC Comics is on the move again with The Multiversity, a new full-color series that tells of a massive threat to all 52 of the known universes in the DC world. Created by superstar comics writer Grant Morrison (Animal Man and so much more…), the story goes like this: “The Multiversity is more than just a multi-part comic-book series. It’s a cosmos spanning, soul-shaking experience that puts YOU on the frontline in the Battle for All Creation against the demonic destroyers known as the Gentry! In issue #1, pencilled by superstar artist Ivan Reis (Aquaman, Justice League), President Superman of Earth-23 uncovers a threat to all Reality so apocalyptic it will take a team of incredible heroes from across the Multiverse to face it – including Captain Carrot, like you’ve never seen him before!” Oh really now? Over at The Escapist they have a more complete review of the series.
I love getting messages.
I love seeing the red envelope, it makes me feel good no matter what is in it.
If anyone wants to talk about anything just message me, I would be happy to talk.
submitted by AMAandAnswerMe[link] [71 comments]
For furries on Omegle
I may or may not have the best idea. You know how on omegle you just run into a bunch of people you don't want to meet but you can't do anything about it seeing how you don't know what to put in the "interests" field besides "furry"?
Well I'm going to propose a system of tags to use to help people find who they want. For example, if you want to find blue jays, just say type in "bjayfurs" into the interests field. Or if you're looking for people who aren't underaged, try something like "no<18" (if < is allowed.)
I'll leave you to think up the codewords to use.
submitted by 4GHOP[link] [6 comments]
Ep 28 – Writing What You Know - This week the group discusses the differences between writing what you know and writing what you don’t know. Why is it suggested you should write what you know, what strengths does it have? But when should you break away an
This week the group discusses the differences between writing what you know and writing what you don’t know. Why is it suggested you should write what you know, what strengths does it have? But when should you break away and write things you don’t know?
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Fangs and Fonts
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Ep 28 – Writing What You Know - This week the group discusses the differences between writing what you know and writing what you don’t know. Why is it suggested you should write what you know, what strengths does it have? But when should you break away and write things you [...]Help finding a webcomic!
Hi, I'm hoping someone here could help me find a webcomic. I started reading it a long while ago, then stopped and haven't been able to find it since.
The details I remember. A russian/ukranian white tiger [striped] A goat with magical powers, seemingly nobility in the underworld or something like that. A female, I can't remember the species.
They lived in a gothic like church.
Those are the only details I have..any help is appreciated
[PS.Its not Nan Quest]
submitted by flufftuff55[link] [2 comments]
Where can I get a good collar other than at a convention?
I want to get a collar for my girlfuriend and I want to buy Furry. Keep the money in the Fandom. There is a booth at FC that sells collars but I forget their name so I don't know if they have a website. Anyone got any Furry collar company links or profiles on FA I can buy from?
submitted by Hemms3[link] [8 comments]
Was at the local bookstore when I saw...
My fursona Billet by the amazing Sockune!! I'm so happy! Go commission her right now!
Buy an iguana a latte?
Art, reptiles, and webcomics by the creator of “Broken Plot Device”…
Lizardbeth’s Art, Comics, and LivestreamsOngoing funding on Patreon
I first encountered Lizardbeth’s work at the dealer’s den at AC, and immediately fell in love with her work. She’s absolutely in the cartoony camp, but with realistic proportions, a lot of great facial expressions, the kind of friendly, approachable stuff that got me into the fandom so many years ago. I got the print versions of her webcomic, “Broken Plot Device,” and unfortunately had finished them all by the time the plane landed.
So I went to the googles. I searched around and found her artblog and her various accounts on FurAffinity, shed a tear that BPD was no longer an ongoing webcomic, and then got inappropriately giddy over her upcoming page on Patreon. Partly because it gave me a chance to throw pennies at new webcomics and projects from an artist I genuinely love, partly because I always get stupidly worked up over Patreon pages, partly because I could fabricate a convincing excuse to commission a cartoon. Yay! Anyway.
If you want to get a feel for Lizardbeth’s work, her FA gallery goes a long way covers a huge swath of time, with art all the way back to 2006 or earlier (and an amazing consistency of style across the years.) Reptile and dragon fans will find a lot to love in her collection, not a real surprise from an artist that represents herself as an iguana. Her artblog also has a few different webcomic projects–“D20 Comics” (characters thrown into randomly-selected scenarios), and some cheerfully self-referential fantasy work.
That being said, her best-known venture into webcomics has to be the anthro-and-ninja and geek life title, Broken Plot Device. With lots of coffee jokes, guest appearances by Doctor Who, World of Warcraft references, entire plotlines based on pokemon, ongoing scenes from conventions, and tabletop gaming geekery, it’s a fun cross-section of The Dork Experience–but with rather more dragons and ninjas and beefcake pirates and robots.
I feel there’s a genre of comics that’s encapsulated in Broken Plot Device–gentle escapism mixed with enough High Weirdness to drive a comedy plotline. Let’s call it “slice of ‘if my life was that cool.'” It’d be impossible to avoid a comparison to Sluggy Freelance, and just as impossible to escape its influence as the strip has been running since 1997 and is arguably the most successful webcomic in the multiverse. There are some parallels–both stories revolve around life in a geeky semi-commune, with characters that, in general, place much higher on the weirdness spectrum than the people likely at your comic shop, though not quite as weird as the characters inside the comics themselves (unless you’re buying a bound collection of the webcomic, in which case this entire paragraph has gotten way too meta.) There’s a McGuffin-crafting engineer, a mage, a self-appointed lady’s man, one or two animal mascots.
But influenced by is not at all the same as derivative of, particularly in the everyman (everywoman? Everylizard?) character of Liz, who’s an island of comparative normalcy that keeps the rest of the cast grounded in something like a day-to-day world. There are plots that dip a toe into real-world relevancy and mature situations–relationship awkwardness, characters forced to be suddenly mature, a coming out story (really, it’s required in every furry slice-of-life, isn’t it?), dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic situation–some real emotion. The art is also several steps above what is usually required in a 3/week webcomic, with lots of appealing and interesting characters, and occasional character development of same–though unfortunately the strip ended after four years, leaving a few loose ends, unexplored origin stories, and the unanswered question of “whatever happened to Sunny’s Roller Derby career?”
Now, nearly by definition, Patreon is not project-focused crowdfunding. It’s usually about “fund the artist” than “fund a specific project.” but Lizardbeth’s Patreon page does lead with a promise to, funding permitting, reboot Broken Plot Device, possibly as a full-color comic. It’s even in bold print. So I do feel justified in lavishing a few hundred words on BPD, since it’s what introduced me to Beth’s work. It’s a reasonably continuity-light strip, you can drop in anywhere, but the art quality sustains itself across the series, so you might as well start at the beginning. Or just buy the darn things in book form.
Lizardbeth’s Patreon page had some rapid evolution. Patreon, if you’re not familiar with it, has a few options on how to request payments–there’s the monthly option, great for regular content providers. There’s also the per-project (per-episode, per-post, per-painting…) option, where donors pick how much they want to pay per project, and the maximum amount they want to pay per month (a good idea if your artist makes, say, haiku. When she first launched her page, Lis chose “per livestream,” which is kind of compelling as a livestream is a great way to interact with an artist (she sings while sketching, BTW. I have mixed feelings about this.) After a while, though, predictability and ease of use won out–better to know how much funding you can expect during a given month, easier to explain to her funders (when asking for money, keep the end-user experience as hurdle-free as possible!), and basing your support structure on your artwork instead of a buggy piece of technology? Better still.
What’s in the future for Liz? She’s got some decent traction for a new Patreon artist, though it’s going to be a slow-growth process. Patreon is an excellent way to get out of a cycle of commissions and into the sort of art that built an audience to begin with, and as her monthly funding grows, we can expect to see a return to Broken Plot Device, as well as some top-secret webcomic projects with a little less fur in them. We’ll see!
Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.
Thank you, Lis, for the illustration!
Any furs on steam or skype?
If yes:
Steam: SCP-1471
Skype: wulvsie269
Hope to see you soon! :3
boops all of your noses because why not
submitted by wulvsbayne269[link] [23 comments]
The Magic Bank
Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules:
The set of rules:
1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you.
2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.
3. You may only spend it.
4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day.
5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say,“Game Over!". It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.
What would you personally do?
You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right?
You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right?
Shocked??? YES!
Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE* . We just can't seem to see it.
1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life.
2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us.
3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost.
4. Yesterday is forever gone.
5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING...
SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?
Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think.
So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life!
Here's wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. Start “spending”....
His Friend's Porn Addiction and Alcoholism Are Leading Him Away from His Faith
I have a friend who sparked my interest in Furries in the first place, and much of the credit to who I am now goes to him. We were very good friends and eventually became long distance friends but emailed often up until I started college three years ago, when our letters became more sparse. I now live in Minnesota, close enough to visit him now though. Just recently Mr. Orca I'll call him, had just told me something that has both shattered me, and causes me to worry about him. Mr. Orca revealed that he had stopped believing in God, and on further inquiry I had found Mr. Orca a porn and alcohol addict, starting from about before I left for college. He had fought them for years until he gave in. The way he talks it feels like he knows that God is still true, but he doesn't want to face it because of who he is now. I was shattered as it was faith which largely brought us together as friends in the first place, and now I worry I won't see him make it to heaven. I'm also super depressed. I can't draw or write. I can hardly eat for these past two weeks. I can't stand the thought of loosing a friend forever. It's like he's still here, I can tell his heart is still good, but when I talk to him, it's a different orca. I need help getting myself back to normal, and I need advice to help my friend. He had joy and meaning before all of this, now he's caught up in pleasure and is unhappy all the time. He never seems happy like he used to be. I want to help him rekindle his faith again and walk out on these addictions, because I want him to be happy too, but I also know it is something he has to do for himself, I can ask, but not force him. I have already told him how I feel, and we agreed to continue as friends. Please help us. I don't know what to do besides pray. He may have changed, but Orca is still my friend, and I want him back.
J.D. Grimes the Otter
* * *
Hi, JD,
Could you tell me more about your friend? Under what circumstances did he start using drugs and alcohol? Does he have a troubled past? Is he or are you seeking therapy? As a religious person, have you sought out the advice of your pastor and, perhaps, how you can get your friend back to God?
* * *
My friend was once a strong example of faith and restraint. Orca got me interested in furry art and characters years ago and he encouraged me to draw and write. I enjoyed it so I chose to continue. That was about nine years ago. He never told me he was having struggles with furry porn. In fact I did to, but I got over it after much diligence and the thought of my friend. We both never knew about each others struggles until now. Orca said started with the porn three years ago but I don't know when the alcohol started but it came after the porn. I hope he is not using any other drugs, but he might. His problem seems to be related to escapism of some sort, wanting to be his fursona more than anything else in life. He struggled with his problems and stopped coming to church. I'm in a different congregation but of the same sect, so I had no idea he stopped going either. We kept in contact this whole time and I feel guilty I never told him of my struggles because perhaps things would be different now, or I could have helped him. The last straw for him was running into a group which smashed his intellectual conviction that God exists.
As far as I know he never sought help or therapy and he doesn't want it right now. I feel like he said he stopped believing because he doesn't want to face the guilt, but I can tell he still hurts. He jokes about it but it's like he grimaces over what he's done. I forgive him already, but he's running away from God at the very moment he should be praying if he is real and for help. He has moments of pleasure, but no joy or lasting happiness anymore. It hurts to see him like this or that he will choose not to get to heaven.
My support has been my pastor and a few other choice friends. He told me to find moments where it would be appropriate to tell my friend that God loves him. I'm trying, but I think I need to do more, I'm just lost.
* * *
Hi, JD,
Your friend is displaying classic signs of addiction—in this case, porn addiction, and perhaps alcoholism. Because of his (and your) backgrounds in Faith, I can't think of a better organization than Alcoholics Anonymous for his alcohol problem, and there is a complementary organization called Sexaholics Anonymous for his sex addiction. As you might know, these organizations, while they don't put religion up front and in your face, are grounded in Christianity. You can use the websites to find meetings near you. Also, I noticed that SA helps not only with in-person meetings but also meetings via email and VoIP, which might make it a little easier for him.
I know he's resistant to treatment. Getting him to agree will take a lot of patience on your part. This page offers tips.
Talk more with your pastor to explore ways you can continue to encourage him to seek therapy. The above are good options for you, too, since you seem stressed about this, as well. Offering to be Orca's companion in this journey can help him a lot. If you go through it together, you can support each other, and call each other when you have weak moments.
Hope that helps!