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Good place to buy a tail and cat ears?

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 08:13

My girlfriend and I are trying to find some good cat ears at least :)

submitted by ipitythefail
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Categories: News

The Magic Bank

Furry News Network - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 07:56
Author: I don’t usually post stuff like this, but I felt this particular email I received from a friend was very relevant to what I do here at Ask Papabear. Imagine that you had won the following  *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $ 86,400 in your private account for your use. However, […]
Categories: News

Member Spotlight: Dwale

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 07:07
1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

My most recent completed project is a short story called “The Darkness of Dead Stars.” It was inspired by what I’d read about the ultimate fate of the universe and eschatology, though beyond the basic premise, it didn’t start to come together until I’d seen Von Trier’s film “Melancholia.” As with “Melancholia,” mood and atmosphere take priority over realism. This was necessary for my story because there yet remain unanswered questions in physics that make it impossible to determine certain details about the future of the universe; we just don’t have the data right now. However, I hope it will all sound feasible at the time of reading.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

I usually let an idea bounce around in my head for months, even years before putting down any of it. That shouldn’t be taken for planning, though, as the plot is never more than roughed out when it comes time to write. Once it gets to that point, I alternate between daydreaming and trying to articulate those daydreams. I try to edit as I go as much as possible.

Once a rough draft is completed, it goes through a couple of rounds of editing, then I try to leave it alone for a few months. After that, I decide if the story should be scrapped, edited further, or completely rewritten.

For poetry, I employ automatism at first and clean it up as I go.

In both cases, the germ is usually something retained from hypnagogia.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

I have the most fun writing things that are completely absurd. Think “Looney Tunes” logic, but sordid, morose and infused with my personal symbology. It’s rare that I venture into this territory, though.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why? That would vary, but the easy answer is “Aunty Fjola.” We’re both struggling with afflictions, though her ailment is as much physical as it is psychological, we’ve both also had to readjust from a life that was fairly bustling to one that is more passive and sedentary. 5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

Watership Down is the book that made me want to write seriously. I read it when I was eighteen or so, I had been writing poetry for years then and liked to think I knew what I was doing. Nope! I was humbled and resolved that someday I would be able to write something that good. I’ll let you know if it happens.

Orwell’s 1984 was also a big influence, I’ve read it many times. Terry Pratchett is someone I haven’t been reading very long, but he’s already made an impression. Neil Gaiman, William S. Burroughs, HP Lovecraft and Khalil Gibran also deserve mention, as do others I’m forgetting.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved? “Loved” isn’t a word I would normally use, but… Going Postal by Terry Pratchett. It’s rare for a book to make me laugh aloud, but this one did, more than once. 7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time? Well, I like to spend my free time attended by nymphs in the pleasure gardens, but as this occurrence would be charitably termed “uncommon,” I mostly enjoy reading and taking in movies and music these days. The woods are nice, but we don’t have them here. I will always stop whatever I’m doing to watch rain or windstorms, that’s my favorite. 8. Advice for other writers?

Always strive to improve. Always do! Your art is not so small that you’ll ever want for room to grow.

9. Where can readers find your work? Has mostly rough drafts, but there are some more polished ones. Persons are also welcome to contact me directly. 10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

Furries are some of the most open and accepting people. No one’s worried about the skeletons in your closet, no one’s trying to look cool…or at least, no one’s succeeding! We have our share of unpleasant types, every fandom does, but there are some truly wonderful people who make it all worthwhile.


Check out Dwale’s member bio here!

Categories: News

2000 Furries treffen sich im Estrel

Furries In The Media - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 06:08

They wear homemade animal costumes and also move like their favorite animal. Furries hot these disguised legged stuffed animals. 2,000 of them currently meet in Neukölln Estrel Hotel for Eurofurence Convention.

Predators, foxes, wolves, tigers, and here and there an idiosyncratic mythical creatures, the main thing a lot of fur and fur. In the Estrel Hotel on Thursday afternoon it looks like on a costume party on the subject of animals. Hundreds of people lounging in colorful fur clothes at the entrance and in the lobby, they pose, hug and take pictures of themselves. Some wear even a stuffed animal under his arm.

You are Furries. Thus, the global movement usually called young people who like to dress up themselves because of their love for animals as animals and spend their leisure time in the self-made fur dress or like to draw animals and cartoons and make costumes. To Eurofurence convention, Europe's largest meeting of its kind, more than 2,000 furries from thirty countries in Berlin are the same arrived, also from Japan, Brazil, Russia and Norway. For the first time the global meeting place here, in front of the community met in Magdeburg.

Spend about 500 euros for the Furries in the coming days at the Estrel and experience there is a full program, modeled on the American crime series, CSI Berlin under the motto is. A molecular biologist talks about securing DNA evidence, animal lovers donate to a bat project in Erfurt. There are workshops for sewing their own costumes, shows, concerts and dance competitions. 300 Artists occur. Also a flirt and Introductory Course will be offered. Because even Furries can be shy. And prefer to stay anonymous.Fixed rules and roles they have not. "Everyone shall determine for itself what a Furry he wants to be," says Michael Graf, one of the organizers. And everyone Furry associate with a particular animal also special properties, says Earl. Think of the cunning fox, the lone wolf and a cat that moves elegantly. These movements can take on in his role. "And then you can dive into his fantasy world."

In this world, a woman who calls herself Tshania moves. She is wearing a large cat's head made of white faux fur. The big cats eyes are so realistic design that makes you feel observed. Tshania is 27 years old, comes from Hesse and works as a Women's Clothing Tailor. She is for the first time at a Furry meeting. "I think it's great that everyone is so open and loving each other," she says. She was even more introverted.

In fact, the scene is like at the Estrel a big cuddle party. Hugs, kisses, Streicheleien. The Eurofurence Convention is a gathering of two-legged stuffed animals. You can see happy faces when they are not hiding under an animal mask. Tshania says, her costume did she dedicated her dead cat, with whom she has lived for nineteen years. Seventeen animal costumes has now made Tshania. "I'm having fun in dressing up," she says, "but I'm also like a man."

There are circulating so strange stories about the estimated 8,000 Furries in Germany. Some would spend whole weekends in costume, literally live out a fetish. One is reminded of the movie "Finster World", in which the policeman Tom, played by Ronald Zehrfeld, in pink bear costume with other furries meet in a secluded hall. A police officer in a bear costume. Funny.

"Some people react funny and find what we do, unnatural," says a man who Quack, the Husky is called. Therefore, he wants to tell anything definite about his private life. Only so much: he was twenty years old, working in Hamburg in the environmental and love dogs. Quack should be a naughty dog, with thick, strong legs that can also dance well.

Then Quack takes off his thick dog's head and stroking the sweaty hair to the side. A pleasant young man comes to light, open and confident. "My parents are surfing when they were young," he says. "And I wear for fun sometimes just a dog costume."

Categories: News

Hi guys I'm new to r/furry so please make me feel welcome

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 06:07

Hey guys, I have been here for a while and I've come to the conclusion that I would LOOOOVVVVVE to become a furry although I would like some question answered please

  1. How do I make a fursona? (Inboxes would be great)

  2. Is there any limitations for a fursona?

submitted by furry_lover
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

The Furries make Berlin a playground of stuffed animals

Furries In The Media - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 05:53

His real name is Thorsten. But here he is Coltlan. Like most he has passed his real identity at the door. Thorsten is shy, has few friends, is unsociable. Coltlan however, is communicative, smiles to all, accessible. Trustful, one would have to say, because Coltlan is a Husky in human size. In it, Thorsten infected, but this is not important here at all, how and what he wants to be. A 1.80-meter-tall Stuffed Husky on two legs is not something that would be more than 2000 people who have come together in Neukölln "Estrel Hotel" at the Sun Avenue to "Eurofurence" irritate.

Since Wednesday, the lobby of larger than life foxes, cats, wolves and dogs is dominated in all colors. They stand in groups together, entertain and embrace, and there's a communal atmosphere. For the 20th time, Europe's largest gathering of supporters of the so-called Furry genre is already taking place, and it still serves to Sunday all the lovers "anthropomorphic animal beings or animals with human attributes," as co-organizer Jörg Reuter describes it, to also times personally acquainted. Because the exchange is normally run via social media.

"Furries are people in animal costume," said Reuter. However, the term also describes the whole community, which since its creation in the 80s defined by an interest in fantasy animals in text, sound and image. About half of the Furries is German, the rest comes from all over the world. "We have Americans, Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, who easily together eating breakfast and talking about art," Reuter describes enthusiastically. "This fascinates me as the love of the Beasts brings together the people." As a harmonious family gatherings be it here, the Furries he actually looks as an artist community. There are graphic designers and illustrators, but also bakers, merchants, and IT specialists who meet here.

Seminars, stories, Party

At the convention the Furries do together what they normally do at home alone, here in the form of lectures, workshops and seminars. One can learn to sew a costume to move in costume to draw characters and stories devise around them. And with all learning very important: Party! The Furries are nocturnal, and the evening is the life really begins. "It's surreal at first, when a bunch of people moving in the fur to techno, but it's just great," says Reuter. That here just a few freaks dress up as their favorite stuffed animals, he finds "unacceptable escalation". There were quite a few that would identify "very" with their figure. "But for all, it is of course the ultimate running around in a costume," he says. And also a real challenge.

This proves impressively a green fox on the way downstairs to the toilet, curved like a sickle, because only a vertical view of the stages saved him from falling down. "You have to imagine that, like looking through two toilet paper rolls," Kathi aka Sinea describes the still running around in civilian clothes, their view of the fur. "The eye slits are small and you really have to watch out that you can not be dropped." Then they must take as furry supervisor. It leads the Furries through the area, ensures that they drink enough and admits chairs out of the way. For Werefox, a relatively natural, red-brown giant fox, which is very important. He is deaf and dumb and is only dependent on these slits in his senses. But he was with heart and soul into it, for three years, he signaled with his big paws.

When people barely friends

Werefox enjoy the freedom to be here, who he wants, translated Sinea. "There is a tolerant atmosphere, which is why we also have a large proportion of gay and bisexual men here." The ladies share the other hand, is about ten percent, and Sinea know why women of such meetings away sooner. "In costume, people feel free," she says. And some female furries were the cuddle ambitions of their male counterparts just too far. So the men thus remain largely among themselves, and Thorsten aka Coltlan enjoys the sense of community.

"As a person I had previously barely friends," he says. "Through a TV report I have become aware of the Furries and got me in March at Furbase, an Internet platform account." Since then he meets, the gardener is during the week, on weekends with other furries and running in costume through the city. "I trust in my costume much more, can better reach out to people and have more confidence." He enjoyed the attention of the people, especially the happy children when they see the huge stuffed animal. The question of his true identity, he can not answer clearly. "I am a human being. And a passionate Husky."

© Berliner Morgenpost 2014
Categories: News

Review: ‘Taboo’, edited by Rechan

Furry News Network - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 05:38
Author: Fred Taboo is a work of anthropomorphic fiction for adult readers only. (publisher’s advisory) It is rated NC-17. Every society has taboos, from sacred vows which must never be broken to the limitations of sexual expression. These [fourteen stories answer] the question, “Which line would you cross?” (blurb) This is a longer book review […]
Categories: News

NIMH 1999

Furry.Today - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 05:20

This is something silly I did recently in an attempt to pander to Space 1999 and Secret of NIMH fans….

With any luck all three of you will see this.

Categories: Videos

Anthrocon 2014 Media Mash-up

Furries In The Media - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 02:58
Random articles and movies about AC 2014 that are too small to deserve an entry of their own!!!


Norwich Late and Live #3

Uhhh, I have no idea <_<

WTAE-TV Pittsburgh
Categories: News

Heroes on a Scratching Post

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 00:37

Action Lab Entertainment has a new full-color comic book series for young readers, Hero Cats. “Avengers and Justice League move over! The cutest heroes on the planet have arrived! Meet the Hero Cats of Stellar City in this spectacular first issue. Not your ordinary house cats, they’re a tactical action-packed covert team dealing with extraordinary threats to humanity in ways that will amaze.” Two issues out so far, all brought to you by writer Kyle Puttkammer and illustrator Marcus Williams. There’s an official web site of course, showing off several cover variations and tie-in posters available.

image c. 2014 Action Lab Entertainment

image c. 2014 Action Lab

Categories: News

Fox+Exotic bird Character Auction

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Aug 2014 - 22:34
Categories: News

FAU 2014 Con Video

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Aug 2014 - 22:13
Categories: News

Not "furry" but that fox though...

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Aug 2014 - 21:46
Categories: News

I couldn't resist (FNAF)

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Aug 2014 - 21:05
Categories: News

New here with "Cowfursona" and Questions

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Aug 2014 - 20:37

Okay I find myself new to all of this and I do like my fair share of anthropomorphic furriness but I lean more towards the half human half animal kind. Foxes are cute, kittens are adorable, but mostly i'm heavily into COWS! They don't have to be lactating but I just think it fits my personality perfectly. I like big curvy half human half cow girls but

  • what is the term for the half anthro's (if there is one?) ?
  • And is there a community of fellow barnyard cow lovers out there or am I a minority?
  • Are halfs considered furries too or is it a totally different community that I don't even know about?

Here's a picture of what I mean WARNING NSFW-

Sorry if this has be asked previously, I couldn't find anything about it on here myself.

submitted by DawnWillow
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Categories: News

Oldie but goldie [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Aug 2014 - 20:17
Categories: News