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Bird and Moon

Fursday - Links - Thu 4 Sep 2014 - 04:25
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Comics featuring many science and nature witticisms.

In their wordsHi! I'm Rosemary Mosco and these are my nature comics. I'm a nature lover with a passion for science communication. Thanks for looking!Rating

Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.

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Rosemary Mosco


Baa ram you

Fursday - Watch List - Thu 4 Sep 2014 - 04:00

If you nipped my head with the blade of your drone, I'd give you a Glasgow kiss too.

Found via The Verge.

I was looking for the angry ram with my fpv quadcopter, I got a bit close & he managed to hit it knocking it into a bush, luckily no harm done. When I went to retrieve it he followed me, I had my hands full so he got me pretty good.


Categories: News

Building the Mongrels puppets

Fursday - Watch List - Thu 4 Sep 2014 - 03:30

It's an insightful craft and it feels somewhat accessible to have a go.


Categories: News

Hand puppet dog vs park dogs

Fursday - Watch List - Thu 4 Sep 2014 - 03:00

The reactions are enjoyable, I like observing the expressions and trying to imagine their cognitive thought processes.

Found via Dogpatch Press

Don't miss another Gag - Subscribe!: We got tired of pranking plain-old humans, so we're going after canines! They have much better reactions than their owners anyway. Can't click annotations? Instant Birthday Party Clown: Slurp That Soup: Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre...
Categories: News

The Return of Inspector LeBrock

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 4 Sep 2014 - 01:30

Steampunk and furry fans may both rejoice as writer/artist Brian Talbot brings us the latest edition of his anthropomorphic alternate history series in Grandville Noel, coming this November in hardcover from Dark Horse Press. “With his trusty adjunct, Detective Sergeant Ratzi, away for Christmas, there’s no holiday for Detective Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard as he embarks on an investigation into the disappearance of his housekeeper’s niece, Bunty Spall.  The trail leads to a growing religious cult, where a charismatic unicorn messiah and his con men cronies, already responsible for mass murder in the United States, are about to lead a crusade for the ethnic cleansing of the French Empire’s doughfaces – the derogatory nickname for humans used by the majority, animal-headed population. Teaming up with Chance Lucas, a gun-slinging operative of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, and reigniting his steamy love affair with the voluptuous Parisian badger prostitute Billie, LeBrock clashes with both cult fanatics and doughface terrorists, uncovering in the process a centuries-old religious conspiracy that threatens to plunge the world into bloody civil war.” Find out more about this full-color series at Brian Talbot’s blog page.

image c. 2014 Dark Horse Press

image c. 2014 Dark Horse Press

Categories: News

How about a game of Tic Tac Toe?

Furry Reddit - Thu 4 Sep 2014 - 01:19
Categories: News

Taking requests! (Free drawings)

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 22:59

Hello everyone, I am looking to practice my drawing a bit over the next week or two, so I am taking a stab at doing some free requests! Though I prefer having a reference sheet to go off of, I will not make it a hard requirement. If there is anything in particular you want feel free to make note of it (i.e. if you want an icon, or particular pose or clothing). These will mostly be digital but if you want hand drawn (Pencil/Colored Pencil) just ask and I will probably oblige. I am looking to hit a wide variety of species of both genders so all are welcome to make a request! I cannot promise punctuality, as I do tend to take a while with my drawings, but I will try to hit as many as I can. Here is a link to my FA with past work.

I will likely be posting these drawings both here and on my FA, so please provide a link to your FA or a name to use in the description so that I can give credit for character ownership!


submitted by ZabRabbit
[link] [9 comments]
Categories: News

Who wants a free sketch (sfw)? Limit 2 for now.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 21:48

I need the practice for an oncoming convention where I will be holding a table. I also want to have a commission price sheet ready ahead for my table as well as for my online art profiles, which means that I will do a lineart and flats practices in the near future. Also my style is more toon oriented. Here are examples of my previous work: Keep in mind that these were rough sketches and that I aim to clean up an improve the aesthetic of my sketches. Here are my requirements: You must have at least one ref and include a brief description for the pose. I look forward to working with you guys!

submitted by InkMercenary
[link] [9 comments]
Categories: News

Agent Kit-Kat

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 21:38
Categories: News

I just made a tumble, any good artist tumblrs?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 20:36

I'm looking for actual artists tumblrs, not art pools. The artist themself's blog.

submitted by DSTakumiDerp
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Lord of Light

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 20:13
Categories: News

Have a Tanuki Girl

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 19:04
Categories: News

He Needs to Try Again before Giving Up on This Relationship

Ask Papabear - Wed 3 Sep 2014 - 18:53
Hey Papa Bear,

Nice someone gives advices for people who are stuck in their situations. Sorry about my English; it was better some years ago. I was searching the web and was directed to your site. So I thought: Give it a try! ^^ Well here is the situation: There was a girl, I recognized her when I played with my band and it was the first really strange girl I ever talked to (before I was introduced through friends). After a big mistake (I told her too early that I miss her) she stopped the contact immediately. We saw each other since then 2 or 3 times, but it was like before we had a good time with each other. Well, my main problem after all is that I don´t find another girl who is so perfect for me like her. In music and meanings we had the same mind. It was so perfect and she was freaky like me. It is 2 years and a lot of self-anger ago now. But I still can´t forget her.

Should I try to find my new love with these feelings in my mind? And hope they disappear after I found a "new" perfect lady? Or should I wait till they are gone away by itself? Because in the meantime I am scared if these feelings never disappear. Or is this a situation with a dead end? I know it´s an awkward question for a 27 year old guy. But losers like me got questions like that. What do you think? Thanks for your help.

Yours Sincerely,


* * *

Hi, Jens,

Ihr Englisch ist besser als mein Deutsch ;-) Keine Sorge! (Did I get that right?)

What I’m not hearing in this letter is what kind of effort you put into reconnecting with this girl after she apparently freaked out when you told her too soon you missed her (are those her words or yours?) What is too soon? Five minutes would be too soon. A couple days would not be. It’s all subjective, really. Be that as it may, it hardly seems a reason to break off a relationship, unless she has some kind of commitment issue or gets nervous when someone shows signs of affection and caring. Or, perhaps, is using that as an excuse when there is actually something else going on here that she doesn’t like about you.

Just going by what is written here, I believe that you are being too hard on yourself. At least half the cause of the break-up was her, so don’t put it all on yourself (calling yourself a loser does not help, and, by the way, is never attractive to a potential mate). Secondly, it doesn’t sound like you have even given this a fair shot at reconciliation (probably because you’re too busy beating yourself up about it).

I might sound like a broken record here to some of my regular readers, but you need to sit this girl down and have a face-to-face (don’t you DARE do this by email or text, or I will fly to Germany and kick your buttocks!). Ask her to tell you exactly why she broke up with you; explain your side of it; and then reaffirm to her that you really like her, you think you have a lot in common, and you want to try again.

If she agrees, then go for it, and this time, since you know she is fearful of clingy behavior, try to play it a little more cool. Relax, and don’t degrade yourself so much. If she tells you, unconditionally, that she is no longer interested in you, then you will have closure and you will know it is time to find someone else without wondering in the back of your mind what could have been.

Good luck!
