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Furries and Animal Welfare

[adjective][species] - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 13:00

An apparent contradiction for your consideration:

  1. Furries care about animal welfare. Collectively we dedicate significant time, mental energy, and charitable donations to animal welfare causes (especially at conventions where total donations several hundreds of thousands of dollars per year). 83% of furries say they support animal rights (ref).
  2. Only around 4% of furries are vegetarian (ref 2009 Furry Survey), about the same as the general population.

A group with a larger-than-normal proportion of animal welfare advocates, like furry, might be expected to have a larger-than-normal proportion of ethical vegetarians. This is not to say that all advocates of animal welfare can be expected to be vegetarian on grounds of animal welfare, simply that such a choice is more likely. So why are there so few?

(This answer is partly due to furry’s demographics. We are largely young and male, two groups that are less likely to be vegetarian than the general population. The difference isn’t particularly large, but it’s interesting: I wrote about it here.)

There are many reasons why furries might be more likely to be ethical vegetarians, at least on paper.

Research shows that humanizing animals leads to increased concern for animal welfare. Animal welfare advocacy groups know this (ref), and use it to help bolster their cause: furry mascots and cute animals abound.

As a convenient example, a furry friend of mine recently donated a couple of very hard-working, sweaty hours of time by suiting for the RSPCA. He stood outside a supermarket in his canine fursuit with a collection box, interacted with children and parents, and generally did his best to do a good deed. He was told that the money they collected that day was double what they might usually expect: the suiting did its job. (He eats meat and has never considered becoming vegetarian.)


It seems that it’s not just humanization of animals that leads to increased concern for animal welfare. There is evidence that animalization of humans has a similar effect.

(This is based on early research by a furry with a PhD, and sometime [adjective][species] contributor, Dr. Courtney Plante (aka Nuka). His work is based on several reaction-time experiments conducted on willing furries at Oklacon, Furry Fiesta, and Anthrocon. In this work, Dr. Plante compared the speed and accuracy with which furries and therians made decisions about whether a word or picture flashing on a screen referred to “me”, “not me”, “non-human animal” or “human”. Based on the pattern of mistakes and the speed of responding, it was possible to quantify how closely linked the concepts of “me” and “non-human animal” were tied in participants’ minds, a form of automatic “self-dehumanization”. This work has yet to be published, but it is promising, showing that the extent to which furries “self-dehumanized” predicted their endorsement of animal rights activism and concern for animal welfare.)

It is believed that humanization of animals—anthropomorphism—and animalization of humans—zoomorphism—help shape our attitudes towards non-human animals by helping us consider them to be part of our group. Like a lot of social animals, humans tend to treat those who are perceived to be part of a shared group differently. This is the reason why it feels more important if a countryman (who is a stranger) is, say, killed in an accident, compared with a non-countryman (who is also a stranger).

I should add that we are all susceptible to differing opinions based (partly) on whether someone is an insider or outsider. It’s not exactly logical to do so – it’s just the product of the evolutionary drive to protect our own DNA. We are, after all, just animals.

It’s probable that the furry propensity towards (1) anthropomorphics and (2) interest in animal welfare is linked. But that link doesn’t seem to take the apparently logical next step and collectively push us in the general direction of vegetarianism.

Curiously, there is no evidence that the therian subset of furry—those that see themselves either spiritually or literally as a non-human animal—are more likely to be vegetarian. And self-identified furry zoophiles—those with a closer emotional bond with non-human animals—are only marginally more likely to be vegetarian (somewhere in the range of 6 to 8%, although note that we are dealing with small numbers so this value is subject to more uncertainty than usual.)

And yet there is no doubt that vegetarianism improves animal welfare. The reasoning is very simple:

If an animal is being raised for profit, there will sometimes be a conflict between what is best for its welfare, and what produces the highest profit. And, sometimes, the drive for profit will take priority.

If you are vegetarian, you will reduce demand for meat. Accordingly fewer animals will be raised for meat, and so fewer animals will suffer.

The harm being done to animals in the interests of profit can, and does, occur any time from birth to death. Examples include the suffering of intensively farmed cattle in the United States, battery hens in the United Kingdom, live sheep export in Australia, or a fish on a hook in Canada. Even lower creatures, like lobsters, suffer (as detailed in this terrific David Foster Wallace piece, Consider The Lobster).

I’ll add that the harm being done to animals that are being raised for profit is a natural and unavoidable side-effect of capitalism. There is a drive to produce the same product for the lowest cost, and so people and companies try to do just that. Sometimes low costs lead directly to poorer animal welfare—which is why a battery chicken costs £1.50 from Tesco compared with the £15 organic one from my local farmer’s market—and sometimes people cheat or look for loopholes—which is how horsemeat ends up in cheap “beef” burgers.

(The corollary is that animals raised for meat, but not profit, do not suffer at the hands of the profit motive. An ethical vegetarian may be happy to eat the chicken you raised in your backyard and named Alfred. But you should probably ask first.)

Ethical vegetarianism is a very simple and entirely uncontroversial use of logic. The counter-argument doesn’t challenge the reasoning, it simply states that the conclusion is unacceptable: that refusing to consume animals raised for profit is inconvenient.

The argument for ethical vegetarianism has been around for a long time. However it was only as recently as 1975 that it gained mainstream understanding, in Peter Singer’s classic Animal Liberation. Animal Liberation received a lot of publicity, positive and negative, and at the time was thought to be the first step in a seachange in human attitudes towards non-human animals.

But very little has changed since 1975. The proportion of people in Western countries calling themselves vegetarian hasn’t really changed, and the number of meat-eaters worldwide has grown significantly (partly due to population growth; partly due to higher affluence in countries like India and China). Why? I don’t know, and nor does Dr Singer. It may be that it’s the same reason why furries are disinterested in animal welfare when it comes to food.

Perhaps you are one of the scant furry vegetarians. Or perhaps you tried it for a while and stopped. Or maybe you’re thinking of making the change. Tell us your story in the comments below.

New to the social furry scene. Looking for some friends!

Furry Reddit - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 12:42

I've been a closet furry for about ten years but never had any friends that are furry before. So I guess if you guys have any chatrooms that aren't pure and yiff? I also have a SO that is not a furry (yet) but, she is starting to gain an interest in yiff and furries. If you have any advise that I could use to maybe open hey to becoming a furry that would be great too!

I am a 22 Male Wolf straight (in case any of you were wondering.)

submitted by NevithTheWolf
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News


Furry.Today - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 11:58

Dancing meerkats trying to sell chocolate?

Well, why the hell not?

Categories: Videos

ep. 102 - IFC 2014 LIVE!! - Hey, guess what? FANTASTIC episode!! Xander, Alkali, Pandez & Draggor wax on about storybook vi...

The Dragget Show - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 11:48
Hey, guess what? FANTASTIC episode!! Xander, Alkali, Pandez & Draggor wax on about storybook villains, more poptart sandwich goodness, weed babies, and even a special guest appearance from Uncle Kage! ep. 102 - IFC 2014 LIVE!! - Hey, guess what? FANTASTIC episode!! Xander, Alkali, Pandez & Draggor wax on about storybook vi...
Categories: Podcasts

Roadside Romeo ( hindi)

Furry Reddit - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 11:10
Categories: News

From counterculture to Furry: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 1

Dogpatch Press - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 10:51
Neonbunny is founding DJ and promoter of Frolic. The 90 minute interview has 4 parts, with one a week posting this month. 1) Counterculture to Furry – Neonbunny’s background in the SF Bay Area.    Intro: The most furry place in the universe?   Coming soon: Part 2)  Starting Frolic – Throwing parties, finding other furries. Coming […]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 10:06

Playing Beyond Two souls & forgot about this little short that is played on the tv :)

submitted by Mootness
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Guild News: September

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 08:43
New Members

Welcome to our two newest associate members, Isiah Jacobs of FurReview and Jay of Jaffa Books!

Member News

M. C. A. Hogarth released the coloring book Not in Need of Rescue and the audio version of Rose Point.

The print version of Blood Type: An Anthology of Vampire SF On the Cutting Edge, which includes a story from Tarl “Voice” Hoch, is now available from the publisher.

Paul Kidd‘s new book Spirit Hunters Book 1: The Way of the Fox is now available as a paperback from Lulu and an ebook on Amazon.

(Members: Want to make sure your news gets included here? Start a thread in the Member News forum!)

Market News

Deadline is September 30 for submissions to Heat #12 and Hot Dish #2! (More info and links to guidelines at our Paying Markets page.)

Editor Fred Patten has just announced a call for submissions for a new anthology, The Furry Future, to be published by FurPlanet, with a submission deadline of November 1. Full details are here in our forums.

Guild News

Voting is now closed for the Cóyotl Awards, and the winners for both 2012 and 2013 will be announced at the award ceremony later this month at Rainfurrest.

Our first anthology, Tales From the Guild Volume 1: Music to Your Ears, will be available for order soon! Watch this space. :)

We remain open to guest blog posts from members! See the guidelines here.

Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesday evenings from 7-8 p.m. Eastern in the forum shoutbox. It’s an informal way to check in with your weekly writing progress and goals.

And if you’ve got something you need a beta for, we have a critique board in our forum (you’ll need to be registered with the forum in order to view it).

That’s all for this month. As always, send an email to furwritersguild (at) with news, suggestions, and other feedback, or just comment here.

One last question…

Unicorns or dragons?


Categories: News

Review: ‘L’Extravagante Croisière de Lady Rozenbilt’, by Pierre Gabus and Romuald Reutimann

Furry News Network - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 08:38
Author: Fred This is a review of the original French edition. My thanks to Lex Nakashima for getting and loaning it to me. The young Alfred Bigoodee is only an assistant when he embarks on the seaplane of Lady Rozenbilt, the fabulously rich woman with tastes as fantastic as they are dangerous. This voyage will […]
Categories: News

Was ist denn TIER los?

Furries In The Media - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 07:19

Berlin-Neukölln - Do not be surprised if you encounter strange creatures on the street in Berlin-Neukölln in animal costumes.

In the Estrel hotel namely the 20th Eurofurence is currently underway - a meeting of around 2,000 adult people from all over the world who wear costumes and (English: furry) are "furries" call. In their parades through the city, they are even protected by the police.

Enlarge Three participants in the "Furry Convention" posing in her faux fur costumes Three participants in the "Furry Convention" posing in her faux fur costumes
Photo: Georg Moritz

"We are here to present the love of the romantic notion of our favorite animal," says participant Tioh (39), computer scientists from Bonn.

In Internet forums Furries are as anthropomorphic representations of animals - that is, representations of animals with human characteristics - referred to. Often called Reason: "It's great to feel the fur on the bare skin."

Almost all professional groups are represented on the Eurofurence, a community that has started in the 90s in an online community. The first meeting in real life was exactly 15 years ago, then with 112 participants in a youth village on Müggelsee.

Until Sunday, the furry critters remain in the capital. They run in a parade through Neukölln, attend workshops, drama, dance in the disco or exchange ideas simple - their little inclined to love animal costumes.

  Whether this is Costumed flown in from Hawaii, his secret remains Whether this is Costumed flown in from Hawaii, his secret remains
           Photo: Georg Moritz

Categories: News

The fur fanatics take Neukölln

Furries In The Media - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 07:08

Eurofurence: Search in Estrel Hotel in Neukölln more than 2,000 "furry" until Sunday the animal in man - with beautifully designed costumes and much ideology.

Here speaks the fox. And only the fox. Marko he is, rotfellig, as it should be, and sitting on hand of Markus Nowak. The tinkered him, no customization, the computer scientist, typical Mitdreißiger, light brown hair, glasses with yellow lenses Hochdioptrie, CSI-Miami-vest, has bought extra for a 3-D printer, it has more than 1000 euros for paid. That tells Markus Nowak not even no it all says Marko, the fox on his hand.

Who comes by these days at Hotel Estrel at the Neukölln Sun Alley, could meet some wondrous forms. At the entrance of the tiger asks the rabbit after fire, but speaks only French, then they smoke in an intimate circle.

Berlin's largest bed castle transformed into Europe's largest human zoo. "The hotel was already jam-packed," says Michael Graf, 29, of Winterthur in Switzerland. He is one of the organizers of the Eurofurence, one of the largest meeting places for the 2000 "furries" who sit in Neukölln since Thursday.

"Most of us have proper alter egos than animals"

They are characterized hybrids of humans and animals, running around in giant fur costumes and communicate with sign language. A like-minded people meeting, convention they say in business terms. This is about "Furry fandom" to German as: fur being a fan. So it is somehow to people's love for fur, for the Animal and human. As so often in the range of marginal Partikularkulturen it is difficult for outsiders to find a common term. The best is probably that of "anthropomorphic animal", the upright walking, human sentient and often talking animal. "Most of us have proper alter egos as the animals from which they are attracted," says Michael Graf. He was, for example, a Lynx, says the trained high school teacher. "Lynx are like cats elegant, curious and a bit lazy. This suits me. "

The Eurofurence in the Estrel hotel is still to Sunday unite all those who share this love of the animal people or human animals. Which can be design as a comic or manga and build as models or dolls. Whom is not beastly enough that the slips in a fursuit, a fur suit. Such suits are the Furry fans showpiece, they are often designed and tailor made for years and cost several thousand euros.

Furry fans from more than 40 countries have come

Markus Nowak takes out his smartphone from his pocket, showing photos, as he was traveling as a cat in America, as hare in Kassel. Later, they both wanted to participate in Paradenzug where costumes through the hotel all pull Fuchs explains Marko. In the previous year, in Magdeburg, one is drawn through the city, says Michael Graf, but the Estrel was too far off the beaten path.

Much ideology blows on Thursday through the hotel. Many want the artistic animal found in humans. For some it's about shamanistic philosophies or animal fetishes. Costume Bauer, puppeteer, artist and musicians from around the world were invited to Berlin to exchange ideas and present their works of art. Moreover there should be plenty of workshops and lectures. Furry fans from more than forty countries have also arrived to meet their idols. Ursula Vernon is an idol and already arrived in Berlin as guest of honor. The 37-year-old American is one of the main authors of the Furry scene. From her mind are about the "Dragon Breath" novels.

1999 found the Eurofurence way, ever held in Berlin. At that time, the Friends of the Fells Lake Müggel met in the youth village, there were only a hundred. Meanwhile, the number of participants has nearly twenty-fold.

So completely public, the Convention is not opposed. The organizers point out that the whole place with the invited visitors from the Furry community was fully booked and were, no one could fit. However, if you happen to pass stroll at the Estrel, could certainly take a look at the great fur costumes.

The Eurofurence at the Estrel Hotel, Sun Allee 225, Neukölln, until Sunday around the clock program. More info at:

Categories: News

Im Kuscheltier-Kostüm in die Tiefe

Furries In The Media - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 07:01

From KATJA Derstroff

Duisburg - Yikes, who dangles because there upside down on rubber rope? The purple-blue pompom-Wolf called "Keenora" is a "Furry".

Enlarge Wrapped look at the animals in the sky Wrapped look at the animals in the sky
Photo: Schejok, Stefan

Conceived has the fantasy figure IT specialist Nicolas (28) from roadstead. On Sunday, he met with The teddy bear "Furries" from all over Europe in Duisburg on the race course for bungee jumping.

From 60 meters up the grumpy Velcro fans rushed down into the depths. For fun and excitement is writ large in the "Furries" Nicolas. "I sit at the computer all week at the weekend then I slip into 'Keenora' costume.."

Enlarge DC go into the depth DC go into the depth
Photo: Schejok, Stefan

That he can be manufactured from a Furry fan from Canada, paid around 2500 euros for it. "The fur must eventually endure quite something," smiles Nicolas.

As the first Furry he dared to bungee jump years ago. In 2013 he threw himself even in James Bond-style daring on rubber rope 220 ??meters from the Verzasca Dam in Switzerland. The Web programmer with a smile: "Keenora's just a really cool guy!"

Categories: News

Fetisch FELL

Furries In The Media - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 06:51
This is bizarre even for Berlin: Screaming Colorful critters like a comic planets populate the streets, hop, dance, jump, cuddle!

They are followers of the "Furry" movement. The Furries attract each other fanciful animal costumes, made ??the most of themselves. The summit of the Furries, the "Eurofurence", rises to Sunday at the Estrel in Berlin-Neukölln - the largest hotel in the capital is fully booked, has been completely transformed into an animal farm. There are workshops, parties, competitions, a parade.

Enlarge  All skins are artificial and anyway colorful Fluffy group picture in front of the Berlin Estrel Hotel. Animal Protective paint bomb throwers need not aufzukreuzen: All skins are artificial and anyway colorful
Photo: AFP

"It's a great fun to distract from everyday life," says Arco (23), car mechanic from Recklinghausen, for BZ He is one of around 2,000 participants from around the world.

What's behind the Furries?

? The movement emerged in the 90s on the Internet.

? The first convention took place in 1995 at the Schleswig Holstein North Sea coast, after 1999 it is now for the first time in Berlin.

? Inspired are the Furries of the figures in underground comics, but also of American sports mascot.

Trend Furry
On Sunday, he met with The teddy bear "Furries" from all over Europe in Duisburg on the race course for Bungee Jumping

  • Ruhr

Bungee Jumping In cuddly costume in the depth

On Sunday, he met with The teddy bear "Furries" from all over Europe in Duisburg on the race course for bungee jumping more ...

? The panels provide no animals in the strict sense is, but anthropomorphic, ie Beastmen.

? Furries not speak. They communicate with quirky gestures.

? Furries are herd animals. Never go alone on the road.

Enlarge Foxes live so long time back in town. But now wolves. And bears. And lions Foxes live so long time back in town. But now wolves. And bears. And lions
Photo: Imago

? A Furry has a "spotter" (helper) or "lackeys" to himself, who makes the disguised assistance. And it possibly also protects: In their intricate costumes that Furries are neither defensive nor quickly and often victims of a bad joke adolescent groups. Particular problem: Furries are highly flammable. Even dogs can react unpredictably.

? For Spotter there are many guides on the internet that make it clear: The job is important and serious to take.

? A Furry with class never takes his head off in public.

Enlarge Furries snuggle. Sex is not about Furries snuggle. Sex is not about
Photo: Imago

? There are also motivated sexual furries. For most, however, sex is not an issue.

? Many create their own Facebook profiles for her furry alter-ego.

? Furries can not like to be confused with characters who have their photos taken at tourist attractions for tourists with money - or with advertising figures, distribute the flyers. Furry Costumes are usually much more elaborate and oblique.

Enlarge The animals are cute, but not very well-fortified. Please do not douse fire with beer or The animals are cute, but not very well-fortified. Please do not douse fire with beer or
Photo: AFP

? In Disneyland Furries only have access to halloween. One fears well that they make Mickey Mouse & Co competition.

? glad the animals are seen in contrast hipster clubs. In the legendary Berlin "Bar 25", they appeared regularly as well in the international party series "Horse Meat Disco".

Categories: News

Eurofeurence 2014: 17 Bizarre Pictures Of Europe's Biggest Furry Convention

Furries In The Media - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 05:51

Blue cats, pink foxes, psychedelic wolves and bikini-wearing bears amassed in Berlin this weekend for Europe's biggest furry convention.

To celebrate their love of anthropomorphic animals, thousands of furry fanatics checked into a Berlin hotel, making it Europe's largest human zoo.

Enjoying a weekend honouring all things fuzzy, Furries attended workshops for sewing and furry literature, concerts and shows - all under a wild theme, "CSI Berlin."

Furry fandom, a term used as early as 1983 and also known as furrydom, furridom, fur fandom or furdom, refers to a subculture whose followers express an interest in anthropomorphic, or half-human, half-animal, creatures in literature, cartoons, pop culture, or other artistic contexts.

The earliest citation of anthropomorphic literature regularly cited by furry fans is Aesop's Fables, dating to around 500 BC.

Now, many but not all of the followers of the movement wear furry animal costumes.

Arco, 23, car mechanic from Recklinghausen, told BZ Berlin how he paid 2,500 euros for his homemade wolf costume made of synthetic fur.

"It was worth it to me. It's great fun to distract from everyday life," he said.

  • A Furry enthusiast flaunts her curves Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Having a quick cuddle Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • A Saber-tooth moose lion? Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Furry enthusiasts attend the Eurofurence 2014 conference Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Furry fans snuggle up on the sofa Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • 2000 Furries met up at the Estrel Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Two furries share a snack Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • More hugs Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Furry fandom is also known as furrydom, furridom, fur fandom or furdom Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • A Furry enthusiast collects money for charity Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Furry enthusiasts greet one another Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Eurofurence 2014 Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Adam Berry via Getty Images

  • Adam Berry via Getty Images

Categories: News

Inside the Convention Where 2,000 Furries Come to Party!

Furries In The Media - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 05:40

A world in which animals roam the streets on two legs and share a good laugh over cocktails with their buds after work — this is the life of a furry.

Berlin's Estrel Hotel became a playground for nearly 2000 self-identifying furries from August 20 to 24 for the 20th annual Eurofurence, the largest furry convention outside of the United States and the longest running convention of its type in the world.

Furry fandom, a term used since 1983 refers to a subculture whose followers express an interest in anthropomorphic, or half-human, half-animal, creatures in literature, cartoons, pop culture, or other artistic contexts.

This year's events included special "guests of honor" including Ursula Vernon, author and illustrator of the graphic novel Digger; Kyell Gold, author of gay furry erotica including The Prisoner's Release; and Sardyuon, a furry juggler and acrobat.

As a yearly tradition, Eurofurence also orchestrated a charity auction, asking participants to donate artwork and rare items. This year's proceeds went to Stiftung Fledermaus, a German foundation that aims to protect bats from extinction through research and public engagement.

  • Furry-1

    Police officers halt traffic as delegates to the Eurofurence, "Europe's biggest furry convention" arrive at the conference hotel in Berlin.

    Image: ODD ANDERSEN/AFP/Getty Images

  • Furry-4

    Eurofurence's organizers describe attendees as "a collection of artists, animators, writers, costumers, puppeteers, and just everyday fans who enjoy cartoon animals and their kind."

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-10

    Furries greet one another at the conference. The earliest citation of anthropomorphic literature regularly cited by furry fans is Aesop's Fables, dating to around 500 BC.

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-7

    A Furry enthusiast attends the Eurofurence 2014 conference. Many but not all of the followers of the movement wear furry animal costumes.

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-2

    Delegates to the Eurofurence, "Europe's biggest furry convention" pose for a picture in front of the conference hotel in Berlin.

    Image: ODD ANDERSEN/AFP/Getty Images

  • Furry-3

    Some furry enthusiasts take a more casual approach to cosplay. The anthronthropomorphic character created by fans is known as a fursona.

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-6

    A furry enthusiast collects money for charity during the Eurofurence 2014 conference. This year's proceeds went to Stiftung Fledermaus, which helps protect the bat population.

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-8

    Furry enthusiasts take a break between events at the conference. Attendees enjoy a weekend of workshops, panel discussions, art exhibitions, dances, parties and more.

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-9

    A furry enthusiast holds a camera while attending the conference. Furry fandom is also known as furrydom, furridom, fur fandom or furdom.

    Image: Adam Berry/Getty Images

  • Furry-5

    Furry enthusiasts take a break at the Eurofurence 2014 conference.

Categories: News

August 2014 Newsbytes archive

Furry News Network - Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 05:39
Author: crossaffliction Contributors this month include bastett, crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, mwalimu and Patch Packrat. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News