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[fursona]Hope i am not too late!

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 11:58
Categories: News

Here's my fursona, Cotton!

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 11:34
Categories: News

While other are complaining about the Bandwagon being jumped

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 11:01

I'm very impressed with some of these characters! There are quite a few creative animals roaming around here :D

submitted by YouCanCallMeBoo
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Categories: News

My fursona, Another to add to the pile

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 09:02
Categories: News

Guest post: “Anthropomorphic Diversity” by Lauren Rivers

Furry Writers' Guild - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 08:04
Anthropomorphic Diversity

by Lauren Rivers


When writing anthropomorphic fiction, one of the major elements is determining the species and the variety of your cast members. One of your first decisions is should they all be of the same race. While it may be to your fancy to have an entire cast of foxes, the positive side to this is that you can delve into the variations of the species. You can discuss the habits of different types of foxes such as fennecs versus the red fox, as well as highlight cultural differences much in the way that science fiction does with aliens and racial situations. An example would be a story where fennec foxes are considered exotic and used for slave labor, or a case where arctic foxes are racially profiled and perhaps have a unique ability the others do not, such as the creation and manipulation of ice. This also comes with a downside for people that don’t like how foxes tend to be overused within the fandom.  They could be turned off by the fact that your characters are all variants of the same species. Additionally, one should consider that in a situation where the entire cast ‘looks the same’ from a general perspective, individual characters may have a harder time standing out.

Another possibility is centaurs or any characters with a humanoid torso and animal lower half. The positive side to this addition is that you can more or less make up your own rules as to the species and what they are like. For one, they are capable of more physical action than most normal anthropomorphic characters, though most of the issues with centaurian species are logistical. If you include centaurs, then cars, furniture, group travel, everything must be modified for the existence of centaurs. Adding an extra two feet to some of your characters can slow you down if you do not have a plan in mind for your four-footed cast members.

Let’s not forget about humans themselves. The plus side to the involvement of humans in furry stories is that non-furries may enjoy the story simply for its own merits. Humans are easiest for people outside of the fandom to understand, and logically so. If you want your story to be more broadly accepted, consider a partly human cast. Be wary of using the humans only on the side of evil though, as the ‘evil humans versus good anthropomorphic characters’ plot line is a frequent staple in furry fiction. It may be seen as ‘one of those stories’ in the same way that comas on soap operas are often not taken seriously.

Finally, a species-diverse cast is yet another option. If you have every cast member a different species, or at least no more than two of any one type, you maximize the chances that every reader will find at least one species they enjoy. Additionally, it gives you more variety in descriptions. For example, if there is only one bovine character in your story, they will be easily recalled and will more quickly establish themselves in the reader’s mind. The pitfall with this approach is that you may have more characters than you can handle, if you attempt to fit too many species into your zoological odyssey.

As a writer, you clearly have many choices for how to populate your world. The choice is of course, up to you. However, bear in mind that you must know what kind of story you want to tell before you begin the casting process. Being aware of this will often do most of the work for you. Think of the characteristics each type of anthropomorphic being will add to your story and then decide if they’re the right one for you. If you’ve done your planning properly, it should seem as if most of the decisions have been made all by themselves.


Categories: News

Porn Addiction Has a Negative Impact on Real Sex Life

Furry News Network - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 07:56
Author: (Note to readers: this letter is pretty racy—a là Dr. Ruth Westheimer–and I would not advise younger readers to continue) Dear Papabear, How can I get a grip on my sexuality? Since I was a teenager, I have been looking at porn to let out my sexual frustrations. While I have heard about studies […]
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The Fresh Prince of Dope (Tartii)

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 07:48
Categories: News

might as well post my fursona!

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 05:56
Categories: News

Fursona time? Fursona time!

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 04:36
Categories: News

Anthropomorphic foxes aren't really foxes, though…

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 04:16

Well, it's true! They're an entirely new species. Why do we call them foxes?

submitted by RS-1
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Categories: News

My fursona as drawn by Orlando Fox

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 03:56
Categories: News

Wenn Menschen zu Plüschtieren werden (When people become stuffed animals)

Furries In The Media - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 02:28

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a really cool html pull down menu on the main articles website that interviews a couple of fursuiters about themselves but I can't post that part so go to the original linl, translate it, and have a look!

When people become soft toys

In her spare time she bear teddy fur or feathers - the "Furries". These are people who like to play for a few hours, monkey, elephant or wolf. In Berlin they came to the 20th Eurofurence, the largest meeting of Furry fans in Europe, together Anke Werner has taken the Furries and asked:. Why you do that?

They call themselves Tinka, Tefnut Nastula or Berion: the Furries on Eurofurence. About 2,000 Furries Estrel Hotel met with like-minded people in Berlin. They come from over 40 countries, for example Russia, Ukraine, Finland, the USA and Great Britain.

The artist, costume builders, puppeteers, musicians and animal lovers exchanged views on their bizarre hobby, attended workshops, go to the Furry-disco and watch in Japanese fursuit acrobatics. The highlight was the legendary among fans puppet Eurofurence.

To kick off the furries are drawn in a procession through the hotel and have made a group photo in front of the hotel. With their sweeping tails and huge paws some fell walking difficult, especially since they have a rather limited field of view with its large animal heads. Circa 700 furries in animal costumes posing in front of the hotel. Many passers-by stopped and looked amused and listened to the howling animal, which sang the crowd in between.

Unlike Trekkies or manga disciples

EV Michael Graf from the club Eurofurence teacher of History and English. His furry character is the lynx. The Swiss loves and admires the properties of cats, they are "curious, independent, perhaps a bit lazy, elegant. It embodies what I myself would like to see me or what I am to you." And so it goes just as well: The people are more open and unprejudiced to share with people. Your Fursuit gives them self-confidence.

Compared with manga and science fiction have "Furries," said Graf, not the standard works to which they refer: "In Star Trek fans have seen all the episodes, fans of the series In Furry fandom is. different. these are people who think of themselves animal figures of any kind. " They draw pictures of their characters and sew the costumes to some extent self. But some film characters are very popular. For example, Disney's "The Lion King" or the raccoon from the latest animated film "Guardians of the Galaxy."

Foxes, wolves, dragons on top

Among the furries there are some animals that are found in all color variations and over again: foxes, wolves, big cats and dragons. Although the furries look damn fluffy out in their costumes, but under the mask it cooks. You sweat excessively under-their second animal skin.

So they do not overheat, some ice packs or cooling vests have under her costume others have electric fans mounted in their head. In the fursuit lounge are several industrial fan, cool down the air.

15 years ago the Eurofurence was the last time in Berlin. At the time they met in the youth village on Müggelsee. Present were only about 100 participants. Compared to today, a rather small group


Willion the Lion

 rbb/Anke Werner)

Why are you a furry?
This can be difficult to generalize. Each Furry has a unique interpretation of what makes him himself for Furry. I come from the theater area, I like to play other roles. That's why I've come up with the character and if I'm wearing the suit, it's like a huge stage where you can just run times as two hours and watch what happens. It's like an hour improv theater.

Since when do you do it?
Since 2008 I have since contact zm "fandom" and I have met people and since 2010 "fursuite" I do.

Who is your character and why did you choose this fursuit?
My character is called yes Willion. And that is a variation of William and "lion". I like the movie "The Lion King" and totally happy to have me always told everyone that I'm a cat person anyway. That's why I thought that the lion is best suited to me. Because I very much like the stories of "The Lion King", I have felt a connection to it because I could put me in good.

Who is behind your mask?
In normal life I'm cutter, I cut films and contributions.

How much your hobby influenced your life?
I think that you can throw in the suit and can go out there and who can be different, which makes an enormous amount of self-confidence. Then, even if I no longer'm wearing the suit, I still have the feeling that I have developed self-confidence. Because I have found a way to go out and to let people participate in this creation, this character. It's like in the theater: there is one on the stage, two hours played his character and then has a huge applause. That you're here, too.

-------------------------- end

Berion, a Siberian Husky

 rbb/Anke Werner)

Why are you a furry?
It's just a hobby of mine. I've seen it on TV back then, and I have then been interested in've searched the internet for it and then I come on a forum and got to know nice people. So all this has run its course.

Since when are you a furry?
For almost five years. The costume I have for almost three years.

Why did you choose for the Siberian Husky?
This has no special meaning. When I'm fresh arrivals in the group, I was looking around, what I like, what is there for different characters and there gave me the Husky liked best. With the two different colors of eyes. It looked just out really well. Here we see around us a couple of colorful creatures. But I decided for something more natural, because I personally like better.

Who is behind the mask?
I am computer science clerk at a bank. And'm doing this in my spare time. It's not that I'm running around so all day. Other people go dancing or go to any balls and I disguise myself as a Husky and stop trying to make people happy.

How do you make people happy because?
A friend of mine from Holland, for example, regularly goes to the Children's Hospital in costume and tries to cheer up the children, simply convey positive thoughts. The same also makes them in the zoo. Or on weekends through just about the shopping area, goofing around and conjure up a smile to people's face.


The Zephyr

 rbb/Anke Werner)

Why are you a furry?
I like to dress up as an anthropomorphic animal (Wikipedia: "awarding human characteristics to animals, gods, natural forces, and the like") because I am very interested in fantasy. In the fantasy, there are no limits. You can do whatever you want.

Since when are you a furry?
For fourteen years. I have been interested in anthropomorphic art and I enjoyed the topics like.

Why did you choose this fursuit?
It reflects an aggressive side of me, but is also very elegant.

Who is behind the mask?
I am an artist. I work as a freelance artist of to home. I make art for my clients.

What kind of art?
Everything that has to do with furries and anthropomorphic creatures. What the customer wants.


Tefnut IV Nastula, a serval of Africa

 rbb/Anke Werner)

Why are you a furry?
This question is difficult to answer. I am a furry, because I felt connected with cats all my life. I always dreamed to be a cat, or to have a cat, so how many people dream of a unicorn or a dragon to be. And eventually crystallizes out: ok, I want to have a costume and then they realize there's a community.

Since when are you a furry?
I am here for about ten years, all my life I certainly felt myself as furry.

Why did you choose this fursuit character?
I represent a Serval. This is a medium sized cat from Africa. This figure has found me, which is based on a computer game where you can customize his character in animal costumes and I've then copied itself. You have to model the whole head, sew the paws, sew the body, the hind feet, that's a work of three days, even when working with the machine. And the head since I was about two months, though it is made of PET-grid, so this leaf guard from gutters. In the Internet there are instructions on how best to use foam insulation blankets and how to use PET mesh.

What makes the costume with you?
It makes me sweat animal (laughs). It lets you experience me to put my opponent in amazement and enthusiasm and that fills me with joy to see small children as they get stunned me and say "how fluffy". Adults who come to me and ask, "May I take a picture?". The experience of joy to others, because it is worth it to me. It makes me not feel like an animal. It gives me the chance reinzuschlüpfen in a role where I can give pleasure to others, like a clown in the circus, except that I get no money for it and make fun of it.

Who is behind the mask?
I myself am a trained locksmith, as you can see a little fuller nature (laughs). An ordinary average citizen, with normal life of from time to time purely slips into a costume that looks a little funny and fluffy.


Mathwolky, a mixture of wolf and husky

Why are you a furry?
I was in another Convention - Anime / Manga - and since I have seen such a fursuit and has since acted with children and people and immediately conjured them up a smile. In this day and age people are always skeptical when a stranger comes and because they respond and meet new people, which is always distant. And with the Fursuit you have a great opportunity to make people happy. I've also gefursuitet in a children's hospital. Simply pull out the people from everyday life and additionally at a convention so nice people identify learning that is just a great thing.

Since when are you a furry?
In the "fandom" I'm two years. Last August I attended the first convention.

As the Furry-ness influenced your life?
Previously I've done a lot with local people. Through the "fandom" I've had people from all over many nations met. I could currently staying in about thirty countries in the people I've met, I know many Americans now. International thinking and the world is better acquainted in that the events take place all over the world really great. My holiday has become much more diversified and active. It makes a lot of fun.

Why did you choose this fursuit?
My character's name is Mathwolfky. The make quite a lot so that species in the name of pure increase. Each designed his costume even, or make the most of it and then they are built. I, for example, is now bought, because I'm not that talented.

So you have to own designed and then let the tailor?
Exactly. So it is with most costumes. A couple of them have also made ??themselves. But most are designed and tailored by someone called "fursuit-maker". It takes just already talent that they also look good.

Why did you choose for your character?
I was always fascinated as a child by wolves. I think the animals just great and not only the animals themselves, but also the attributes that are ascribed to them by the mythology. This is a very attractive animal for me and I have also let me have a stab Wolf tattoo before I even knew what the whole furry stuff. Then I am pure get here and then I did not have to think twice. I was already a wolf tattoo, and so it was then relatively straightforward.

And then the Husky mixed with pure?
Just because I find the animals so great. They're just so excited, full of energy. The first thought was my children to "suites", charity and so I wanted to address a Suit with vibrant colors, the children. The Husky is still energetic and the wolf is more serious and a child would you rather not send a wolf.

Who is behind the mask?
I'm Matthias, 21 years old and from Switzerland, was doing a normal office job and go 50 percent of the time on a drama school and have to be in front of cabin crew and the whole here is a big hobby of mine, I also around the world 'm doing. You can know people from all sorts of nations and that is really great. I like to swim, I like to read. I lead a more normal life otherwise. Although the "fursuits" is a wicked thing, but do not you also draws at home.


  • Tinka, the rainbow fox

     rbb/Anke Werner)
    Colorful Fury Cat "Tinka" (Source: rbb / Anke Werner)

    Why are you a furry?
    I work as a mechanic and my hobby is to dress up in fursuits. I like them very much. But with the "fandom" is about much more: it is about art and creativity. Everyone pulls something for it and for me it's about to wear a fursuit.

    Since when are you a furry?
    For many many years. But two years ago I started and also to go to meetings.

    How has it changed your life?
    I have more fun. Before I deliberately do not know where to go on vacation. Now I no longer have such problems. I may be a furry convention.

    Why did you choose this fursuit character?
    I used to have a Plush Teddy, named Tinka and so I chose this name. My character is a fox, I like foxes, they are very cute and for me the rainbow-fox is the cutest fox of them all. Tinka has like fun, helps other people and

    What makes the costume with you?
    I work as a mechanic and the person that I am is there, rather strict and boring. The costume opens me makes me kind to many people and is very different from my working life.

    Who is behind the mask?
    Tinka is more about my self. It is no longer just a character. The old Tinka who works as a mechanic, no longer exists. I am now more like Tinka as my old self.


    The Polarwolf
    Why are you a furry?
    Because it's fun for me to transform itself for a short time in an animal.

    Since when are you a furry?
    I do that now for about two years.

    Why are you a Polar Wolf?
    Because this is my species simply because I feel like an arctic wolf, a wolf in me.

    How then feels a Polar Wolf?
    Wild, unconstrained, freely: the life of a wolf.

    Who is behind the mask?
    I'm self-employed gardeners and landscapers, so have a normal job like everyone else, stand with both feet on the ground.

    What makes the costume with you?
    I'm just free and open, you can just let out what's inside so in me.

Categories: News

I don't get it.

Furry Reddit - Sat 20 Sep 2014 - 02:19

Why is posting art of your sona "bandwagony" is that not art of your char not part of being in the fandom and natural to have on a sub about furs.

Also what is with the fursona = art. I know I have been in the fandom for a while so i am a little out of touch but when did sona stop meaning your char and start meaning art of your char. I mean if you can describe you have a sona.

submitted by NefasDesidia
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Categories: News