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A little fox fun in Fall

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 19:14
Categories: News

Why don't you really see anorexic furs?

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 18:52

It's not my thing, but I noticed this yesterday. There's a ton of morbidly obese furs, there's every fetish you can possibly think of and plenty that you probably can't and shouldn't think of (whitekitten anyone?), but I've never seen a picture of an anorexic fur. There are some that are that way because they were drawn wrong, but none that are intentionally that way. What's up with that?

submitted by laikaIII
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Categories: News

Flynn and Tofu by KristKC

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 17:05
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 29

TigerTails Radio - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 16:21
TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 29
The latest episode of TigerTails Radio. For previous episodes, visit From: TigerTails Radio Views: 16 1 ratings Time: 02:08:23 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Jimmy the Pig

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 15:56
Categories: News

Streaming again! Taking 3 commissions!

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 15:55
Categories: News

"Furries!" and "What's a therian?"

Furries In The Media - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 14:43
Here are a pair of segments broadcast on Australian radio network Triple J.

First (from September 22) is "Furries!", which coincided with Sydney's 2014 FurJAM event:
Hack takes you inside the furry community to find out why people love dressing up as furry animals. Is it a sex thing? A creative outlet? Or, just a way to belong?
On SoundCloud:

A week later they followed up with "What's a therian?":
You would have heard of transgender, but have you heard of 'trans-species'? Hack takes you inside the home of two people who say despite their human bodies, they're dragons. And they're not alone. Around the world there are thousands of people known as therians who believe their spirit is an animal.
Categories: News

Battle Kat, Professional Wrestler

[adjective][species] - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 13:00

For six glorious weeks in 1990, Battle Kat dominated the World Wrestling Federation. He wore an adorable sparkly black cat mask, pawpads on the bottom of his wrestling boots, and a cute pawprint on his bottom, as if one of his catboy fans had run through some soot in his rush to give Battle Kat a cheeky pre-match “peptalk”.


Yes, Battle Kat was lame, although he was hardly Robinson Crusoe in the early 1990s WWF. With Hulk Hogan gone and other big names aging and/or fattening, the writers waved in a series of characters with all the complexity of the back of a breakfast cereal packet. Battle Kat joined similarly nuanced early-90s characters such as the Big Boss Man (prison guard), Doink (evil clown), and Repo Man (clarification not required).

Battle Kat used “cat-like” moves in the ring, which means that he occasionally made vague claw-shapes with his hands, and incorporated laboured and largely pointless acrobatics into his offense. Compared with the lumbering wrecks still going from the 1980s heyday of rock-n-wrestling, Battle Kat was agile and young, but was neither if compared with someone, well, agile and young.


I have a soft spot for professional wrestling. I started watching a year or two after Battle Kat’s brief stay. WWF wasn’t on TV in Australia but I (and a friend) would rent shows from the local video store. It was the early 90s, so the characters were broadly drawn—the main event always seemed to be Yokozuna (ostensibly an evil Japanese sumo wrestler but clearly just an unusually fat American Pacific Islander) vs The Undertaker, who is probably best described as a superhero designed by Tim Burton on a bad day—but the action was terrific fun after a few beers.

We both loved The Undertaker of course, but my secret favourite was a character named IRS, otherwise known as Irwin R. Shyster. IRS dressed like Gordon Gecko from Wall Street, complete with suspenders and tie. He would come to the ring, remind the audience to pay their taxes, and then get roundly thrashed by some random good-guy. Alas, he never crossed paths with Battle Kat.

IRS was everything good about everything bad in early-90s WWF. He was young, charismatic, and a talented athlete. But his character made no sense whatsoever. Why on earth would an IRS employee accuse a professional wrestling audience of tax evasion? And why would victory in a wrestling match give him the moral authority to enforce payment?

Inevitably, Mr Shyster and The Undertaker crossed paths. The writers tried ever so hard for the conflict to make sense… why would an inland revenue man dislike an undead superhero? Simple: Irwin was piqued by The Undertaker’s refusal to pay taxes associated with his own burial. Genius!

I encourage you to watch this 50-second video on YouTube to see the full, glorious, explanation. (Sample IRS comment: “Being six-feet under is not a tax shelter!”)

I never understood why people hated IRS. Good government is the foundation of a functional democratic society, and taxes fund government. IRS was just a hard-working, righteous civil servant.

I only learned why he was hated so much later—his character was designed to antagonize the American tendency towards small-government libertarianism. (I’m Australian, and at the time the left was arguing for freer international trade to facilitate improvement of government services, while the right was arguing for introduction of progressive taxation to facilitate improvement of government services… not quite Reaganomics.) IRS probably got cheered in New York. And Canada.

Battle Kat was cut from the same low-irony cloth as The Undertaker, however was sadly never to enjoy the Dead Man’s longevity. The wrestler under the cat mask was Brady Boone, who was fired a month or so after BK’s introduction. Boone then suffered the double humiliation of seeing the Battle Kat being played by a replacement (that lasted two weeks), and of his month as Battle Kat being the pinnacle of his career. After being fired, Boone spent years of playing a barely-infringing-on-WWF-copyright knock-off character (Fire Cat) in minor federations in the US and Japan.


Boone finished his career as a referee in Ted Turner’s successful WCW. Sadly he was killed in a car accident in 1998, at age 40.

He did leave a legacy though: in his time as Fire Cat, he mentored an up-and-coming 21-year-old. That young man went on to have a long and successful career, and incorporated several of Battle Kat’s signature athletic-but-pointless moves into his style. The young man will turn 44 in a few weeks, and is well known to any modern wrestling fan. His ring name is Rob Van Dam.

Hi, I'm new. Let me introduce myself, and I had a few things I'd like to ask!

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 12:58

Hi there, I'm a new furry, just spreading onto the 'nets. I do currently have a fursona ref being sketched for me, and I will post it here soon, but until then, I've been looking around here and other places and I wanted to ask some questions, and voice some of my assumptions coming into here. (I'll also probably make other posts later on for different topics as well.)

About Me: I'm 17, live in CT, Senior in High School. Straight. I'd like to get a suit done of my fursona later on, maybe freshman-sophomore year of college. I'd love to get to know some of you.

Questions * Where are some good online sites (other than here,) to go and meet other furs?

  • Are there any furs here who live in CT?

  • Where should I go to find "furry news," if that is even a thing that most of us care about?

  • Do people find other furs easy to get along with and actually friendly?

  • Where should I look if I wanted to get a full suit done?

  • Any do's and don'ts?

Assumptions Please correct me if I'm wrong What I'm hoping is that there is a good base of other furs around me to get along with and make some new friends, even if its over the internet. As far as I know, most of us tend to be around 18-30 years old? I have no problem getting along with people who are significantly older than me.

I always seem to view the furry community as a huge bunch of happy, talented people, wanting to make friends, make stranger's days, and show off their skills, whether it be art, suiting, writing, or mixing tunes. I believe that's how I can describe the majority of the fandom, I get that not everyone here is perfect, no other fandom is anyway. Am I looking at this overly positively, or does this sound about right?

Thanks for your time!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

/r/furry smash bros tournament?

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 12:39

hey, I remember a little bit back there was a mario kart tournie, are there plans or anything to do one with the new smash too? :D

submitted by Sat-AM
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Categories: News

Nomadic Life in a Military Family Is Contributing to Anxiety Issues

Ask Papabear - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 12:34
Dear Papa Bear, 

This isn't the first time I've written to you. Your advice really does help. I find myself wanting to write to you with every problem but that would be a bit annoying. 

So, My dad is in the army. I'm 17, so I still have a few more years to deal with all the moving because I want to wait until I'm financially stable before I move out or even go to college. My question relates to this big time, though. I already mentioned I'm 17, but I've moved a total of 33 times in my life, in state and outside of state from all over the USA. It's a lot for a kid to move, and you could probably imagine the pain I've gone through having to leave my friends each time, if not having to experience it yourself. 

I don't have trouble communicating when people talk to me, and I seem like a social butterfly around my friends. Making friends isn't a problem for me, either. But take those friends away, and boom, you have a depressed teen with extremely bad anxiety issues. I've written to you before about depression and your advice helped me cope with it, but this one is about the anxiety. 

My social anxiety is really really bad. I have trouble being alone in a large crowd while my friend takes a bathroom break for 5 minutes. My stomach feels like it's being tied into several knots, even knots on top of those knots, and I feel really shaky. Sometimes, I'll even break down in a large crowd. I can't go anywhere without someone I know and trust, and because I move a lot, it's really hard to find people I can trust. 

Well, recently, my dad got stationed in Mississippi. Before this, I've been in Puerto Rico, and the Mormon states in the Northwest, which is where I grew up for 14 years in many different parts of it, so you can imagine the huge change from a completely different culture and completely different views to down here where everyone is.....different. There really isn't any other word I could use to describe it here. I have been having major trouble making friends here, especially with the majority of the population of this town belonging to gangs.

As I mentioned previously, I am 17, meaning I'll be 18 soon and I'll have 2-4 more years until I go off to college. Between this time, I have to get a job. My social anxiety is the problem. I really don't know how to deal with it appropriately.

If I listen to music or make some kind of a beat on the spot, it works just fine for me and I'll feel fine, but that isn't something I can do in any random place. If I happen to get an office job, I can’t simply put in headphones during a meeting, it's rude and I could get in trouble for it. Another way I deal with this is bringing a plushie with me where I go. The people here though seem to frown upon a nearly-adult male bringing a plushie with them to Walmart or a restaurant. 

With no job, I rely on the small things I do in the fandom to get money, like art and selling some music, as well as my allowance from my family, which is only $10 every other week and I have to pay for my own lunches from the store. My parents refuse to put me in therapy or get me medication to help with my anxiety, and I don't have the money to pay for therapy myself. 

So do you have any advice on how to deal with horrible social anxiety appropriately in everyday life? It would really help me get my life back on track and could probably mean the difference between a mansion and my parents' basement. 

An average robot dragon

* * *

Dear Robot Dragon,

I’m gratified that my advice has been helpful in the past, thank you.

Yes, there are things you can do to ease your issues with anxiety. One of the problems you’re having is that you move around so much and your life is unstable as a result. I moved a couple times as a kid and young adult, but certainly nowhere near 33 times! Just the couple times I did move were very hard for me; I didn’t make friends as easily as you do, so at least you have that going on in your favor. The solution would be to find a way to settle down in one place for a while, but, unfortunately, that won’t happen as long as you’re dependent on your family and military father. Let’s explore some possibilities.

I would recommend that, instead of trying to find work with a high school diploma and earning enough money to go to college (extremely hard to do with the current cost of education), you should explore options for scholarships, grants, and loans for children of the military. Go to to learn more. There’s a good chance that you can get a lot of your higher education paid for through military or other government programs. To keep costs low, I always recommend that, whenever possible, you spend your first two years at a community college and then transfer those credits to a four-year school. Talk to a college advisor about reciprocal agreements that often exist between community colleges and four-year schools with which they partner. 

This is a much surer way of getting a college education than trying to pay for it with a low-wage job. Going to college will also stabilize your life, especially if you live on campus. You’ll develop a routine that will continue for two or more years, make friends, and feel like you have a more “normal” life.

Next, modify your diet. Believe it or not, certain foods can cause you to be more mellow, and other foods can make you more anxious (caffeine being the obvious one). Some foods that make you more like a cool bear include:

  • Foods with tryptophan: turkey, chicken, sesame seeds, nuts, milk, cheese, soy, oats, bananas, and oats (oatmeal in the morning with bananas and milk, very soothing to start your day)
  • Foods rich in B vitamins: nuts (again), chicken (again), leafy veggies, beef, pork, eggs, and citrus fruits
  • Whole grain breads and brown rice for complex carbs (avoid processed flours; also avoid wheat—even whole grain wheat bread—because modern agriculture has really screwed up this particular grain making it high in LDL carbs and sugar; it is no longer the wheat your grandparents ate)
  • Fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids, including this bear’s favorite, salmon, as well as tuna (look for the dolphin safe label), mackerel, sardines (King Oscar is the yummiest), herring, anchovies, and lake trout
  • Foods high in dopamine, including (some repeats) nuts, eggs, fish, meats, cheese, soy, yogurt, and lentils. 

Besides caffeinated foods (coffee, non-herbal teas, chocolate, and sodas), avoid candy (the sugar rush and insulin high is followed by a big low. Also avoid booze, processed foods (hint: if it has more than three ingredients in it and most you can’t pronounce, it’s probably crappy for your body), and foods high in sugars (whether natural sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners). Avoid food with aspartame artificial sweetener at all cost as it is a chemical that harms the nervous system (I don’t care what the FDA says).

Next, there are several calming activities you can pursue:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Regular physical activity, especially aerobics

You’ve led a very topsy-turvy life, so, really, the single best thing you can do is find a way to stop moving around so much. You are putting up barriers for yourself that don’t need to be there. There are always ways around such things. At 17, you need to plan to get out into the world on your own and stabilize your life. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t show appreciation for your father, who is doing a brave thing through his military service while also supporting a family, but this is having a bad effect on you, and since your parents refuse to help you need to take matters into your own paws. Don’t be afraid to start taking command of your own destiny. You’re old enough to do it!

Good luck!


Life is On

Furry.Today - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 10:30

It is a well know fact that racoons like a good party.

Categories: Videos

Q&A with master animator Michel Gagne, part 2. Another in a series for fans and Furries.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 10:15
Dogpatch Press interview series:  Artists, animation directors, DJ’s and event organizers, superfans, and more… Animator Michel Gagne talked about his movie, The Saga of Rex, in Part 1.  In Part 2, he says more about the movie and his overall career.  He also says that his 2004 Anthrocon Guest of Honor experience is the only Furry experience he’s had.  But […]
Categories: News

Beagle Cop - The Noise Complaint

Furry Reddit - Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 08:32
Categories: News