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Hi, new furry here trying to make some fuzzy friends :3

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 21:55

So, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jordan, and I am a relatively new furry here (almost 4 months now), my 'sona is a big ol' shy muscular, submissive dragon named Aiden, and I'll be getting a pic of him comished rather soon. Now, I have only met a few other furries out there in the big ol' world, and I would like to meet more of you people! I have a Steam and a Skype, and I would like to talk to somebody (openish to RP as well :p), so feel free to message me to get the deets on those.

Oh, and one more thing, I have noticed that bronies take a crapload of heat from furries, why? It would clarify things greatly if you explained.

submitted by FoxyBois
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - What's your personality type, furries?

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 20:44

You can test it at I found it to be a very good site to do so, it takes about 15 minutes.

Recently I became very interested into this subject. The last time this question was asked on this subreddit was about 2 years ago, with a personality test that proved not so well. Time to refresh it.

I'm an INTJ, this result seems to describe me very precisely. I've got nothing to add.

Before the furry-rage ensues about wether or not it's an proven concept of psychology, please bear in mind this is an indicator. An indicator is a device used for measurement. A measuring device has no rules instead of it's own sense of measuring things, no matter what experts say about it being right or wrong. You are, according to this indicator, what it tells you to be. If you don't agree with your result, it may have been that you put in some wrong answers about yourself.

Just try look around, find your personality. It takes some time, but you'll get there. If not at one, maybe stuck in between two personalities. In this case you mark the difference with an x. For example: "I'm stuck between ISFP and INFP, so I am IxFP"

Actually, it is easier to know some of the deeper material, like what the functions are and how they work, to find yourself only by reading.

Finally on the question, what's your personality type?

submitted by KarnBlueEarring
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Salivation Salvation

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 19:44
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 34

TigerTails Radio - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 19:28
TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 34
The latest episode of TigerTails Radio. For previous episodes, visit From: TigerTails Radio Views: 18 0 ratings Time: 02:15:04 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Any MTG furs around?

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 18:08

Wondering if any of you lovely fuzzbutts here play and/or collect magic the gathering cards. Ive been playing for like 4 years now and I looove it.

submitted by Rizzanwinterblade
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Gen by KristKC

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 17:23
Categories: News

More on the furry MTB stickers.

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 16:35

I posted over the weekend about a furry MTB sticker I'm working on. Thank you for the feedback! I'll be going back to the drawing board and improving it....a lot.

I noticed a lot of you seemed interested in it. I'm probably not going to have the resources to sell any (this was a personal project of mine).

However, a friend of mine also came up with a different design that's for sale on Etsy. I was going to respond to your comments in my first post to share it, but I'll post a new topic to avoid cluttered inboxes.

submitted by bajablazer85
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Categories: News

Choosing Fursona

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 16:30

Blah, I know I did a post on this, but now I have a few favourites and I'm stuck between choosing my fursona. If you need to know more traits about me, I guess I can say them like on the last one.

  • Likes cooking
  • Likes art
  • Female
  • Smallish
  • Thin
  • Cry easily
  • Not so athletic

These are all done with the fursona creator, because I am an awful drawer, even though I like art.

These are my favourites from my previous post. Thanks!!

submitted by CyanSweater
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Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 15:34
Categories: News

Question about tags

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 15:20

Should furry individuals be eligible to be hunted under the appropriate tags/permits as long as they file under their correct assumed species?

This hunting season has been interesting but I'm looking for a more interesting challenge and I was wondering what your thoughts on this were.

submitted by mastercuntlet
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Categories: News

My new artwork :)(Also Open for Commissions!)

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 14:37

I hope you guys enjoy my artwork :)


For a Friend

Print I'm working on

Warm up sketch

Another Print WIP

And here my prices: Commission Sheet

Thanks for checking out my work :)

submitted by blackstarin123
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Categories: News

Furry Research: Furry and Fandom

[adjective][species] - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 14:00

The boffins over at the International Anthropomorphic Research Project (IARP) have just released a summary of some new research on fandoms.

This is the first tranche of results following a Canadian government grant to research and compare fandom groups. The intent of the work is to explore similarities and differences between fandoms, with the aim to understand underlying relationships: in effect, what makes different fandom groups tick.

It’s difficult to draw definitive conclusions from survey results geared towards general fact-finding rather than specific analysis. However there is good evidence that shows that the furry experience is different from that experienced by other fandom groups. We are different—furry is arguably not a fandom at all—and the data illustrates that.

The data compares what, at first blush, looks like an unlikely threesome of disparate groups: furry, anime, and fantasy sports fans. The dataset is enormous, so Dr Courtney Plante (aka Nuka, and occasional contributor to [adjective][species]) has kept it simple by presenting relatively straightforward results without detailed statistical analysis. (Figures from his analysis appear here with his permission.)

It’s still a lot of data. My review here is really only scratching the surface. There is a lot to be uncovered in the IARP writeup, which I encourage you to read in full:

There are four samples in all: furries (all attendees of Anthrocon 2014), online anime fans (recruited via anime websites and fora), anime convention-goers (A-Kon 2014), and online fantasy sports fans (recruited online via Mechanical Turk).

The best point of comparison for the furry group is probably the anime convention-goers, as the other two samples were collected online. Conventions have a barrier to entry, and so both these samples exclude fans who either don’t choose to socialise in person at conventions, or otherwise aren’t able to travel and attend.

(In general, convention-goers tend to be older, more affluent, and more socially motivated than the same fandom group measured online. This generalization is borne out by the IARP results, by comparing the data from convention-going furries with online data collected by [adjective][species] and the IARP, and by comparing the convention-going and online anime sample sets.)

Looking at the overall demographics, the convention-going furries and anime fans show a range of fairly predictable similarities and differences. Ages are similar:

Furries and age

There is a big difference if you look at biological sex: furries are very male, whereas the anime fans are fairly evenly split.

Biological sex

As expected, there are big differences in sexual orientation. Previous surveys have shown that heterosexual furs are less likely to attend conventions than non-heterosexual furs*, and that’s what we see here. Less than a quarter of Anthrocon attendees are straight.


The variety of sexual orientations (and non-cisgender people) at Anthrocon are probably the biggest reason why furs are more likely to be in non-traditional relationships.

Open and poly

Conclusion: furries are an interesting and varied bunch.

Curiously, there is one area where the anime fans are a lot more diverse: ethnicity. Furries at Anthrocon are much more likely to identify as “white”, almost 90%.


The difference here probably comes down to affluence. Anthrocon is a destination event, and so predominately attracts those people who have the means to travel. In the United States, affluent people are largely white people: of the top 10% of earners, 87% are white (ref) compared with 63% in the general population (ref). While the implied cause-and-effect connection here is a bit shaky, it’s probably reasonable to conclude that furries who are able to afford to travel are more likely to be white.

A-Kon, on the other hand, is held in Dallas. Anime conventions are more common than furry conventions, and therefore tend to attract a more local crowd (because they have a bigger fandom to draw upon). Dallas is just 51% white, and thus can be expected to attract a more ethnically diverse group.

Curiously, neither furries nor anime fans measured particularly highly (compared with sports fans) on ‘nerdiness’. The nerd scale shown here is assesses the extent to which people identify with various aspects of the stereotype of being a nerd.


The key differences between convention-going furries and anime fans comes down the level ad type of engagement with our respective communities. Furries own very little fandom content:


And the content that furries do own is much more likely to be pornographic:


The content owned by anime fans is predominately art created by companies and studios for fan consumption. This is the foundation of fandom, and it is not surprising to see such high levels of ownership among anime fans.

The content owned by furries is different. We are much less engaged with content created for mass consumption by profit-driven ousiders, and much more likely to be engaged with furry on a personal level. Dr Plante noted that the pornographic content owned by furries was “nearly always in the form of drawn artwork, often portraying one’s own fursona and/or other characters/fursonas“.

Furries are engaged with art and other content created within the furry community. We are self-sustaining, and we exist regardless of mass-produced content intended to engage a fandom audience. That’s not to say that we aren’t furry fans, more that fandom is only a part of the wider furry experience.

For those furries who have visited furry conventions as well as fandom conventions (anime or sci-fi, say): consider the respective focus on hype and marketing for things that are for sale.

A furry convention is likely to focus on community-produced activities, like pawpet shows, fursuit games and charity drives—whereas a fandom convention is more likely to be anchored by the attendance of people famous for creating popular (and profitable) art for fandom consumption (and currency).

I’ll add that this isn’t black-or-white. There are profit-driven enterprises existing in the furry universe, just as there is fan-created content in anime and other fandoms. It’s the relative proportions that are different, and it is this that separates furry from fandoms, including the fandom that furry once was.

Furries are more likely to be motivated to participate in the community for belonging, and a feeling of self-esteem. These differences are caused by furry’s focus on communal and introspective aspects, where furry can become an important element of personal identity.


Not surprisingly, this means that furries tend to identify with the furry community more than anime fans identity with their fandom group.


This is, I think, data that clearly suggests how and why furry deviates from other fandoms. Dr Plante sums it up better than I can:

“Psychologists are beginning to recognize that there is a difference between fanship – identifying as a fan of something, and fandom – identifying as a member of a fan community. It is possible, for example, to be a fan of a particular television show (fanship), but to have little to no interest in interacting with other fans of the show (fandom).”


It’s the furry community that makes and defines furry. These results support other research performed by the IARP, which illustrated the importance of the furry community for identity development and social support. Or, to put it another way, introspection and friendship.

There is a lot of other fascinating data presented in the IARP summary. Highlights include an insights into furry personality, life satisfaction, and propensity for depression. I urge you to read the whole thing:

* This reference updated on 11-Nov-14. Comment is based on comparison of Furry Survey data (collected 100% online) with IARP data (collected 45% at conventions; 55% online). Homosexuality on Furry Survey: 22%; IARP 29%.

Badge I made for MFF!

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 13:45
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Technically Alone (SL)

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 12:32
Categories: News

A productive class period.

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 11:22
Categories: News

Raising Happiness!

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Nov 2014 - 11:15
Categories: News