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Meet the artist behind the site banner — Roku Doggo

Dogpatch Press - Wed 17 Jun 2020 - 10:00

From time to time, Dogpatch Press commissions new banner art — check out a gallery from past months. Past artists have come from Mexico, Argentina, Chile, the Philippines, England, Quebec, North Carolina, California, and Texas. Get in touch if you want pay and a feature article. Today it’s for Roku Doggo.

Hi Roku, love your banner art! Especially the way you made it a funny action moment.

Thank you so much.

Where are you from and how much furry activity do you do?

I’m from Texas, and the only furry activity I do is, well drawing furries and I do it almost every day.

What’s your favorite part about being a furry artist?

My favorite part will have to be the interactions I have with my followers. It makes my day just to see them happy about any of the work I make.

Can you link your social media profiles?

You do a lot of big round furs… Texas is a big place too. Does the place you live make it into your art in any way?

Hehe yep! It definitely is big, but the place I live in doesn’t really make it in to my artwork. I mainly do all my work on the characters and I don’t really focus on the setting that much.

Each and everyone of you are valid and deserve love!
Be proud of who you are and live life to its fullest potential!
It’s rainbows all around ????️‍????????️‍????????️‍????????️‍????

????️‍????GAY PUP????️‍???? (@Thefuzzy_husky) June 1, 2020

Is there anything furry you like about where you live, like cons you go to, or even the animals? I love wildlife, there’s a lot in my neighborhood… Deers nest up the hill, skunks under the house, possums and raccoons in the trees, and wild turkeys hang out on the roof.

I haven’t gone to any cons yet, but the desert bunnies, coyotes and roadrunners are fun to look at when they roam about.

The art you did for the site has charm and action and it looks like talent that could go into longer comics. You have some comics in your galleries — are those all commissioned, or do you do any ongoing story?

I’ve only done one comic as a commission and that was my most recent one, but the other comics I do are short comics and they don’t have an ongoing story. And I do have plans for other comics, but I don’t know if I’ll actually go forward with them because it’s not the first time I wanted to work on a comic and do nothing for it.

Have any good stories about doing art or getting into furry? Like an oddball commission, or things you have run into in the fandom?

Well I can tell you the story about getting into furry. I remember watching the movie Brother Bear, and then having the urge to draw the bear characters from the movie. I looked up images of them online. It led me to DeviantArt where I found all these cool drawings, which were furry, but I didn’t realize it at the time. Then I told myself, “Hey! I want to draw that!” and that’s really how it started.

How are you holding up with the Covid-19 quarantine?

It’s been a bit tough — transitioning to online classes from college has messed up my schedule and with it my time to draw.

Want to talk about future plans with your studies? And how about with furry?

Well I’m pursuing studies in the geology field, two years in to college, and I’m hoping to continue strong for another two years. With furry, I just hope I get to enjoy it as much as I do and hopefully get the opportunity to attend cons in the future.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on PatreonWant to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here.

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 27

TigerTails Radio - Tue 16 Jun 2020 - 04:10
Categories: Podcasts

No Not THAT Fox and Rabbit!

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 16 Jun 2020 - 01:56

… though you could be forgiven for thinking so.  Fox & Rabbit is a new graphic novel for young readers — the first foray into comic storytelling for children’s book author Beth Ferry. “Easygoing Fox and anxious Rabbit seem like total opposites. But, somehow, they make the perfect pair! Whether searching for hidden treasure or planting a garden in their own backyard, Fox and Rabbit find everyday magic at every turn. On this first adventure, the pair will discover some new favorite things like sunsets, dandelions, and cotton candy. And they’ll face new fears like heights, swimming, and (poisonous!) frogs. Thankfully, there’s nothing Fox and Rabbit can’t do together!” Illustrated by Gergely Dudas, it’s available now in hardcover from Abrams Books.

image c. 2020 Abrams Books

Categories: News

The City of Barks and Roars, by J.T. Bird

Furry Book Review - Mon 15 Jun 2020 - 10:41
If you’ve ever wanted to know what a mystery novel set in a world with anthropomorphic animals looks like, THE CITY OF BARKS AND ROARS is a great example. J. T. Bird writes about a crime-filled world that has developed long after the fall of humans, yet their civilizations are quite similar. Animals use the traits they’ve been given before their evolution to contribute to this world, a world that some believe to be better than that of Man. On the surface, however, most creatures seem to fall in line without a care of what was before...but not everyone.Trouble arises in Noah’s Kingdom when Frank Penguin--lead detective of the city’s police department--loses his partner, Lucas Panda. Detective Chico Monkey from West Bay is called in to find the missing panda. From then on this story reads as your typical noir-style mystery story, complete with witty banter, crime bosses, and rainy weather. Frank and Chico scour the city in hopes of finding clues to track down the kidnapper. One clue leads to another, the two start getting used to each other, and, with some help, the duo finds a hidden truth they didn’t know they were looking for.The first thing I want to mention before going into the critical part of this review is the description for the book. Mainly, the part that says “...peppered with plenty of humor.” I bring this up mainly as a point of understanding why this story was written the way it was written. Frankly, I was laughing AT the story way more than I was laughing WITH the story, and I think that’s because it was written in such a way that the narrator was like an annoying friend of mine who happened to witness this whole thing play out and decided to recount it to me.While the story’s plot was solid, the writing was not. I struggled to get through the story because the narrator kept telling me what I could imagine on my own. Most of the time, these were either character details or scene details. Here’s an example: “You can tell from his crisply ironed light blue uniform, and rigorously buffed shoes that he takes his role very seriously.” I feel that the need for second person--i.e. the ‘you’--here is completely unnecessary, and it distracts from the scene because it pulls me out of the story and back to reality. I also felt that a lot of intense scenes were made less intense because the dialogue was trying to do what simple descriptions would do better. That, or they were just so absurd that I couldn’t take the story seriously. One example of this comes later on in the book when Chico is chasing after one of the criminals. (Warning: a bit of a spoiler) Chico is chasing a hog through a swamp. The hog trips and falls into a sort of quicksand? But it’s mud? And as the hog is sinking Chico just sits there saying, “And this little piggy went wee wee wee...all the way home.” I just couldn’t take them seriously.Another small thing I want to mention is the editing. There are a litany of grammar and punctuation mistakes, at least in the Kindle version I received. A few typos here and there as well. It could use another look-over.This book would appeal to those who are interested in furry literature. Bird does a good job at giving different animals different roles in the society he writes about, so it’s an interesting look into the furry world. Children may enjoy the silliness of it, but I hesitate to say that it’s for children because there are darker themes involved. Curious teens and young adults shouldn’t have too much trouble with it though.
Categories: News

Pride Month Spotlight: Hugo Jackson

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 15 Jun 2020 - 09:00

Welcome to another Furry Writers’ Guild spotlight for Pride Month! We’ve been so excited to share the viewpoints and stories of several of our guild members this month. Today we have an interview Hugo Jackson! Their pronouns are he/him or they/them. They are a non-binary author and has written three books so far in The Resonance Tetrology. But why say more when they can tell you about themself? Let’s get right to the interview!

FWG: Tell the guild and our readers a bit about yourself.

Hugo: Well, in furry circles I’m Archantael, a big and fluffy/scaly pangolin-fox hybrid, but in writing I go my professional name Hugo Jackson where I’m distinctly more fleshy. I’m 34, and probably the most distinct thing about me (from the point of view of me living in the US, anyway) is that I grew up in Britain, so my accent is British even though I’ve been here for over eight years now. I have been a published author since 2010 but have been an avid writer and slave to my overactive imagination since I was very very young. It’s been a great journey being able to embrace that, and it’s something I’m grateful for daily, not least of all because it brought me to the furry community and all of its amazing, sincere, colourful creatures and members.

FWG: What is your favourite work that you have written?

Hugo: Well, Legacy (my first novel) will always be the biggest milestone for me, not least of all because it’s the one I usually throw at people when I conjure up the bravery to actually sell my books to people, but Ruin’s Dawn, which is the third in the fantasy series, I feel had a real step up in my writing style and strength of voice, so that’s what I’m most proud of currently. It’s also the one I’ve been able to incorporate more of my personal views and experiences in the community, and myself, into, which makes it more personal through its unfolding.

FWG: What do you think makes a good story?

Hugo: I think anything sincere, written in your authentic voice, will make a good story. Obviously form and structure play a big part in making it readable and exciting in terms of pacing and suspense, but the best stories are the ones told without fear of condemnation for their sense of self-expression. Being bullied when I was younger, for a considerable amount of time, it became very easy for me to think ideas of fantasy or sci-fi were too much, and now I’m railing against that in my own work and in what I see in others’ stories. Make those superpowers and have your characters love whomever they feel most at ease with. Make a story completely yours, and you’re already well on the way to something good.

FWG: How long have you been in the guild, and what changes have you seen with regards to how writing is handled since joining?

Hugo: I think I joined back in 2013, just after Legacy was picked up by Inspired Quill. The membership requirements were fairly stringent back then, but given how much the self-publishing, indie, and Patreon markets have exploded in that time, the criteria for becoming a member have loosened a fair bit, and the availability for prospective writers to join via Telegram or Discord has made it more accessible for more people too. Writing and imagination aren’t things to be rationed to the elite- everyone deserves a fair chance at expressing themselves and achieving an ambition for the worlds that have grown within them, and I’ve loved seeing more people join in and take the chance to talk openly to other members about anything writing related, from story concepts to the actual publication process.

FWG: You are nonbinary correct? Can you explain what that means to you to the folks reading this interview?

Hugo: To me, being nonbinary is a multi-faceted identity. I mean, any identity is, gender or not, but particularly to me is the idea of breaking the barriers between gender conformity and expression. The idea that actually, we have always been more than we’re told we are, and that we can take hold of something more unique than we were promised.

Being nonbinary means so much to me because it describes the emotional parts of me I had trouble reconciling, the way I didn’t fit in when I was younger, the ways I wanted to embrace my identity and creativity when I was younger but wasn’t able to, especially where bullying led to self-consciousness or anxiety that made me hold myself back from so much of it until I met the furry community and I discovered more than I ever knew I didn’t know about what I could be.

FWG: You’re also pansexual! What does being pansexual mean to you?

Hugo: Essentially, and I know this varies from person to person, to me it’s the idea that anyone is attractive, no matter their gender. Some people claim this means you don’t acknowledge gender but to me it’s the exact opposite- I am aware of and embrace all identities I have the opportunity to meet and I can love and find them attractive all the same. The only things that will turn me off someone are aspects like bigotry, ignorance, hate, or mean-spirited nastiness. The TL;DR of it is, if you’re kind, you’re beautiful.

FWG: What does Pride mean to you?

Hugo: Oh wow, it’s so all-encompassing. It’s a celebration, an affirmation, a chance to connect with both a history and a future of gender identity and sexuality, the chance to try and come together to fight against oppressive conditioned behaviours from both outside and within ourselves and learn to love each other and ourselves more wholly, even if just a bit at a time. It’s a chance to find out who to protect, who to love, who to support and empower, and find those same things in others for ourselves.

FWG: Was there a bit of a journey or story to you uncovering your identity? If so, would you be comfortable sharing with us?

Hugo: I feel kind of boring, it was a fairly slow process for me. I had… well, I suppose there were many tell-tale signs as I was growing up and a few distinct experiences that should, had I been given the knowledge at the time, have told me that I was more than just ‘a straight boy’. Times when I embraced roleplaying a girl more readily than a male character, or when I had no issue whatsoever in my first stage role in high school wearing a big pink poofy dress. Or just… many other moments like that, getting a massive crush in a big way on a guy in my acting class (because holy crap he was beautiful). It wasn’t until after I found and really engaged with the furry community that the seeds of my identity began to propagate much more quickly, seeing the freedom of others’ self-expression, people who had fought for years to be who they are now, and finding kindredness and inspiration in them. They have inspired me in so many ways, and it’s something I’ll be eternally grateful for.

FWG: How do you think being nonbinary and pansexual has inspired or affected your stories? Have you written nonbinary or pansexual characters into your works?

Hugo: It has, if for no other reason than I want to represent something I don’t see in much media but I feel should desperately be shown more authentically. I see far more scope for a greater range of characters to interact with each other in different ways, and love more authentically. I wish I had known more about myself and the world even sooner, that I could have introduced more LGBTQIA+ characters into my Resonance books from the very beginning. As it is, I have a nonbinary character in Ruin’s Dawn, and a few characters in the series overall who I now know definitively are pansexual, and many other sexualities besides. Being as my books are young adult fiction, adult relationships don’t come into it that much, but sexuality and gender identity are still relevant to teenagers, so having nonbinary representation is super important.

FWG: Do you have favourite queer authors and has their literature affected your writing in the fandom?

Hugo: I actually read criminally little for being a novelist, I mostly devour graphic novels. Having said that, almost all of the graphic novels I read are by queer authors and artists- Noelle Stevenson, Rebecca Sugar, Molly Ostertag. Any queer author writing genuine rep and creating fantastical worlds is going to light the fires of my imagination, and encourage me to go even further in my own work.

FWG: If you could convince everyone to read a single book, what would it be?

Goodness, the one that comes to mind most for me (aside from knowing I’d love everyone to read mine someday), would be The Dark Portal by Robin Jarvis. It’s a younger teens book, but has incredible suspense, magic-wielding mice and demon cats in the sewers of London, so I feel there’s not much to go wrong with that.

FWG: Any last words for our readers and guild members?

Hugo: Your voice is unique in all the world. Don’t lose the chance to use it for good, for yourself or those around you, whether in fiction or in reality.

We would like to thank Hugo once more for participating in this interview! You can keep up with them by following them on Twitter and checking out their blog. Their books are available through Inspired Quill and the first chapter of Legacy, Book One, is available for free at If you want to hear them read that and a few other things, they also have a YouTube channel.

We hope you all enjoyed reading, be sure to stay tuned for another Pride Month spotlight next week!

Categories: News

He’s Going Into Hyper-Nation

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 14 Jun 2020 - 23:59

And more bears — this time in a very different setting. Space Bear is a wide-format full-color graphic novel from Boom! Studios, written and illustrated by Ethan Young (Major Lazer). “Pilgrim Finch is an adventurous astronaut bear who explores the cosmos with a mission to bring samples of life back to his home planet. But when he crash lands on a new planet full of surprises and danger around every corner, Pilgrim will be forced to question his orders and learn that there’s only one mission that matters – compassion to all living creatures no matter the stakes!” The book is available in hardcover later this month — and check out the preview pages over at Comics Beat as well.

image c. 2020 Kaboom!

Categories: News

Don’t Come Between the Bear and His Girl

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 14 Jun 2020 - 01:56

Kodi is a new full-color graphic novel written and illustrated by Jared Cullum — an artist known for his lush watercolor paintings. “Katya and her Meema are spending another summer at their cottage in Alaska, when a chance accident leaves Katya face-to-face with the biggest creature she’s ever seen… an enormous kodiak bear with a gentle heart and a knack for fishing. But when Katya must suddenly return home to Seattle, the two are torn apart, leaving Kodi to do whatever it takes to reunite with his fragile human friend. It’s a wild journey packed with breathtaking views, brave new companions, and adventure around every turn.” Kodi Volume 1 is available later this month from Top Shelf.

image c. 2020 Top Shelf

Categories: News

[Live] Zoom Boom Room

FurCast - Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 22:59

Lots of catch-up from recent events and a huge roundup. We tried turning off the noise gates for this episode, which means all the mics in the room were on no matter who was talking. Does that make things better or worse? Let us know what you think.

FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.

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Link Roundup: News: [Live] Zoom Boom Room
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting #7 - Tails, Blue Hasia and Paradoxes

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 16:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

This week we hear the continuing story of math paradoxes and we spend some time with Blue Hasia!  Join us for some 'Pawsome' fun!

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Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting #7 - Tails, Blue Hasia and Paradoxes
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 466 - CHAZ Act 1 - This week Fuzz and Savrin are joined by Hashna and Tempest, two tough gals who have been down on the streets of Seattle this last week. We discuss what it's like in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, Tempest shares her quite harr

Southpaws - Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 11:00

This week Fuzz and Savrin are joined by Hashna and Tempest, two tough gals who have been down on the streets of Seattle this last week. We discuss what it's like in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, Tempest shares her quite harrowing personal account of police brutality, are educated on pepper spray and tear gas mitigation, and what this could mean in the long term. This is a long episode, so buckle up! LINKS Progressives Everywhere Bail Fund - 

Northwest Community Bail Fund -  

Community Bail Fund of North Texas - 

Telegram fan chat - 

Episode 466 - CHAZ Act 1 - This week Fuzz and Savrin are joined by Hashna and Tempest, two tough gals who have been down on the streets of Seattle this last week. We discuss what it's like in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, Tempest shares her quite harr
Categories: Podcasts

Marvel Got Toony

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 01:40

Back in the day Marvel Comics started up a special imprint called Star Comics, intended for younger readers. One of the premier titles on that line was a Richie Rich-style funny animal comic called The Secret Life of Top Dog. Well now, Marvel have collected 14 issues of Top Dog together in one paperback, Star Comics: Top Dog — The Complete Collection, Volume 1. “Discover the secret life of Top Dog, the world’s smartest, funniest – and talking-est – dog! That’s right, Top Dog can talk…but don’t tell anyone! One of the biggest names in Marvel’s 1980s Star Comics imprint, Top Dog and his best pal, Joey Jordan, shared hair-raising and hilarious adventures together – and now you can relive them all! When Mervin Megabucks, the richest, meanest kid in town, discovers what Top Dog is capable of, he sets out to dog-nap him! Our clever canine is accused of being a foreign spy and put behind bars – but what is the truth about Top Dog’s past, and what will that mean for his and Joey’s future?” Take note: According to Amazon, publication has been held up until this fall.

image c. 2020 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

Oldest science fiction book store burns in Minneapolis uprising, fandom feels the heat

Dogpatch Press - Thu 11 Jun 2020 - 09:54

Dr. Peter Venkman : This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.

Mayor : What do you mean, “biblical”?

Dr. Raymond Stantz : What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.

Dr. Peter Venkman : Exactly.

Dr. Raymond Stantz : Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Dr. Egon Spengler : Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…

Winston Zeddemore : The dead rising from the grave!

Dr. Peter Venkman : Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

Mayor : All right, all right! I get the point!

– Ghostbusters (1984)

Can you feel it? The Covid-19 pandemic makes it dangerous to give hugs (the furry handshake.) A new Great Depression might be on the way with millions unemployed. People are rising for justice while cities burn.

Uncle Hugo’s burned. It was a book store in Minneapolis, the oldest independent science fiction book store in the USA. One of the furry fandom’s original members worked there since it opened in 1974. Ken Fletcher was co-founder of Vootie, the voice of “The Funny Animal Liberation Front”, which helped to launch the furry fandom. He’s out of work for now (and might do a Q&A with me soon).

Directly south of the store, nine blocks down Chicago Street, was where the fire got a reason to start. On the corner at East 38th, Officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd. Viral video of the incident showed bystanders begging for help while other police stood in the way. It spurred national outrage against a white-on-black power flex. Soon, nothing could hold back the wrath of half a city rising against injustice, and burning a police station and more.

Oldest Independent Science Fiction Bookstore in the US Burned Down in Minneapolis Riots

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) June 9, 2020

Here’s what’s known about the book store loss. (Thanks for tip from Billy D Bunny.) Ken Fletcher wrote:

Saturday, 30 May, about 3 am, an arsonist (probably) went down a half-block on an arterial street setting a row of small businesses afire. The bookstore was one of them. At that time (so I have heard) there was no police presence, and it took about an hour (?) for the fire department to show up (a lot of business fires in part of the city that night). Rumor has it that there is a posted video of a masked white-guy setting the bookstore on fire. Many of the small businesses looted or burned were black or Asian-owned. Actual motivations unknown.

Quick points:

  • It’s not all “rioting” — Minnesota officials believed that white supremacists were using these events for sabotage in hopes to start a race war.
  • When police stop attacking and just retreat, peaceful protest organizing makes a whole other topic about where the violence comes from.
  • It’s bigger than a death; it’s about police trained to kill and consuming the lion’s share of public funding, while school and social services get crumbs.
  • This led to Minneapolis government pledges for change that generations of electoral politics couldn’t get for downtrodden minorities.
  • Defunding police (and refunding education and social services) is now a national topic.
  • It’s not just black/white, it’s rich/poor; Rioting won America’s independence too.

Here’s a crowdfund for Uncle Hugo’s. Don Blyly, the owner, is posting official news here and here.

Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore and Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis had been burned to the ground during the riots. I honestly don't have the words…

— David Housewright (@DHousewright) May 31, 2020

Vootie co-founder Reed Waller: “No matter who lights the fuse, we know who the real bad guys are.” — 2007 panel from Omaha the Cat Dancer. (Waller was a Minneapolis native while creating Omaha, a key comic for furry art and free expression that helped start the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.)

The scale of events puts fandom in perspective. Furries couldn’t save Uncle Hugo’s. They’re not immune to Covid-19. Furry art won’t fix the economy or end racism alone. It isn’t like a cartoon where they simply beat the bad guy. It would be nice to escape into fantasy and live all the time like a weekend convention, but those are closed for now. Furries are just people with a hobby and a subculture, not a culture, more like a bubble floating on the wave of life. It’s OK to say hobbies matter less than lives.

But this isn’t an occasion just to mourn or wish about going back in time by turning off the news. There’s plenty of support happening inside fandom. Personally I would rather be out in a local community, so I haven’t been doing much furry news but have been supporting protests.

One of those protests synched with Bike Party, on the East side of the San Francisco Bay. Bike Party is a regular street takeover for hundreds of cyclists with rolling sound systems. It really is a moving party on the road with no police or permits — more free and harder to shut down than an underground warehouse party. It’s friendly enough to bring families too, and usually avoids messages. This time they rode for Black Lives Matter. On short notice it brought some of the biggest attendance ever (I heard guesses of 5-10,000.) It showed the power of subculture to bring people together peacefully. From 1960’s civil rights protesting to now, music and art has tied to movements like this.


— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) June 8, 2020

Meanwhile there’s serious conflict of protesters and journalists being brutalized and police acting outside of the law. How can you do anything about it?

On the small fandom level, there’s outsized power in DIY ethic. Doing It Yourself means not needing official permission — to organize for charity, create support art, or spread the word about people’s needs.

This bundle includes many MANY very furry games including the acclaimed Night in the Woods:

— Culturally F'd! (@CulturallyFd) June 9, 2020

To stay informed, here’s a news thread about debunking current hoaxes. And here’s a question that could make a discussion about progress:

January 2018….

I still remember. I simply could not fucking believe what I was reading. And not a single other soul in the chat seemed to care at all.

I decided to just stay quiet. I didn't want to cause a fuss. I was weak and easily intimidated.

I should have spoken up….

— Schmozy yaps: BEE ELL EMM (@Schmozy) June 8, 2020

So what do you think, how would you tackle big problems like this in your own way?

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on PatreonWant to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here.

Categories: News

FursOfColor Roundtable [7 Jun 2020] - South Afrifur Podcast

South Afrifur Pawdcast - Thu 11 Jun 2020 - 02:02

Today we have a packed panel of furs, all discussing with us the current events surrounding the BLM movement, as well as their experiences with the subject. Follow Witchiebunny on Twitter: And Jakebe: And Kayfey: And Teddy: Find us on Twitter: @South-Afrifur,, on Tumblr,, and on Facebook, Also, for more local news, check out the Zafur forums!
Categories: Podcasts


Fur Times - 獸時報 - Wed 10 Jun 2020 - 11:49


繪師 : 鈦22 (






繪師 : HIKARU(光姐) (




繪師 : 蒼海 (


繪師 : 骨凱 (

當事人-傻瑟 給骨凱的贈圖(


繪師 : 歐藤 (

繪師 : Ricker (

繪師 : 銀月(

繪師 : 山蓮 ( )

繪師 : 達瓦兒 (

繪師 : 阿賜 (



Categories: News

A stance on furry diversity: #UnderneathTheFursona trending on furry social media

Global Furry Television - Wed 10 Jun 2020 - 08:23
The issue of race in America has come to a head once again, as a black person by the name of George Floyd was recently killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck. This ignited large protests around brutal responses by the police in both inside and outside of the United States. The […]
Categories: News

COVID-19 and Furries: 4 cancellations this week, 60 furcons globally

Global Furry Television - Wed 10 Jun 2020 - 08:20
Furcon cancellations around the world have reached a new milestone as the virus continues to prevail, with a total of 60 globally as of today. This week, Furrydelphia, Denfur, EAST and Rusfurence has announced that their events will be held next year. On June 4th, Denfur said in a tweet that their host hotel prematurely […]
Categories: News

Return of a Classic Werewolf

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 10 Jun 2020 - 01:57

Werewolf By Night is a legendary horror comic from one of Marvel’s golden ages, the late 1970’s. Now it has returned in a new incarnation, this time written by Taboo (of the band Black Eyed Peas) and Benjamin Jackendoff. From Marvel’s web site: “The pair previously worked together on a story for Marvel Comics #1000 that focused on Red Wolf and will now be teaming up with acclaimed comic artist Scott Eaton on Werewolf By Night. The series will introduce a brand-new character to the Marvel Universe in a story set in Arizona. The new Werewolf will be a young man named Jake who will be dealing with the effects of a family curse while trying to protect his people. The events of the story will also be driven by the outcome of March’s Outlawed one-shot.” Issues of this 4-issue miniseries are on the shelves now.

image c. 2020 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

S8 Episode 27: Moms and Rona - Roo and Tugs continue the Coronavirus/COVID-19 trilogy by looking at it from a new angle with the Moms of Furries! NOW LISTEN! SHOW NOTES SPECIAL THANKS - The Moms of Furries - Check them out at  Kit -

Fur What It's Worth - Tue 9 Jun 2020 - 15:11
Roo and Tugs continue the Coronavirus/COVID-19 trilogy by looking at it from a new angle with the Moms of Furries!


The Moms of Furries - Check them out at 

The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!
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Opening Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Patreon - The Tudor Consort, Inflammatus, Creative Commons, 2010
Closing Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Chill Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!) S8 Episode 27: Moms and Rona - Roo and Tugs continue the Coronavirus/COVID-19 trilogy by looking at it from a new angle with the Moms of Furries! NOW LISTEN! SHOW NOTES SPECIAL THANKS - The Moms of Furries - Check them out at  Kit -
Categories: Podcasts

Burnt Fur, ed. Ken MacGregor

Furry Book Review - Tue 9 Jun 2020 - 12:43
What does a secret cult, a shapeshifter, a femme fatale, and a penis-stealing opossum have in common? Well, it is that they all appear in this book! Burnt Fur is an erotic/horror anthology by Blood Bound Books themed around animals (ironically, not all of them furred). From talking animals to shape-shifters, and all the way to humans in costumes, this collection explores not only the horror of being hunted as a prey by a non-human being, but also the one that even we as humans can cause against ourselves.CW: This book contains graphic depictions of gore, cannibalism, torture, mutilation, rape, bestiality, among others. The anthology opens with "The Moon in her Eyes" by Sarah Hans. This is the story of an aging werewolf who meets Hannah, a human girl, after she escapes from her abusive father. Compared with the rest of the anthology, probably one of the tamest stories when it comes to the violence or scare factors, but easily makes up for it with what it is and does: a somber character development story with a solid outcome. Next comes "Mallard's Maze" by Joseph Sale. This is the tale of Phaedra, a girl on the run after watching a murder committed by a man in a duck mask. For starters, Sale's story stands out for me because not only is it the only story in the whole anthology written in present tense, but, more importantly, the all-around feeling of paranoia that permeates it really settled well with me. However, the ending, while satisfactory, did feel like it came a little out of the blue. In "Salivation" by Theodore Deadrat we follow the thoughts of our protagonist, an unnamed goat who gets an unhealthy fixation on a deer he meets every day at the subway. What starts as a simple fascination turns into something more sinister as our protagonist thinks more and more about his prey. One of the shorter pieces in the anthology, and the page-turning writing makes it feel go even faster. "The Hamford Pigs" by N. Rose is when things start getting more graphic. In this story, Toby, a police officer, gets invited to join a club founded by his late father, one which demands absolute secrecy and for him to wear a pig mask as they go on their activities. While I'll admit that maybe it's not the best story to read in the current political climate, the story does pose some interesting questions about, as another reviewer once noted, “duty, morals, and responsibility.” Next is "The Willingness of Prey" by Paul Allih, a tale about three friends who share one interest in common: vore—but what will happen to this trio when one of them reveals a way to fulfill their fantasies? Without going into much spoilers, the multiple POVs in this story really help to crank the horror since we, as the audience, are the only ones getting the complete picture of everything that's happening all the way to its satisfactory conclusion. Next comes "6 Dicks" by Rachel Lee Weist, a black comedy about Wax, an opossum on a mission. Said mission: to steal six human dicks to craft a skin suit from them. Overall, a pretty fun read, though it might be the only one I'd consider to be a little gratuitous given one very specific scene near its end. In "The Others" by C. M. Saunders we see a difference between the protagonist and the narrator. In this story, James meets Marilynn on a blind date, a girl with the ability to see things that others can't, one of which is a very mean and jealous panda. While reading this, I couldn’t help but to get vibes of r/NoSleep, given the casual tone of the story and how most of it read as a second-hand experience. Next comes "Randall Rabbit." In this story by Elliot Arthur Cross we follow Fred, a young man who recalls his life in a foster home after one of his clients shows up dressed in a bunny costume. While the ending was more than satisfactory, it also felt like most of the horror in the story came from the ending alone. The morale of this story is simple: Don't fuck with rabbits. Dealing less with horror and more with the erotic side of this anthology we have "A Concubine for the Hive" by Rue K. Poe. This is the tale of Lora, a woman in an unhappy marriage who decides to take advantage of her husband's bee allergy to get rid of him, which leads to several unforeseen consequences. Sweet sex scenes notwithstanding, Lora's ultimate fate did leave much to be desired for me. #TeamRandyForever A mix of erotic and body horror come together in "Five Nights With Teddy" by Thurston Howl. This be-careful-what-you-wish-for story deals with Dante, a furry fan who goes to meet the eponymous Teddy for a chance to be transformed into his fursona, each night getting closer to his goal, for better or for worse. A very unsettling story, with the main character's way of coping making it even more so as the nights go on. Next comes "Oh Piggy, My Piggy" by Matt Scott. In this story, John is awakened by Potter, his pet pig, who has recently gained the ability to talk and... well, let's just say that the title of this story sets the right expectations from the go. In some ways, this story reminded me of "A Concubine for the Hive," especially in how John also deserved better than what he got. In "Ware the Deep" by Stephanie Park we follow Zachary, a werewolf who's on the lookout for his next meal and ends up picking a girl he meets at a bar, one with an obsessive for and unusual interest in sharks. Extremely well paced, this cat-and-mouse story will have your eyes glued as you wonder who'll come out triumphant. Well, who am I kidding? We all know who was going to win, but, as the saying goes, "The journey, not the destination matters." Featuring transformation horror at its core, we have "The Molt of a Diminishing Light" by Michelle F. Goddard. In this tale, Amara, a shape-shifter, decides to go back to her original form after the "magic" disappears from her relationship with her human husband. Most of the story deals with Amara's painful transformation as she takes a walk down memory lane, unaware that her husband is on his way. Will he be able to accept her for what she is or are things doomed from the beginning? Somber and nostalgic. Last, but definitely not least, we have "The Victims" by James L. Steele. In this story, a female wolf recounts to one of her newborn pups about a yearly ritual that he'll eventually have to take part in. Every year, for one day only, evil spirits are given full control over their bodies and in exchange these spirits leave the world alone. As expected from this kind of spirit, what they decide to do with their new, temporary bodies and the aftermaths of it make up the bulk of the story. Body horror, dread, and somberness are all over the place, more than making "The Victims" a great way of finishing this collection. Overall, a fun and disturbing anthology with a wide enough variety for fans of horror. This book will make you cringe, will make you sad, will make you root for some heroes while hating some of the others, and will keep you on the edge of your seat most of the time. However, as much as I liked several of the stories, I have to admit that I'd have mixed feelings recommending the anthology as a whole due to some of the subjects contained within it and the way they were handled. If any of the tagged warnings might offend you, this might not be the best book for you. If, on the other hand, you think you can stomach through all of them, pick this one up. I can assure that you'll have a beast of a time.
Categories: News

Furry Galaxy 75: Pandora's Box, by Van Hill Millvele

Furry Book Review - Tue 9 Jun 2020 - 12:28
Furry Galaxy 75 Book One: Pandora’s Box is a novel of “a clean anthropomorphic space fantasy” written by Van Hill Millvele. It’s a family friendly novel designed to “introduce family members to the furry fandom.” I received an advance copy for review. The story seems to be about ancient prophecies and three people who must come together to release Pandora from a magical/technological set of boxes that are actually ancient pottery?It’s not often I have to use a question mark in a review like that, but unfortunately that’s the case with this book. It’s incredibly hard to follow what is going on and why half of the time for various reasons. These boxes I mentioned, that are really ancient computer pottery, seem to have viruses mentioned that can mess with them but somehow also magic maybe preventing some people from using them? It’s too confusing to fully understand. The writer has a habit of suddenly throwing huge concepts at you with minimal explanations. In the first few chapters the idea of being able to come back to life after dying exists, tons of races, what seems to be an important government and religious system, magic, science, robot people, smart AIs in computers, alternate universes, and time travel are all things mentioned. Oh, and I guess for some reason some people’s timelines can be locked down somehow? There’s so much information being dumped at once it’s almost impossible to keep track of it all. It doesn’t help that some of that information doesn’t even seem important either. The exact kinds of sugarless gum flavors a character likes as an example, why did that need such a specific attention? Then there’s so many characters thrown at you so quickly there’s no way to remember them all. I think at least 20+ characters were mentioned by name within the first few chapters. It’s unfortunate too as almost all of these concepts are explained in dialogue. Unfortunately the characters don’t speak to each other like regular people making it extra awkward to read what is supposed to be so important. The story in general also feels so erratic, it’s hard to focus on what is happening or even know what is important. Out of nowhere, a character is suddenly dumped as they find out the person they are dating MARRIED their friend with absolutely no warning, as an example. Another issue I found was how simplistic the writing was in general. It reminded me of the kinds of books I read to my daughter when she was five, though honestly a bit clunkier. “Toby walked slowly to the shuttle bay. He was a Lycan and looked sort of like a husky. Toby had fur but no hair, but his markings made him look as if he did. He was dressed in black pants and a blue shirt.” This is the first sentence you see in the book as an example. It’s choppy and certainly doesn’t get people excited to read forward. Which, if the book has the goal of introducing family to the furry fandom, is a very bad sign. I personally found the book exhausting to try and read. Now, the goal of the book is to introduce furry to family members while keeping clean. I would say it doesn’t succeed purely because of how exhausting it is just to read the book. Even in the attempts to explain furries have so much hand-holding it feels overkill.“Furry fingers looked different from Human hands because they had paw pads. Some Furries had only paws, but most had fingers.”In a world with Zootopia, The Secret of Nimh, Watership Down, Robin Hood, and even the Warriors series of novels people can understand anthropomorphized animals without needing it explained that simply. Or if it needed to be, it could be done so more subtly. Perhaps he shakes hands with a human and feels the skin under his paw pads then says how it’s interesting it always is feeling a hand so different than his own. I do not want to leave this entirely negative however, so let’s try to leave some strong constructive feedback. First, the idea in general of a clean novel designed to help transition people into reading furry writing is honestly a marvelous idea! So would potentially having a book designed for younger audiences specifically: there’s furries out there with kids too after all. Second, the general concept of interesting ancient technology could be an interesting draw. Or a prophecy of some kind. Or multiple universes. Or the differences between magic and science. Or government versus religion. There’s FAR too much going on here and here needs to be more of a focus. Also, if a character isn’t completely vital to the story they shouldn’t be in it. Pick a single lane and try to keep more focus on it while only using a couple of these other things if they are needed to tell the story.Finally, the writing in general needs to be far more fluid. Even if this does end up focused to be for young readers, there’s plenty of examples out there that show they don’t need such strong hand holding. Catwings is a phenomenal example, while also keeping quite furry in nature.So to be blunt, I could not bring myself to finish the entire story. It simply was too confusing, written too choppily, and was not engaging enough for me to do so. Life is too short to read through books you are not enjoying. However, this was an advance copy. So perhaps some work could be done to try and clean it up so it can be something better before release. If it comes out without major changes, I hate to say I cannot recommend purchasing or reading this book.
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