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What is this great white dust!?

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 19:29
Categories: News

Furaffinity and Zidonuke drama: Part II

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 19:20

*EDIT : Change of Staff: StarryKitten has stepped down from the staff and left the development team. His access been removed from our systems. *

Now Dragoneer still needs to talk about how this could have happened, a database backup still exists so it's uncertain what Zido could even have still.

EDIT 2 Good thing I still had it up! Got some screengrabs (Overview) (Proof of the DB Backup) (Post regarding the non operational Jake server)

Hello again everyone, before I start I want to apologize for making a second thread regarding the current FA drama situation, the original thread had gotten very large with comments and I want the second post to start fresh.

Moving along, I am here again to share more information regarding Zidonuke and Furaffinity. If you're unsure what all is going on I insist you read my first thread here.

After that post was first made and started to spread around, there were a good number of reactions by the community stating they will be leaving FA, or posts discussing alternate places / emails in which you could contact that particular artist. However there has yet to be an official statement from Dragoneer.

The following are a few conversations that had taken place.

Dragoneer basically claims that things are okay and that we can trust Zido, while also saying he can't trust anyone.

This tweet refers to this comment left on the journal by Zidonuke himself.

What we're left so far is a case of he said she said, but one thing is for certain and that is that one person is lying. If Neer is telling the truth, then Zido is lying about having had admin before which is putting his "transparency" at risk. If Zido is telling the truth and Neer is lying, then it adds more to Dragoneer not knowing how to handle the community.

We already know that Zido has access to the FA database as he has already produced a backup according to


Whole database backup completed, going to prepare a single table backup the day of the maintenance. Set for Friday Morning at 2 AM, 11/21

Nov 16 at 11:42 pm (Proof of the DB Backup)

== Along with the above, there is still the case of the comments that had gone missing attached to a Trello notice that had been deleted after the comments were returned. The reason I continue to bring this up is while every other completed task stays in their completed tab, card #72 regarding the comments was deleted, removing it from record entirely.

All this is leading up to so far is more questions that have yet to be answered. Why did the comments on the fender journals vanish after people started to learn Starry was Zido? Why did they come back with no explanation as to why they were ever hidden other than a deleted "performance issues comment". Why did he watch everyone that questioned his intentions that night? Why is this person even in charge? And if Dragoneer really believes he is okay for the job, why hasn't he publicly acknowledged it aside from random twitter arguments yet?

The fact that nothing has been officially said to the community so far is very worrying, and anything Neer has said so far has been confusing / contradictory. The fact the comments were hidden and the message about the database backup is proof that Zido already has access to the database and the trouble with the hidden comments show he's able to make hastily made decisions and so far hasn't gotten in trouble for it.

Another thing that needs to be acknowledged is the matter of Jake the server. The server that was paid for with donations during the 2013 Donation drive (

"but we'll keep you update to date on their progress and keep things completely transparent."

Hey it's that word again! But what happened to this server paid for with money that the community so thoughtfully donated? Well according to this, it was used temporarily as a server in order to keep the primary database up. But here, Starry mentions that "Jake has been sitting idle for almost a year, and it was constantly talked about internally."

So what exactly happened to it? How did it go from their primary DB server to suddenly a to do list item?

That's it for now, I will have more for you all soon should anything new pop up. I also want to thank Scilince for helping me gather additional information about the situation.

As I mentioned in the previous journal, I am not trying to force anyone away from Furaffinity but the fact that this is being ignored by higher ups is doing a good enough job of that anyway.

Again, if you don't know what all these is relevant to, please read the other thread here :

submitted by rowedahelicon
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Categories: News

So You Want to Get Into Furry Visual Novels.

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 18:44

Here is a link to download Morenatsu

Here is a link to download HIMITSURI NO LAGOON

Make sure to have your region set to Japan before Launching the game.

I only recommend downloading the game this way if you're tight on money if not you can purchase here.

If you're trying to purchase from the site with Paypal you have to go over to the G rated page, then hover over points and click on add points. here is a link to the G rated site.

If you're having trouble with Morenatsu there are other ways of installing the game. or

If you're itching for updates for the games here are the Blogs

Also you can thank the translators for giving us the opportunity to enjoy such things.

Translators for Morenatsu Rou and is w


and is w

I'm not sure where to contact them directly, but they do seem to linger here.

I hope this is helpful in someway.

submitted by TheOmoni
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Categories: News

Building Character (Scrap: 28)

The Raccoon's Den - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 17:33
Building Character (Scrap: 28)
When faced with an extreme dare, Daniel must decide on what is most important to him: his reputation, or his foot? THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! FACEBOOK: http://www. From: The Raccoon's Den Views: 958 15 ratings Time: 01:21 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

(Erotic) fiction blog with vampires, werewolves & stuff. Ideas?

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 17:16


I don't know if this post belongs to here, but I started to write a few fiction stories I'd like to organize in a fiction blog. It's based in a world most of common fantastic beings do exist, though living in the shadows. There are werewolves, vampires, some other were-beings, angels/demons (which I call "alters", collectively) and etc.

So the protagonist is a guy, nephilim (child of an alter with a human) and an incubus (some sort of a sexual demon). My main idea is describe his life in this secret world, some scenes of fight, conspiracies, etc. - what most people do expect from a werewolf/vampire story - but also his "sexual endeavours"... exploring his sexuality with all different beings with a little bit of details.

So, I'm trying to find any other texts with this kind of goal, I'm only aware of comics. Also, tips are more than welcome. So, what do you guys think?

PS.: I'll write this in Portuguese since my English isn't good enough for the job. If are there any Portuguese speakers, tell me =D

submitted by lsmag
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Categories: News

Some more Mystery!

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 16:12
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 14:21
Categories: News

Mickey Monkey

Furry.Today - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 14:12

Wow! I didn’t know Mickey could speak monkey!

Categories: Videos

“Wolf Pack” Disrupts School – Causes Panic

Furry News Network - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 12:47
BARROW COUNTY, Ga. — Students will notice more security at Winder Barrow High School Wednesday after threats of a school shooting and complaints about a group of teens acting like wolves. “We’ve spoken to that group, the parents of that group. We have information relative to the rumors out there and there is no validity […]
Categories: News

Writing Prompt Wednesdays - Plagiarism edition!

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 12:27

Hello and welcome to this week's Writing Prompt Wednesday!

This time I'm doing a specific prompt for once. Usually I just do a "theme", but I think this would make for a very interesting story.

But I should note that I didn't come up with this prompt myself. I saw it on /r/writingprompts, here is the original thread. It was very upvoted but for some reason nobody actually wrote a story for it, which sucks because I thought it was an awesome prompt. Give all the credit to /u/Iamfunsized_ for this one!

This also is very different from most furry prompts, but we all like Five Night's at Freddy's, right? It'll be interesting to do something like this for a change.

As always, stories can be a maximum of 5 comments long, if you need to write more than 5 comments leave a link to an external site after your 5th reply. If you can fit it in under 5 comments, it's preferred that you just put it here. No erotica, swearing is fine.

Remember to leave suggestions for future Writing Prompt Wednesdays in the future, leave your suggestions as seperate comments!

Get to writing!

submitted by NewFurryIGuess
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Categories: News

Childish vs. Childlike

Ask Papabear - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 11:36
Hey Papabear! How ya doin'? :3 

Well... I'm writing you again for a reason completely different from all the mess that E was... and actually I decided to take any possible chance to spend time with him and have fun in any way possible; obviously, this will have to stop as soon as one of us or both of us get a couple.

Putting that aside... and it may sound stupid... but uh... well, as you know, I'm already legal here at my country, but I still don't look at myself as an adult nor a young adult... Weird thing, since I already experimented with adult stuff like sex, and I'd love to have some tattoos... But aside from that... alcohol? other "adult stuff"? I don't care for those things, and I'm still really childish at times. I'm not ashamed of that, just confused, since some friends look more adult than before... Their features have hardened, and according to myself I have changed nothing! I still have a round face, my smile is really childish at times... So my question here is: Is it wrong to try and have a childish attitude at certain stuff? or, as a lot of people says... man up?

P.S Sorry if the letter is too long nwnUuu

Thnx again for everything you do!

Yang (age 18, Mexico)

* * *

Dear Yang,

Embracing the child within all of us is rather at the heart of being a furry, in this bear’s opinion. Most furries, young and old alike, enjoy things that most “adults” have abandoned as being childish, such as TV cartoons, animated movies, comic books, and video games.

It is not “wrong” to still want to maintain that childlike fun in your life, but please do note the distinction between being “childish” and being “childlike.” 

Childishness is about being immature, having temper tantrums when things don’t go your way, being selfish, being irresponsible, depending on others for basic necessities, refusing to work for a living, and so on.

But an adult who is childlike is someone who takes responsibility for him/herself, supports him/herself, and takes responsibility for his/her own actions, yet, at the same time, a childlike person enjoys fun, silliness, goofy stuff, and the joy of play. Such people don’t buy into the social pressures of “getting ahead” and “keeping up with the Joneses” (if you understand that expression in Mexico).

For the throngs of the many, being “adult” has to do with slaving away at a job to make more money, being concerned about promotions in the workplace, gaining the respect of their peers (even if they don’t like their peers), conforming to the standards of the group, and owning lots of stuff (the more expensive, the better). These are sad people who lack individuality and soul.

Many furries are rebels, rejecting “normal” society to join the culture of play and imagination and creativity.

It’s fine to be “childlike,” great even. But don’t be childish. Make sense?




Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 10:34
Categories: News

Emotional Insecurities Lead to Misquided Relationship

Furry News Network - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hey Papabear, I was wondering if I could get some relationship advice. Alas, I think I’ve fallen into the pitfall of online relationships. You see, I enjoy various types of role-play (RP), through which I’ve met many friends who I have friendly, but non-sexual (much of the RP is “baby-fur”) relationships with. I met […]
Categories: News

Paul Kidd seeks funding for a new furry tabletop RPG

Furry News Network - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 05:38
Author: oldhans117 Noted furry author Paul Kidd has a new post-apocalypse RPG in the works: the “GeneStorm” Role Playing Game. A tabletop RPG set in “a gloriously weird, wild post-apocalypse”, its Indiegogo campaign had, as of Tuesday night, raised just over $ 1000 of its $ 6500 goal. Contribution rewards include PDF and hardcopy editions, […]
Categories: News

Cat vs. Television

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 02:46

Years ago, underground cartoonist Hunt Emerson made a name for himself with a comic strip known as Calculus Cat which… well, let’s just say it’s not about a cat who’s good at math. “”Calculus Cat’s home life is locked in an intense, argumentative relationship with his TV set, which bedevils him with commercials for Skweeky Weets – the world’s most asinine breakfast cereal. His ‘job’ is no better. He is forced to run thought the streets sporting his famous grin as The Public shout abuse and throw rubbish. His world is graphic, black and white, jagged, full in, weird, speedy and loud – everything a comic should be.” You heard it here. Long ago there was a compilation of Calculus Cat comics published, but it has long since gone out of print. Now after a successful Kickstarter campaign, Knockabout Comics have released a brand new expanded collection in trade paperback, featuring brand new pages and a collection of Calculus Cat art by the likes of Dave McKean, Gilbert Shelton, John McCrea, Kevin O’Neill, Kate Charlesworth, and Rian Hughes. Find out more over at Previews. The collection is in stores now.

image c. 2014 Knockabout Comics

image c. 2014 Knockabout Comics

Categories: News

One year.....

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 02:05

Morning UK furs, and I'm sure the US ones will see this in a few hours. So today is my cakeday, and I joined reddit only for /r/furry and then discovered the rest. Anyway, today marks my first year as a furry, and it's been pretty good. I made my fursona Milo: , I've made a shitton of friends online and talking to all of you wonderful people helped me come out to my family. Furrys are in my opinion the nicest, coolest, and kindest fandom in the world and I love all of you. Keep it up guys!


submitted by Drpepperspray42
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Categories: News

Running Fox[m]

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Nov 2014 - 01:43
Categories: News