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Demon deer, art by me

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 22:27
Categories: News

A few questions about meetups.

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 22:03

I am a Connecticut fur, and I am looking at going to my first meetup sometime next month. I know there is one at the Rocky Hill Diner each month, sadly I cannot make it, as my friend will be working. I'm keeping an ear out for any other events afterwards though (Does anyone know any?), so I can help plan ahead of time. In any case, I've got a few questions that I'd love to have answered about meets:

  • I am 17, and my aforementioned friend who would be taking me is 19. Would their be people our age who attend meets? I have no problems talking or making friends with people who are older than me, though.

  • Are drugs and alcohol a problem? I'm still a minor technically, and I'm not interested in drinking or smoking at all. I don't mind being around people who drink or smoke, I have a problem when the overdo it and start acting... off. If anyone tries to pressure me into those things, I'll just high-tail it out of there.

  • I also don't mind being around gay, bi, or asexual people. But I don't want guys hitting on me, as I'm straight. Is that ever an issue?

  • I know that people suit to these events, do you think they would be nice enough to let me try on their suits?

  • How many people usually attend these kinds of events?

  • Would I be welcomed as a newcomer? I've only been a serious fur for a month, so I'm still kind of unsure.

  • What kinds of things go on at these meetups?

  • I'm kind of socially awkward (I just say things out of place really.) Can anyone relate and understand?

I know that most of those questions were in a negative connotation, but I'm just being cautious is all. I know that there are Plenty of friendly individuals out there who would love to get to know me. I'm really excited and anxious to attend my first meetup :3! I can't wait! Thanks for all your help furs!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

Furaffinity and Zidonuke drama part III

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 21:46

EDIT : Reddit's formatting is bad, very sorry for the clutter.


Shortly after this thread took off, Dragoneer and Charizard messaged me.

Charizard simply told me to not compare Hasky to Eevee, as he deems it offensive and that Hasky is not on the same level.

Dragoneer insists that Hasky cannot be trusted and a few skype logs that show Hasky talks about odd things, I'm still not sure who to believe so I will be getting more details on it. Please keep these in mind when reading this information. I will note that this is the first time Dragoneer has directly messaged me regarding something, I tried to ask him additional questions such as why did Charmander ask me what he did, but he had then stopped replying. Still waiting on more details but so far nothing has come up.

And back to the story


I've found more, dated Nov 6th, this thread cache is from him.

Or are we going to let people do this:-

By the way, what exactly did they spend the money on? Because it seems like nothing at the moment.

Please don't say that, I'm trying to become a white hat and you are not helping.

All links have been deleted.


This is from Conan on Vivisector.

There appears to be a huge spike in the thumbnail load times around the same date as

[11/8/2014 3:49:23 AM] Zido: lol its maxing out the CPU on the thumbnails server [11/8/2014 3:49:29 AM] Zido: you found a mini ddos [11/8/2014 3:50:01 AM] Hasky: Site is 100% Unresponsive.

This is also backed up by user reports of the thumbnails being broken around that time.

And back to the story

Hello folks, I'm back with a part III to our super investigation into the recent bits of stuff surrounding FA and the internal workings.

As per the norm now, I'm here to say I'm only reporting information that I feel everyone should know. I am just as for getting FA fixed up as I am getting people off it, I will not direct people to do either or but it is up to what the community feels is best.

You can read parts one and two here.

Today the latest bit of information comes to us from Hasky! Hasky has worked both against and for the fandom, but has been more than helpful.

Hasky has worked on project Phoenix before, and has tried to help FA with bug fixes before. He came to me via a pastebin link. The original linked contained senstive information, so I've edited it out and you can read it here. (This contains mature topics, nsfw)

The conversation above details Zido's involvement on FA, the biggest thing to note is this conversation took place on the 8th of this month, which immediately contradicts what Neer mentioned here :

Zidonuke was NEVER an admin until the day we made the announcement. Period. He was a consultant, yes, nothing more.

But in the pastebin ...

[11/8/2014 4:11:08 AM] Anon: <3 [11/8/2014 4:11:23 AM] Zido: and I don't f*cking understand how to work around this bullshit unstructured system with no documentation [11/8/2014 4:11:24 AM] Anon: Its catching up now. [11/8/2014 4:11:35 AM] Zido: I only got access to this stuff as a few days ago btw

I then talked to Hasky directly, I'm going to paste some examples of our conversation below. I've removed stuff that relates to speculation / privacy reasons.

[7:51:08 PM] Illuminasky: I'll start from the beginning.

[7:51:15 PM] Illuminasky: Infact, I'll write it in a way you can make a reddit post out of it.

[7:52:00 PM] Illuminasky: My name is Hasky. I'm the Chief-Hacker of Death 2 Furrys Coalition, but I recently turned 'Pro-Furry' after I actually started to befriend a ton of people in the fandom.

[7:52:20 PM] Illuminasky: I came into operation early october after being tipped off by my best friend that there was a chance to become a developer for FurAffinity.

[7:52:37 PM] Illuminasky: I rode the chance and I became a developer on Phoenix early October, around the DDoS attack.

[7:53:17 PM] Illuminasky: The DDoS attack was an attack by an outside group also hating the furry fandom, but, the damage costs were actually, a joke.

[7:53:47 PM] Illuminasky: Infact, if you read the pastebin I sent you, I got kicked out of Phoenix for trying to explain that they need to fix the current site.

[7:54:10 PM] Illuminasky: I actually got into the Phoenix development group for exposing an exploit which allowed for users to post malware ridden images.

[7:55:04 PM] Illuminasky: After I left Phoenix, I started a public 'exposed' hack of FurAffinity, thats the Hasky.Me thing you linked too.

[7:55:17 PM] Illuminasky: I publicly posted a method I had tried to get patched showing people that things were possible.

[7:55:51 PM] Illuminasky: Dragoneer since blocked me when I tried to help him further more, and threatening to expose the exploit.

[7:56:25 PM] Illuminasky: So, this is where it gets interesting.

[7:56:36 PM] Illuminasky: Zidonuke then added me, and thus started talking too me.

[7:56:58 PM] Illuminasky: He first said he was a sysadmin for furaffinity

[7:57:27 PM] Illuminasky: We then discussed about Hacking.

[7:57:40 PM] Illuminasky: You are going to have to believe me here, the best I can show you here is Pastebin logs.

[7:57:49 PM] Illuminasky: But Zidonukes plan is to actually kill FurAffinity.

[7:58:08 PM] Illuminasky: We both discussed a plan to take out Dragoneer and reverse engineer our selves into FurAffinity.

[7:58:25 PM] Illuminasky: But, he became attached to me, and wanted to date me, and it all got strange.

[7:58:33 PM] Illuminasky: If you want me to go into anything deeper, let me know.**

The next bit was stuff to help confirm he was telling the truth, it contained an irl photo of Zido which I won't put here for privacy reasons. It was a photo of them on a skype call together.

[8:02:31 PM] Illuminasky:

[8:02:36 PM] Illuminasky: here's proof I was a phoenix developer

[8:02:57 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: When exactly were you kicked out?

[8:03:19 PM] Illuminasky: When the DDOS took place.

[8:05:21 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: Interesting

[8:05:29 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: On a quick side note

[8:05:58 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: When you were in it, did you happen to see anything that would explain

[8:05:58 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: [Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:33 PM] Zaush:

<<< just doing some organization shifting

[8:05:59 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: This?

[8:06:07 PM] Illuminasky: Yes.

[8:06:13 PM] Illuminasky: Number 1) Zaush does not call the shots.

[8:06:22 PM] Illuminasky: Number 2) This was regarding Phoenix.

[8:06:42 PM] Illuminasky: Zaush does NOT EVEN code, he's only there because he's friends with Dragoneer.

[8:06:47 PM | Edited 8:07:03 PM] Illuminasky: The plan was to never replace FurAffinity.

[8:07:15 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: What was the plan?

[8:07:20 PM] Illuminasky: ABANDON SHIP

[8:07:41 PM] Illuminasky: Infact, thats just my speculation.

[8:07:47 PM] Illuminasky: What I do know is Dragoneer is in serious debt at the moment.

[8:07:54 PM] Illuminasky: Oh, and also,

[8:07:57 PM] Illuminasky: Please release this,

[8:07:58 PM] Illuminasky: and show people.

[8:08:06 PM] Illuminasky: I tried to show people on the forums but they kept deleting my threads.

[8:08:14 PM] Illuminasky: And I bet you, as soon as you show people this.

[8:08:19 PM] Illuminasky: Dragoneer will post, that I am a hacker.

[8:08:40 PM] Illuminasky: Literally, this is the stone cold killer at the moment, as soon as you show people this. Its over,

[8:08:45 PM] Illuminasky: which is what I've been trying to do.

[8:08:51 PM] Illuminasky: Telling people to stop donating, and to leave while you can.

I'd like to explain this here. I was accepted to be a Pheonix dev as well back in July. When Furaffinity was looking for a Css coder. I was introduced to Zaush via Dragoneer and was given a rundown on what to do and that I'd be put in the team and given the tools and stuff soon. This never happened, I had asked Zaush a few times when this would take place and he kept telling me he was busy with work. Eventually he said the line about doing organization shifting and we never spoke again after.

[8:22:08 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: Were you the one who exposed the bug where you can embed the logout page in an image?

[8:22:45 PM] Illuminasky: Yes,

[8:22:51 PM] Illuminasky: I also exposed the Malware to Image bug,

[8:22:56 PM] Illuminasky: the bug that killed the Thumbnail Servers

[8:23:03 PM] Illuminasky: the bug that killed the Image servers.

[8:23:06 PM] Illuminasky: Nameless Posts

[8:23:15 PM] Illuminasky: Registration DDOS exploit

[8:23:50 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: How many of those are still there? I had helped Neer try and fix the logout one but he eventually stopped replying to me

[8:23:56 PM] Illuminasky: All of them.

[8:24:05 PM] Illuminasky: Nothing has been fixed.

I won't go into details of thse bugs, but I will add this is not the first time someone has been vindicated for trying to warn FA about bugs. A user by the name of Eevee had also pointed out flaws within the community and after he was ignored repeatedly he decided to use it himself to prove how much of a threat it was. Details the events here, also references other bugs and exploits.

Moving on. The last thing I had asked was details about the anti-fur group, what I got from that was.

[8:17:32 PM] Rowdy(s) the Crux: Anything on the Anti ddos group? Was the gofundme being made the same day as the ddos coincidence or was there more to that?

[8:17:50 PM] Illuminasky: Errm,

[8:17:56 PM] Illuminasky: I don't think I can comment on that.....

[8:18:15 PM] Illuminasky: I got told by Zido that it was true, and they did have that much debt.

The thing to consider here is that Zido hasn't totally told the truth, however what Zido told me matches up with what Hasky has told me so that that as you will.

The rest of our conversation covered speculations and other details that either can't be shared publically or don't have any evidence to back them us, thus aren't relevant to what is known for certain.

Another topic of interest, I had been discussing on the journal comments last night that I had gone to Neer talking about the possibility of a PR manager to at least cut out the wait times we've had just trying to get an answer. Him being at work a billion hours a day makes it very hard to get much out of him. However it was told to me this morning that FA at one point did have a PR manager, Nanuk. He had left a few months after the announcement.

Quoted from u/SilferFox1987

I know this isn't exactly related to the current drama at hand, but... I would just like to remind people that have maybe forgotten about it. But FA did at one point, have -a- (read; singular) person specifically hired for PR and Marketing. That same person, who was hired to try and avoid/address this kind of 'problem' (Let's admit it, this is a problem that was sorta Needing to happen to get people to start waking up..), is no longer affliated officially with FA.... and hasn't been since Four Months AFTER the whole Zaush exodus.

Edit: Just in case people want a bit more evidence that Nanuk Was in fact involved with the FA staff as PR and Marketing, as well as to help the site 'maintain #transparency'

There is that word again, aaaaaaaaa. That's all for now, you guys have been great so far, please continue to spread this information around. If you need to ask me any questions please use my skype "Rowedahelicon" it's the fastest way to reach me. And remember to be calm and civil when discussing this topic either on journals or with friends or anything of that nature.

submitted by rowedahelicon
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Categories: News

First time drawing furs, so fun!

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 21:21
Categories: News

FC-184XX Snow Day - This week instead of canceling we decided to Skype Fayroe into the studio and have a quick discussion about just what was going on where the studio is located. Just south of Buffalo New York, more than 6 feet of snow, driving banned in

FurCast - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 21:00

This week instead of canceling we decided to Skype Fayroe into the studio and have a quick discussion about just what was going on where the studio is located. Just south of Buffalo New York, more than 6 feet of snow, driving banned in almost every town, school closed for the month, the National Guard called in, lives lost, it’s been a little crazy!

Download MP3

Watch Video FC-184XX Snow Day - This week instead of canceling we decided to Skype Fayroe into the studio and have a quick discussion about just what was going on where the studio is located. Just south of Buffalo New York, more than 6 feet of snow, driving banned in almost every town,
Categories: Podcasts

Furry feel-good thread

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 20:23

Hiya folks. I figured it would be a nice idea to get people to post some furry-related things that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I think this would be a great place to look if you're having a bad day, so I'm here to spread some furry cheer!

Post your photos, stories, art, videos, future plans, or anything else that is furry-related that makes you feel good!

I'll start: on FA, /u/SikeRed) (ValdorFox on FA)

Edit: Forgot about this short little story! So I was at a robotics event with my local team, Team 176 Aces High, while wearing my fleece wolf hoodie, and saying hello to other team members and pedestrians, giving free hugs, drumming up some spirit and good times. There was a woman who walked in with her baby boy, so I walked up to her and said hello to her and her baby. She held him close to me and he reached out and grabbed the ear on my hoodie, and giggled. What happened next was a suprise for me and the mother. He smiled and said "gog." The lady was very happy that I helped him say his first words! Even if it wasn't a real one, that was a highlight of my day.

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

The Fluffiest Donkey (Feebu)

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 19:37
Categories: News

What is /r/furry's music tastes?

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 19:27

Everything is welcome here. I am currently listening to Cire's "Wholesale Buyout" album, if you're curious.

submitted by Cizek-
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Categories: News

Sketched up my new Argonian :}

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 17:18
Categories: News

FurAffinity Exodus Discussion Hall

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 16:53

Welcome to the brainstorm hall of the FurAffinity Exodus!.

Exodus: a mass departure or emmigration.
We're planning to organize a movement to leave FurAffinity en masse, and the destination is Weasyl. There are several reasons for this, and they will be explained below, but first, a quick summary:

1.- The leadership of FA has lost credibility to the point that the website feels leaderless. The promised transparency, organization, and quick resolution have not been delivered.
2.- The website has been almost in feature freeze since its inception. There have been no noticeable changes for almost a decade, despite promises to do so.
3.- For different reasons, many members of the community have wanted to leave, but artists won't leave without their fans, and fans won't leave without their artists. The only way to leave effectively, is for all to leave together.
4.- Out of alternative sites, Weasyl is the most feature rich and with the most promising administrative organization, a direct response points [1] and [2]. Moreover, it has the largest active community of the alternative websites, easing [3].
If you want to know more about points 1 to 4 either because you disagree, are neutral, or are curious, please skip down to the section "EXAMPLES OF POINTS 1 TO 4" and then keep reading this.


FurAffinity the website belongs to Dragoneer, and no matter how displeased we are with him, or how little we trust him, he is not obligued to comply to any demand from the community for better features or appointment of administrators. The only way we have to really make a difference that is completely in our power, is to vote with our feet and leave. We all have this power.

===THE GOAL===

The goal of this thread is to discuss how to best spread the news of a mass departure movement, how to gather the enthusiasm of the community that "we will finally reunite elsewhere", and how to best persuade the undecisive people to leave. Instead of a movement in dribbles, where the people who move lose morale feeling isolated from their old contacts, we want an organized movement, where we all move together to greener pastures.


So, whether you come here from the latest FA heated discussion ( or because you clicked by curiosity, allow me to provide examples of the points 1 to 4 listed above, and to explain what we plan to do in this thread:

===THE PLAN===

We're going to make a Poster to share virally!, as described here:

If we make it clear, short, and convincing, and spread it over all available channels, we're going to get the news to all the community.

Issues I encourage you to discuss in this thread (but you can discuss anything else that you like):
1.- I think we should encourage people to make a Weasyl account and fill it up, but not to immediately remove everything they have in FA since this could cause alienation. I think it's better to be in 2 places at once for a brief amount of time while issuing the warning that you'll move your main activity to the other website. Do you agree?.
2.- I think it's better that the poster(s) we make stick(s) to completely undeniable facts and things that appeal to the widest possible audience (for example, lack of features in FA), so that every person can add their own seasoning to the poster by commenting it in their journal. What do you think?.

FA has been the subject of many scandals involving the people who Dragoneer has made administrators. The latest 'scandal' was the reveal of the latest admin for FA. The admin was brought in under the alt account StarryKitten (instead of his main account, breaking the promise of transparency) and was found out to actually be Zidonuke, a person known for wreaking havoc (spy on users, delete databases, publish users' data...) in many of the previous communities where he was given a position of power. The admin has since stepped down from the community pressure but Dragoneer has still not commented on this issue officially (in FA itself), even 1 week after it started.
Details below:

Just look at this list of features promised but never delivered:

On the other hand, Weasyl has many of those features already implemented and more, including collections, a section for critique, FOLDERS, silent updates, watches + friends separated, users can tag submissions to ease search, and more.

Anyone who's been for a long time in FA knows that the website is about the same as when they joined.


Many users have expressed they feel they can't leave FA because this is the main hub of the community, for example...

By the way, one of those users expressed frustration that "nothing can be done". Ooh, it can be done. We will do it right here.

"What makes Weasyl different from other sites?"
Also let me repeat what I said in point 2
"[...] Weasyl has many of those features already implemented and more, including collections, a section for critique, FOLDERS, silent updates, watches + friends separated, users can tag submissions to ease search, and more."
Also I should mention images load much faster in Weasyl than in FA, for those concerned.
They have divided the roles of administration in several roles, admins, developers, mods and directors are separate, and not only that, they have a public code of conduct for the staff:
By the way, there's no need to make just 1 poster, we can make this like a movie trailer, make SEVERAL posters, and let each person pick their favorite to share!.




I am not good creating images, I'm good with words!, I ask of you to please discuss the poster ideas, add your own if you please, and if anyone can make a poster, please share!.
Happy discussing!, We have a great future ahead!.

I'm going to be travelling to another city during this weekend and I will be unable to participate in the debate, but I'll be back in Monday!.
Keep the flame burning!.

submitted by Pentalis
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 16:44
Categories: News

Pawpet Fundraiser Auction

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 14:06
Categories: News

How Do You Get a Fursuit Made or Make One for Yourself?

Ask Papabear - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 13:21
Hello Papa Bear,

Me and my girlfriend are really wanting to get into fursuiting but we're really not sure here to get good fursuits. We know what we would like, but we have no idea where to get them, or how to make them ourselves.

Please help a Fox and a Wolf!

Many thanks,
Kaz and Mjay

* * *

Dear Kaz and Mjay,

Thanks for your question. This is a two-part answer: first, how to get fursuits made by others; and second, how to make them yourself.

Commissioning a Fursuit

This I know, having gone through the process myself. Like you, I knew what I wanted in a fursuit (a bearsuit inspired by—but not imitating—the ones in Disney’s “The Country Bears”), so I went online and looked at pictures of fursuits on FurAffinity. After a while, I zeroed in on a designer I really liked: Beastcub. Then I visited her website, which was excellent and contained information on how to commission a design. You can also visit a really cool site called the Fursuit Database ( This thing is HUGE and searchable. Find a suit you like and it will list the designer and whether he/she is taking commissions.

Once you have found a designer and agreed on a price, there are a couple things you need to do before the designer can begin:

  1. Have a Reference Sheet made. If you’re an artist, you can draw one yourself; if not, you will need to also find an artist to do this for you. A reference sheet like the one below for Grubbs shows the design from several angles. It gives the designer an idea of color, size, and overall construction.
  2. Provide the designer with a list of specific needs for the suit. What kind of eyes will it have? Will you have a movable or static jaw? Will anything else move? Do you want, perhaps, LED anywhere on the suit? Will the feet have flat soles or pads? Do you want an electrical fan installed in the head for cooling? And so on.
  3. You will need to have a duct tape suit made. This is something with which you will need the help of one or more friends. A duct tape suit is when you literally wrap your body in duct tape (don’t apply directly to the skin; wear something underneath, such as long underwear, and make sure it is something you don’t mind destroyed because it will probably be cut when you remove the duct tape). This suit provides the fursuit maker with a very close approximation of all your body dimensions so you are sure to get an excellent fit.

Send all of this stuff to your fursuit designer and wait. Be patient, these things take time. Ask the fursuit maker to tell you when they actually begin construction and an estimated completion time, but don’t harass the maker repeatedly for updates unless you really want to be annoying.

Once the fursuit is done, received, and paid for, you’re still usually not completely set. Often, you will need to make some minor adjustments here and there on the suit until you are completely satisfied with it. Before you have a contract with a fursuit maker, ask him or her whether and how many adjustments you can make after the final product is delivered.

It’s a good idea to get in writing from the fursuit maker what he or she promises to do, when they plan to do it, and for how much. In other words, get a signed agreement so that, if things don’t go your way (such as the fursuit is never delivered) you have legal recourse to get your money back.

This brings up another good point: look for and contact other furries who have had fursuits made by your designer of choice. Ask them if they were happy with the work and whether or not the designer was easy to work with. When I chose Beastcub, I knew she was a reliable designer. I also knew that I would need to wait quite some time before she was available to make the fursuit, so I was prepared for a long wait. But it was worth it!

Making Your Own Fursuit

It should go without saying—but I’ll say it anyway LOL—that if you are going to make a fursuit yourself you had better be a very good sewer. You should also know how to do other crafty things not normally seen in sewing clothes, such as how to make a fursuit head and paws.

There are a lot of websites out there with information you can read and view, but one that I like is on at This excellent site has a ton of information and videos on making your own fursuit. Kudos to Sara Howard for making this available to aspiring artists.


Once you have your fursuit, now you need to know about performing in them and maintaining them. Fortunately! I have already written a column on that very topic here:

Hope that helps, Kaz and Mjay! Happy Fursuiting!


I just wanna look at fursonas

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 11:33

Show me your fursonas!

submitted by AntarcticFox
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Categories: News

Looking for a picture?

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 02:41

It's an image of a werewolf family. Well, 3/4 are werewolves. The mother (werewolf) is putting a blanket onto the father (human) who is asleep in front of the tv while their two daughters (werewolves) are running up the staircase in the background after their very first transformation. I honestly don't remember if the drawing is good or not, it just bothers me that I can't freakin' find it anywhere.

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Categories: News

faux fur tail compared with yarn tail

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Nov 2014 - 00:56

hello fuzzbutts! i have a bit of a question for you.

i am considering getting another tail, but i'm not sure what to chose to make (or have commissioned)

i see that faux fur tails seem to be quite popular (when seeing con videos and the like) whether they be stuffed or made on a foam base, but they seem quite 2dimensional to me, often seeming flat in colour, and often with relatively short fur. and i don't quite know how vivid they are when worn.

on the opposite corner i see yarn tails, that often seem quite alive to me, and if made well can seem almost real, but i could imagine them being quite delicate.

so i ask what is the pros and cons of each type? is it simply a case of faux fur tails being cheaper and easier to make? or are they actually better in some respect (or more practical)

Sidenote: if you want to ask about my current tail, it's neither i have a friend that had just recently started taxidermy when i got it, he had been given a roadkill silver fox by one of his parents friends but he couldn't make a proper taxidermy out of it due to damages to it aswell as lacking expertise, so instead of throwing it away or using it for scraps he instead made it wearable and gave it to me, as he knew i was a furry.

submitted by wovaka
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Categories: News