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RP Recruitment Round #2 :)

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 18:12

Time for round two of recruitment! :3

Yeah, for one reason or another (mostly because of busy schedules), a good chunk of the people who signed on originally weren't able to stay on. So, because of this, I decided to start round two of recruitment. :P

Same text as I put in the original post:

"I'm leading a D&D style RPG (DM [me] builds a world and sets a story, and player actions take over from there). It's kind of started, but people are more than welcome to join!

This is a text-only RP, for all those uncomfortable with mics or cameras.

Just leave your Skype username in the comments, and send a friend invite to "avorax64"."

submitted by GuardianKing
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Categories: News

Minecraft skins

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 17:38

Hey what are some cool furry minecraft skins that you've seen?

submitted by Samfiller
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Categories: News

Looking for good furry games for PC

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 17:32

I already have Dust and I like any genre but horror. So no FNAF.

submitted by Terwin94
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Categories: News

Decided to do something Destiny themed.

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 16:39
Categories: News

[NSFW] New Adult Furry Comic on Patreon!

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 16:14
Categories: News

I guess I should say hello I'm new!! Alot of you have been with this sub a while and well I'd like to say I'm glad I'm a part of it!

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 15:58

Thanks to you all for allowing me to to become a part of this!! Just call me cori as that's my fursona's name (a red fox) thanks :)

submitted by fox125
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Categories: News

Greetings from a new (to the subreddit) furry! Come say hello!

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 15:25

Hey there! You can call me Blinky, the name of my fursona, a skulldog. My FA is the same as my reddit username. So basically, Ive been a furry for roughly two years now, but aside from my friend who introduced me to things I dont have any furry friends! I love looking at the art and especially love the fursuiting part of the furry fandom, but Ive never been good about making new friends so I thought Id start here? Nice to meet everyone! I might be a scary skulldog but I promise I dont bite!

submitted by chiobsidian
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Categories: News

My confusing post about a confuzing topic may have confuzed us all

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 14:49

First off, I'm sorry, I didnt mean for this to result in more people posting the same thing.

Just to clarify, when I said coming out, I meant to parents, family, large amounts of friend (mainly facebook). I never meant for the posts on here by new furries to be counted. I worded the whole thing pretty terribly and the basics of what I was getting at is be careful who you tell and understand not everyone is going to like it. And not everyone needs to know either. However, DO get involved in the community because its fucking great and filled with amazing people. Once I established my furry friends I realised I didnt exactly need people to know.

Also, the whole calling it "coming out" thing is something I stand by. I know its different for everyone and furries seem to be really popular in america since people are scared to mention it. Here, no one knows what they are and frankly dont give a shit, so solong as I don't "come out", they wont ever care. Using the term coming out regarding your love of furries is offensive to a lot of people. I know people will argue this but as someone who had a legitimately horrible time coming to terms with, and admitting I'm gay, I can honestly say it makes my blood boil when they go on about how they "came out" as furry to their friends today. Just say you told them, not came out.

But yeah, sorry for this becoming such a big topic, sorry to anyone who was upset by it, and thank you for the cool debate. It was actually pretty drama free and well informed so round of applause for us :)

tl;dr just read it

submitted by TaiHusky
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Categories: News

Any Furs in MI?

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 13:14

Wondering if there is any Fur groups/meets or Cons in southeast MI nearish to Annarbor

submitted by Trevarian
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Categories: News

Are there any tea enthusiasts here?

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 13:03

And by enthusiast, I mean not someone who drinks Lipton every day. Though, Lipton is nice for painting with...

I used to absolutely hate tea, but a few years ago I just suddenly acquired the taste and the love for it.

So anyone here really love their tea? What's your favorite tea?

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 12:59

Hey liveforms (Ok, that should be universal enough)! ^ This is basically all I wanted to say, here is more if you're bored: Just saying hi. I've been furry for quite a while, but I had never been active within the community or anything. I'm like... the most ordinary preson you could probably find in the 21th century Wait. That's just bullshit. I'm 16-old straight boy, used to call myself a gamer, now I call myself a Game Developer (Unity3d and Java knowledge :D), that of course doesn't mean I don't play games anymore.

I also have a Grunge band with two friends from elementary. I don't really have a fursona, I have x'Ar (pic here), who's something like my fursona, but not quite really. I mean, he's me, but I'm not him.

Also I just started drawing, like you might have noticed from those f**king hands, but I've made some progress in the past few days so that's nice. Until now, I always drew only spaceships or landscape (There's link to one in the FA desc.).

If you want to play MP/CO-OP of something feel free to add me on steam, the name's same as here. I just won't be able to play this week because of the finals (and maybe the month after because of grades :/ (jk))

TL;DR: Hey, gonna become more active on this sub.

EDIT: I hope this doesn't count as advertising, but if anyone's interested, this is what I'm working on: Again, if there's a problem with posting this, comment below and I'll remove it.

submitted by webik150
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 11:13
Categories: News

Return of the free headshots, part 3.

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Jan 2015 - 10:31

(So instead of getting involved in pretty arguments (not my thing, why'd I do it), let's get back to what I'm good for.)

I have a batch of commissions this week, meaning I'm going to be scanning a lot. Meaning I can do headshots for my pre-commission practice.

You know the deal, I can't promise I'll draw you and I will pass people who've already been drawn before.

I'm taking this time to practice something new, so be aware it might or might not look the same as the other headshot batches, but they WILL be done in a way that will work well for forum avatars.

Edit: names! I completely forgot the last two times. I need the names of the characters too lol

Edit: unlike last time where I uploaded the same day, I will wait 24 hours to start, so people in every time zone has a chance to post.

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News