Feed aggregator
Someone said I should post the headshots I did for people with my new tablet, soooo... Here ya go.
Let's talk about ourselves.
Who are you? How did you get here? What are your plans? What's your fursona? How did you pick it? Basically tell me about yourself. Everyone has a unique story and I want to hear yours.
Edit: short summary about me
submitted by TheRedWox[link] [34 comments]
Just saw "Paddington" tonight! Not the traditional "furry" film, but worth seeing nonetheless! :3
Why That Fursona?
So I am still mulling over a bit about what my fursona should be and that got me wondering: Why did you all choose the fursonas you chose?
submitted by Patricky5[link] [49 comments]
Redditfurs has a Rust server
I guess I'll give my obligatory introduction :P
Hey guys!
I've only been a furry for a month now, but I figured I might as well introduce myself and get to know some of ya; you all seem like a pretty social group :)
Hopefully I'll be going to Fur Squared at the end of February with my friend who "converted" me and with a couple of his furry friends (it was more-or-less I started hanging out with him frequently and my interest just grew over time). It'll be my first furry convention so...I'm not sure what to expect other than a bunch of dorks in animal costumes :P
My Skype, Steam, and DA are all zuko4444, and this is my Tumblr. Feel free to add me wherever you like :D
I look forward to meeting ya crazy fuzzbutts (or featherbutts or scalybutts)!
submitted by zuko4444[link] [4 comments]
Someone made a comment about the furs, so i decided to post it here. BASH script to mass download from e621
Type tags separated by a space and hit enter. This will generate a list of image URLs. use wget/curl or what ever utility to download from it.
This will run on GNU/Linux natively, and windows, given you run it through this. Will run in MacOSX natively if you translate all returns to literal newlines. (change all \n to an actual return
in the script)
submitted by BASH_SCRIPTS_FOR_YOU[link] [2 comments]
Is it normal to have multiple fursonas/characters?
Just wondering. I finally figured out my first one, but was thinking up a second today.
submitted by SittingInYourBushes[link] [8 comments]