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Scritt Streaming a few requests and stuff.
Come on in!
Warning: I may accept NSFW requests.
Also: The viewcounter is broken, so please do say Hi in the chat. No signup required.
submitted by PowerRaptor[link] [comment]
best artist in your opinion?
spazzy, i feel connected somehow when i see the art made by him
submitted by arexin[link] [4 comments]
Looking for someone who could do a ref sheet of my Orchid Mantis character for $30 or under
The character's name is Valentine so original! , and they would be a valentine's gift for my boyfriend. The ref would be NSFW, to match the dildo I'm purchasing for him.
The toy is the Euphoberia from Frisky Beast, and is going to have the Clearly Love colouration.
I'm not looking for an insanely detailed ref sheet, just an image of the character with the character's name.
Anyone who is interested in working with me on this please post examples of stuff you've done! Or if you know someone who would do the ref for $30 or under, link them please!
I forgot to say that I don't have a ref of the character itself, just a picture of the mantis I'd want it based on. So it's kind of an artistic liberty/freedom character, if any of you are into that!
submitted by AdmiralCheesecake[link] [comment]
Help equating descriptions of creatures with visual representations
Maybe it's obvious, but I can't see how anyone can tell how to describe a creature in an image, or picture what a creature might look like when described in words.
For example, this (hopefully the original poster doesn't mind me using this as an example). For whatever reason, I can't tell if that is a wolf, a fox, or what. Talk of "hybrids" confuses me even more.
So, my question is, basically, how do you know what these are supposed to be?
submitted by ctoan0[link] [8 comments]
Streaming ze requests again.
EDIT: Le done
Le linkerino: furstre.am/stream/Nsyse (My stream is PG-13 I'd say. Basically dumb language and/or potentially offensive jokes are common. The rest of the website, being on the internet, has an expected amount of porn.)
As usual, streaming until 18 EST! (14-18)
Will update this post once done uploading the results.
EDIT: Results
Only 2 alas :c wasn't as fast and mostly, unlike last week, didn't start early.
submitted by Nsyse[link] [comment]
Reindeer mixed with duck?
So I've been thinking recently (and watching darkwing duck :3) and meaning to have another fursona. (I.e:reindeer) doing some research I've I haven't seen a reindeer mixed with a duck? Or the other way? Maybe somebody can help me? That'd be appreciated.
submitted by ThatoneStalker25[link] [9 comments]
Looking to go to FWA this year but..
It would be nice to get someone/ a group of someones to share the room cost with and show me around the con.
A little about me. I'm 23 , male sergal. I currently live in Alabama and have never really been to a furry con before but could never work up the courage to go. I know a shy sergal, who ever heard of that?.
I get my 2 weeks vacation from work in march and want to save a couple of days for FWA as a way to get out of my usual comfort zone and meet new people and probably act a little crazy, I am the shy, quiet, not really crazy sort. And I figure something like this would help me break out of my shell a bit.
Well I'm not sure what else to out about me, fell free to ask questions if you wish. I am just tying to find someone to share the room cost with and if a fellow Alabama or Mississippi fur is willing a travel partner would be amazing due to me not wanting to fight Atlanta traffic lol. I'm not asking for a free ride, I will share all expenses.
submitted by loki_the_sergal[link] [6 comments]
So I had an idea
So I had an idea, wouldn't it be cute if instead of engagement rings furs had engagement collars?
submitted by Samfiller[link] [comment]
Paypal help.
I'm getting a paypal account later this week. What do I need to know so I don't get screwed over by them?
submitted by haladur[link] [4 comments]
Furry avatar...
Good morning all, I'm looking for my Avatar, my own personal one, a hawk, male...any suggestions on artists? My art skills stop at stick men :(
submitted by givemechoc[link] [12 comments]
Adult Yakima county/central Washington furs?
Looking to talk to/socialize with adult furs. Any news on furmeets in or near the county would be nice.
Also, I'm not interested in sex, someone made that mistake before and I never heard from them again.
submitted by Terwin94[link] [comment]
Episode 82 – The Chonktastic Three - Alright! Let's start off our second episode of 2015 by talking about the most amazing thing that's ever been discussed on this show....trailers...and...games we're playing. BUT IT'S IN A NEW YEAR! Ah well,
Alright! Let’s start off our second episode of 2015 by talking about the most amazing thing that’s ever been discussed on this show….trailers…and…games we’re playing. BUT IT’S IN A NEW YEAR! Ah well, this time around we’ll be talking about the 90’s remakes and re-releases that we’re playing and looking forward to *cough* Majora’s Mask…*cough* As well as the new trailers for Jurassic World and Fanfourstic. Seriously, people, the more you put numbers in the title, the more we’re gonna keep making fun of it. It promises to be a chongking good episode! (You’ll get it when you listen)
If you want to send us your own personal thoughts on the games or trailers we talk about in the episode, send your e-mails to furballdletters@gmail.com
Bye for now, but not forever!
This week’s song is “Guile’s Theme Goes With Metal”, by Shinray. You can find the song on OCRemix here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03078
In the news…Tinder match up in the Antarctic: http://nymag.com/thecut/2014/02/tinder-makes-its-first-match-in-antarctica.html
The passing of Monty Oum: http://roosterteeth.com/members/journal/entry.php?id=3302319
Red Power Ranger arrested for murder: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/actor-ricardo-medina-jr-arrested-for-stabbing-roommate-to-death/story-fnk822dn-1227204804827
China bans smoking bacon because of air pollution: http://english.cri.cn/12394/2015/01/22/3521s862935.htm
Hunter wants to raise $3 million to hunt and catch Bigfoot: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/bigfoot-hunter-launching-3-million-startup-track-beast-article-1.2087827
James Patterson’s new book will explode after 24 hours: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/11358649/First-ever-self-destruct-novel-launched-by-James-Patterson.html
A drunk Russian is beaten by mascots: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/drunken-man-fights-madagascar-characters-sledding-hill-article-1.2086772
Words on Twitter can show a community’s heart disease risk: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-01-22/tweets-can-show-heart-disease-risk-study/6034078
Episode 82 – The Chonktastic Three - Alright! Let's start off our second episode of 2015 by talking about the most amazing thing that's ever been discussed on this show....trailers...and...games we're playing. BUT IT'S IN A NEW YEAR! Ah well,