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Shy Doggy (analon)

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 16:09
Categories: News

So I have read jack and I gotta say

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 15:51

Damn just DAMN

submitted by DEATH2LIVE
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Categories: News

Long Distance Relationships

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 15:47
Categories: News

Are there any furries in San Diego that want to join a kik group?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 15:43

My friend who lives is San Diego asked me to make a post for him asking for any furs in San Diego, California to join him in a kik group.

submitted by DesmondHawk
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Categories: News

S4 Episode 9 – Suicide and Depression in the Fandom - Roo and Tugs and joined by Taryn Aiken, of the Utah Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and Cathy, who works with at-risk youth who struggle with depression and suicide. Your hos

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 15:39
Roo and Tugs and joined by Taryn Aiken, of the Utah Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and Cathy, who works with at-risk youth who struggle with depression and suicide. Your hosts ask for tips on how to spot those who are at-risk, what causes depression and suicide, and how to handle these difficult situations. Ask we ask these questions, we weave in your emails and stories, and ultimately learn no one is alone in this fight and we all can help each other to see tomorrow. (Podcatchers and iTunes listeners: Please take a moment to visit the show notes page for this episode.)

Programming note: Space News has been posted as a separate show bonus on the episode page.

Special Programming Note

This episode is dedicated to all those who have been affected by suicide, and also to Christy Bent. Christy, who is Koru's mother, died by suicide in the summer of 2014.

If you need assistance in helping someone with suicide, or are struggling yourself with suicide call 800-273-8255. They're available 24/7/365 and have the tools and know-how on how to help you. Remember, there is NO shame in admitting you need a little help.

For more information on the My3 App discussed in this episode, check out


Show bonus: Space news is right here! Get your fix!

Special Thanks

Our guests, Taryn and Cathy.
Alan the Rat King (and if Tugs still has this messed up, he quits)
Fido the Cabbit
Curran J
Edward Fuzzypaws
Wolfi Coyote
Leo the Artist
Kira the Fox


Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Next episode: Next episode we'll be talking about caring for the not-pretend animals, aka pets. Do you have a dog or cat or unusual pet? Did your fursona influence your pet selection? How do you take good care of your pets? Do you have friends who don't? Send your emails by Feb 19, 2015! S4 Episode 9 – Suicide and Depression in the Fandom - Roo and Tugs and joined by Taryn Aiken, of the Utah Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and Cathy, who works with at-risk youth who struggle with depression and suicide. Your hos
Categories: Podcasts

Furry quirks

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 15:10

Everyone has something special they put to their fursona, either actions, powers, or just their looks. I know for me I gave Leo a patchwork pattern for his head, and a few more specialized markings, but I know of other furs who have their sonas "occupied" with a job of some kind. What kind of twists have you given your fursona?

submitted by LeopoldObelix
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Categories: News

Be my Valen... Pokemon!

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 14:53
Categories: News

I never made an introduction post, so here it is!

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 11:29

Hi, my name is McFluffypom. I'm a tri-gender pyrofox from the forest planet I'm a generically young deer with the personality of a microwave oven, that happens to have a surprising amount of charisma. I feature wood-side panelling and a glossy cream finish I'm just a really generic looking deer. In fact, I can imagine when people look at me; they go "That's a human" then look away because I meticulously dress not to be noticed by anyone who might be judging me. My hobbies include avoiding people, making fun of current events, and fearing how the world may choose to cut my plentiful life short within a moment's notice.

Also I draw shitty things with a mouse, and relatively okay things on paper (I'm just being modest, I really actually like drawing and have been quite proud of myself lately).

Have you ever noticed how society sucks? I have. In fact, I wrote a book on it once. It was just two pages of incoherent screaming meant to represent my innermost struggle when played against the world and losing.

I won a pulitzer prize. And a microwave oven.

submitted by McFluffypom
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Categories: News

Introduction of a (not so) new furry.

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 08:42

Hello all! Ok, so a little background on this hyena. My fursona name is Rumtum and I am currently 28 but have been a furry since I was 16. I couldn't put a name to it until I stumbled across Yiffstar (don't judge me D:) and saw the term furry. This was back in 2002 when Toumal ran the site.....and I suddenly feel old.

Where was I?

Oh, yes. Introductions. Ahem My hobbies are primarily pc gaming and tabletop gaming. Currently I'm playing a lot of Marvel Heroes and Smite. When I'm not working or gaming I'm usually watching Disney movies, watching old 80s / 90s cartoons, baking, or napping.

My thoughts are starting to disjoint, so I'll conclude here before the rambling starts. Feel free to comment and/or ask any questions you may have! :D

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

Member Spotlight: Austen Crowder

Furry Writers' Guild - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 08:33
1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it? ?My most recent finished work is The Painted Cat, and it’s a novel about a teacher in a backwater town who falls in love with a cartoon cat and the city in which she lives. (Trust me, it makes sense in context!) I was inspired to write it after moving to Chicago from small-town Indiana. The impact that move had? on my happiness and my social life was huge and I wanted to explore the differences between those environments.

?It should come out later this year.? 2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between? Writing an outline is the kiss of death for any one of my drafts. I come up with a fun concept and plan out some sort of “final scene” to work toward. Then I might put down some one-sentence ideas for the next scene, or things I want characters to say at some point, but those usually get wiped off the notes page. As long as I’m building dramatic tension and working toward my endpoint, writing is seat-of-the-pants all the way.

Besides, why would I write a story if I already know how it ends? There’s no motivation for me there.? 3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write? Character pieces that take the extraordinary and make it ordinary fascinate me.? ?My stories usually revolve around a group of people with similar but conflicting views of the world learning that their enemies are also human. Lots of small disagreements drive the tension in my stories.

?In other words: “The world is crazy, but how are John and Jane Doe coping with it? Let’s be a fly on their wall.”? 4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why?

Oh my, that’s a tough one! My philosophy in writing is that good, honest prose comes from being true to yourself and your experiences. As such, most of my characters have a piece of my personality at their core. Of those pieces I most identify with the ones that point out that we can’t waste our lives worrying about what other people think. Cassia in Bait and Switch was a good example of this.?

5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work? I grew up a voracious reader of Mercedes Lackey books, which helped me identify the way a novel is constructed. (Most of her stories have the same bones which made identifying patterns a lot easier.) Bradbury taught me the power of prose that had been elevated to poetic heights. Philip K. Dick taught me the power of surrealism and the unreliable narrator.? 6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved?

I finally got down to reading ?Cory Doctrow’s Pirate Cinema ?recently and it’s a fantastic book. Fun characters, a slightly unbelievable premise, and a healthy dose of critique of copyright law come together to create a great narrative.

7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time? My Day Job, mostly. Girl’s gotta eat!

Beyond that, I play video games, board games, RPGs, and hang out with friends in the area. I’m also planning my wedding with my fiancé, and if I didn’t mention that somewhere in the interview I’m pretty sure she’d throttle me.? 8. Advice for other writers? Keep writing! You might not be at the level you want to be in the here and now, but the only thing that fixes it is practice.? ?I wrote enough bad transformation stories, cruddy Sonic fanfics, and shared universe furry stories? to fill a closet full of shame and regret. Still, those stories made me better.

Also, don’t be afraid to stretch your legs. I did a stint as a political columnist for two years and learned a lot about my writing. Write stuff you’re not comfortable writing. Fail. Look at why you failed. Learn to not fail next time. 9. Where can readers find your work?

You can find my work on Amazon, but beyond that I’m trying to figure out what to do with my stories. For now I have a small collection of pieces at

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom? Furry is a no-judgment zone where people can find their identity. Once you’ve found your place, you can even stay for the great friends you’ve made!

I wrote about my experience with furry in this article for {adjective] [species] that explains the identity-finding bit further.

Categories: News

He Feels Furry Fandom Art Is Superficial and Tacky

Furry News Network - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 07:56
Author: Good afternoon (as of February 03, 2015). I am a young male of mixed Puerto-Rican/Azerbaijani heritage, with Sunni Moslem beliefs, studying at the university level. I discovered what is called the “furry fandom” on the Internet back in 2007, and my experiences have not always been positive. For now, I will not deal with […]
Categories: News

Inactivity is Sinful

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 05:36

Hello you furry fiends, I've been very inactive lately. This is my first post in quite a while and I feel out of touch. It's sinful, hence the title. Or... Sinfur? I need to stop the fur puns.

Anyways, is there any significant event that I've missed? :O

submitted by Peperib
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Categories: News

drunk arctic wolf AMA

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 04:36

uh oh, here comes me. come one come all the lonely furs tonight

submitted by linty-lint
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Categories: News

We share things in the fandom that creep us out.

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Feb 2015 - 04:08

I thought it might be fun to list things that scare/creep us out in the fandom. Now I'm not trying to insult anyone. If your into any of the things me or other people list, then try and help them to not be scared of it. Alright lets go.

Vore scares me quite a bit. It's not just the fact that someone just got ate ,but even the really nice Preds that have tolled me they always let there prey out always leave that detail out of there storys... Just reminds me of some stuff that happened wen I was a kid.

Latex&rubber TF is actually something I kinda like but goddamit why are the suits or goo that converts the host always evil jerks? I think a suit that was nice and cared about their host would make for x100 better porn. Doesn't a fursuit that want to be your friend and hugs you like a blanket sound nice? You would think so.

The only other thing that NOPEs me out is macro. I like BIG stuff but destroying cities and crushing people? What.The.Fuck. Maybe I could like a macro if they were helpful and kind.

So yeah stuff involving people getting hurt. Nothing special. Sorry if this post is shit, I tend to post stuff like this when I get emotional as I'm not used to letting my feelings out.

submitted by Rolo_Swag
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Categories: News