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Random furry pics :3

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 14:22

Post a random furry pic in a comment

submitted by NoahGoldFox
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Categories: News

GreyCon - A New Furry Con in Consideration

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 14:14

Okay, so this idea has been bouncing around in my head for...oh 5 years now, or so. I have been to...well it will be 72 cons in March and I have noticed that cons are catering to younger furs (So parties, panels geared towards younger furs, etc) and I have often sat in the lobby of the hotel and said to myself "I am getting way too old for this". Well, on one of those days, an idea creeped into my head. I figured, what the hell let's post the idea up on /r/furry and see what response I get.

The idea of GreyCon is to set a minimum age at either 25 or 30, haven't decided fully on that, and gear the con more and less towards what cons are now. I really can't give any examples as most are in the UK or Europe, and are invite only so most of you probably have not experienced such a thing. It would be a shorter con (Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday) and it would be a place for the Greymuzzles to get together to decompress.

Now, certain things would be put in place to allow younger furs but they would be strictly monitored. First thing would be SOs would be allowed (Assuming they are not known to be furries that cause problems) and the second thing would be a voucher system. You can vouch for your friend who may be under the age limit, however if that person caused trouble, you would have the same punishment as that other person would (Essentially you would be...well responsible for them).

Another goal would be security that was both trustworthy (Some cons have security staff that is...meh) and also wield the power to remove you from the con if they felt you were a problem. I would not tolerate some things I have seen happen at cons (Groping of women without consent, various lewd activities in public or con areas, etc). Now, these things are, thankfully, becoming less common but they are still there.

So, my questions are: A.) Is this even /remotely/ interesting to those who could attend and B.) What time frame would work best (Meaning month, time of the month, or even just a time of the year)?

submitted by bmbommarito
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Categories: News

The Value of the Ursa Major Awards

[adjective][species] - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 14:00

It’s Ursa Major Award season. Furry’s biggest and best awards are now open for nominations of the best of 2014’s anthropomorphic art. Anyone and everyone can take part.

The Ursa Majors are intended to be the furry equivalent of fandom awards, such as Science Fiction’s Hugo Awards. And while it’s fair to say that an Ursa Major doesn’t have the resonance or recognition of a Hugo, the competition is in rude health, with around 1000 people casting their vote over each of the past few years.

Yet the Ursa Majors aren’t flawless, and it’s not always clear what purpose they are intended to serve. Are the Ursa Majors providing any value to the furry community?

The biggest strength and biggest weakness of the Ursa Majors is the voting system. They are a popularity contest, with the winner chosen by popular vote. This is good because it’s inclusive, and bad because it favours already well-known works, instead of more complex, more meritorious, and more niche works.

Exhibit A: the 2013 Ursa Major Award winners included Pokemon, Frozen, and My Little Pony. It’s reasonable to say that recognition of these works add nothing to the furry community, and that the creators of these works couldn’t care less.

Yet these award winners, and the similarly mainstream and well-known winners that are awarded year-in year-out, are a good reflection of what is popular in the furry community at the time. This is a positive thing not just because it’s the natural outcome of an open vote, but because it provides something of a historical snapshot of furry in any given year.

In general, works that are by-furry for-furry tend to lose out to those with mainstream or fan popularity, at least in some Ursa Major Award categories. There are exceptions, and those are where a work (or artist) has gained a very strong following within furry itself. Kyell Gold is a good example of this: he was a shoo-in for Best Anthropomorphic Novel, up until the point that he voluntarily excluded himself from the Ursa Majors in 2012.

In his reasoning for withdrawal, Kyell said: “I’d like to help the fandom’s literary scene mature, and part of that is showcasing more of the authors that are doing really good work. My name’s already up there in the lists; let’s see some of the other people.”

Essentially, the value of an Ursa Major awards had declined for Kyell, because he already had an established fanbase, and that he didn’t see much value in the award merely confirming that fact at the cost of other writers. It is easy to make the same argument (writ large) for the likes of Frozen and My Little Pony, although of course in those cases there is nobody who cares enough to even acknowledge the Ursa Majors, let alone withdraw from them.

Of course, some fans of Frozen, My Little Pony, and Pokemon will have enjoyed their respective victories, just as fans of Kyell Gold will have enjoyed seeing him acknowledged. And by virtue of the popularity of these works, they attract more participation in the Ursa Majors, and more discussion on their relative merits. (To put it another way: in any given year there are for more furries who have seen ten animated films with anthropomorphic content than, say, read ten furry novels.)

It’s worth adding that the Ursa Majors tend to award childish works (i.e. Pokemon, My Little Pony, Frozen). This is also a natural outcome of the popular vote, which will always favour the lowest common denominator. This is why you are much more likely to see Paddington Bear in the Ursa Majors 2014 “Motion Picture” shortlist than, say, Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance. (Not that either of them stand a chance against Guardians of the Galaxy.) This isn’t a bad thing, just a another reason why the Ursa Majors are unlikely to highlight anything new or surprising: to a large extent, they tell us what we already know.

The committee that runs the Ursa Majors, the Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association (ALAA), have introduced a partial solution to this shortcoming, creating in 2011 a juried “Choice Award“. The Choice Award, which is selected by internal ALAA voting, is given to a work judged to be “outstanding”. It’s an opportunity to highlight a worthy but lower-profile anthropomorphic work.

The Choice Award has been given twice, in 2011 and 2013. The 2013 selection was, to my mind, a bizarre choice: The Ursa Major was given to a My Little Pony fan-made musical animation called Children of the Night. And while the animation in Children of the Night is impressive for an amateur and fan-made effort, it’s hardly a great work of art, or lacking a ready-made and attentive audience.

Having said that, the Choice Award is not judged by me, it’s judged by the ALAA. I suspect that the MLP fan animation choice is a product of the ALAA committee, which is made up of four principals (plus a dozen or so “convention representatives”). The four are Fred Patten (age 74), Rod O’Riley (50), Kay Shapero (64), and Bernard Doove (57).

All four are legends of the furry community, have been instrumental in the creation and moulding of the furry community, and still keenly contribute today. All four were involved with the early days of furry, back when it would have been best described as a fandom, before the shift towards the identity-based subculture we know and love today. Their choice of an amateur My Little Pony video feels, to me, like a fannish choice.

I don’t question the quality of the their judgement, but I do think it’s a pity that the Choice Award wasn’t used to recognise some of the outstanding new wave of furry graphic art that is being produced. RRUFFURR Two, for example, is an outstanding avant-garde anthology that attempts to redefine the form of the graphic novel into something explicitly furry… and was published in the same year that Children of the Night was uploaded to YouTube.

There are several Ursa Major categories where by-furry for-furry art does not have competition from the mainstream: essentially books, published illustrations, and websites. These categories, websites aside, tend to draw the lowest voting numbers but provide the greatest value to the furry community. Furries looking to explore niche furry art can confidently dip their toes into the water based on the Ursa Major nominees and winners.

Interestingly, furries compete strongly with mainstream publications in the comic strip and graphic novel categories. I think that this is a sign that mature art is emerging from the furry community in these areas, and I would point towards a couple of recent highlights here on [adjective][species] for further evidence of that: my review of PIES, by Ian King, and Makyo’s look at Rory Frances’s comics.

There are three categories that cover comics and graphic novels, categories that probably need rethinking in 2015, as the world moves away from physical to digital media. The Ursa Majors were founded in 2001, and while the categories made sense at the time, it’s hard to see the need for separate awards like “Other Literary Work” (which includes “comic collections & serialized online stories”), “Graphic Story” (“comic books and serialized online stories”), and “Comic Strip” (“newspaper-style strips, including those with ongoing arcs”).

Another overdue update is the separate categories for “Website” and “Magazine”. Over the past couple of years, Flayrah has been nominated for “Magazine” (but not “Website) while [adjective][species] has been nominated for “Website” (but not “Magazine”). In fact, in 2013, all five nominations for “Magazine” were internet-only. It’s not clear to me why Flayrah is grouped with, say, In-Fur-Nation, while [a][s] is grouped with Fur Affinity.

(Okay, it is clear to me. It’s because that’s where nominations were made. I am going to take a stab in the dark and guess that some sites were nominated for both categories, and the Ursa Major committee pragmatically opted to excise one. My point is that the categories themselves have become anachronistic.)

All in all, these quibbles are minor. While I think that the purpose of the Ursa Majors is muddied by its reliance on popular vote, I don’t see any obvious way this might be changed without affecting the healthy participation rate. Without a doubt, the Ursa Majors are the most relevant and worthwhile formal furry award. They are useful to furry consumers looking to explore furry works, and they are of undoubted value to the furry winners.

The Ursa Majors are decided in two stages: nomination (which is open until 28 February), and voting (which opens on 15 March). The most popular five nominees make a shortlist, which goes on to final voting. Effectively, you vote twice – like a French election, the least popular candidates will not reach the final stage.

So get nominating. You can nominate as many of as few works as you like in each category.

Here at [adjective][species], we have highlighted several worthy 2014 Ursa Major nominees. You might consider including these in your nomination form and, perhaps, vote for them too:

…and of course [adjective][species] (Best Website)

Nominations for the 2014 Ursa Major Awards

Who's excited for RMFC 2015??

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 13:53

Me, my mate and my British friend will all be there in our partials x3 Hopefully I'll see some of you there!

submitted by TheJackInTheBox555
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Categories: News

Are there any Role Play sites? Also, Can you give me an advice on the Kyell Gold books?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 13:30

So I was wondering if there was a Rp site or RPG for furries. I searched around but found nothing. Also I heard a lot of good stuff about Kyell Golds books. I don't seem to understand which is the first one tho. Can you maybe give me a list? Thanks.

submitted by Adg01
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Categories: News

What would be the fur-worlds equivalent of Zoos?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 11:26

Would it just be normal "less evolved" animals? I mean chimpanzees can seem like "less evolved" humans at times and we keep them in Zoos.

Or would it be something different? Would the furry world lack a direct equivalent? Or would everyone just be really excited about visiting the botanical gardens?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

$11,575 fursuit, 50 Shades of Celebrifurries, Inside Edition invasion – Newsdump (2/15/15)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 10:58
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Story tips are always welcome.  Nominate Dogpatch Press for an Ursa Major Award – get fuzzy hugs!  I love furries so much, blogging about them is it’s own reward.  But I love shinies too, so can the highly attractive readers of this site nominate it for an award?  Submit a Best […]
Categories: News

Corgis, man

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 09:23
Categories: News

How do I even?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 05:50

"Role play? Pah. What in the world is that? I ain't taking part in your silly kids' games." That's me before I knew I had an affiliation to anthropomorphic animals.
I have been a furry since... I guess two years now. I have never been motivated enough to take part in any way. I just sat there watching silently. I guess a lot of you... us do that. I have never had any problems at all being a Furry. My family is super tolerant, they are okay with me being a Brony, as well. School people don't care, either. I guess I live in a quite nice environment. I have read about some pretty shitty situations and feel enlightened to be where I am.
But where am I actually? I am in Germany. I've been born in Forst, Brandenburg and have moved five times since. Not a fun time. I have also changed schools four times. New people every time. Those eyes, those endlessly judging eyes. "Oh, you're the new guy. We'll show you how things work 'round here," that's what their eyes said. They were nice people, though. My parents also split up when I was ten. I am 17 now. My parents are not divorced, they just don't live together anymore. They are cool about it, though. They don't fight at all, we even go to the movies together sometimes. My 12 year old sister, who is extremely interested in drawing, is always there, as well. I love her to death (don't take this the wrong way). Because of these extreme changes my self-esteem got severely damaged. I also became extremely shy. I am now someone who would rather not talk about anything and especially not to any strangers. On the internet I'm a lot more open since one can think longer about what they say.
Being the genius that I am (seriously, I've got an IQ of ~135) I got no school problems, though I am a lazy piece of meat.
Fur, I mean FUR, I'm sorry! I'm a lazy ball of fur!
Talking abou fur, let's get back to furry things. I don't have any pets, sadly. My grandparents, though have a Yorkshire Terrier. His name's Hugo.
Fursonas are also furry (at least some of them. Sorry, any dragons, reptiles, amphibians, or insects and arachnids. I still love you). Do I have a Fursona? I seriously don't know. I have never considered this. Sometimes I thought of being a red panda. I like those animals. I'd love to be a red panda.
Parts beneath the clothing of some Furries are not furry at all. This is a rather weird topic to me. Speaking about sexuality out loud is very hard for me. So I am, at least I think asexual and bisexual. "Whoa, don't pick all at once, mate, that doesn't work!" Hell yeah it does.
Basically, sex is a taboo for me in any point in life. Though I would definitely choose to go into a deep emotional relationship with my partner. So only kissing, hugging, cuddling, but nothing more. And it wouldn't matter to me what gender my partner is of. I myself am a guy, if that didn't come through. Another sexuality issue/ question I have is, is it normal, to be like, "Holy shit, that one [insert species] girl/ dude I once saw in that picture, I would instantly ask him/ her out," as a Furry? I am not talking Yiff here, obviously. I've had that like thrice in my life now.
What do I do with my free time, when I'm not on the Reddits? I play games, DUH! I'm not a big book worm. I started reading Stephen King's 'It', but stopped after 50-ish pages because I got bored. As you might see, gore-y stuff is no issue for me. I read mangas, though that's because those are a lot more action loaded. I read One Piece, Magical Girl of the End, Chi's Sweet Home, and Assassination Classroom (please don't spoil). As for games; I don't have a console, only because I don't really want one. PC mast- No, let's not go there. Let's say I'm a PC-only player. I don't have any fancy games, also because I am not interested in them. No CoD, no BF. Minecraft (don't hit me ._.), osu!, and Teeworlds mainly. Those are all free Indy games.
I also listen to a lot of music in my free time. EDM, mainly, but I can appreciate some good rock and metal.

So. Introduction done. Look back at the title. How do I even role play? I'd like to. But I don't know what to do. I have no partner for one, and I have no idea how to behave, what to pay attention to. How to respond. How to write or say things. You tell me. You teach me. This community is so nice, I demand someone to be nice to me!

You can reach me via... well, Skype might be the only real platform. Steam I ain't online, never. Maybe we can chat a bit and get to know each other! You can probably guess my username. I use the same name for literally everything.
Have a great day, my friend. I shall see you later.

submitted by TheDerero
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 03:45

So for about three years now I've been having the toughest time trying to choose a sona. It's like trying to find what job you want to go to college for. I'm so desperate, I scour the Internet for quizzes, trying to find people with a similar problem, I figured someone here could give some human advice.

submitted by DefacedCreeper
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Categories: News

Foxy Bingo is back and lookin good

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Feb 2015 - 02:45
Categories: News