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I cannot draw. I just can make 3D models of Fursonas

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 16:39

Yeah. 16 hours of working, rigging and a lot of metal music. This is the 3D version of MonoDragons Fursona:

I hope you like it. It is my first big project, and my first character ever.

submitted by X_Joshi_X
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Categories: News

It's Official, I'm a furry now.

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 14:18
Categories: News

[Fursuit] How much time will I need to practice wearing a fursuit head?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 13:43

I just got the first part of my partial fursuit shipped to me, though of course it took some time to figure out how to put it on, etc. The reason I ask is that I hope to have a head ready for an event in April, but even if it is, it sounds like it might be close and I might not have much time to practice wearing it.

I'm trying to get an idea of how long is recommended to practice having it on before using it at an event for the first time, and if I'm likely to get at least that long between when the head is shipped and the event happens.

Edit: Sorry for the title. I still don't understand how tags work on Reddit.

submitted by ctoan0
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Categories: News

Can Cheating BF Turn into Husband Material? Possibly.... Let's Hope for the Best

Ask Papabear - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 13:41

I don't mind if you post this to your site, but I think people will think badly of me, primarily you... I dunno. but I just want you to know that Lion (cheating boyfriend who turned a new leaf, failed again, etc.) has done something drastic. For the good. At least I think so.... I know you will say to me that I deserve all the pain that he will maybe put me through ... and I know. But please hear me out....

I was unsure if I could write to you again because you told me to dump him and I did not listen. But I tried. I tried to break up with him, but after two weeks of back and forth communication, I noticed the primordial thing in all of this problem I had with him is that we did not communicate fully. Yes, he fell... but you gotta give me credit on something. I gathered the courage to tell him everything. How he made me feel, how I knew everything he did to me, and that if he wanted to be with me, he had to really gain my trust again. He cried while hugging me asking for forgiveness, and trust me when I say he does not cry easily. 

I feel that this whole incident was a new turning point in our relationship and he finally understood the ultimatum I gave him. He cried for months, telling me how wrong he was, how desperate he was to change and that he was going to finally give all he had for me. Because I deserve it. He said I deserved only the best of him.

A few months later, he is kneeling before me, asking for my hand in marriage in front of our entire family and our friends.. and I said yes. I know you will say I am making the biggest mistake in my life, and I probably am... but... it's not that I'm afraid I'll never find love. I know I will, be it with Lion or with someone else, I know I can find love again. But Lion and I are so close together... when I am in pain, he feels it. When he is in pain, I feel it. It has become like that since everything happened. I can say he is my soul mate. My other half. I am thankful that God has allowed me to live in a far more beautiful reality than my dreams.

The sir that gave us the wedding gifts is still with us helping us, Lion stopped talking to that girl and deleted everything about her, and he has shown love to me far beyond I have imagined. He says he is deeply, amazingly grateful for what I did; he knows that he does not deserve what I did for him, but that I deserve only the best of him and that he will do everything in his will and might to make me happy til death do us part. I learned not to be weak minded and set my boundaries and he learned to say no to temptation and run away from it as fast as possible.

I am shaking right now because I know you or your followers will probably hate me or scorn me for it; when I wrote my last letter, it was out of pain, but this one is in a relaxed yet anxious tone since im secretly terrified of what others may think. :'( I deserve everything you may say or think but.... I just wanted you to know. keep it up, you have been of great help to me and many, many others. 


* * *

Hi, Nameria,

First of all, I would never hate you for following your heart. Secondly, what difference does it make what I or others think about you and Lion? The only thing that matters is what you and Lion think and feel.

My earlier responses to you were based on what you were telling me. I have the singular disadvantage that when I hear about people's problems, I only get one side of them. I never heard from Lion or what he was feeling and thinking, so I could only judge his actions by what you said--and what you said was said while you were in emotional distress.

There was once a time when I thought that people couldn't change. But that time is long past. People can change, the only question is will they? I do not doubt that Lion, at this time in your history, is sincere. Only time will tell if he will remain true to his word; he does have a history of going back to old habits.... Only you are responsible for your actions in believing him or not.

I truly truly truly hope that he has changed for the better; I'm still a bit uncertain about that. BUT! What I do see here for certain is that YOU have learned to stand up for yourself and speak your mind. Even if this doesn't work out with Lion later, I think you have learned a lot and have grown, and that is worth a million bucks. And, if it doesn't work, don't consider it time wasted. I was married for 21 years, and even though my marriage ended, I consider that time with her time well spent.

I wish both of you luck and love. Don't forget to send me some wedding photos :-3


* * *

Oh my God, you're the best. <33 I am in awe of your kindness and care. I really thought you were going to throw stern words at me, but alas, you surprised me once more. <3

Of course I will send you photos! I am very thankful for your advice and care for us lil' furries. Thank you so much. <3 I know I can always count on you for guidance when I need it the most, and for that, I thank you. Expect an update from me in the future with my wedding photos included. It will be inDecember 19th, 2015! :D

God bless you!


How do you guys deal with furry hate?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 13:19

Throwaway cause using my real account here could lead to problems, I won't get into that.

Anyways, how do you deal with people hating on furries? Either directly at you or about the fandom while you're present, whether you are a known furry or not?

submitted by throwaway09764
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Categories: News

Argonian Fighter

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 13:16
Categories: News

I'm no master writer, but I would love to write small stories in which my characters interact with yours!

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 12:22

My creative juices are completely shot. I enjoyed writing what I could! Your characters are awesome!

I feel that I write a whole lot better with good inspiration. What better inspiration than your characters? Just make a comment with a picture(or somewhat detailed description of their physical appearence) as well as a brief description of their personality. I'll try my best to write up a short little interaction that'll hopefully be slightly entertaining.

I can't confirm the quick-ness of my replies, so please don't think that I've abandoned the post until I specifically say that I have.

submitted by FrankWest21
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Categories: News

Just wondering

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 11:33

Would it be alright if I post my FA link here? Also, would anyone like to know who I am?

submitted by Monifa_Akhamnet
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Categories: News

Perfect Morning [by CherryBox on FA]

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 10:27
Categories: News

Demonancer Drawing

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 07:33
Categories: News

Any Furs up for Town of Salem on steam?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 05:13

Great little deception game SO and I play. Randoms are sort of volatile and we'd love to get custom games with new roles going from the norm! Hilarious furs would be amazing to play with! Check it out there! My steamid is for those who want to hook us up!

submitted by Cjros
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Categories: News

I made a big, smelly Pokesona

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 04:59
Categories: News

New Icon?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 04:39

Hey! I'm looking to get a new Icon for steam, and stuff. Anyone got any good artist recommendations?

submitted by CHADBLA
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Categories: News

The spirit of Aussie cricket

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 04:29
Categories: News

Is anyone else scared when talking to friends/family about furry stuff?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 03:42

I'm not sure if this is just me but whenever I'm showing a friend or a parent furry pictures (ie Fursuits or Anthro art (NEVER NSFW Are you MAD)) I just get so nervous about them saying something horrible. The thing is, online, I expect people to hate on it and that doesn't really bother me. But I'm so nervous that in real life they'll laugh or say its stupid I start to stress. I've only told 2 people I'm a furry, my Mother and a very close friend. My friend didn't say much but reacted normally. My mother said it was weird. That's it, just weird. But I still feel so upset by that, which is funny because of the crap I hear online, the word Weird got to me. I even acknowledge it's very weird, especially to people looking in from the outside. The way I told her was by showing her FoxAlbiazul's videos about his pet fox Ronron. Then on the suggested videos next to it it'd show his suit, and then I talked to her about what it was. She really doesn't know what furries are, but I've got a brother super hateful about them. Saying how they're all pedo's that want to R*pe animals (Not sure I can say that with it being SFW). So I'm just scared to find out what she thinks a furry is, if she believed the crap he spewed. I even bought a collar (Just a regular black dog collar) months ago, but I probably won't wear it while I'm living here since, My brother would just go nuts (I never plan to tell him, he's a real life internet troll) and I'm worried my mom would laugh at me. Anyone have any advice? Sorry for the long post.

TL;DR - I'm very Shy about people knowing I'm a furry and expressing it, (ie Wearing a collar) I get nervous talking about it and I'm looking for advice.

submitted by FurryWolves
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Categories: News

Feelings on fursuiters at anime conventions?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Feb 2015 - 03:40

I've heard both sides of the subject on fursuiting at anime conventions and comic cons. Some think it's cringy, yet others love the subject.

What are all of your thoughts, /r/furry?

submitted by OuO_hello
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Categories: News