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Trying to find a furry book

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 08:21

While in high school I remember coming across a book that I thought was pretty unique, It's hard to remember most of it but I do recall it being based around a guy who would have dream sequences and it featured khajiit like cats that he drew.

But what made this special was whenever it was in a dream sequence all the illustrations were white pencil on black paper. Im trying to find this book again or at least who the illustrator was. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

submitted by blue_dingo
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Guest post: “5 Tips for Writing Animals” by Jess E. Owen

Furry Writers' Guild - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 08:03
5 Tips for Writing Animals

by Jess E. Owen


I’ll expand that and say, 5 Tips for Writing Animals that Also Help With Writing Fantasy.

After reading some fiction by younger, (or) just newer, fresh and exciting authors, I see some trends. I read around on DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, blogs, new novels, unpublished work and more, and these are some things to keep in mind when writing that may stop a prospective publisher, editor or agent in their tracks. (That was a cliche, see what I did there?)

Keep in mind these are second draft changes. Don’t make your head explode (or worse, stop writing) while you get out a first draft, but once you have a first draft, comb through for things like this.


1. Don’t use Human words to describe Animal things.

(In writing fantasy, this translates to: don’t use modern words to describe fantastic things). Example: She ran/flew/leaped as fast as a bullet.  First: Are there bullets in your world? If not, cut it. When writing first drafts, we reach for the easiest metaphors, but they might not fit. If there are bullets in your world, is an animal likely to think of herself in those terms? Probably not. Think of other fast things. What do other animals consider fast? Don’t reach immediately for “cheetah” or “falcon” unless your character is familiar with them. Keep descriptions relative to your character’s experience and things that actually exist in that world. In their world.

“…swifter than the east wind, she soared along the crest of the mountain.”

2. Be consistent with names.

Study Erin Hunter and Kathryn Lasky and Clare Bell, the original (and PUBLISHED) animal authors. Their names make sense within the world of the animal. You don’t have to name your animal characters after characteristics (Redfur, Shorttail, Broadwing) although this is fun and you can. If you have a culture (and you should), make sure there is a cultural theme. This is true for fantasy as well. If you’ve taken time to create a culture (and you should), stick to names that are in the same culture too. Don’t have an “Krystalis Moonwater” in the same world as “Chris Jones,” unless one of them is from another dimension. Name inconsistencies like that will stop me from reading. We all have names we love (a personal favorite is “Ian”), but alas, if they don’t fit in the world, they don’t get a place in that story.


3. Think about what’s important to the animal.

…and have them notice those things. Little tics that we have as humans aren’t important to animals. They don’t think, “What time is it?” They think, in their own way, “I can’t see after dark. I should hunt now while it’s light.” The gryfons and wolves in my stories are very “human” in their needs and wants, but at the end of the day they’re animals with instincts and urges and limitations set by nature. Do they eat meat, or fruit? Are they more likely to listen for predators, or listen for prey? What do they care for in colors, scents, movement?


4. Body language.

Figure out (or research) what different movements mean to your animals. Are you writing a bird culture? A feline culture, or wolf culture? Horses? Something new? I took from both feline and raptor body movements to create gryfon body language that makes sense, and in some cases I made things up. “Mantling” is something eagles and hawks to do protect a kill. It’s also a beautiful gesture and wing display, and so when gryfons bow to a superior in my world, they mantle their wings to show respect. Think about body language and work it in. It’s even more important to feral animals than humans, although 85% of our communication is also non-verbal.


5. Animals are people too.

By that I mean of course, if you’re writing animals, you’re really writing people — they must have wants, needs, goals, challenges and setbacks just like any other story. Let us enjoy the animal super powers that we don’t have as humans — flight, super sight, smell and hearing — but when that’s stripped away, make sure you give us an engaging story and a sympathetic hero to root for.


Secret tip number 6…. don’t be a slave to reality. There are things that wolves do in my book that real wolves would not do. (Pack size, for instance). Gryfons don’t exist in our world and so there are no rules for them, but they fall somewhere between a lion pride (living in groups), and an eagle culture (a pair mating for life).

Always be respectful of the animals and if you can slip in a fun factual tidbit á la Kathryn Lasky, go for it!  Just remember that we aren’t writing behavioral manuals: we’re writing stories.

Want to see how I handled animal writing + fantasy? Get Song of the Summer King today! ;)



This post originally appeared on Jess E. Owen’s blog. You can view the original post here. For more about Jess E. Owen and her work, check out her website!

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Tobias, Badger Cop!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 07:46
Categories: News

Drew a few things in my spare time, thought you guys might like them :)

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 07:23

Sorry for the phone quality, I couldn't get to a scanner.

submitted by ZergTDG
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Categories: News

Xbox One Heists

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 07:11

Since GTA5 heists are out, and the fact that I'm not going to be able to sleep till later to night, any furs on Xbox one up for Heists?

submitted by Mad_Mutt
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Categories: News

Hey! hey! I've got something to say to you all!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 05:50

You guys are all absolutely pawsome!! And don't you forget it! So, how are you all feeling today? wags tail and smiles

As for me, I have been very busy as of late, doing schoolwork and stuff. I've got an essay to write later today! So I figured I'd just post to see how you all are since I can't browse as much for a little while. If you're feeling down, maybe I can help pick you up! I fuzzy wuvz you folks!

Edit: You guys have also been asking me to do another Choose A Roleplay thread! I will finally have a free weekend after a long time, so I said I'd do it then! Go ahead and suggest some situations if you want :3!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

"Fur And Loathing" Drinking Game Rules?

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 02:10

Going to be hosting a party later this week, and was wondering if anyone could think of any good drinking game rules for /THAT/ CSI episode? The only two good ones I've got so far are "This is going to be bad - finish your first drink before the intro is over" and "drink every time they say 'scritching'"... Any suggestions?

submitted by millsapski
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Categories: News

The Play - by Novere

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 02:07
Categories: News

Random Review of THAT Episode of CSI

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 01:54

I watched it with some other people on this subreddit and I decided to write a review. Feel free to fact-check me if I got something about the fandom wrong.

Although I know I don't know everything about the furry fandom (especially when it comes to conventions and fursuits), I do consider myself a furry, and I can tell you for a fact that the CSI writers did not adequately research for episode "Fur and Loathing" (4x05). The writers seem to mash several negative stereotypes into this episode and don't really portray any of the positive aspects of the furry fandom (except possibly for the sexual liberation and discovery of one character). They believe that being a furry is a mostly sexual thing, and they portray the furries as promiscuous. Many of the furry activities seen on the show are sexual, from a fursuit strip club to yiff orgies.

Understandably, the characters in the show know nothing about furries. They are bewildered by the idea. One character, Grissom, is fascinated by them; another character, Catherine, thinks that they are complete weirdos. The characters also keep referring to fursuiters as "plushies."

The furry characters don't seem to act like actual furries would. Most people at the convention are wearing full fursuits (at least 80% I would say), and those who aren't are donned in ears and a snout. There are very few uncostumed furries at the convention. Although I know nothing about furry conventions, I would imagine that this is unrealistic. At this convention, there are private backrooms that are dedicated to furpiles and yiffing. These rooms are complete with porno music and rave lights. I imagine these don't exist either (outside of Second Life), and if they do it would probably be in a hotel room and not an actual room at the convention. The furries engage in an activity called scritching, which is basically grooming as animals would. Several furries have confirmed that this is not an actual thing. Several furries in the show refuse to take off their fursuit heads when being talked to/questioned by the police, with one furry saying something along the lines of "This suit is a part of me. You wouldn't ask a woman to take off her makeup! Why should I have to take off my mask?" One male furry is completely naked in his fursuit (maybe he had some underwear on; that area wasn't shown).

Of course, the show had some problems outside of the portrayal of furries. The two major problems I saw were that blood splatter instantly froze into pellets at 22 degrees Fahrenheit (unless they said negative 22 degrees and I missed it; even then it seems somewhat unrealistic) and that nobody checked the trunk of the car that was brought into evidence until later in the episode.

Overall, the episode is pretty unrealistic. This episode mostly portrays the furry fandom in a bad light, in both the actions of the furries and the dialogue of the main characters. I give this episode a D (because the D is pretty useful in yiffing).

submitted by Vetrina
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Categories: News

I'm a broke writer with no Ref and lots of creative potential. Trade?

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 01:27

Okay, okay, I write. I don't have a ref sheet (the closest thing to it that I have is my flair), and I desperately want one. Problem is I can't draw for beans. Anybody here willing to do a trade? One story for one ref sheet? All I need is a premise.

Bonus question, for great justice: If you transformed into your sona right now who would be the first to find out? (other than you)

(I'll write the story first, if that's what you'd prefer.)

submitted by Stariteone
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Categories: News

[Rant Kind of Thing] I don't know where to put this but you guys are always nice so why not here?

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 01:24

Oh where to begin? I'm 17 and i'm a junior in high school. Joining the military after high school. grades are a below average and I think i'll get to the main thing that's killing me.

I hope I have a friend. We've known eachother since 7th grade and we play video games a lot. We played with some cool people we met online. (PS3). these people were cool, yeah they were a year older than us but hey, who cares?

Anyway, I was kicked out of the group earlier last year. My RL friend stayed with them, although he never talked about them. Recently, I was accepted back into their group. Oh no I don't know how to organize this.

Here, Person A is my friend. Person B is group member one, Person C is group member two, and Person C is someone I had a grudge against but nothing too bad.

Since the group knows I have a little grudge over Person C, if any conflict arises since I was welcomed back, they'd trust him. Now, We use an app to talk in a group chat kinda thing. Someone, who knew I was a furry and all made an account under the alias of a Person B and attacked me. Calling my character stupid and all this other hurtful stuff. They came to the conclusion that it was me that was attacking myself to get Person C kicked out even though I was fine with Person C now.

So remember how I said Person A is my friend and the others are online friends? Person A removed me off of his PSN friends list and only one of the online friends kept me. Now I don't know if I'm Person A's friend anymore and i'm kinda scared to ask. He's one of my only RL friends and we go to a cluba nd have a class period together at school.

So now i'm sitting here, at my computer, expecting negative comments cause i'm paranoid.

submitted by HunterWolfie97
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But it's fun!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 00:13
Categories: News

[VIDEO] 58 Sodas

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 22:52
Categories: News

Not in great spirits... need a little support.

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 22:26

Just, getting pummeled everywear with schoolwork, and getting bullied at the same time, not to mention my stuff is getting stolen out of my gym locker because somebody knows my combination. Not to mention I'm alone, and borderline about to get kicked out of a high school where they boot you if your GPA drops below 3.0.

It's spiriling down quickly, to the point where I'm dressing black and listening to emo music :P

submitted by HonestJohnFoulfellow
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Categories: News

Help Personalizing My Fursona?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 21:59

Hey guys, so I need some help with fleshing out my fursona. All I have is the species. I'm a Snow Leopard that hates the cold. That's all I got so far. How did you choose your fursona's name/unique identifications? I've been a Furry for a few years now, and I really want to finish/name my fursona :O. Thank you all for your help!

submitted by Akpil
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Categories: News

SMBC- Potential Mates

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 21:34
Categories: News