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Ok, who here knows HTML?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 17:39

I am trying to learn HTML so that I can try to make an updated version of FA, because it looks like 4chan when it comes to the layout and art design, from 2004. If you know HTML or any website programming language (CSS, Java, jQuery, etc) please talk to dragoneer or any FA admin about trying to update the UI. It really is ugly.

submitted by Dingus_Kahn
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Categories: News

What's the most fun you guys have had at a con?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 17:11

I've been watching a lot of videos lately of random clips, dance offs and other stuff at conventions. I'm still new to the fandom and haven't been to a convention yet and I wanted to know how much fun you guys have had there.

submitted by knuxfan
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Categories: News

12-Year-Old Fursuiter Needs Advice on Where to Fursuit

Ask Papabear - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 15:27

Ever since I was introduced to the furry fandom by a friend in 3rd grade, I loved the idea of going fursuiting, making fursuit videos, making fursuits. Fursuits in general have always amazed me! I recently started making a fursuit (that I am very happy with so far!), and I was thinking about how fun it would be to go out fursuiting! I had never really planned this out, and the fact that I’m still young, and that I don't have any talents that I could share to the world that involves wearing a fursuit, came to my attention.

With all of the wonderful friends I have, only few of them are furries, and none of them have fursuits. Not only do my parents dislike the idea of me fursuiting alone, but I don't want to either. If I went fursuiting without anyone else, not only would I look strange, or suspicious, but It would be very risky. If I do go fursuiting, alone or not, I would end up just standing there, and waiting for someone to approach me, because I’m clueless of what to do when you go fursuiting. Like I stated earlier, I have no talents that I could show off with my fursuit. I've tried dancing, and I’m not very good, and I don't enjoy it at all. I'd approach people myself but I’m afraid I’d scare them, or they'd think I was some creep. I've always been confident, but one of the main reasons I want to go fursuiting is to make people happy.
I overall just have no idea how I’m going to be able to go fursuiting once my suit is done. Please help!

Kachebe the Shiba-inu (age 12; Winter Park, FL)

* * *

Hi, Kachebe!

Yes, fursuits are great fun, and if you are like most fursuiters, the real joy you’ll find in doing it will be interacting with other people and making them smile. You are also correct that fursuiting alone is really not a great idea. The biggest reason for this is that when you are in a fursuit your vision will be restricted. This can vary from fursuit to fursuit, but even with those that have a fairly large area opened up for vision, you will still have very little or no peripheral vision. Also, eyeholes are usually covered with a mesh or other material that makes it harder to see, especially in low-light areas.

This is why it is best to have a “handler” with you at all times—especially if you are inexperienced at fursuiting. A handler is someone who is not in fursuit and who can keep an eye out for hazards, such as curbs, steps, ramps, or anything blocking a walkway, such as wiring or plant debris. Handlers also keep an eye out for mischievous kids (and adults) who might sneak up on you, pull on your tail, or do things that could startle you or damage your fursuit.

Also, a basic rule of fursuiting is that you should not approach people, but, rather, let them approach you. This is especially true with children because their parents or guardians might get freaked out if you approach them suddenly, and the kids can get scared, too. For example, even though I don’t find my bearsuit scary—and most children don’t either—I’ve had some very small kids cry just by looking at me. When that happens, I make sure I retreat and make myself as unthreatening as possible.

That said: interacting with people. I, like you, don’t have any real “talents.” I don’t dance well, I don’t juggle or, like some fursuiters, rollerblade. But I do have my fursona character. I’m a big, lovable, huggable bear. A lot of what I do is simply hugging people and posing for photos. When the timing seems right, I also do silly things like follow people around, mocking their movements, playing peekaboo, silly things like that that anyone can do. Fursuiting is, really, a form of acting. It’s performance art, and the best fursuiters are the ones who really get into character and have fun with it.

Okay, so, when can you fursuit, if not at a furcon. There are two kinds of options here: furmeets and furcons, and special events. Now, you live in Winter Park near Orlando (Disneyworld!), which is rather a furry hotspot, isn’t it? Have you tried joining Florida Furs ( Also, the Megaplex furcon is in Orlando (July 31-August 2 this year). If I were you, I would definitely try to attend local furmeets, which always afford chances to fursuit with plenty of people around you.

The other thing you can do is suit up for events such as Halloween or even Easter. You can sometimes suit up for fairs and parades (near me, for instance, is the Pasadena Doo-Dah Parade that encourages dressing up), and many furries go to Renaissance festivals and fursuit there (near you is the Lady of the Lake Renaissance Faire, but there are several others in Florida, too).

There’s another thing you can do, too, that might even make you some money: you can see if a business will hire you to stand in front of its store (perhaps while holding a sign) and attract people to come in to the store. I’ve done this in Palm Springs and it’s a lot of fun.

Still another idea: your fursona is a Shiba Inu (I must assume, since it’s in your name), which is a type of spitz. You might see if there is a dog show near you and see if the people who run it would like you to suit up as a promotional tool for them. You could also do this for kennels and animal shelters, either for pay or as a volunteer.

On the subject of volunteering: GREAT way to fursuit and interact with people. I know several fursuiters who perform for charities and have an AMAZING time. It’s very rewarding and you get to fursuit at the same time.

So, there you have several options. I hope one or more of them appeals to you. 

Have fun! Stay Furry!


Fox logic

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 13:51
Categories: News

I couldn't think of a clever title

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 13:49
Categories: News

Do you have any mental health disorders?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 13:44

Hello, I am not a furry but I am very interested in the lives of people that associate as furries. I am curious as to the diagnosed disorders of anyone in the community. If you are a furry and have any diagnosed mental health issues can you please post what they are? I am by no means insinuating that someone that associates as a furry has mental health issues, please know this. I am a psychology student and am interested in any correlations about identity.

submitted by rouseapouse
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Categories: News

Just found out a friend I've talked to every day for years is a furry, and has been for a long time. Has this ever happened to you?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 13:06

I'm a little upset and excited at the same time. But, the disappointment lies around the fact that we never knew about each other as furries until now. Overall, I'm excited. But, I feel like I wish I knew her that way sooner x3 Anyone else have a personal experience like this?

submitted by icec0der
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Categories: News

A small story about being sexually assaulted in fursuit.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 10:26
Or should I say “manhandled?”  Nah… Dogpiled. That’s more like it. This story is no reason for alarm.  It’s just a P.S.A. to say “hey guys, look out for each other!” With this story, I’m assuming: You’re a furry, or at least you don’t hate them. (It’s in-group stuff.) You don’t hate hearing about adult activity, with […]
Categories: News

Part of Being a Friend Is Being a Good Confidant

Furry News Network - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 07:57
Author: Papabear, I’m feeling a lot of guilt over “Facebook-stalking” a very dear online (furry) friend of mine. The temptation started after I realized that the email he initially used to contact me on a forum website contained his full real name, and from many late-night, hours long conversations, I knew enough about him that … … Continue reading →
Categories: News

In a real world situation with all the types of sexuality already established in the subreddit and real life, do you think furries would have population issues?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 07:09

(This post is in no way, shape or form ment to be offensive if it comes off as such)

We all know that the furry Fandom is largely accepting to people of all kind, and very accepting to people of any sexuality. That is a wonderful thing. People of any sexuality; gay,straight,bi can live together without much conflict if any at all! Everyone is accepted for who they are. Now every now and then people wonder "what would it be like if furries were real?" If our community were much like this one we have on reddit! But there's a problem I've seen that would bring issues to such an idea. Like I said before the furry community is open to all genders and sexualities which is awesome but if we were to take our current community and bring it to life wouldn't we have a few issues in the population field?

Most surveys that get taken with a poll or some other form of question asking usually always have some kind of sexuality question/questions and almost always the results come back with around 70% gay or 70%bisexual and the rest is the small 20% straight where a few others and myself reside. If we took these statistics and put them into reality we would either have 1) population issues or 2) just a really small amount of furries that increases little by little 3) or maybe I'm over thinking this is there really wouldn't be a problem. But that's just my view on the subreddit's population and a little further, there is probably still 5 billion more people I'd need to get a survey from for more accurate results/calculations. Anyway this just something I've been looking into recently and wanted to talk about it. Tell me what you think if you'd like, or whatever information you have. ^_^ Hope you guys have a nice day.

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Please, Jesus christ, can you guys follow the rules?

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 05:15

Please. Read rule 4.

Tag anything that includes nudity, drug use, graphic violence, and anything that would be questionable in public or the workplace as NSFW.

Post after post I'm seeing NSFW things NOT marked as NSFW because the standard for "NSFW" is hardcore porn for some of you guys. Please just read and follow the rules.

For example. THIS is NOT NSFW. Fully clothed. Just the clothes you would wear to a Starbucks or something.

But THIS IS NSFW. Large breasts. Undergarments. Is it even a swimsuit?

submitted by ReCat
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Categories: News

WW2 Fur-get me not pillow!

Furry Reddit - Mon 23 Mar 2015 - 04:42
Categories: News