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Does anyone know any good tutorials / videos on making a fursuit head piece?

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 16:01

And does anyone know an alternative material other than fur?

I want to make a dragon design but want to try and avoid making my final product look fluffy / furry.

Any tips on what to do with horns would be an extra I'd appreciate.

submitted by ShaunSP
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Categories: News

I want to draw some sketches! Show me your character, and I will draw them, FREE. (Be gentle, this is my first time.)

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 15:12

Not sure how much response I'm going to get, so I'll draw a black n' white bust of your character in my style if you can show me a pic, or at least describe your character in detail. Here's an example of my style. Limited time offer!

EDIT: I've been drawing for about 2.5 hours now, so I gotta call it for now. (Sorry, I'm not too fast at these!) I might come back later to do a few more, we will see. Thanks for letting me draw your characters, they're so awesome, you guys make it easy! ^_^

EDIT 2: OK, as of this edit, requests are closed. I'm just finishing off the last few now. Thanks again guys, this was really fun. I haven't drawn so much in one day in a very long time so this was great practice. I hope you enjoyed looking at my art!

Blarg, I forgot! Please check out my FA Account, Moonwalker if you want to see more! (There's a few NSFW pieces, but nothing too crazy...>.> <.< yet.)

submitted by Neohexane
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Categories: News

First 1200 words of a M/M furry fantasy novella that I'm writing - Opinions?

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 14:14

This is my first serious furry story (the rest have just been porn) and I'd like to know if it's interesting to other furs. Would you keep reading? There will be two erotic scenes near the end of the book, but mostly it a fantasy novella.

Merle and the Dragon

Head lowered against the stinging rain, Merle’s paws pounded the packed earth of the forest road, his ears back and his breath puffing faintly before him. A few more weeks and it would be winter, and what would he do then? His clothes were torn and muddy, hardly recognizable as the smart hotel uniform they had once been. Why hadn’t he thought to grab a coat before he left, or some food, or anything? Because once the drugs wore off and he could walk again, his only thought had been to get as far away from Coyle Sarburn and that damned hotel as fast as he could. Three days later, he was cold, footsore, and starving, but at least he was free. Never again would he be anyone’s whore.

The faint scent of woodsmoke tickled his nostrils and he slowed, panting as he tried to catch his breath. He drew in a great lungful. No doubt about it, someone had a fire somewhere. The prospect made him pause, taking shelter beneath the thick, spreading limbs of an old fir. Fire meant heat, warmth, and a chance to dry his clothes and fur. Maybe it even meant food. But it could just as easily mean bandits, or rangers, or slavers, any of which would spell the certain death of Merle’s freedom. He had been a slave for most of his life and he was never going back.

Shaking the rain from his thick, brush-like tail, he set out again, but at a more cautious pace. He couldn’t afford to pass up such an opportunity, not without at least checking it out. He’d not eaten anything except a handful of over-ripe berries and some bitter acorns since he’d left the city and his stomach was a constant, tight knot of hunger. The smell of the smoke grew stronger, and something else. Roasting meat. Merle began to salivate, his empty belly gurgling piteously. Soon, he promised himself.

The sun had set nearly an hour before and the woods were full of twilight and shadows, perfect cover for a blue Fox. The pale gray patches on his coat were mostly covered by his uniform, the dirty gray shirt and trousers providing excellent camouflage. He left the road and crept through the trees, avoiding clumps of dying ferns and dried brambles, the thick layer of fir needles silencing his steps. Before long, he could make out the faint glow of the fire through the trees, the flames casting dancing light across the forest floor. Counting on being near invisible to whoever sat inside that circle of flickering light, Merle slipped from the base of one tree to the next, until he could see down into the slight hollow where the fire merrily burned.

Braced over the flames was a roasting rabbit, the meat a rich, red brown color. Merle licked his chops as fat dripped into the flames, popping and sizzling. Tearing his eyes from the fire, he glanced around the hollow. To one side sat a strange wagon, the pale wood gleaming in the firelight. Probably a peddler’s cart, it was built to be pulled by a person rather than an animal, and seemed to consist of nothing but chests and cupboards and drawers all stacked haphazardly atop one another. Two big wheels were held together by shiny copper bands and the shafts by which the cart was drawn were wrapped in smooth black leather. The owner of the cart, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Hoping that he was out gathering more wood or relieving himself, Merle scrambled down into the hollow and over to the fire. Grabbing the rabbit, he jerked back with a hiss, nearly knocking it into the flames as he burned his paws. Burned paws seemed a fair trade for a full belly, though, and he seized the green bough that the rabbit was spitted upon, gritting his teeth against the pain as he turned to run.

A wall of shiny black scales blocked his way and Merle jumped back, almost stepping in the fire as he tipped his head back, his blood running cold as he stared up into the face of a Dragon. Scaled lips drew back from needle-sharp teeth and the Dragon hissed, his green eyes narrowed to slits and the firelight gleaming from his twisted golden horns.

“Oh, shit,” Merle breathed. The rabbit slipped from his paws and fell into the dirt. He spun around and ran, and crashed into the Dragon’s side. Stumbling back, he ran in the opposite direction, only to have the Dragon appear in front of him again. Great, not just a Dragon, but a wizard, too. Realizing that escape was not an option, Merle fell to his knees and raised his forepaws beseechingly, praying to the gods that this Dragon was not one of the dark ones. If he was, no amount of begging was going to save him. “Please, forgive me, Great Wizard,” he pleaded, his heart pounding as the Dragon moved toward him, taking slow, unhurried steps, his serpentine body easily thirty feet in length, although nearly half of that looked like it was tail. “I didn’t know this was your camp or I never would have intruded.”

“Be I wizard or pauper, a thief is a thief,” the Dragon said, his voice deep and resonant. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t eat you for spoiling my dinner and to spare the next traveler from your visit.”

“I- I wouldn’t taste very good,” Merle stammered, cringing back as the Dragon’s cool breath slid through his fur and whistled in his ears. “Please, I’m not a thief, I was just so hungry I couldn’t help myself. I’ve never stolen anything before, I swear.” He shook like a leaf as the Dragon leaned down and sniffed his fur.

“I smell the city on you,” the dragon said, taking a step back. “You are a long way from where you should be. Very well, I will spare your life, on one condition.”

“Anything, Great One. I will do anything you ask.”

“Make that two conditions,” the Dragon amended. “First, you will serve me, remaining with me and doing whatever I ask of you, for an entire year, unless I decide to release you sooner.”

Merle swallowed hard. He didn’t want to be anyone’s servant. “And the second condition?”

“Never call me Great One or Great Wizard again. My name is Skerrayne, and if you accept my conditions, you may call me Master. If you don’t, I will call you dinner and that will be the end of it.”

“All right,” Merle said, his shoulders sagging in defeat. “I agree to your conditions.”

“I thought you might,” Skerrayne said, turning away from him. “Now, get my dinner out of the dirt and finish cooking it. I will return shortly.” Merle watched the long, sinuous black Dragon disappear into the dark forest, leaving him alone in camp. Climbing to his feet, Merle’s first instinct was to run, but he had a feeling that would be a very, very bad idea. This had to be some kind of test. Yes, that was it. The Dragon was probably watching him from just beyond the reach of the firelight, ready to pounce and rip him limb from limb if he made any move to escape. Well, he was clever, too. He could wait. Even a Dragon wizard had to sleep sometime.

submitted by katicalocke
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Categories: News

Part of Being a Friend Is Being a Good Confidant

Ask Papabear - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 14:02

I'm feeling a lot of guilt over "Facebook-stalking" a very dear online (furry) friend of mine. The temptation started after I realized that the email he initially used to contact me on a forum website contained his full real name, and from many late-night, hours long conversations, I knew enough about him that I was able to find his LinkedIn. From there, I jumped around a bit until I found his wife's Facebook, and then found his. 

I've known him for over a year now, and in that time he's become my dearest friend, like a father to me (he's old enough, literally) and I call him my "Godfather" in acknowledgement of how he's guided my spiritual and personal growth. But still...I had lingering doubts after a messy breakup with a lying ex and my therapist telling me "a person can be anyone they want to on the internet." So...I did it, and after looking through his pictures and realizing he's exactly who he said he is...I feel really, really guilty about it. It's not like either of us tried to hide our identities, and I knew his first and middle names, and he knew a bit more but...this definitely feels like a breach of trust. 

My conscience is complicated over this because I know things about him, and him about I, that would utterly destroy our lives if they came out. We're deeply intimate confidants, and the leverage I hold over him would make any break of friendship...disastrous. Sufficient to say, he'd lose his job and get ostracized by his wife and extended family, and I'd get murdered (literally) by my friends, if my parents didn't kick me onto the streets and shoot me first. 

So basically...should I tell him? I've had other people tell me it's a bad idea, but, he's never spared me a single gritty detail of his life at all, and has been willing to provide anything I've asked for. I'm leaning towards "no," because this feels like a serious breach of trust, especially considering how gracious and open he is in entrusting me with what I know about him. 

Still, I'm conflicted a bit, and I'm hoping you might sort my scattered thoughts. 


* * *

Hi, Furiend,

Short answer: no, don't tell him you spied on him. And don't discuss his personal life with others, please! I understand what you did because the Internet can be a scary place inhabited by many creepazoids. Sometimes one errs on the side of caution, but now that you know he was honest with you, hit the reset button. Be a good friend and confidant, and promise yourself never, ever to betray his trust again. You have found someone to whom you can confide, and even though he is more of the father figure here, trust me, he needs you, too, to be someone he can trust and talk about things that matter to him.

Part of being a good friend is maintaining confidences. We ALL have secrets in our lives, things in our past, about which we are not proud. But that doesn't mean we should be punished for them if we are striving to be good people. It is not always wise to tell the truth. When is that so? When doing so causes more harm than good. This is one such case. So, keep your muzzle shut, and be supportive.



Get drawn, scrubs.

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 13:26

Extra edit: Thanks Cenn and /u/JoetheWoof, you made my week :)

I should've completed more than two, but I got masochist this week :/



EDIT: Done for now, uploading ;D

Drawin' at Picarto until w/e (+-18 EST) (will update once done for progress/done pics)

Pay what you want, if you want, once I'm done. Doing this mostly for fun and practice anyway!

I don't do NSFW.

Last thread

submitted by Nsyse
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Categories: News

Chronic Neck Pains by KyleWilliam

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 12:49
Categories: News

I may need a new name for my fursona

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 11:17

I wanted to start by making a story for my fursona and naming him later. As his personality developed I decided to nickname him Regret because I wanted something simple. Without taking to much away from the story it was meant to be an oxymoron. I wanted something slightly original so I searched for characters named Regret and found that there are already two game series with characters named Regret. So now I'm looking for suggestions on what I should do.

submitted by buildingartsin
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Categories: News

A newspaper ad has gone fuzzy! :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 11:16
Categories: News

Of course everyone has been talking about the CSI episode and all but anyone know why they made it like they did?

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 09:35

It seems very zoomed into the aspects that people don't want in the public world, etc. Sometimes feels insulting etc but do you think they're simply misinformed and know of really only that side of the Fandom? Sure they probably arnt and just did it for views etc since they've themselves stated they do certain things to piss people off (like that unrealistic zoom mechanic).

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

2nd attempt at drawing with a mouse :)

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 09:04
Categories: News

The 2015 furry game jam has begun! Good luck to all who are working on games! Here are some tips.

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 08:05

  • Try and work as a team, you can get lots more done quickly and efficiently

  • Don't be too ambitious, it is only a 1 week game jam, and there isn't really a prize. This is mainly for glory.

  • Exchange with other devs on the subreddit

  • Recruit other people who don't know about the game jam to join your team

  • If you are short on character ideas use your own fursona!

  • Good free engines for game development include Scirra Construct, Unity 3D and Ren'py

  • Placeholder art is OK, just as long as we can understand what it is for.

Those are some tips, good luck and if you aren't already participating, check out the site at :3

submitted by neonthewolf
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Categories: News

Furry multi-AMA!

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 08:03

Lil' experiment for us. This thread is like the social thread in AMA form. Ever wanted to do an AMA? Now is your moment to shine ;)

If you want to be asked

  • Make a post introducing yourself.
  • That's it.

Edit: Sort comments by new to give late posts some love ;)
Edit2: This thing exploded! Keep it up :)

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

Intro/AMA thing I guess?

Furry Reddit - Sun 22 Mar 2015 - 05:11


I'm Narviee and I'll be truthful, I suck at any to all introductions about myself. I'm not new here but I'm going to be around a lot more so I though why not, throw up an intro.

Now with that in the open let me try to cut some kind of looking window into who I am.

Obivously I'm a furry 2 years and counting. If you want to see my fursona just search my name followed by "By mudkipbubble" and you'll see her (Yes I'm a girl both ways).

I come from Australia, 18 this year and I'm an apprentice to become an aviation structural tech.

I've already ran out of things to say… this is how much I suck at these things. Plan B! <-- most likely the best place to ask me questions as I have my phone on me 24/7.

Hope to see you around!

submitted by Narviee
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Categories: News