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... I seen no problem with that.

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 18:01
Categories: News

fursona headshot by Bluu-tuf

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 17:47
Categories: News

Can we please calm down and be happy?

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 16:31

People have been losing their heads recently over "a certain issue." I think we need to tone it down and just be grateful of the community we have. No matter what happens, just remember we still have DA and Reddit to share our mutual love of all things furry :3

Please guys, let's not be so hard and pessimistic.

Let's let love return.

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Categories: News

Helping a friend choose a fursuit maker.

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 16:09

OK. I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who doesn't have a Reddit account. He's in the market to replace his old fursuit. The suit was made by Hindpaws and is about 7 years old right now. Unfortunately the suit is starting to show its age. Holes in the fur, the zipper has been broken and replaced a few times, airbrushing has started to fade, feetpaws starting to come apart, head is ill fitting and damaged.

He's rather torn between atleast 5 makers as to who to do the "2.0" of his suit. He wants good balance between "Toony" and "Realistic" but doesn't want it to be pushed either way. He's also looking for someone who does a good build that will stand up to going to a few cons and such.

He does have a shortlist of makers:, MadeFurYou, ByCats4Cats, MyFurCreations, and Crafty Critters.

I'm simply looking for input on any of these makers as to who would provide a worthwhile suit to replace his old one.

I can post ref sheet and photos of current suit if anyone needs to see them.

submitted by Namrepus221
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Categories: News

Mythology - by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 16:00
Categories: News

April Theme

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 15:27

Egyptian Furries Theme ~

Post will be edited shortly. Include photos and ideas for the month of May's theme.

Banner: This theme will work differently then past themes, all of the art will go up with a header for the last week of each months theme instead of the entire month.

submitted by iTo
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Categories: News

So I have a question about coming out as a furry...

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 13:46

Should I make my door bigger or invest in a smaller Fursuit? I'm afraid I won't be able to get out with it on. That'd be horrible!

Haha, gotcha. Also, /s

submitted by will9900
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Categories: News

For those of you with multiple sonas, how different are they from each other?

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 13:38


I've seen people with 2, 3...5....lots of sonas, I'm curious if you keep them all the same species, close to the same, or do you make them really different?

If you got links to each, that would be cool too.

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

A helpful FAQ about IMVU and FA

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 13:27

A helpful FAQ

Why the Acquisition?

IMVU is a 10 year old community built entirely by customers for customers; it is sustained by creative individuals finding like-minded people online, who accept and encourage their creative, expressive sides, anonymously. At a high level, while the art form is entirely different, the guiding principles - inclusiveness, celebrating creativity, embracing diversity - are the overarching umbrella that unites the two distinct communities.

IMVU is not today, and will not be tomorrow, an exclusively furry community. Furries are one of the many, many, many diverse audiences that meet on IMVU, to socialize and find others that understand them and share their same interests.

During discussions with Dragoneer we found FA had huge potential, a passionate community, and a dedicated leader, but was struggling with financial and resource challenges. Dragoneer has the vision but was not able to devote his full attention to the site. We realized that working together we could help FA get the support it needs to make improvements. When talking to Dragoneer about the possibility of an acquisition, every one of his requirements were based on wanting to make sure the end result was right for the FA community… this is when I was convinced that FA will have an amazing future.

IMVU is making a commitment of money and resources to FA that far exceeds what FA was able to achieve on its own. I believe FA will grow to being a self-supporting community if it has the focus, people and resources to make customer experience improvements. With IMVU’s support and keeping a hands-off approach to how FA is operated, I’m looking forward to a rewarding outcome for everybody, most of all FA’s community.

One of the most asked questions: "Why IMVU?" which ties well into a question asked by user Sketh, "How is IMVU even remotely relevant to FA? An online 3d avatar chat system acquiring a furry art gallery...?"

FA is a community of creative people sharing their artwork. IMVU is also a community of creative people sharing their artwork - 3D models and fashion creations. While FA is dedicated to the furry audience, IMVU welcomes and celebrates many, many diverse audiences, furries being a significant one of them.

"And what does it meant for us furries?" asked by DirtyPaws

Other than FA having a lot more resources 100% dedicated to improving the site, it shouldn’t mean anything different than before the acquisition. You will see advertising, but FA is being run by Dragoneer, not by IMVU. Oh, and FA won’t need community donations to survive, so no more pledge drives. :)

"What does IMVU get out of this?" asked by Michichael

We think that by supporting FA they can build a better experience and bigger community and make something more valuable for IMVU, FA and the furry community in general.

"What will IMVU do with FA?" asked by Roycefox

That’s a better question for Dragoneer. We really believe that FA knows what is best for the FA community, so we have committed support both financially and through other resources. We want to let it run independently and see it thrive.

A LOT of users seemed concerned that the ads coming will be trying to auto-install spyware/malware

The ads being delivered come from a top advertising provider for websites (Google ad network) and are screened thoroughly as part of their review process to ensure no spyware/malware is included.

Among the other general questions:

"Does IMVU plan on changing FA?"

IMVU plans on supporting FA changing the site to make improvements, but FA is run independently, so changes will be determined by Dragoneer and team.

"What is IMVU doing to help furry artists who have had their work stolen?" and "What's the best process to protect my art?"

Stolen content is bad for everybody in the community, from the author that sees their hard work being exploited to the community that misses the opportunity to connect with the author, explore their other works and even make a new friendship. IMVU wants to ensure that people only share content they have the rights to share. If stolen content is posted on the FA site, the process is likely to stay the same. If stolen art is posted on IMVU, the legal owner of the art can file a DMCA Takedown notice.

submitted by Rikku-Panthera
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Categories: News

Diago and Voxis - by Koul

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 13:03
Categories: News

What is Dragoneer?

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 12:42

I'm hearing a lot about it. Is it something from IMVU or something? Can someone verify?

submitted by Derpherp662
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Categories: News

Hey one of my favorite communities ever, mind helping me out with fursona?

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 10:55

Hey! I have been in the furry fandom for a few years but I still haven't made a sona. Mostly because I can't draw.

I took some quizzes where two sai dmy fursona should be a dragon. Cat scored as 2nd for at least one and I also got cheetah on one. I personally feel more like a cat, but how would a catxdragon mix be? Probably mostly cat, like 80% cat 20% dragon? I don't even know how it would look like. I just feel like I want a fursona now, I've waited for so long and I still can't draw or come up with any exact looks I'd like.

So basically, is there anyone out there who can draw who would like to help me both discuss how it should look like and actually draw some for me?

submitted by DisReekris
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Categories: News

I have an idea.

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 10:29

why don't we make a site thats a combination of deviantart, and cafe press?

you can commision art for people and if you want a physical copy of the art/book/whatevs the site takes care of putting said art on said product, and slaps the artists name on it.

  • artist doesn't have to pay for supplies. nor do they have to give up the commission price the made for making the art, if it was a commision.

  • a configurable portion of proceeds goes to site maintenance and is included in minimum sale price.

  • material costs and shipping and production other then the art creation process is handled by the site team, this gives us no grounds to claim the art as ours. you made it, the site just slapped it on a canvass or poster or a mug and shipped to your customer, taking cost of material and a small lets say 5% markup out of final sale price. this would by necessity force a minimum sale price for your item. which is also the price the artist pays if they buy their own work.

  • artist gets the remainder of the money not accounted for in above.


you draw a $50 commision for someone. you make it, you got 50$ from them and decide they want it on canvas too. but you don't have the money to do that

You put in a ticket with the site team to make 1 canvas and include the picture that goes on it.

  • the total cost of making and shiping the canvass comes out to $100

  • there is a markup that $100 up 5% ($5) to $105 for the site teams pockets to keep them fed

  • this $105 is marked up by you to $120 because you want to donate $15 dollars for site upkeep. that 15$ donation is tracked in a bar on your page and publicly visible, not to mention put in a separate account used exclusively for site development.

  • this means your minimum required selling price to anyone other then you is $120.

  • you sold it to your customer for $200. they pay via the sites payment system, and 30$ is given to you via this payment system to add to the 50$ you already made from making the commision in the first place. you never paid for shipping or material out of pocket, the site team did that for you.

  • you decide you want one for yourself. you only get charged the $105 for materials and our markup. Plus whatever you decide to donate.

the sites donation account and the employee funding account would be two separate accounts.

donation account would be for site upkeep costs and contests. weekly overflow gets split between a fund for the next week and a contest fund.

the employee funding account would to be to feed the faces of the site owners and operators. mods would get a portion from this account as well.

Example 2

You made some cool ass wallpaper. a bunch of people want canvasses of it. and you got 20 orders in a week. you cant afford to buy material for 20 some odd canvasses, nor do you have the time or the workspace to do that. you file a ticket.

  • $100 per canvas for materials and shipping. $2000 total material cost here that the site pays.

  • 5% markup to keep the site employees fed. the site employees split $100.

  • you donate $15 per sale. $300 dollars goes to the site upkeep account.

  • due to the above the minimum selling price was $120 per item.

  • you sell them for $200 a piece. HOLY SHIT YOU JUST GOT PAID $1600 on the next friday! and you didn't have to do anything but draw. no boxing, no trying to figure out how to get all the orders done, no costs out of your pocket. the site took care of all of that, and just paid you after they took their cut.

now hopefully this imaginary furry artist isn't the only one doing art and selling well. so hopefully donations are high and the site can do raffles and contests to pay back the community. prizes could be a paid for trip to a con. free canvas or posters or what-have-you. a fricking fursuit. free stuff is the best stuff. OR it could be donated to a charity if requested by popular demand.

in addition to the catering and store front for artists it would naturally have a forum and social media side and other to be decided on features. user profile pages would have bars that track how much they helped support the site. as well as a rating and review system to both give the site team feedback and keep the best artists on top. plus there would be a random artists section so you could browse through and find furs whose great work has not been recognized yet. you could of course be able to fave and follow artists. and their would be a tier system so that users are classified. things like lurker, artist, Commision artist (high through low tier depending on cost of commision), Writer, animator, verified popufur etc. this would allow easy searching by category and allow newcomers to have a chance to get noticed.

so, what do you guys think?

submitted by murrypurryfurryfury
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Categories: News

The Labyrinth, by Catherynne M. Valente – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 10:17
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. The Labyrinth, by Catherynne M. Valente. Introduction by Jeff VanderMeer. Germantown, MD, Prime Books, April 2006, hardcover $29.95 (181 [+1] pages). The introduction and blurbs emphasize this slim novel’s surrealism. Publishers Weekly reviewed it as, “…a female Theseus details the bizarre landscape of the Minotaur’s maze […]
Categories: News

Ozy and Millie Comic

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 09:41
Categories: News

"Path" by Lethal_Doors

Furry Reddit - Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 09:33
Categories: News