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Foxy Mug

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 18:12
Categories: News

Red Rocket ;)

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 18:06
Categories: News

What word has being furry ruined for you?

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 17:53

I just realized I haven't heard the word "sheath" in years without having a giggle. What's your favorite words that have been forever sullied?

submitted by Okamifujutsu
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Categories: News

Little guy's all tuckered out...

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 15:46
Categories: News

Episode 3: The Old Gods and the New

Culturally F'd - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 15:30
Categories: Videos

The lazy artist's guide to drawing animals

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:59
Categories: News

Help! I just discovered my boyfriend's furry porn collection –– IDK what to do.

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:53

Hi Reddit,

I've been dating my boyfriend for two years now (we're gay and both 20 years old) and today I was using his computer and discovered a link to a NSFW furry website. Upon discovering this I looked through his browsing history and discovered he looks at furry porn –– almost exclusively –– every night. (including an evening where we had sex an hour before he visited one of these sites) He's downloaded hundreds of explicit furry images onto his computer. I don't know what any of this means? Is he not attracted to humans? Why doesn't he look at human gay porn? I'm scared because he's hiding this from me and idk what to do or how to support him. I'd appreciate any insight. I know nothing about this stuff.

submitted by Itto_
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Categories: News

I can't decide if my 'sona should talk or not.

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:28

So lately I've been thinking about getting a fursuit, and just overall how my 'sona would act while I'm in the suit. I just can't decide for myself. I love watching videos from cons of people who don't talk and are super animated and think that would fit his personality. However, there are some situations that one couldn't be able to act out. For example, if someone asks me about a specific suitor or artist, I can't act out most explanations. Can you guys give any advise based on experience or observations? I'd really appreciate it.

submitted by knuxfan
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Categories: News

So, this happened in Watch Dogs

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:28
Categories: News

Pretending to be your character.

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 13:47

So I've slowly been making my fursona Duncan a real person. At least as far as I can go. Today I even made an account for him to which I'll probably post as if he's on a adventure or something when I'm Rp'ing with somebody on kik. Has anybody been doing things like this?

Oh and cause I'm a complete attentionwhore: @DuncyTheHusky is the account ;)

submitted by TheLonelyGecko
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Categories: News

"A toast to you, Dad."

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 13:43
Categories: News

Foxes = Sluts?

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 13:21

I've been around for long enough to hear the whole: "Foxes are gay sub sluts. As a fresh furry (and a curious fox) I want someone to confirm this. Is it true?

submitted by FrostSkyreach
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Categories: News

Personalities of furs

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 11:39

What are the personalities of each furry race?

Like how do foxes normally behave and things like that

submitted by felixfarn
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Categories: News

Big happy licks

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 11:01
Categories: News