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Thank you /u/blackiehideaki!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 14:49
Categories: News

Webcomic Spotlight: Ian Jay Hacks The Planet With 90’s Infused Anthro-Cyberpunk In Crossed Wires

Marfed - Furry Comics - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 14:05

A few years back at Anthrocon in Pittsburgh, I stumbled upon Epiphany and instantly found what I’d been searching for in anthro comics and artwork in general. I’ve followed his work ever since and have a lot of it displayed around at home including a Mountain Goats themed commission he did for my boyfriend.

Oh, and he did the header for this here blog…

Last year I finally got around to writing about his new comic.

Webcomic Spotlight: Ian Jay Hacks The Planet With 90’s Infused Anthro-Cyberpunk In Crossed Wires

Each and every single one of Ian Jay’s comic creations sounds like one of the greatest film that was never made, ever. The descriptions of each read like the fevered elevator pitch of some fresh-faced starry-eyed youngster who has grown up on a diet of the trashiest entertainment, 90’s nostalgia and a deep love of forgotten films. Comic worlds inhabited by gun totting robots, gangster piloted mechs and laser-firing wolves partnered with grizzled FBI agents, all armed with the perfect action movie one liners. You are kidding yourself if you didn’t want to see a hulking supernatural fluorescent rat declaring “I  couldn’t free your minds. But I can free your teeth!”


Jay is a graduate from Savannah College of Arts and Design  (with a B.F.A. in Sequential Art and a minor in Story boarding, in case you were wondering) who has  been producing comics online since 2005. Ranging from self published mini comics to webcomics,  including the bittersweet story of loss, Bunny, or the hilarious tale of obsession, Space Jam Man. Epiphany, his tale of religion, responsibility and errant slacker gods, started out as a  webcomic in 2008, becoming Jay’s longest running comic and eventually coming to an end in 2013 with a successful Kickstarter campaign which resulted in a print version of its entire run.


Returning to the world of web comics, Crossed Wires began in May this year with the first forty-five pages introducing us to Alan Winters, a geeky student by day and elite hacker by night who travels the  online world under the super cool alias of ‘Ultra Drakken’ complete with a katana-welding dragon avatar. From page one Crossed Wires jacks itself into the cyberpunk tradition drawing strong  inspiration from writer William Gibsonand influences from the criminally underrated 90’s  “classic”, Hackers. It’s a comic that should give a little bit of a nostalgic smile to the faces of those who recall a (slightly) more innocent time when people used the term “cyberspace”  frequently and un-ironically. Hacking and database cracking are visualised by frenetic samurai  sword fights and shoot outs, juxtaposed with more down to earth scenes of our ‘hero’ and his ramman chugging gamer entourage.


Like the rest of his comic work, Jay’s Crossed Wires is characterized by bold lines, animated figures,  playful monochromatic pop art colouring and smartly-paced action scenes,  this time firmly  entrenched in the visual language of video games.  Alex holds an everyday conversation about a mysterious girl at his college while battling through a first person shooter environment, complete with respawning and power up graphics, while others are set in vast kitch cyber landscapes. With superb art, retro futuristic stylings and lovable slacker characters, now is the perfect time to delve in to the first forty five pages ofCrossed Wires.

Categories: News

That was quick.

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 13:48
Categories: News

Nice phones, bunny - by kamui

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 13:11
Categories: News

Eve Online Playtime by Momentaii

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 13:04
Categories: News

Bird cuddles

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 11:44
Categories: News

His Divorced Mother's Behavior Has Inexplicably Changed towards Him

Ask Papabear - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 11:30
Dear Papabear,

My mother and father got divorced when I was very young, I can vaguely remember it. I have always swapped houses between my mother and my father during each week. I had a therapist for a while until I could fully deal with the divorce (This was a while back). After that, for seven years I was happy with both my parents. My mother got re-married a few years ago while my father just recently got re-married in September.

Then, something happened around Christmas; my mother and stepfather started to treat me in a way they never have. They ignored me, yelled at me for no apparent reason, and caused arguments blown way out of proportion. I didn't understand, because I've always been nice to them, always did what I was told, and no apparent reason, and caused arguments blown way out of proportion. I didn't understand, because I've always been nice to them, always did what I was told, and always loved them dearly. My mother gave my barely younger sister a get out of jail free card for every situation. One day, I was doing homework while my sister was being very rude and mean towards me and my mother. My mother didn't react to her, she didn't tell her to stop. I was quiet until I angrily slammed my books on the counter and moved to a different room. What does she do? She follows me and yells at me for slamming my books instead of simply dealing with the reason why I did it.

I've been a good kid so I don't get it. Due to things like this happening, I went to seek help from my therapist who I haven't talked to in a very long time. We sat down and discussed why this was going on, but to no avail did we find an answer. I then told my mother I was depressed due to how she was handling situations and treating me. Instead of even acknowledging it, she simply said, "I'm the parent, you're the child, I make decisions, and it really hurts that you would question my parenting." She made me feel guilt for expressing myself ... and it was too much. It keeps going on today, the same thing every other day.

It just keeps getting worse and worse with them calling me immature, selfish, ungrateful, and a jerk for explaining the reasons why I'm sad all the time. Thoughts of dark and very haunting things have made me sick. All of this is brought up now because I have reached a point where I have to make a decision: Do I stay with my mom and keep her happy, or live entirely with my father? If I go with staying with my mother and stepfather, I will loose control of myself eventually, but this will mean they will be happy that I'm there. On the other end, if I leave to my father's, I will be happy while my mother is heartbroken, and she will try to get money out of my father in order to cope with everything. This is where I stand at this exact moment.

Vex (age 15)

* * *

Dear Vex,

Favortism in parents can be a difficult thing to be sure. I want to first give you a link to a useful Psychology Today article on the subject. In the article, I feel the point that might apply to you has to do with parental stress. The article notes that parents might suddenly exhibit favoritism between children when something particularly stressful has occurred in their lives (probably to do with finances or their relationship). Do you think that might be what’s going on? If they could resolve whatever is affecting them (if that’s the case), it would probably change their behavior toward you. What’s most important is that you acknowledge to yourself that this is NOT your fault, but, rather, your mom and stepdad’s problem.

That said, the next step Papabear would recommend is that you talk to your biological father. Tell him what is going on and tell him that—until things change—you want to live with him. It is important that you take care of yourself and NOT feel guilty about it.

Concerning your fear that your mom will ask your dad for more money. Don’t worry about it. In the divorce papers, there will be specific language as to any alimony and your father is not obliged to pay her more. She can ask all she wants, and your dad can say no.

Concerning your worries that moving in with Dad will make Mom unhappy. Hey, she’s the one making YOU miserable to the point that you fear you will “lose control.” Too bad if moving out makes her sad. She needs to take responsibility for her actions. If everything you say in your letter is true and her treatment of you is completely unjustified, then she needs to get it together and realize she’s being a bad mother.

Your mental, physical, and emotional well-being comes first, Vex. Do what you need to do so that you will be happy and healthy.

Good luck!


The Raccoon's Den - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 10:23 From: YouTube Help Views: 33710546 0 ratings Time: 03:56 More in Howto & Style
Categories: Podcasts

Carl Barks’ Duck: Average American, by Peter Schilling Jr. – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 10:18
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Carl Barks’ Duck: Average American, by Peter Schilling Jr. Illustrated. Minneapolis, MN, Uncivilized Books, January 2015, trade paperback $12.95 (122 pages). Furry literature is all well and good, but it’s important to remember that furry fandom did not invent it. One of the most important influences […]
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A Rainy Walk

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 09:47
Categories: News