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I Drew My Fursona As A Sniper.

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 13:39
Categories: News

Fun at the pool

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 13:23
Categories: News

Dragon snuggles

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 12:23
Categories: News

Part of Growing Up Is Transitioning Friendships

Ask Papabear - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 11:45

I've been loosing some of my friends in real life, because they are either moving or are blowing me off for being a furry. My last friend in my neighborhood has told me he got his girlfriend pregnant. (He is only 13) I don't know how to deal with this well. I don't really want to be friends with him as he also told me he was having sex with her for a while. If you could give me any advice, it would help a lot. Thank you. 

- FireWolfTheFury (age 13, Tennessee)

* * *

Hi, FireWolf,

It’s a shame about your friend getting a girl pregnant. I understand your apparent revulsion, but isn’t this the time when true friends step up and are supportive when their buddies make a mistake, no matter how large? This depends a lot on the situation, of course, but if your friend is asking you to stick by him when he needs someone on his side, I wouldn’t brush him off, especially if he admits he has made a huge mistake and wants to turn his life around.

As for your other friends, this sort of thing happens a lot in life, especially as we transition from childhood to teen years, or from teens to adulthood, or single life to married life, etc. etc. Transitional periods of our lives are often coupled with transitions in the kinds of people we hang out with.

As we grow up, our interests change and that can cause us to lose touch with those who have not changed or have changed in ways different from ourselves. In your case, you have become involved in the furry fandom, while a number of your friends have not and now are blowing you off, as you say.

What you need to do, then, is find people who share your interests. Let the old friends go, if that’s what they wish, and get new ones—preferably, to start off with, anyway, fellow furries. I recommend you start with the Tennessee Furs group and try and make some connections there.

Good luck to you! And to your troubled friend.



"H-hey! That tickles!"

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 11:29
Categories: News

After 15 years I found it!

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 11:02
Categories: News

Help with my so

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 10:23

Hey guys im not sure what to do. I have been with my girlfriend for about 6 months now and she just told me she was a furry. I am open minded about it but am not a furry myself. I want to be there for her and help her explore this side of herself but have no idea how to do that. Basically im at a complete loss, any ideas or help woyld be appreciated. Thanks

submitted by dyingheals
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Categories: News

Streaming pixel stuffs!

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 10:10

It's over here, on Picarto!

Gonna work on a few random things and then do some pixel freebies afterwards.

Come by, hang out, watch me do stuff, and enjoy to my music playlist of random BS. I don't know how long I'll be streaming, maybe a couple of hours.

Also, this is my first time streaming, so let me know if there're any major issues. :0

EDIT: First freebie for Ninty!

EDIT: Second freebie for Zak!

submitted by IntroIntroduction
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 09:33
Categories: News

So I tried being productive today..

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 09:26
Categories: News

Looking for advice on dealing with a late fursuit commission.

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 09:18

At the beginning of May last year, I commissioned a long time friend for a fullsuit of my character. Red flags kinda started at day one and it's my own fault for ignoring them, but I digress. So, the agreed upon amount was 2100 dollars for a fullsuit due to be completed by TFF of 2015. So around Feb. 20. All the transactions were made through PayPal and he got 'em promptly. As in, all 2100 was asked for within the first month. He got his deposit for materials, then on the grounds that he was moving and also a friend, asked for the rest. It was understood this was still going to the suit and that it wasn't going to affect the completion date. It's worth noting he informed me he had no major projects ahead of me, so there was no queue for this to bump me to the front of.

Over the course of most of 2014, I received little to no updates on progress despite constant communication, it was always vague and poorly detailed things. "It's coming along." "It'll be done on time." That sort of update. Around the end of January was the first time he actually told me it was behind schedule. Seeing as he'd led me to believe he was working on it all this time, I was rather taken aback by that. He still assured me it should be done on time. Early February came and he told me I'd only have a partial for the convention--Again, I was even more upset by this news but I went with it.

The real trouble started when I actually saw the "progress" at the convention. He had sheets of the wrong fur colors and a few foam blocks with my name on them. That was it. There was nothing else to show for all that time. He was actually working on someone else's during that convention, time he told me would be spent completing my head so that I could partial. After the convention I offered him an extra 200 dollars on the grounds that he speed up this process, bringing us to now, 11 months out, 2 months late already.

My most recent 'update' was to tell me that he has taken more commissions and that those are now ahead of me as well, that he won't be continuing work on mine until after BLFC, so about another month out. I have to assume it's because he didn't ask for all their money upfront and needs to get paid still. He's been very secretive of the whole process, he seems to have no motivation or even intention to complete my suit anytime soon, and his attitude towards me has steadily gone downhill. I've asked no more than twice a month since January for an update and been nothing but civil. I don't think that's unreasonable.

So I'm asking for advice, for insight, for anything really. How many of you have had similar issues and how'd they get resolved? How transparent was the process for you guys? I can't get a refund, he doesn't have the money anyway. PayPal can't issue a refund either. This wasn't a cheap commission, either. 2300 dollars in and we're talking about a tier of quality I'm simply not going to get. I'll take anything I can get at this point! My one silver lining is that, while not a massively high-profile name, he's popular enough to not be able to disappear.

submitted by Mori_Mutt
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Categories: News

Tried fursuiting for the first time last night

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 08:26

The short version is that it could have gone much worse. However, I was never able to participate in the activities the way I wanted to. Before I knew it, everyone was packing up and the event was over. Now my next event I am fursuiting in will likely be a convention, and I'm worried that I will have this same problem.

Pictures on my FA page

submitted by OutsiderWolf
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Categories: News

How would someone with no money or artistic talent get a decent ref sheet?

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 08:24

Three years I've been in this fandom. Three years without any visual representation of my fursona.

submitted by thecowardlyfox
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Categories: News

hey writers, some motivation?

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 07:54

So, im a wanna be writer,(proof and shameless advertising) and im sorta running out of motivation. so im asking the writers here (if there are any) what motivates you and encourages you to keep your writing up?

submitted by bjorn0411582
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 07:08
Categories: News

Hey guys, I'm feeling a tad annoyed and down, and I need a bit of cheering up

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 04:04

So, basic summery is that I got really pissed off at some stupid people that I won't complain about here and I blew most of it off, but now I have a bastard of a headache. Can you guys cheer me up with the cutest or silliest drawings you can find?

submitted by JmK_8079
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Categories: News

Why I love this community...

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Apr 2015 - 03:18

A new post comes up:

"I'm feeling down. Anyone wanna talk?"

"Depressed furry here"

"I want some friends"

Then BAM

100 comments filled with support, happiness and hugs.

You guys never fail to please :3

Keep being fuzzy!

submitted by FreeThinkerComic
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Categories: News