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SO's and Introductions to Furry Fandom

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 17:19

Today, my awesome SO dropped the word furry into our casual conversation. We've been together for just over 2 years and it's the first time she's used the word. I'm a furry and I've slowly been introducing her to the concepts and the fact that I pretend to be a 6'3 anthro black cat on the internet for fun. I'd been wondering whether I should ever bring it up with her and, then, how actually to go about it, seeing as it's not something I normally talk about with my irl friends (I'm the only furry I know, irl, which doesn't help), so I paused the conversation we were having and asked her what she thought of furries. To my surprise she loves the whole thing! I suggested she got an animal avatar (a cute, adorable, little red panda) a few months ago and she took to it enthusiastically, but it wasn't much more than a simple animal icon at first. However, now, she's slowly transformed the simple idea into her own unique character. I got some artwork commissioned with her character in it and she loved it! I'm currently away from her, atm, visiting my parents, but, when I get back, she wants to explore the entirety of the fandom to see exactly what we're all about! I'm over the moon that she's more than just accepting of the concept, but all for it! I can't wait to see what she thinks of the fandom as a whole, but I have no idea where to start on the grand tour.

I was wondering if any else had similar or contrasting stories about their loved ones and how they reacted to you being a furry or if you've ever introduced someone into the fandom before.

Thanks for reading my wall of text _/

submitted by ZincAwesome
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Ready for the kaiju free for all

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 17:02
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Velvela by RakkuGuy

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 16:34
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Fuzzbutt Looping Animations

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 16:10
Categories: News

Anybody ever.. Stopped being a furry?

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 15:50

I'm still trying to figure it out for myself. But I know I barely fit in with you guys. I'm not the cuddly type. I know there's a lot more to it, but there's a lot more to why I'm feeling like I don't identify as a furry. It's almost been a year now and I'm starting to get bored of it. I'm gonna stop there cause I don't need to bore you with the pages of stuff I have written down in my journal. I just want to ask you guys a question.

"Have you ever seen anybody put down furries for good?"

I would ask if anybody HERE had done it.. But if you were here.. Well you didn't really step away from it for good and those are the answers I'm looking for.

submitted by TheLonelyGecko
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Categories: News

Big Kaijusona Free-for-all!

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 13:22

Edit: Alright I'm gonna close it there....that filled up far faster than I expected.

Have you wanted a kaiju sona? Don't lie you dirty liar, kaiju are top dog.

I'm looking to draw some king monsters this week/month/whatever. I got super hyped on the godzilla fighting game coming out in summer and I need to release some kaiju fury.

Here's how this'll go down if you want part. As with any of my request threads, these fill up very fast (9 comments in ten minutes...), I can't promise I'll get to you, plus it's a fairly ambitious thing for me, so I can't give an esd.

But for those of you wanting me to draw your sona as a daikaiju, I'll need you to post with the following:

1) a link to your sona IMAGE ref. I'm sorry, I can't work from text for this one.

2) what type of character do you play in games: tank, fighter, mage, rogue?

3) of the four elements, which would you choose?

4) do you fight for the good of the world (mothra) or do you fight for sheer destruction (destroya)?

These questions will help me make a personalized kaiju for you.

I don't know how many I'll be taking, BUT I'M GOING IN TWOS.

Cant have a kaiju free for all without some classic monster fighting ;)

Edit: I will not start choosing people for a couple hours, so those of you who don't have ref sheets but really want a chance at this, go scribble one up. Even if it's bad, it's still something to work from. I need images to do this quickly.

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Best place to find reference sheets?

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 13:09

Im having some trouble finding a sheet to signify the colors of the body, It needs to be an arctic wolf ref sheet or just a wolf ref sheet in general. It doesn't have to be giddy or happy it just has to show where the colors on the body are

submitted by KodaKuna
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Categories: News

Pansexual Girl Is Falling for a Gay Boy

Ask Papabear - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 11:45
Dear Papabear,

Before I start this letter, let me just say that I happen to be very picky when it comes to having crushes, which makes it very rare for me to like people this much.

A couple of weeks ago, I was introduced to someone by my friend. He was very very sweet, and we shared so many things in common (including being in the furry fandom, and there aren't many furries in my school.) He just seemed like the perfect guy. And he still does. He's more than perfect to me. He's the first guy that I can see in a relationship with me. I could never see myself in a relationship with anyone before. Little did I know, the he, out of all of the people in my school, is gay. I'm all for LGBT rights (I'm pansexual myself, but I don't like saying it because, in my opinion, I’m too young to come to conclusion about my sexuality just yet.) If he likes guys, than he likes guys, and I have no problem with that. It’s not really his fault, because its not really a choice.

But I still really like him. I don't think it'd be a good idea to try to make him straight or anything, because I wouldn't react well to anyone if they asked me to be straight. I don't think anyone would like to be asked to change their sexuality. I don't want to just ignore the fact that he likes guys and tell him, because I don't want him to feel bad, or be pressured to say that he likes me back (I know that it doesn't seem like anything that someone would do, but he actually told me a story about how he was asked out by a girl that was a friend of his a long time ago, and he was really stressed out because she was a very good friend of his, and he said yes and ended up doing the right thing and telling her that he likes guys and now everything's awkward between them, so they don't talk anymore, etc.).

And even if we don't end up together, I'd still want to be friends with him. I'd never want to lose a good friend by doing something that'd make him feel awkward around me. I have no idea what to do in this situation. Can you help??

Kachebe the Shiba-inu (age 12)

* * *

Welcome back, Kachebe :-3

My goodness, you’re only 12 and actively dating, and you also have a very mature attitude about LGBT people, realizing, unlike many adults, that this is how people are born; it’s not a choice. Good for you. Forgive Papabear for saying that he is still a bit disoriented by the fact that he is getting letters these days from 11, 12, and 13 year olds who are having romantic relationships. In his day, people that age were still kids, playing with dolls, plastic horses, army men, and Matchbox® cars. Ah, well, a topic for another day....

You don’t mention the age of the boy, so I’ll assume he is your age or very close. You might know this (or not), but boys tend to mature a bit later than girls, so he might be behind you a bit on figuring out his sexuality. Also—and no one knows this better than I—one can be very confused, even misguided, as to his or her sexuality until much later in life (you might have read in previous columns that I didn’t realize I was gay until I was 40, for a number of reasons I won’t go into here). So, one possibility is that your friend might not have settled into where he really is in life. Of course, the other possibility is that he is very sure of his sexual orientation, which is a good thing for one’s sanity to know who you are at such an early age.

In either case, as you already know, too, it is never wise to try and influence someone in this area—especially for selfish reasons. In your case, you would prefer him to like girls so that the two of you could have a romantic relationship that would someday include sex.

This is another one of those letters Papabear gets in which the writer already knows the answer but just wants some verification. That answer is that you should not try to push him in any direction. One of the biggest mistakes a woman can make in a relationship can be summed up in one quote: “I can change him.” Nuh-uh. While he certainly could change, if he does, he changes of his own free will. Forcing the change will just foster bitterness and resentment.

What you do is this: be his friend! And, at your age, honey, you should not be thinking about sex, anyway. Good grief! You’re too young! And, believe me, you do NOT want to have a baby at your age! Or, God forbid, an STD. At this point in your life, you should be practicing aspirin therapy: take an aspirin, hold it between your knees, and keep it there.

With sex off the table, there is no reason you can’t have a beautiful friendship with this boy, and one that even includes a lot of affection. Gay guys love to kiss and hug, even kissing and hugging women.

My advice to you is to keep it at a friendly level. And be patient. Who knows what might transpire years from now, but for now, live in the moment and treasure having someone in your life who shares your interests and with whom you love spending time.



Playing as a fursona in-game

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 11:31

Just curious, but how many of you play games as your fursonas? I mean like instead of playing a nord or other human-ish race in Skyrim, you pick the khajiit or argonian and try to color it right, then maybe act sorta like they would in game? (Even if it's not constant, all the time in character actions. I'm just curious.)

submitted by Aztectornado
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Categories: News

What would hairless furries look like, and which one would be the prettiest/ugliest?

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 11:08

Just asking out of morbid curiosity. Probably pretty ugly :P, fur is an essential part of our beauty.

Edit: Yes yes, I know dragons would look cool, but they are already furless. What I meant to say is "furries that have bodies covered in fur"

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Whiskas,the best

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 11:00
Categories: News

The morning after

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 10:58
Categories: News

Does your fursona have a phone? Google has free, personal furry numbers for you.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 10:48
Want to set up a fur meet, or check out a new friend you found there?   But are you worried about stranger danger, or crank calls full of murrs and panting? Give them a furry number.  If you have a google account (and your paws can dial phones), you can get a new number […]
Categories: News

I am a buggy!

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Apr 2015 - 10:27
Categories: News